def payments(request, status=None): # Note this is not post required, because PayPal does not reply with a # POST but a GET, that's a sad face. if status: pre, created = (PreApprovalUser.objects .safer_get_or_create(user=request.amo_user)) if status == 'complete': # The user has completed the setup at PayPal and bounced back. if 'setup-preapproval' in request.session: messages.success(request, loc('Pre-approval setup.'))'Preapproval key created for user: %s' % request.amo_user) data = request.session.get('setup-preapproval', {}) pre.update(paypal_key=data.get('key'), paypal_expiry=data.get('expiry')) del request.session['setup-preapproval'] elif status == 'cancel': # The user has chosen to cancel out of PayPal. Nothing really # to do here, PayPal just bounces to this page. messages.success(request, loc('Pre-approval changes cancelled.')) elif status == 'remove': # The user has an pre approval key set and chooses to remove it if pre.paypal_key: pre.update(paypal_key='') messages.success(request, loc('Pre-approval removed.'))'Preapproval key removed for user: %s' % request.amo_user) context = {'preapproval': request.amo_user.get_preapproval()} return jingo.render(request, 'users/payments.html', context)
def payments(request, status=None): # Note this is not post required, because PayPal does not reply with a # POST but a GET, that's a sad face. if status: pre, created = PreApprovalUser.objects.safer_get_or_create(user=request.amo_user) if status == "complete": # The user has completed the setup at PayPal and bounced back. if "setup-preapproval" in request.session: messages.success(request, loc("Pre-approval set up."))"Preapproval key created for user: %s" % request.amo_user) data = request.session.get("setup-preapproval", {}) pre.update(paypal_key=data.get("key"), paypal_expiry=data.get("expiry")) del request.session["setup-preapproval"] elif status == "cancel": # The user has chosen to cancel out of PayPal. Nothing really # to do here, PayPal just bounces to this page. messages.success(request, loc("Pre-approval changes cancelled.")) elif status == "remove": # The user has an pre approval key set and chooses to remove it if pre.paypal_key: pre.update(paypal_key="") messages.success(request, loc("Pre-approval removed."))"Preapproval key removed for user: %s" % request.amo_user) context = {"preapproval": pre} else: context = {"preapproval": request.amo_user.get_preapproval()} return jingo.render(request, "users/payments.html", context)
def register(request): if settings.APP_PREVIEW: messages.error(request, loc('Registrations must be through browserid.')) form = None elif (settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT and UserProfile.objects.count() > settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT and not can_override_reg_limit(request)): _m = loc('Sorry, no more registrations are allowed. ' '<a href="">' 'Learn more</a>') messages.error(request, _m, title_safe=True, message_safe=True) form = None elif request.user.is_authenticated():, _('You are already logged in to an account.')) form = None elif request.method == 'POST': form = forms.UserRegisterForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): try: u = u.set_password(form.cleaned_data['password']) u.generate_confirmationcode() u.create_django_user()'Registered new account for user (%s)', u) log_cef('New Account', 5, request, username=u.username, signature='AUTHNOTICE', msg='User created a new account') u.email_confirmation_code() msg = _('Congratulations! Your user account was successfully ' 'created.') messages.success(request, msg) msg = _(u'An email has been sent to your address {0} to ' 'confirm your account. Before you can log in, you ' 'have to activate your account by clicking on the ' 'link provided in this email.').format(, _('Confirmation Email Sent'), msg) except IntegrityError, e: # I was unable to reproduce this, but I suspect it happens # when they POST twice quickly and the slaves don't have the # new info yet (total guess). Anyway, I'm assuming the # first one worked properly, so this is still a success # case to tne end user so we just log it... log.error('Failed to register new user (%s): %s' % (u, e)) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login')) else: messages.error(request, _('There are errors in this form'), _('Please correct them and resubmit.'))
