def test_render_latex_macro(self):
        # Sets up variable for testing        
        known_macro = '\\def\\TaxonomyA{Genus \\textit{Escherichia}}\n'\
                      '\\def\\TaxonomyB{\\textit{Escherichia coli}}\n'\

        # Calculates test variable
        test_macro = generate_latex_macro(self.test_table, self.header)

        # Checks the outputs match
        self.assertEqual(known_macro, test_macro)
def main(taxa_table, output_dir, samples_to_analyze = None):

    """Creates LaTeX formatted significant OTU lists

        taxa -- a numpy vector with greengenes taxonomy strings

        tax_table -- a numpy array with the relative frequencies of taxonomies
            (rows) for each give sample (column)

        samples_to_analyze -- a numpy vector of sample ids associated with the 
            tax_table values

        output_dir -- a directory where the final files should be saved.

        samples_to_analyze -- a list of samples_to_analyze which should be used 
                    to generate data. If this is left empty, all the samples in 
                    the table will be used.

        Generates text files containing LaTex encoded strings which creates a 
        LaTeX macro dictionary with the information for creating a table of most
        abundant taxa, most enriched taxa, and rare and unique taxa. Rare 
        defined as present in less than 10% of the total population. The unique 
        taxa are bolded in the lists. 

    # Sets table constants
    FORMAT_SIGNIFIGANCE = ['%1.1f', "%1.2f", "%i", "SKIP"]
    SIGNIFIGANCE_HUNDRED = [True, True, False, False]
    DUMMY  = ['','','','']    
    COUNT = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    FORMAT_ABUNDANCE = ["%1.1f"]
    MACRO_CATS_SIGNIFICANCE = ['enrichTaxon','enrichSampl', 'enrichPopul', 
    MACRO_CATS_ABUNDANCE = ['abundTaxon', 'abundSampl']

    FILE_PRECURSER = 'macros_'
    FILE_EXTENSION = '.tex'

    # Number of taxa shown is an indexing value, it is one less than what is 
    # actually shown.

    # Builds the the taxomnomy tree for the table and identifies the 
    # rare/unique taxa in each sample
    tree, all_taxa = build_tree_from_taxontable(taxa_table)

    # Sets up samples for which tables are being generated    
    if not samples_to_analyze == None:
        samples_to_test = samples_to_analyze
        samples_to_test = all_taxa.keys()

    if samples_to_test:
        samples_to_test = set(samples_to_test)
        tmp = {k:v for k,v in all_taxa.items() if k in samples_to_test}
        all_taxa = tmp
        if not samples_to_test:
            raise ValueError, "No samples!"

    # Generates lists and tables for each sample
    for samp, filtered_table, rare, unique in sample_rare_unique(tree, \
        taxa_table, all_taxa, RARE_THRESHHOLD):
        filtered_table = filtered_table.filterObservations(lambda v,i,md:\
        v.sum() > 0)

        # Gets sample information for other samples
        taxa = filtered_table.ObservationIds       
        population = array([filtered_table.observationData(i) for i in \
        sample_position = filtered_table.getSampleIndex(samp)
        sample = filtered_table.sampleData(samp)
        print samp, sum(sample > 0)
        population = delete(population, sample_position, 1)
        # Converts the lists into greengenes strings for later processing
        greengenes_rare = []
        greengenes_unique = []
        for taxon in rare:
            greengenes_rare.append('; '.join(taxon))
        for taxon in unique:
            greengenes_unique.append('; '.join(taxon))

        # Formats the rare and unique lists          
        rare_format = []
        rare_combined = []
        for taxon in greengenes_unique:
        for taxon in greengenes_rare:

        number_rare_tax = len(rare_combined)
        num_rare = len(rare)
        num_unique = len(unique)

        rare_formatted = convert_taxa_to_list(rare_combined[0:NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN], 
                                               tax_format = rare_format,
                                               render_mode = RENDERING, 
                                               comma = True)        
        if num_unique > 0:
            unique_string = ' and \\textcolor{red}{%i unique}' % num_unique
            unique_string = ''

        if number_rare_tax == 0:
            rare_formatted = "There were no rare or unique taxa found in "\
                "your sample." 

        elif 0 < number_rare_tax <= NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN:
            rare_formatted = 'Your sample contained the following rare %s '\
                'taxa: %s.' % (unique_string, rare_formatted)

            rare_formatted = 'Your sample contained %i rare and %s taxa, '\
                'including the following: %s.' \
                % (num_rare, unique_string, 

        # Calculates abundance rank
        (abundance) = calculate_abundance(sample, taxa, 
                                          abundance_threshhold = 1)

        # Generates formatted abundance table
        formatted_abundance = convert_taxa(abundance[0:NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN],                                        
                                        formatting_keys = FORMAT_ABUNDANCE,
                                        hundredx = ABUNDANCE_HUNDRED)

        abundance_formatted = generate_latex_macro(formatted_abundance, \
            categories = MACRO_CATS_ABUNDANCE)

        (high, low) = calculate_tax_rank_1(sample = sample, 
                                           population = population, 
                                           taxa = taxa,
                                           critical_value = 0.05)

        if len(high) < NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN:
            # Formats the known high taxa
            formatted_high = convert_taxa(high[0:NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN],
                                          formatting_keys = FORMAT_SIGNIFIGANCE,
                                          hundredx = SIGNIFIGANCE_HUNDRED)
            # Adds the dummy list to the end
            for idx in COUNT:
                if idx == (NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN - len(high)):

            high_formatted = generate_latex_macro(formatted_high, \
                categories = MACRO_CATS_SIGNIFICANCE)

            formatted_high = convert_taxa(high[0:NUMBER_OF_TAXA_SHOWN],
                                          formatting_keys = FORMAT_SIGNIFIGANCE,
                                          hundredx = SIGNIFIGANCE_HUNDRED)

            high_formatted = generate_latex_macro(formatted_high, \
                categories = MACRO_CATS_SIGNIFICANCE)

        file_name = pjoin(output_dir, '%s%s%s' % (FILE_PRECURSER, samp, 

        # Saves the file
        file_for_editing = open(file_name, 'w')
        # file_for_editing.write('% Participant Name\n\\def\\yourname'\
        #     '{Michael Pollan or longer name}\n\n')
        file_for_editing.write('%% Abundance Table\n%s\n\n\n' \
            % abundance_formatted)
        file_for_editing.write('%% Enrichment Table\n%s\n\n\n' \
            % high_formatted)
        file_for_editing.write('%% Rare List\n\\def\\rareList{%s}\n' \
            % rare_formatted)