Exemple #1
    def extract(self, watermarked_array, coeficient_index):
        msg = ''
        block_manager = BlocksImage(watermarked_array)
        for block in range(block_manager.max_num_blocks()):
            msg += self.__extract__(block, coeficient_index)

        return utils.bin2char(msg)
Exemple #2
    def insert(self, cover_array, msg=None):
        obj.insert(cover_array, msg) => (np.numpy): Return a watermarked
        work (stego work) with specified message.
        # Initial Values
        count = 0
        # Binary message
        bin_msg = utils.char2bin(msg)
        # Creating copy
        watermarked_array = np.copy(cover_array)
        # Depth of the image
        if len(watermarked_array.shape) == 2:
            red_watermarked_array = watermarked_array
            # Red component
            red_watermarked_array = watermarked_array[:, :, 0]
        # Instance
        block_instace_8x8 = BlocksImage(red_watermarked_array)
        # Increasing the hash function
        # self.hashf = increase(self.hashf, block_instace_8x8.max_num_blocks())
        # Checking the embedding capacity
        embd_cap = block_instace_8x8.max_num_blocks() * 8
        if len(bin_msg) > embd_cap:
            raise ExceededCapacity

        for i in range(block_instace_8x8.max_num_blocks()):
            block8x8 = block_instace_8x8[i]
            block_transf8x8 = self.ortho_matrix.direct(block8x8)
            vac = utils.vzig_zag_scan(block_transf8x8)
            for k in range(1, 9):
                # TODO: l deleted
                # vac[k] = np.sign(vac[k]) * utils.replace(
                #     abs(round(vac[k])), bin_msg[i % (len(bin_msg))]
                # )
                if count < len(bin_msg):
                    vac[k] = np.sign(vac[k]) * utils.replace(
                        abs(round(vac[k])), bin_msg[count])
                    count += 1
            block_transf8x8 = utils.mzig_zag_scan(vac)
            block_instace_8x8[i] = self.ortho_matrix.inverse(block_transf8x8)

        return watermarked_array
Exemple #3
 def extract(self, ws_array, msg=None):
     obj.get(watermarked_array) => (np.numpy): Return the message.
     extracted_lsb = ''
     # Depth of the image
     if len(ws_array.shape) == 2:
         red_ws_array = ws_array
         # Red component
         red_ws_array = ws_array[:, :, 0]
     # Instance
     block_instace_8x8 = BlocksImage(red_ws_array)
     # Extraction process
     for i in range(block_instace_8x8.max_num_blocks()):
         block8x8 = block_instace_8x8[i]
         block_transf8x8 = self.ortho_matrix.direct(block8x8)
         vac = utils.vzig_zag_scan(block_transf8x8)
         for k in range(1, 9):
             extracted_lsb += utils.ext_lsb(abs(round(vac[k])))
     return utils.bin2char(extracted_lsb)
Exemple #4
    def test_element_modification(self):
        image = np.array([[0.98838329, 0.92974977, 0.40523466, 0.41932678],
                          [0.40426586, 0.44543487, 0.67170983, 0.46135769],
                          [0.85925337, 0.59646605, 0.38249919, 0.8737707],
                          [0.85925337, 0.59646605, 0.45148745, 0.79845514]])

        new_block = np.array([[0.40426582, 0.92974977],
                              [0.40426586, 0.44543487]])

        blocks = BlocksImage(image, 2, 2)
        block = blocks[0]
        block[0][0] = 0.40426582

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(blocks[0], new_block)
Exemple #5
    def extract(self, ws_work, block_shape=(8, 8), **kwargs):
        Get bit hidden an return it

        index -- index of coefficient where bit will be extracted
        msg = ''
        blocks = BlocksImage(ws_work, *block_shape)

        for block in blocks:
            bit = self.hider.extract(block, **kwargs)
            msg += str(bit)

        return msg
Exemple #6
    def test_set_block(self):
        image = np.array([[
            0.72996436, 0.30220469, 0.26302874, 0.45926106, 0.83229292,
            0.36547379, 0.04903042, 0.80401489
                              0.95165122, 0.0834489, 0.6329711, 0.70563593,
                              0.30838541, 0.85019345, 0.82915152, 0.66390158
                              0.73101532, 0.48981373, 0.23543479, 0.34432725,
                              0.64965507, 0.56053218, 0.87013326, 0.31057878
                              0.25541202, 0.7590065, 0.34833583, 0.87539685,
                              0.15707788, 0.12932102, 0.82317562, 0.27748149
                              0.12185236, 0.46868408, 0.95256657, 0.11167148,
                              0.14111763, 0.20679031, 0.38810133, 0.86408796
                              0.22420372, 0.69550787, 0.97781245, 0.65326647,
                              0.86442453, 0.82161094, 0.09722554, 0.69971431
                              0.08751724, 0.77511339, 0.77809499, 0.31933827,
                              0.24950535, 0.83073389, 0.35378153, 0.24732298
                              0.17390554, 0.83968645, 0.35554425, 0.83599189,
                              0.87064086, 0.84453971, 0.96192682, 0.79401981

