def test_tv(self): """ Test using test vectors """ for vector in r = bytes.fromhex(vector["R"]) e = bytes.fromhex(vector["E"]) x = bytes.fromhex(vector["X"]) p_golden = bytes.fromhex(vector["P"]) p = schnorr.prove(r, e, x) self.assertEqual(p, p_golden)
def generate_key_material_zkp(rng, key_material, ID, AD=None): """ Generate ZK Proofs for key material Generate a commitment to the ECDSA PK, a Schnorr's Proof for the ECDSA PK and a factoring Proof for the Paillier PK The key material dictionary must have keys: * paillier_sk * paillier_pk * ecdsa_sk * ecdsa_pk Args:: rng: pointer to CSPRNG key_material: dictionary with the key material Returns:: r: secret value for the ECDSA PK commitment c: commitment for the ECDSA PK sc: commitment for the Schnorr's Proof sp: Schnorr's Proof fe: Factoring Proof. First component fy: Factoring Proof. Second component """ # Commit to ECDSA PK r, c = commitments.nm_commit(rng, key_material['ecdsa_pk']) # Generate Schnorr's proof for ECDSA PK sr, sc = schnorr.commit(rng) e = schnorr.challenge(key_material['ecdsa_pk'], sc, ID, AD=AD) sp = schnorr.prove(sr, e, key_material['ecdsa_sk']) # Generate ZKP of knowledge of factorization for # Paillier key pair psk_p, psk_q = mpc.mpc_dump_paillier_sk(key_material['paillier_sk']) fe, fy = factoring_zk.prove(rng, psk_p, psk_q, ID, ad=AD) return r, c, sc, sp, fe, fy
x_hex = "fab4ce512dff74bd9c71c89a14de5b877af45dca0329ee3fcb72611c0784fef3" V_hex = "032cf4b348c9d00718f01ed98923e164df53b5e8bc4c2250662ed2df784e1784f4" ID = b"unique_user_identifier" AD_hex = "d7d3155616778fb436a1eb2070892205" if __name__ == "__main__": r = bytes.fromhex(r_hex) x = bytes.fromhex(x_hex) V = bytes.fromhex(V_hex) AD = bytes.fromhex(AD_hex) # Generate quantities for benchmark r, C = schnorr.commit(None, r) e = schnorr.challenge(V, C, ID, AD=AD) p = schnorr.prove(r, e, x) # Check consistency of the generated quantities assert schnorr.verify(V, C, e, p) == schnorr.OK # Run benchmark fncall = lambda: schnorr.commit(None, r) time_func("commit ", fncall, unit="us") fncall = lambda: schnorr.challenge(V, C, ID, AD=AD) time_func("challenge", fncall, unit="us") fncall = lambda: schnorr.prove(r, e, x) time_func("prove ", fncall, unit="us") fncall = lambda: schnorr.verify(V, C, e, p)
alpha2 = mpc.mpc_mta_client2(key_material2['paillier_sk'], cb) # Partial sums print("[Alice] Combine partial sum sigma1 for kw") sigma1 = mpc.mpc_sum_mta(k1, key_material1['ecdsa_sk'], alpha1, beta1) print("[Bob] Combine partial sum sigma2 for kw") sigma2 = mpc.mpc_sum_mta(k2, key_material2['ecdsa_sk'], alpha2, beta2) ## Decommitment and Proofs for R component # Generate Schnorr's Proofs print("[Alice] Generate Schnorr's Proof") GAMMA_schnorr_r1, GAMMA_schnorr_c1 = schnorr.commit(rng) GAMMA_schnorr_e1 = schnorr.challenge(GAMMA1, GAMMA_schnorr_c1, alice_id, AD = alice_ad) GAMMA_schnorr_p1 = schnorr.prove(GAMMA_schnorr_r1, GAMMA_schnorr_e1, gamma1) print("[Bob] Generate Schnorr's Proof") GAMMA_schnorr_r2, GAMMA_schnorr_c2 = schnorr.commit(rng) GAMMA_schnorr_e2 = schnorr.challenge(GAMMA2, GAMMA_schnorr_c2, bob_id, AD = bob_ad) GAMMA_schnorr_p2 = schnorr.prove(GAMMA_schnorr_r2, GAMMA_schnorr_e2, gamma2) print("[Alice] Transmit decommitment and Schnorr Proof for GAMMA1") print("[Bob] Transmit decommitment and Schnorr Proof for GAMMA2") # Decommit GAMMAi and verify Schnorr Proof rc = commitments.nm_decommit(GAMMA2, GAMMAR2, GAMMAC2) assert rc == commitments.OK, f'[Alice] Error decommitting GAMMA2. rc {rc}' GAMMA_schnorr_e2 = schnorr.challenge(GAMMA2, GAMMA_schnorr_c2, bob_id, AD=bob_ad) rc = schnorr.verify(GAMMA2, GAMMA_schnorr_c2, GAMMA_schnorr_e2, GAMMA_schnorr_p2)
# Generate commitment C = r.G, r random in [0, ..., q] r, C = schnorr.commit(rng) print("\n[Prover] Commitment C = r.G") print(f"\tr = {r.hex()}") print(f"\tC = {C.hex()}") # Generate deterministic challenge e = H(G, V, C, ID, AD) e = schnorr.challenge(V, C, ID, AD=AD) print("\n[Prover] Deterministic Challenge e = H(G, V, C, ID, AD)") print(f"\te = {e.hex()}") # Generate proof p = r - ex mod q p = schnorr.prove(r, e, x) print("\n[Prover] Generate proof p = r - ex") print(f"\tp = {p.hex()}") # Verifier regenerates deterministic challenge e = schnorr.challenge(V, C, ID, AD=AD) print("\n[Verifier] Deterministic Challenge e = H(G, V, C, ID, AD)") print(f"\te = {e.hex()}") # Verify rc = schnorr.verify(V, C, e, p) print("\n[Verifier] Verify proof p") if rc == schnorr.OK: print("\tSuccess")