def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) t0 = time.time() self.sensor = [] self.pixels = [] while (time.time() - t0) < 1: # wait 1sec for sensor to start try: # AD0 = GND, addr = 0x68 | AD0 = 5V, addr = 0x69 self.sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x69) # start AMG8833 except: self.sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x68) finally: pass time.sleep(0.1) # wait for sensor to settle # If no device is found, exit the script if self.sensor == []: print("No AMG8833 Found - Check Your Wiring")
def amg8833(): sensor = [] t0 = time.time() while (time.time()-t0) < 1: try: sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x69) except: try: sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x68) except: break finally: pass time.sleep(0.1) cv2.namedWindow("Waermebild") cv2.setWindowProperty( "Waermebild", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) width, height = screen_size() if width > height: sidelength = height else: sidelength = width cv2.moveWindow("Waermebild", int((width-sidelength)/2), 0) while True: status, pixels = sensor.read_temp(64) if not status: smallImage = np.reshape(pixels, (8, 8)).astype(np.uint8) contrastEnhancedImage = (smallImage-15)*19 bigImage = cv2.resize(contrastEnhancedImage, (sidelength, sidelength)) colorImage = cv2.applyColorMap(bigImage, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) cv2.imshow("Waermebild", colorImage) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model import numpy as np import time, sys import amg8833_i2c import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import interpolate model = load_model("maskerfix1.h5") t0 = time.time() sensor = [] while (time.time() - t0) < 1: # wait 1sec for sensor to start try: # AD0 = GND, addr = 0x68 | AD0 = 5V, addr = 0x69 sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x69) # start AMG8833 except: sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x68) finally: pass time.sleep(0.1) # wait for sensor to settle if sensor == []: print("No AMG8833 Found - Check Your Wiring") sys.exit() # exit the app if AMG88xx is not found pix_res = (8, 8) # pixel resolution xx, yy = (np.linspace(0, pix_res[0], pix_res[0]), np.linspace(0, pix_res[1], pix_res[1])) zz = np.zeros(pix_res) # set array with zeros first # new resolution
import sys import numpy as np from picamera.array import PiRGBArray from picamera import PiCamera import time import cv2 import time sys.path.append('../AMG8833Lib/') import amg8833_i2c t0 = time.time() sensor = [] while (time.time()-t0) < 1: try: sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x69) except: sensor = amg8833_i2c.AMG8833(addr=0x68) finally: pass time.sleep(0.1) pix_to_read = 64 pix_res = (8, 8) camera = PiCamera() rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera) time.sleep(0.1) def grab_frame(): camera.capture(rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True)