def payments(request, status=None): # Note this is not post required, because PayPal does not reply with a # POST but a GET, that's a sad face. if status: pre, created = (PreApprovalUser.objects.safer_get_or_create( user=request.amo_user)) if status == 'complete': # The user has completed the setup at PayPal and bounced back. messages.success(request, loc('Pre-approval setup.'))'Preapproval key created for user: %s' % request.amo_user) data = request.session.get('setup-preapproval', {}) pre.update(paypal_key=data.get('key'), paypal_expiry=data.get('expiry')) del request.session['setup-preapproval'] elif status == 'cancel': # The user has chosen to cancel out of PayPal. Nothing really # to do here, PayPal just bounces to this page. messages.success(request, loc('Pre-approval changes cancelled.')) elif status == 'remove': # The user has an pre approval key set and chooses to remove it if pre.paypal_key: pre.update(paypal_key='') messages.success(request, loc('Pre-approval removed.'))'Preapproval key removed for user: %s' % request.amo_user) context = {'preapproval': request.amo_user.get_preapproval()} return jingo.render(request, 'users/payments.html', context)
def check_refund(self): """Check that we have the refund permission.""" test_id = 'refund' msg = loc('You have not setup permissions for us to check this ' 'paypal account.') if not self.addon: # If there's no addon there's not even any point checking. return premium = self.addon.premium if not premium: self.state['permissions'] = False self.failure(test_id, msg) return token = premium.paypal_permissions_token if not token: self.state['permissions'] = False self.failure(test_id, msg) return try: status = paypal.check_permission(token, ['REFUND']) if not status: self.state['permissions'] = False self.failure(test_id, loc('No permission to do refunds.')) else: self.pass_(test_id) except paypal.PaypalError: self.state['permissions'] = False self.failure(test_id, msg)'Refund permission check returned an error ' 'for %s' % id, exc_info=True)
def price_sidebar(request, query, facets): qprice = query.get('price') free = qprice == 'free' paid = qprice == 'paid' return [ FacetLink(loc('Free & Premium'), dict(price=None), not (paid or free)), FacetLink(loc('Free Only'), dict(price='free'), free), FacetLink(loc('Premium Only'), dict(price='paid'), paid), ]
def price_sidebar(request, query, facets): qprice = query.get("price") free = qprice == "free" paid = qprice == "paid" return [ FacetLink(loc("Free & Premium"), dict(price=None), not (paid or free)), FacetLink(loc("Free Only"), dict(price="free"), free), FacetLink(loc("Premium Only"), dict(price="paid"), paid), ]
def check_id(self): """Check that the paypal id is good.""" test_id = 'id' if not self.paypal_id: self.failure(test_id, loc('No PayPal id provided.')) return valid, msg = paypal.check_paypal_id(self.paypal_id) if not valid: self.failure(test_id, loc('You do not seem to have' ' a PayPal account.')) else: self.pass_(test_id)
def check_currencies(self): """Check that we've got the currencies.""" test_id = 'currencies' if self.addon and self.addon.premium: price = self.addon.premium.price if not price: tiers = [('USD', '1.00')] else: tiers = [(name, obj.price) for name, obj in self.addon.premium.supported_currencies()] else: tiers = (('USD', '0.99'),) for currency, amount in tiers: try: self.test_paykey({'currency': currency, 'amount': amount, 'email': self.paypal_id})'Get paykey passed in %s' % currency) except paypal.PaypalError: msg = loc('Failed to make a test transaction ' 'in %s.' % (currency)) self.failure(test_id, msg)'Get paykey returned an error' 'in %s' % currency, exc_info=True) # If we haven't failed anything by this point, it's all good. if self.state[test_id]['pass'] is None: self.pass_(test_id)
def paypal_setup_confirm(request, addon_id, addon, webapp, source='paypal'): # If you bounce through paypal as you do permissions changes set the # source to paypal. if source == 'paypal': msg = _('PayPal set up complete.') title = _('Confirm Details') button = _('Continue') # If you just hit this page from the Manage Paypal, show some less # wizardy stuff. else: msg = _('Changes saved.') title = loc('Contact Details') button = _('Save') adp, created = AddonPaymentData.objects.safer_get_or_create(addon=addon) form = forms.PaypalPaymentData(request.POST or None, instance=adp) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): adp.update(**form.cleaned_data) messages.success(request, msg) if source == 'paypal' and addon.is_incomplete() and addon.paypal_id: addon.mark_done() return redirect(addon.get_dev_url('paypal_setup')) return jingo.render(request, 'developers/payments/paypal-details-confirm.html', {'addon': addon, 'button': button, 'form': form, 'title': title})
def clean_categories(self): categories = self.cleaned_data['categories'] total = categories.count() max_cat = amo.MAX_CATEGORIES if getattr(self, 'disabled', False) and total: if categories[0].type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP: raise forms.ValidationError(loc('Categories cannot be changed ' 'while your app is featured for this application.')) else: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Categories cannot be changed ' 'while your add-on is featured for this application.')) if total > max_cat: # L10n: {0} is the number of categories. raise forms.ValidationError(ngettext( 'You can have only {0} category.', 'You can have only {0} categories.', max_cat).format(max_cat)) has_misc = filter(lambda x: x.misc, categories) if has_misc and total > 1: raise forms.ValidationError( _('The miscellaneous category cannot be combined with ' 'additional categories.')) return categories
