Exemple #1
def encode_list(x):
    if len(x) == 0:
        return Message("the empty list")
        return Message(
            "the list with first element [] and remaining elements in the list []",
            x[0], encode_list(x[1:]))
Exemple #2
 def act(self, obs):
     obsm = encode_str(obs)
     agent = self.agent
     query = Message(
         "what string should be returned by an agent in state [] who observes []?",
         self.state, obsm)
     actionm, agent = agent.act(query)
     state, agent = agent.act(
         Message("what should the agent's state be after responding?"))
     return decode_str(actionm, self.agent), Meta(self.agent, state)
Exemple #3
def encode_int(x):
    if x == 0:
        return Message("zero")
    elif x < 0:
        return Message("the additive inverse of []", encode_int(-x))
    elif x % 2 == 0:
        return Message("two times []", encode_int(x / 2))
    elif x % 2 == 1:
        return Message("two times [] plus one", encode_int(x / 2))
    raise Exception()
Exemple #4
def decode_list(x, H):
    agent = H
    empty, agent = agent.act(Message("is [] empty? (respond yes/no)", x))
    if empty == Message("yes"):
        return []
    elif empty == Message("no"):
        x, agent = agent.act(Message("what is its first element?"))
        xs, agent = agent.act(
            Message("what is the list of remaining elements?"))
        return [x] + decode_list(xs, H)
        raise Exception("is empty is not 'yes' or 'no'")
Exemple #5
 def policy(observations, actions):
     observationsm = encode_list([encode_str(obs) for obs in observations])
     actionsm = encode_list([encode_str(act) for act in actions])
     message = (
         "what string should an agent output after observing the sequence of observations [], "
         "given that their past responses have been []?")
     query = Message(message, observationsm, actionsm)
     actionm, _ = agent.act(query)
     return decode_str(actionm, agent)
Exemple #6
def decode_int(x, H):
    agent = H
    signm, agent = agent.act(
        Message("is [] negative, zero, or positive? (respond verbatim)", x))
    if signm == Message("negative"):
        sign = -1
        x = -x
    elif signm == Message("positive"):
        sign = 1
    elif signm == Message("zero"):
        return 0
        raise Exception("sign is not 'negative', 'positive', or 'zero'")
    paritym, agent = agent.act(
        Message("is it even or odd? (respond verbatim)"))
    if paritym == Message("even"):
        parity = 0
    elif paritym == Message("odd"):
        parity = 1
        raise Exception("Parity is not 'even' or 'odd'")
    half, agent = agent.act(
        Message("what is half of it, rounded towards zero?"))
    return sign * (2 * decode_int(half, H) + parity)
Exemple #7
def encode_char(x):
    code = encode_int(ord(x))
    return Message("the character with ASCII code []", code)
Exemple #8
def decode_char(x, H):
    agent = H
    code, agent = agent.act(Message("what is the ASCII code of []?", x))
    return chr(decode_int(code, H))
Exemple #9
def encode_str(x):
    char_list = encode_list([encode_char(c) for c in x])
    return Message("the string with list of characters []", char_list)
Exemple #10
def decode_str(x, H):
    agent = H
    char_list, agent = agent.act(
        Message("what is the list of characters in []?", x))
    return "".join([decode_char(x, H) for x in decode_list(char_list, H)])
Exemple #11
def decode_float(x, H):
    agent = H
    A, agent = agent.act(Message("represent [] as A * 2^B; what is A?", x))
    B, agent = agent.act(Message("and what is B?"))
    return decode_int(A, H) * 1.0 / 2**decode_int(B, H)
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, agent, state=None):
     self.state = Message(
         "the initial state of an agent") if state is None else state
     self.agent = agent