Exemple #1
class TestSmoothing(unittest.TestCase):
    ACCURACY = 5  # The number of decimal places to value accuracy for - needed due to floating point inaccuracies
    DELTA = 0.5

    def setUp(self):
        """Runs before each unit test.
        Sets up the AmpObject object using "stl_file.stl".
        from ampscan.core import AmpObject
        stl_path = get_path("stl_file_5.stl")
        self.amp = AmpObject(stl_path)

    def test_smoothing_nans(self):
        """Tests that NaNs are properly dealt with by smooth method"""
        # Test that smoothing runs
        # TODO add test with NaNs

    def test_smoothing_volume(self):
        """Tests that smoothing affects the volume within given acceptable range"""
        # TODO check this is actually working properly
        poly1 = analyse.create_slices(self.amp, [0.001, 0.999],
        poly2 = analyse.create_slices(self.amp, [0.001, 0.999],
Exemple #2
class registration(object):
    Registration methods between two AmpObject meshes. This function morphs the baseline 
    vertices onto the surface of the target and returns a new AmpObject
    baseline: AmpObject
    	The baseline AmpObject, the vertices from this will be morphed onto the target
    target: AmpObject
    	The target AmpObject, the shape that the baseline attempts to morph onto
    method: str: default 'point2plane'
    	A string of the method used for registration
    	The arguments used for the registration methods
    	The keyword arguments used for the registration methods
    reg: AmpObject
        The registered AmpObject, the vertices of this are on the surface of the target 
        and it has the same number of vertices and face array as the baseline AmpObject
        Access this accessing the registration.reg 
    >>> from ampscan.core import AmpObject
    >>> baseline = AmpObject(basefh)
    >>> target = AmpObject(targfh)
    >>> reg = registration(baseline, target, steps=10, neigh=10, smooth=1).reg
    def __init__(self, baseline, target, method='point2plane', *args, **kwargs):
        self.b = baseline
        self.t = target
        if method is not None:
            getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs)
    def point2plane(self, steps = 1, neigh = 10, inside = True, subset = None, 
                    scale=None, smooth=1, fixBrim=False, error='norm'):
        Point to Plane method for registration between the two meshes 
        steps: int, default 1
            Number of iterations
        int, default 10
            Number of nearest neighbours to interrogate for each baseline point
        inside: bool, default True
            If True, a barycentric centre check is made to ensure the registered 
            point lines within the target triangle
        subset: array_like, default None
            Indicies of the baseline nodes to include in the registration, default is none so 
            all are used
        scale: float, default None
            If not None scale the baseline mesh to match the target mesh in the z-direction, 
            the value of scale will be used as a plane from which the nodes are scaled.
            Nodes with a higher z value will not be scaled. 
        smooth: int, default 1
            Indicate number of laplacian smooth steps in between the steps 
        fixBrim: bool, default False
            If True, the nodes on the brim line will not be included in the smooth
        error: bool, default False
            If True, the polarity will be included when calculating the distance 
            between the target and baseline mesh
        # Calc FaceCentroids
        fC = self.t.vert[self.t.faces].mean(axis=1)
        # Construct knn tree
        tTree = spatial.cKDTree(fC)
        bData = dict(zip(['vert', 'faces', 'values'], 
                         [self.b.vert, self.b.faces, self.b.values]))
        regData = copy.deepcopy(bData)
        self.reg = AmpObject(regData, stype='reg')
        self.disp = AmpObject({'vert': np.zeros(self.reg.vert.shape),
                               'faces': self.reg.faces,
        if scale is not None:
            tmin = self.t.vert.min(axis=0)[2]
            rmin = self.reg.vert.min(axis=0)[2]
            SF = ((tmin-scale)/(rmin-scale)) - 1
            logic = self.reg.vert[:, 2] < scale
            d = (self.reg.vert[logic, 2] - scale) * SF
            self.disp.vert[logic, 2] += d
            self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert
        normals = np.cross(self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:,1]] -
                         self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:,2]] -
        mag = (normals**2).sum(axis=1)
        for step in np.arange(steps, 0, -1, dtype=float):
            # Index of 10 centroids nearest to each baseline vertex
            ind = tTree.query(self.reg.vert, neigh)[1]
            # Define normals for faces of nearest faces
            norms = normals[ind]
            # Get a point on each face
            fPoints = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 0]]
            # Calculate dot product between point on face and normals
            d = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', norms, fPoints)
            t = (d - np.einsum('ijk, ik->ij', norms, self.reg.vert))/mag[ind]
            # Calculate the vector from old point to new point
            G = self.reg.vert[:, None, :] + np.einsum('ijk, ij->ijk', norms, t)
            # Ensure new points lie inside points otherwise set to 99999
            # Find smallest distance from old to new point 
            if inside is False:
                G = G - self.reg.vert[:, None, :]
                GMag = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', G, G))
                GInd = GMag.argmin(axis=1)
                G, GInd = self.__calcBarycentric(self.reg.vert, G, ind)
            # Define vector from baseline point to intersect point
            D = G[np.arange(len(G)), GInd, :]
#            rVert += D/step
            self.disp.vert += D/step
            if smooth > 0 and step > 1:
                self.disp.lp_smooth(smooth, brim = fixBrim)
                self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert
                self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert
        self.reg.values[:] = self.calcError(error)
    def calcError(self, method='norm'):
        Calculate the magnitude of distances between the baseline and registered array
        method: str, default 'norm'
            The method used to calculate the distances. 'abs' returns the absolute
            distance. 'cent'calculates polarity based upon distance from centroid.
            'norm' calculates dot product between baseline vertex normal and distance 