def paypal_setup_confirm(request, addon_id, addon, webapp, source="paypal"): # If you bounce through paypal as you do permissions changes set the # source to paypal. if source == "paypal": msg = _("PayPal set up complete.") title = _("Confirm Details") button = _("Continue") # If you just hit this page from the Manage Paypal, show some less # wizardy stuff. else: msg = _("Changes saved.") title = loc("Contact Details") button = _("Save") adp, created = AddonPaymentData.objects.safer_get_or_create(addon=addon) form = forms.PaypalPaymentData(request.POST or None, instance=adp) if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid(): adp.update(**form.cleaned_data) messages.success(request, msg) if source == "paypal" and addon.is_incomplete() and addon.paypal_id: addon.mark_done() return redirect(addon.get_dev_url("paypal_setup")) return jingo.render( request, "developers/payments/paypal-details-confirm.html", {"addon": addon, "button": button, "form": form, "title": title}, )
def ajax(request): """Query for a user matching a given email.""" if 'q' not in request.GET: raise http.Http404() data = {'status': 0, 'message': ''} email = request.GET.get('q', '').strip() dev_only = request.GET.get('dev', '1') try: dev_only = int(dev_only) except ValueError: dev_only = 1 dev_only = dev_only and settings.MARKETPLACE if not email: data.update(message=_('An email address is required.')) return data user = UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email) if dev_only: user = user.filter(read_dev_agreement=True) msg = _('A user with that email address does not exist.') msg_dev = loc('A user with that email address does not exist, or the user ' 'has not yet accepted the developer agreement.') if user: data.update(status=1, id=user[0].id, name=user[0].name) else: data['message'] = msg_dev if dev_only else msg return escape_all(data)
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.extra = kw.pop('extra') self.request = kw.pop('request') self.addon = self.extra['addon'] kw['initial'] = { 'paypal_id': self.addon.paypal_id, 'support_email': self.addon.support_email, 'do_upsell': 0, } if self.addon.premium: kw['initial']['price'] = self.addon.premium.price upsell = self.addon.upsold if upsell: kw['initial'].update({ 'text': upsell.text, 'free':, 'do_upsell': 1, }) super(PremiumForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw) if self.addon.is_webapp(): self.fields['price'].label = loc('App price') self.fields['do_upsell'].choices = APP_UPSELL_CHOICES self.fields['free'].queryset = (self.extra['amo_user'].addons .exclude( .filter(premium_type=amo.ADDON_FREE, type=self.addon.type)) # For the wizard, we need to remove some fields. for field in self.extra.get('exclude', []): del self.fields[field]
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.extra = kw.pop("extra") self.request = kw.pop("request") self.addon = self.extra["addon"] kw["initial"] = {"paypal_id": self.addon.paypal_id, "support_email": self.addon.support_email, "do_upsell": 0} if self.addon.premium: kw["initial"]["price"] = self.addon.premium.price upsell = self.addon.upsold if upsell: kw["initial"].update({"text": upsell.text, "free":, "do_upsell": 1}) super(PremiumForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw) if self.addon.is_webapp(): self.fields["price"].label = loc("App price") self.fields["do_upsell"].choices = APP_UPSELL_CHOICES self.fields["free"].queryset = ( self.extra["amo_user"] .addons.exclude( .filter(premium_type=amo.ADDON_FREE, type=self.addon.type) ) # For the wizard, we need to remove some fields. for field in self.extra.get("exclude", []): del self.fields[field]
def ajax(request): """Query for a user matching a given email.""" if "q" not in request.GET: raise http.Http404() data = {"status": 0, "message": ""} email = request.GET.get("q", "").strip() dev_only = request.GET.get("dev", "1") try: dev_only = int(dev_only) except ValueError: dev_only = 1 dev_only = dev_only and settings.MARKETPLACE if not email: data.update(message=_("An email address is required.")) return data user = UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email) if dev_only: user = user.filter(read_dev_agreement=True) msg = _("A user with that email address does not exist.") msg_dev = loc( "A user with that email address does not exist, or the user " "has not yet accepted the developer agreement." ) if user: data.update(status=1, id=user[0].id, name=user[0].name) else: data["message"] = msg_dev if dev_only else msg return escape_all(data)
def clean(self): if any(self.errors): return form_count = len([f for f in self.forms if not f.cleaned_data.get("DELETE", False)]) if form_count > 3: if addon_parent.is_webapp(): error = loc("There cannot be more than 3 required apps.") else: error = _("There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons.") raise forms.ValidationError(error)
def delete(request, addon_id, addon, webapp=False): # Database deletes only allowed for free or incomplete addons. if not addon.can_be_deleted(): msg = loc("App cannot be deleted. Disable this app instead.") messages.error(request, msg) return redirect(addon.get_dev_url("versions")) # TODO: This short circuits the delete form which checks the password. When # BrowserID adds re-auth support, update the form to check with BrowserID # and remove the short circuit. form = forms.DeleteForm(request) if True or form.is_valid(): addon.delete("Removed via devhub") messages.success(request, loc("App deleted.")) # Preserve query-string parameters if we were directed from Dashboard. return redirect(request.GET.get("to") or reverse("mkt.developers.apps")) else: msg = _("Password was incorrect. App was not deleted.") messages.error(request, msg) return redirect(addon.get_dev_url("versions"))
