def test_DtD(): n_atoms = 10 n_channels = 5 n_times_atom = 50 random_state = 42 rng = check_random_state(random_state) uv = rng.randn(n_atoms, n_channels + n_times_atom) D = get_D(uv, n_channels) assert np.allclose(compute_DtD(uv, n_channels=n_channels), compute_DtD(D))
def test_gradients(loss): """Check that the gradients have the correct shape. """ n_trials, n_channels, n_times = 5, 3, 100 n_atoms, n_times_atom = 10, 15 n_checks = 5 if loss == "dtw": n_checks = 1 loss_params = dict(gamma=.01) n_times_valid = n_times - n_times_atom + 1 X = np.random.randn(n_trials, n_channels, n_times) z = np.random.randn(n_trials, n_atoms, n_times_valid) uv = np.random.randn(n_atoms, n_channels + n_times_atom) D = get_D(uv, n_channels) if loss == "whitening": loss_params['ar_model'], X = whitening(X) # Test gradient D assert D.shape == _gradient_d(X, z, D, loss, loss_params=loss_params).shape def pobj(ds): return _objective(X, z, ds.reshape(n_atoms, n_channels, -1), loss, loss_params=loss_params) def grad(ds): return _gradient_d(X, z, ds, loss=loss, flatten=True, loss_params=loss_params) gradient_checker(pobj, grad,, n_checks=n_checks, grad_name="gradient D for loss '{}'".format(loss), rtol=1e-4) # Test gradient z assert z[0].shape == _gradient_zi( X, z, D, loss, loss_params=loss_params).shape def pobj(zs): return _objective(X[:1], zs.reshape(1, n_atoms, -1), D, loss, loss_params=loss_params) def grad(zs): return gradient_zi(X[0], zs, D, loss=loss, flatten=True, loss_params=loss_params) gradient_checker(pobj, grad, n_atoms * n_times_valid, n_checks=n_checks, debug=True, grad_name="gradient z for loss '{}'" .format(loss), rtol=1e-4)
def run_cbpdn(X, ds_init, reg, n_iter, random_state, label, n_channels): # use only one thread in fft import sporco.linalg sporco.linalg.pyfftw_threads = 1 n_atoms, n_channels_n_times_atom = ds_init.shape n_times_atom = n_channels_n_times_atom - n_channels ds_init = get_D(ds_init, n_channels) if X.ndim == 2: ds_init = np.swapaxes(ds_init, 0, 1)[:, None, :] X = np.swapaxes(X, 0, 1)[:, None, :] single_channel = True else: ds_init = np.swapaxes(ds_init, 0, 2) X = np.swapaxes(X, 0, 2) single_channel = False options = { 'Verbose': VERBOSE > 0, 'MaxMainIter': n_iter, 'CBPDN': dict(NonNegCoef=True), 'CCMOD': dict(ZeroMean=False), 'DictSize': ds_init.shape, } # wohlberg / convolutional basis pursuit opt = ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options(options) cbpdn = ConvBPDNDictLearn(ds_init, X, reg, opt, dimN=1) results = cbpdn.solve() times = np.cumsum(cbpdn.getitstat().Time) d_hat, pobj = results if single_channel: d_hat = d_hat.squeeze().T n_atoms, n_times_atom = d_hat.shape else: d_hat = d_hat.squeeze() if d_hat.ndim == 2: d_hat = d_hat[:, None] d_hat = d_hat.swapaxes(0, 2) n_atoms, n_channels, n_times_atom = d_hat.shape z_hat = cbpdn.getcoef().squeeze().swapaxes(0, 2) times = np.concatenate([[0], times]) # z_hat.shape = (n_atoms, n_trials, n_times) z_hat = z_hat[:, :, :-n_times_atom + 1] return pobj, times, d_hat, z_hat
def run_multivariate(X, D_init, reg, n_iter, random_state, label, n_channels): n_atoms, n_channels_n_times_atom = D_init.shape n_times_atom = n_channels_n_times_atom - n_channels D_init = get_D(D_init, n_channels) solver_z_kwargs = dict(max_iter=500, tol=1e-1) return learn_d_z_multi( X, n_atoms, n_times_atom, reg=reg, n_iter=n_iter, uv_constraint='separate', rank1=False, D_init=D_init, solver_d='l-bfgs', solver_d_kwargs=dict(max_iter=50), solver_z="lgcd", solver_z_kwargs=solver_z_kwargs, use_sparse_z=False, name="dense-{}-{}".format(n_channels, random_state), random_state=random_state, n_jobs=1, verbose=VERBOSE, raise_on_increase=False)
def test_consistency(loss, func): """Check that the result are the same for the full rank D and rank 1 uv. """ n_trials, n_channels, n_times = 5, 3, 30 n_atoms, n_times_atom = 4, 7 loss_params = dict(gamma=.01) n_times_valid = n_times - n_times_atom + 1 X = np.random.randn(n_trials, n_channels, n_times) z = np.random.randn(n_trials, n_atoms, n_times_valid) uv = np.random.randn(n_atoms, n_channels + n_times_atom) D = get_D(uv, n_channels) if loss == "whitening": loss_params['ar_model'], X = whitening(X) val_D = func(X, z, D, loss, loss_params=loss_params) val_uv = func(X, z, uv, loss, loss_params=loss_params) assert np.allclose(val_D, val_uv)