        values: array_like
            Magnitude of distances

        method = '_registration__' + method + 'Dist'
            values = getattr(self, method)()
            return values
        except: ValueError('"%s" is not a method, try "abs", "cent" or "prod"' % method)

    def __absDist(self):
        Return the error based upon the absolute distance
        values: array_like
            Magnitude of distances

        return np.linalg.norm(self.reg.vert - self.b.vert, axis=1)
    def __centDist(self):
        Return the error based upon distance from centroid 
        values: array_like
            Magnitude of distances

        values = np.linalg.norm(self.reg.vert - self.b.vert, axis=1)
        cent = self.b.vert.mean(axis=0)
        r = np.linalg.norm(self.reg.vert - cent, axis=1)
        b = np.linalg.norm(self.b.vert - cent, axis=1)
        polarity = np.ones([self.reg.vert.shape[0]])
        polarity[r<b] = -1
        return values * polarity

    def __normDist(self):
        Returns error based upon scalar product of normal 
        values: array_like
            Magnitude of distances

        D = self.reg.vert - self.b.vert
        n = self.b.vNorm
        values = np.linalg.norm(D, axis=1)
        polarity = np.sum(n*D, axis=1) < 0
        values[polarity] *= -1.0
        return values
    def __calcBarycentric(self, vert, G, ind):
        Calculate the barycentric co-ordinates of each target face and the registered vertex, 
        this ensures that the registered vertex is within the bounds of the target face. If not 
        the registered vertex is moved to the nearest vertex on the target face 

        vert: array_like
            The array of baseline vertices
        G: array_like
            The array of candidates for registered vertices. If neigh>1 then axis 2 will correspond 
            to the number of nearest neighbours selected
        ind: array_like
            The index of the nearest faces to the baseline vertices
        G: array_like 
            The new array of candidates for registered vertices, from here, the one with 
            smallest magnitude is selected. All these points will lie within the target face
        GInd: array_like
            The index of the shortest distance between each baseline vertex and the registered vertex
        P0 = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 0]]
        P1 = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 1]]
        P2 = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 2]]
        v0 = P2 - P0
        v1 = P1 - P0
        v2 = G - P0
        d00 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v0, v0)
        d01 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v0, v1)
        d02 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v0, v2)
        d11 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v1, v1)
        d12 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v1, v2)
        denom = d00*d11 - d01*d01
        u = (d11 * d02 - d01 * d12)/denom
        v = (d00 * d12 - d01 * d02)/denom
        # Test if inside 
        logic = (u >= 0) * (v >= 0) * (u + v < 1)
        P = np.stack([P0, P1, P2], axis=3)
        pg = G[:, :, :, None] - P
        pd =  np.linalg.norm(pg, axis=2)
        pdx = pd.argmin(axis=2)
        i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(P.shape[0]), np.arange(P.shape[1]))
        nearP = P[i.T, j.T, :, pdx]
        G[~logic, :] = nearP[~logic, :]
        G = G - vert[:, None, :]
        GMag = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', G, G))
        GInd = GMag.argmin(axis=1)
        return G, GInd
    def plotResults(self, name=None, xrange=None, color=None, alpha=None):
        Function to generate a mpl figure. Includes a rendering of the 
        AmpObject, a histogram of the registration values 
        fig: mplfigure
            A matplot figure of the standard analysis
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
        n, bins, _ = ax.hist(self.reg.values, 50, density=True, range=xrange,
                             color=color, alpha=alpha)
        mean = self.reg.values.mean()
        stdev = self.reg.values.std()
        ax.set_title(r'Distribution of shape variance, '
                     '$\mu=%.2f$, $\sigma=%.2f$' % (mean, stdev))
        if name is not None:
            plt.savefig(name, dpi = 300)
        return ax, n, bins