def clean(self): if any(self.errors): return form_count = len([f for f in self.forms if not f.cleaned_data.get('DELETE', False)]) if form_count > 3: if addon_parent.is_webapp(): error = loc('There cannot be more than 3 required apps.') else: error = _('There cannot be more than 3 required add-ons.') raise forms.ValidationError(error)
def clean(self): paypal_id = self.cleaned_data.get("paypal_id", "") if paypal_id: # If we're going to prompt for refund permission, we need to # record the PayPal ID first. self.addon.paypal_id = paypal_id # Check if third-party refund token is properly set up. no_token = not self.addon.premium or not self.addon.premium.has_permissions_token() invalid_token = self.addon.premium and not self.addon.premium.has_valid_permissions_token() if no_token or invalid_token: # L10n: We require PayPal users to have a third-party token set up. self._show_token_msg(loc("PayPal third-party refund token has not " "been set up or has recently expired.")) return self.cleaned_data
class PurchasesFilter(BaseFilter): opts = (('purchased', loc('Purchase Date')), ('price', _lazy(u'Price')), ('name', _lazy(u'Name'))) def filter(self, field): qs = self.base_queryset if field == 'purchased': return (qs.filter( Q(addonpurchase__user=self.request.amo_user) | Q(addonpurchase__isnull=True)).order_by( '-addonpurchase__created', 'id')) elif field == 'price': return qs.order_by('addonpremium__price__price', 'id') elif field == 'name': return order_by_translation(qs, 'name')
def clean(self): paypal_id = self.cleaned_data.get('paypal_id', '') if paypal_id: # If we're going to prompt for refund permission, we need to # record the PayPal ID first. self.addon.paypal_id = paypal_id # Check if third-party refund token is properly set up. no_token = (not self.addon.premium or not self.addon.premium.has_permissions_token()) invalid_token = (self.addon.premium and not self.addon.premium.has_valid_permissions_token()) if no_token or invalid_token: # L10n: We require PayPal users to have a third-party token set up. self._show_token_msg(loc('PayPal third-party refund token has not ' 'been set up or has recently expired.')) return self.cleaned_data
def _notify(redis, context): """ Notify the admins or the developers what happened. Performing a sanity check in case something went wrong. """'Completed run of paypal addon checks: %s' % context['checked']) failure_list = [] if context['limit'] and context['rate'] > context['limit']: # This is too cope with something horrible going wrong like, paypal # goes into maintenance mode, or netops changes something and all of # a sudden all the apps start failing their paypal checks. # # It would really suck if one errant current job disabled every app # on the Marketplace. So this is an attempt to sanity check this. for k in xrange(context['failed']): data = json.loads(redis.lindex(failures, k)) addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=data[0]) failure_list.append(absolutify(addon.get_url_path())) context['failure_list'] = failure_list'Too many failed: %s%%, aborting.' % context['limit']) template = 'market/emails/check_error.txt' send_mail('Cron job error on checking addons', env.get_template(template).render(context), recipient_list=[settings.FLIGTAR], from_email=settings.NOBODY_EMAIL) else: if not context['failed']: return for k in xrange(context['failed']): data = json.loads(redis.lindex(failures, k)) addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=data[0]) url = absolutify(addon.get_url_path()) # Add this to a list so we can tell the admins who got disabled. failure_list.append(url) if not context['do_disable']: continue # Write to the developers log that it failed to pass and update # the status of the addon. amo.log(amo.LOG.PAYPAL_FAILED, addon, user=get_task_user()) addon.update(status=amo.STATUS_DISABLED) authors = [ for u in addon.authors.all()] if addon.is_webapp(): template = 'market/emails/check_developer_app.txt' subject = loc('App disabled on the Mozilla Market.') else: template = 'market/emails/check_developer_addon.txt' subject = loc('Add-on disabled on the Mozilla Market.') # Now email the developer and tell them the bad news. send_mail(subject, env.get_template(template).render({ 'addon': addon, 'errors': data[1:] }), recipient_list=authors, from_email=settings.NOBODY_EMAIL) context['failure_list'] = failure_list # Now email the admins and tell them what happened. template = 'market/emails/check_summary.txt' send_mail('Cron job disabled %s add-ons' % context['failed'], env.get_template(template).render(context), recipient_list=[settings.FLIGTAR], from_email=settings.NOBODY_EMAIL)
class AppFilter(addons.views.BaseFilter): opts = (('downloads', _lazy(u'Weekly Downloads')), ('free', loc(u'Top Free')), ('paid', loc(u'Top Paid')), ('rating', _lazy(u'Highest Rated'))) extras = (('created', _lazy(u'Newest')), ('name', _lazy(u'Name')), ('price', loc(u'Price')))
def global_settings(request): """ Storing standard AMO-wide information used in global headers, such as account links and settings. """ account_links = [] tools_links = [] context = {} tools_title = _('Tools') if request.user.is_authenticated() and hasattr(request, 'amo_user'): amo_user = request.amo_user account_links.append({ 'text': _('My Profile'), 'href': request.user.get_profile().get_url_path(), }) account_links.append({'text': _('Account Settings'), 'href': reverse('users.edit')}) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: account_links.append({ 'text': _('My Collections'), 'href': reverse('collections.user', args=[amo_user.username])}) if amo_user.favorite_addons: account_links.append( {'text': _('My Favorites'), 'href': reverse('collections.detail', args=[amo_user.username, 'favorites'])}) if waffle.switch_is_active('marketplace'): account_links.append({'text': _('My Purchases'), 