        new_block = np.array([[0.4949508, 0.46024612],
                              [0.83870684, 0.36445031]])
        modified_image = np.copy(image)
        modified_image[4, 2] = 0.4949508
        modified_image[4, 3] = 0.46024612
        modified_image[5, 2] = 0.83870684
        modified_image[5, 3] = 0.36445031

        blocks = BlocksImage(image, 2, 2)
        blocks[9] = new_block

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(image, modified_image)
Exemple #7
    def insert(self, cover, msg, block_shape=(8, 8), **kwargs):
        Hide a bit

        bit -- bit to hide
        index -- index of coefficient where bit will be hidden
        data = np.copy(cover)
        blocks = BlocksImage(data, *block_shape)

        for i in range(len(msg)):
                blocks[i] = self.hider.insert(blocks[i], msg[i], **kwargs)
            except IndexError as e:
                raise ValueError("Capacity exceded.") from e

        return data
Exemple #8
    def test_block_image_is_iterable(self):
        Test capacity of iterate over the blocks.
        image = np.array([[0.98838329, 0.92974977, 0.40523466, 0.41932678],
                          [0.40426586, 0.44543487, 0.67170983, 0.46135769],
                          [0.85925337, 0.59646605, 0.38249919, 0.8737707],
                          [0.85925337, 0.59646605, 0.45148745, 0.79845514]])

        expected = [
            np.array([[0.98838329, 0.92974977], [0.40426586, 0.44543487]]),
            np.array([[0.40523466, 0.41932678], [0.67170983, 0.46135769]]),
            np.array([[0.85925337, 0.59646605], [0.85925337, 0.59646605]]),
            np.array([[0.38249919, 0.8737707], [0.45148745, 0.79845514]]),

        blocks = BlocksImage(image, 2, 2)

        for index, block in enumerate(blocks):
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(block, expected[index])
Exemple #9
    def test_set_block_out_of_range(self):
        image = np.array([[
            0.72996436, 0.30220469, 0.26302874, 0.45926106, 0.83229292,
            0.36547379, 0.04903042, 0.80401489
                              0.95165122, 0.0834489, 0.6329711, 0.70563593,
                              0.30838541, 0.85019345, 0.82915152, 0.66390158
                              0.73101532, 0.48981373, 0.23543479, 0.34432725,
                              0.64965507, 0.56053218, 0.87013326, 0.31057878
                              0.25541202, 0.7590065, 0.34833583, 0.87539685,
                              0.15707788, 0.12932102, 0.82317562, 0.27748149
                              0.12185236, 0.46868408, 0.95256657, 0.11167148,
                              0.14111763, 0.20679031, 0.38810133, 0.86408796
                              0.22420372, 0.69550787, 0.97781245, 0.65326647,
                              0.86442453, 0.82161094, 0.09722554, 0.69971431
                              0.08751724, 0.77511339, 0.77809499, 0.31933827,
                              0.24950535, 0.83073389, 0.35378153, 0.24732298
                              0.17390554, 0.83968645, 0.35554425, 0.83599189,
                              0.87064086, 0.84453971, 0.96192682, 0.79401981

        new_block = np.array([[0.4949508, 0.46024612],
                              [0.83870684, 0.36445031]])

        blocks = BlocksImage(image, 2, 2)

        with self.assertRaises(IndexError, msg="There is no such block"):
            blocks[16] = new_block
Exemple #10
    def insert(self, cover_array, msg, coeficient_index):
        # Binary data
        bin_msg = utils.char2bin(msg)
        # Cover copy and block generation
        watermarked_array = np.copy(cover_array)
        block_instance_8x8 = BlocksImage(watermarked_array)

        # Checking the embedding capacity
        embd_cap = block_instance_8x8.max_num_blocks()
        self.validate_capacity(bin_msg, embd_cap)

        # insertion process
        for index, bit in enumerate(bin_msg):
            block8x8 = block_instance_8x8.get_block(index)
            block_transf8x8 = self.__insert__(bit, block8x8, coeficient_index)
                self.ortho_matrix.inverse(block_transf8x8), index)

        return watermarked_array
Exemple #11
 def test_init_custom_dimension(self):
     image = MagicMock()
     block_manager = BlocksImage(image, 4, 8)
     self.assertEqual(block_manager.matrix, image)
     self.assertEqual(block_manager.size_block_rows, 4)
     self.assertEqual(block_manager.size_block_cols, 8)