'href': reverse('users.purchases')}) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'allow-pre-auth'): account_links.append({'text': loc('Payment Profile'), 'href': reverse('users.payments')}) account_links.append({ 'text': _('Log out'), 'href': remora_url('/users/logout?to=' + urlquote(request.path)), }) if request.amo_user.is_developer: tools_links.append({'text': _('Manage My Add-ons'), 'href': reverse('devhub.addons')}) tools_links.append({'text': _('Submit a New Add-on'), 'href': reverse('devhub.submit.1')}) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'submit-personas'): # TODO(cvan)(fligtar): Do we want this here? tools_links.append({'text': 'Submit a New Theme', 'href': reverse('devhub.personas.submit')}) tools_links.append({'text': _('Developer Hub'), 'href': reverse('devhub.index')}) if acl.check_reviewer(request): tools_links.append({'text': _('Editor Tools'), 'href': reverse('editors.home')}) if acl.action_allowed(request, 'L10nTools', 'View'): tools_links.append({'text': _('Localizer Tools'), 'href': '/localizers'}) if (acl.action_allowed(request, 'Admin', '%') or acl.action_allowed(request, 'AdminTools', 'View')): tools_links.append({'text': _('Admin Tools'), 'href': reverse('zadmin.home')}) context['amo_user'] = request.amo_user else: context['amo_user'] = AnonymousUser() context.update({'account_links': account_links, 'settings': settings, 'amo': amo, 'tools_links': tools_links, 'tools_title': tools_title, 'ADMIN_MESSAGE': get_config('site_notice'), 'collect_timings_percent': get_collect_timings()}) return context
('users', _lazy(u'Most Users')), ('rating', _lazy(u'Top Rated')), ('created', _lazy(u'Newest')), # -- ('name', _lazy(u'Name')), ('downloads', _lazy(u'Weekly Downloads')), #('price', helpers.loc(u'Price')), ('updated', _lazy(u'Recently Updated')), ('hotness', _lazy(u'Up & Coming')), ) APP_SORT_CHOICES = ( (None, _lazy(u'Relevance')), ('downloads', _lazy(u'Weekly Downloads')), ('rating', _lazy(u'Top Rated')), ('price', helpers.loc(u'Price')), # -- ('name', _lazy(u'Name')), ('created', _lazy(u'Newest')), ) class ESSearchForm(forms.Form): q = forms.CharField(required=False) tag = forms.CharField(required=False) platform = forms.CharField(required=False) appver = forms.CharField(required=False) atype = forms.TypedChoiceField(required=False, coerce=int, choices=amo.ADDON_TYPES.iteritems()) cat = forms.CharField(required=False) price = forms.CharField(required=False)
class app_new_review(new_review): app = True label = loc('someone writes a review of my app')
pass errors = {'520003': AuthError} # See for information on these values. # Note that if you have and invalid preapproval key you get 580022, but this # also occurs in other cases so don't assume its preapproval only. for number in ['579024', '579025', '579026', '579027', '579028', '579030', '579031']: errors[number] = PreApprovalError for number in ['580027', '580022']: errors[number] = CurrencyError # Here you can map PayPal error messages into hopefully more useful # error messages. messages = {'589023': loc('The amount is too small for conversion ' "into the receiver's currency.")} paypal_log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.paypal') def should_ignore_paypal(): """ Returns whether to skip PayPal communications for development purposes or not. """ return settings.DEBUG and 'sandbox' not in settings.PAYPAL_PERMISSIONS_URL def add_receivers(chains, email, amount, uuid, preapproval=False): """
def register(request): if settings.APP_PREVIEW and waffle.switch_is_active("browserid-login"): messages.error(request, loc("Registrations must be through browserid.")) form = None elif ( settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT and UserProfile.objects.count() > settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT and not can_override_reg_limit(request) ): _m = loc( "Sorry, no more registrations are allowed. " '<a href="">' "Learn more</a>" ) messages.error(request, _m, title_safe=True, message_safe=True) form = None elif request.user.is_authenticated():, _("You are already logged in to an account.")) form = None elif request.method == "POST": form = forms.UserRegisterForm(request.POST) mkt_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(["email"], password="") if form.is_valid(): try: u = u.set_password(form.cleaned_data["password"]) u.generate_confirmationcode() u.create_django_user()"Registered new account for user (%s)", u) log_cef( "New Account", 5, request, username=u.username, signature="AUTHNOTICE", msg="User created a new account", ) u.email_confirmation_code() msg = _("Congratulations! Your user account was " "successfully created.") messages.success(request, msg) msg = _( u"An email has been sent to your address {0} to " "confirm your account. Before you can log in, you " "have to activate your account by clicking on the " "link provided in this email." ).format(, _("Confirmation Email Sent"), msg) except IntegrityError, e: # I was unable to reproduce this, but I suspect it happens # when they POST twice quickly and the slaves don't have the # new info yet (total guess). Anyway, I'm assuming the # first one worked properly, so this is still a success # case to the end user so we just log it... log.error("Failed to register new user (%s): %s" % (u, e)) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("users.login")) elif mkt_user.exists(): # Handle BrowserID if mkt_user.count() == 1 and mkt_user[0].source == amo.LOGIN_SOURCE_BROWSERID:, _("You already have an account.")) form = None else: f = PasswordResetForm() f.users_cache = [mkt_user[0]], email_template_name="users/email/pwreset.ltxt", request=request) return jingo.render(request, "users/newpw_sent.html", {}) else: messages.error(request, _("There are errors in this form"), _("Please correct them and resubmit."))
def register(request): if waffle.switch_is_active('browserid-login'): messages.error(request, loc('Registrations must be through browserid.')) form = None raise http.Http404() elif request.user.is_authenticated():, _('You are already logged in to an account.')) form = None elif request.method == 'POST': form = forms.UserRegisterForm(request.POST) mkt_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(['email'], password='') if form.is_valid(): try: u = u.set_password(form.cleaned_data['password']) u.generate_confirmationcode() u.lang = request.LANG'Registered new account for user (%s)', u) log_cef('New Account', 5, request, username=u.username, signature='AUTHNOTICE', msg='User created a new account') u.email_confirmation_code() msg = _('Congratulations! Your user account was ' 'successfully created.') messages.success(request, msg) msg = _(u'An email has been sent to your address {0} to ' 'confirm your account. Before you can log in, you ' 'have to activate your account by clicking on the ' 'link provided in this email.').format(, _('Confirmation Email Sent'), msg) except IntegrityError, e: # I was unable to reproduce this, but I suspect it happens # when they POST twice quickly and the slaves don't have the # new info yet (total guess). Anyway, I'm assuming the # first one worked properly, so this is still a success # case to the end user so we just log it... log.error('Failed to register new user (%s): %s' % (u, e)) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login')) elif mkt_user.exists(): # Handle BrowserID if (mkt_user.count() == 1 and mkt_user[0].source in amo.LOGIN_SOURCE_BROWSERIDS):, _('You already have an account.')) form = None else: f = PasswordResetForm() f.users_cache = [mkt_user[0]], email_template_name='users/email/pwreset.ltxt', request=request) return render(request, 'users/newpw_sent.html', {}) else: messages.error(request, _('There are errors in this form'), _('Please correct them and resubmit.'))
class app_individual_contact(individual_contact): app = True label = loc('Mozilla needs to contact me about my individual app')
def mkt_page_title(context, title, force_webapps=False): title = smart_unicode(title) base_title = loc('Mozilla Marketplace') return u'%s | %s' % (title, base_title)
class app_reply(reply): app = True label = loc('an app developer replies to my review')
def global_settings(request): """ Storing standard AMO-wide information used in global headers, such as account links and settings. """ account_links = [] tools_links = [] context = {} tools_title = _('Tools') if request.user.is_authenticated() and hasattr(request, 'amo_user'): amo_user = request.amo_user account_links.append({ 'text': _('My Profile'), 'href': request.user.get_profile().get_url_path(), }) account_links.append({ 'text': _('Account Settings'), 'href': reverse('users.edit') }) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: account_links.append({ 'text': _('My Collections'), 'href': reverse('collections.user', args=[amo_user.username]) }) if amo_user.favorite_addons: account_links.append({ 'text': _('My Favorites'), 'href': reverse('collections.detail', args=[amo_user.username, 'favorites']) }) if waffle.switch_is_active('marketplace'): account_links.append({ 'text': _('My Purchases'), 'href': reverse('users.purchases') }) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'allow-pre-auth'): account_links.append({ 'text': loc('Payment Profile'), 'href': reverse('users.payments') }) account_links.append({ 'text': _('Log out'), 'href': remora_url('/users/logout?to=' + urlquote(request.path)), }) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: if request.amo_user.is_developer: tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Manage My Add-ons'), 'href': reverse('devhub.addons') }) tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Submit a New Add-on'), 'href': reverse('devhub.submit.1') }) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'accept-webapps'): if settings.APP_PREVIEW or request.amo_user.is_developer: tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Manage My Apps'), 'href': reverse('devhub.apps') }) tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Submit a New App'), 'href': reverse('devhub.submit_apps.1') }) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'submit-personas'): # TODO(cvan)(fligtar): Do we want this here? tools_links.append({ 'text': 'Submit a New Persona', 'href': reverse('devhub.personas.submit') }) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Developer Hub'), 'href': reverse('devhub.index') }) if acl.action_allowed(request, 'Editors', '%'): tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Editor Tools'), 'href': reverse('editors.home') }) if acl.action_allowed(request, 'Localizers', '%'): tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Localizer Tools'), 'href': '/localizers' }) if acl.action_allowed(request, 'Admin', '%'): tools_links.append({ 'text': _('Admin Tools'), 'href': reverse('zadmin.home') }) context['amo_user'] = request.amo_user else: context['amo_user'] = AnonymousUser() context.update({ 'account_links': account_links, 'settings': settings, 'amo': amo, 'tools_links': tools_links, 'tools_title': tools_title, 'ADMIN_MESSAGE': get_config('site_notice'), 'collect_timings_percent': get_collect_timings() }) return context
# This currency was bad. pass errors = {"520003": AuthError} # See for information on these values. # Note that if you have and invalid preapproval key you get 580022, but this # also occurs in other cases so don't assume its preapproval only. for number in ["579024", "579025", "579026", "579027", "579028", "579030", "579031"]: errors[number] = PreApprovalError for number in ["580027", "580022"]: errors[number] = CurrencyError # Here you can map PayPal error messages into hopefully more useful # error messages. messages = {"589023": loc("The amount is too small for conversion " "into the receiver's currency.")} paypal_log = commonware.log.getLogger("z.paypal") def should_ignore_paypal(): """ Returns whether to skip PayPal communications for development purposes or not. """ return settings.DEBUG and "sandbox" not in settings.PAYPAL_PERMISSIONS_URL def add_receivers(chains, email, amount, uuid, preapproval=False): """
def _notify(redis, context): """ Notify the admins or the developers what happened. Performing a sanity check in case something went wrong. """'Completed run of paypal addon checks: %s' % context['checked']) if context['limit'] and context['rate'] > context['limit']: # This is too cope with something horrible going wrong like, paypal # goes into maintenance mode, or netops changes something and all of # a sudden all the apps start failing their paypal checks. # # It would really suck if one errant current job disabled every app # on the marketplace. So this is an attempt to sanity check this.'Too many failed: %s%%, aborting.' % context['limit']) template = 'market/emails/check_error.txt' send_mail('Cron job error on checking addons', env.get_template(template).render(context), recipient_list=[settings.FLIGTAR], from_email=settings.NOBODY_EMAIL) else: if not context['failed']: return failure_list = [] for k in xrange(context['failed']): data = json.loads(redis.lindex(failures, k)) addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=data[0]) url = absolutify(shared_url('detail', addon)) # Add this to a list so we can tell the admins who got disabled. failure_list.append(url) if not context['do_disable']: continue # Write to the developers log that it failed to pass and update # the status of the addon. amo.log(amo.LOG.PAYPAL_FAILED, addon, user=get_task_user()) addon.update(status=amo.STATUS_DISABLED) authors = [ for u in addon.authors.all()] if addon.is_webapp(): template = 'market/emails/check_developer_app.txt' subject = loc('App disabled on the Mozilla Market.') else: template = 'market/emails/check_developer_addon.txt' subject = loc('Add-on disabled on the Mozilla Market.') # Now email the developer and tell them the bad news. url = absolutify(shared_url('detail', addon)) send_mail(subject, env.get_template(template).render({ 'addon': addon, 'errors': data[1:] }), recipient_list=authors, from_email=settings.NOBODY_EMAIL) context['failure_list'] = failure_list # Now email the admins and tell them what happened. template = 'market/emails/check_summary.txt' send_mail('Cron job disabled %s add-ons' % context['failed'], env.get_template(template).render(context), recipient_list=[settings.FLIGTAR], from_email=settings.NOBODY_EMAIL)
("users", _lazy(u"Most Users")), ("rating", _lazy(u"Top Rated")), ("created", _lazy(u"Newest")), # -- ("name", _lazy(u"Name")), ("downloads", _lazy(u"Weekly Downloads")), # ('price', helpers.loc(u'Price')), ("updated", _lazy(u"Recently Updated")), ("hotness", _lazy(u"Up & Coming")), ) APP_SORT_CHOICES = ( (None, _lazy(u"Relevance")), ("downloads", _lazy(u"Weekly Downloads")), ("rating", _lazy(u"Top Rated")), ("price", helpers.loc(u"Price")), # -- ("name", _lazy(u"Name")), ("created", _lazy(u"Newest")), ) class ESSearchForm(forms.Form): q = forms.CharField(required=False) tag = forms.CharField(required=False) platform = forms.CharField(required=False) appver = forms.CharField(required=False) atype = forms.TypedChoiceField(required=False, coerce=int, choices=amo.ADDON_TYPES.iteritems()) cat = forms.CharField(required=False) price = forms.CharField(required=False) sort = forms.CharField(required=False)
errors = {'520003': AuthError} # See for information on these values. # Note that if you have and invalid preapproval key you get 580022, but this # also occurs in other cases so don't assume its preapproval only. for number in [ '579024', '579025', '579026', '579027', '579028', '579030', '579031' ]: errors[number] = PreApprovalError # Here you can map PayPal error messages into hopefully more useful # error messages. messages = { '589023': loc('The amount is too small for conversion ' 'into the receviers currency.') } paypal_log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.paypal') def should_ignore_paypal(): """ Returns whether to skip PayPal communications for development purposes or not. """ return settings.DEBUG and 'sandbox' not in settings.PAYPAL_PERMISSIONS_URL def add_receivers(chains, email, amount, uuid, preapproval=False): """
pass errors = {'520003': AuthError} # See for information on these values. # Note that if you have and invalid preapproval key you get 580022, but this # also occurs in other cases so don't assume its preapproval only. for number in ['579024', '579025', '579026', '579027', '579028', '579030', '579031']: errors[number] = PreApprovalError for number in ['580027', '580022']: errors[number] = CurrencyError # Here you can map PayPal error messages into hopefully more useful # error messages. messages = {'589023': loc('The amount is too small for conversion ' 'into the receviers currency.')} paypal_log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.paypal') def should_ignore_paypal(): """ Returns whether to skip PayPal communications for development purposes or not. """ return settings.DEBUG and 'sandbox' not in settings.PAYPAL_PERMISSIONS_URL def add_receivers(chains, email, amount, uuid, preapproval=False): """
def register(request): if settings.APP_PREVIEW and waffle.switch_is_active('browserid-login'): messages.error(request, loc('Registrations must be through browserid.')) form = None raise http.Http404() elif request.user.is_authenticated():, _('You are already logged in to an account.')) form = None elif request.method == 'POST': form = forms.UserRegisterForm(request.POST) mkt_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(['email'], password='') if form.is_valid(): try: u = u.set_password(form.cleaned_data['password']) u.generate_confirmationcode() u.create_django_user()'Registered new account for user (%s)', u) log_cef('New Account', 5, request, username=u.username, signature='AUTHNOTICE', msg='User created a new account') u.email_confirmation_code() msg = _('Congratulations! Your user account was ' 'successfully created.') messages.success(request, msg) msg = _(u'An email has been sent to your address {0} to ' 'confirm your account. Before you can log in, you ' 'have to activate your account by clicking on the ' 'link provided in this email.').format(, _('Confirmation Email Sent'), msg) except IntegrityError, e: # I was unable to reproduce this, but I suspect it happens # when they POST twice quickly and the slaves don't have the # new info yet (total guess). Anyway, I'm assuming the # first one worked properly, so this is still a success # case to the end user so we just log it... log.error('Failed to register new user (%s): %s' % (u, e)) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login')) elif mkt_user.exists(): # Handle BrowserID if (mkt_user.count() == 1 and mkt_user[0].source in amo.LOGIN_SOURCE_BROWSERIDS):, _('You already have an account.')) form = None else: f = PasswordResetForm() f.users_cache = [mkt_user[0]], email_template_name='users/email/pwreset.ltxt', request=request) return jingo.render(request, 'users/newpw_sent.html', {}) else: messages.error(request, _('There are errors in this form'), _('Please correct them and resubmit.'))
def global_settings(request): """ Storing standard AMO-wide information used in global headers, such as account links and settings. """ account_links = [] tools_links = [] context = {} tools_title = _("Tools") if request.user.is_authenticated() and hasattr(request, "amo_user"): amo_user = request.amo_user account_links.append({"text": _("My Profile"), "href": request.user.get_profile().get_url_path()}) account_links.append({"text": _("Account Settings"), "href": reverse("users.edit")}) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: account_links.append( {"text": _("My Collections"), "href": reverse("collections.user", args=[amo_user.username])} ) if amo_user.favorite_addons: account_links.append( { "text": _("My Favorites"), "href": reverse("collections.detail", args=[amo_user.username, "favorites"]), } ) if waffle.switch_is_active("marketplace"): account_links.append({"text": _("My Purchases"), "href": reverse("users.purchases")}) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, "allow-pre-auth"): account_links.append({"text": loc("Payment Profile"), "href": reverse("users.payments")}) account_links.append({"text": _("Log out"), "href": remora_url("/users/logout?to=" + urlquote(request.path))}) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: if request.amo_user.is_developer: tools_links.append({"text": _("Manage My Add-ons"), "href": reverse("devhub.addons")}) tools_links.append({"text": _("Submit a New Add-on"), "href": reverse("devhub.submit.1")}) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, "accept-webapps"): if settings.APP_PREVIEW or request.amo_user.is_developer: tools_links.append({"text": _("Manage My Apps"), "href": reverse("devhub.apps")}) tools_links.append({"text": _("Submit a New App"), "href": reverse("devhub.submit_apps.1")}) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, "submit-personas"): # TODO(cvan)(fligtar): Do we want this here? tools_links.append({"text": "Submit a New Persona", "href": reverse("devhub.personas.submit")}) if not settings.APP_PREVIEW: tools_links.append({"text": _("Developer Hub"), "href": reverse("devhub.index")}) if acl.action_allowed(request, "Editors", "%"): tools_links.append({"text": _("Editor Tools"), "href": reverse("editors.home")}) if acl.action_allowed(request, "Localizers", "%"): tools_links.append({"text": _("Localizer Tools"), "href": "/localizers"}) if acl.action_allowed(request, "Admin", "%"): tools_links.append({"text": _("Admin Tools"), "href": reverse("zadmin.home")}) context["amo_user"] = request.amo_user else: context["amo_user"] = AnonymousUser() # The flag has to be enabled for everyone and then we'll use that # percentage in the pages. percent = 0 try: flag = waffle.models.Flag.objects.get(name="collect-timings") if flag.everyone and flag.percent: percent = float(flag.percent) / 100.0 except waffle.models.Flag.DoesNotExist: pass context.update( { "account_links": account_links, "settings": settings, "amo": amo, "tools_links": tools_links, "tools_title": tools_title, "ADMIN_MESSAGE": get_config("site_notice"), "collect_timings_percent": percent, } ) return context