Exemple #1
def check_ENSO_sign(eofs, pcs, lon, lat, verbose=True):
    checks sign of EOF for ENSO and flips sign by check the sum over
    conventional ENSO boxes (see below for more information)
    checks to see if the sum within the region and flips if sum < 0
        1) eofs [space (latxlon), PC] EOF spatial pattern from eof_simple
        2) pcs  [time, PC] PC timeseries calculated from eof_simple
        3) lat  [lat] Latitude values
        4) lon  [lon] Longitude values
        1) eofs [space, PC]
        2) pcs  [time, PC]
    # Set EOF boxes to check over (west,east,south,north)
    eofbox1 = [190, 240, -5,
               5]  #EOF1 sign check Lat/Lon Box (Currently using nino3.4)
    eofbox2 = [
        190, 240, -5, 5
    ]  #EOF2 (Frankignoul et al. 2011; extend of positive contours offshore S. Am > 0.1)
    eofbox3 = [
        200, 260, 5, 5
    ]  #EOF3 (Frankignoul et al. 2011; narrow band of positive value around equator)
    chkboxes = [eofbox1, eofbox2, eofbox3]

    # Find dimensions and separate out space
    nlon = lon.shape[0]
    nlat = lat.shape[0]
    npcs = eofs.shape[1]
    eofs = eofs.reshape(nlat, nlon, npcs)
    eofs = eofs.transpose(1, 0, 2)  # [lon x lat x npcs]

    for n in range(npcs):
        chk = proc.sel_region(eofs, lon, lat, chkboxes[n], reg_sum=1)[n]

        if chk < 0:
            if verbose:
                print("Flipping EOF %i because sum is %.2f" % (n, chk))

            eofs[:, :, n] *= -1
            pcs[:, n] *= -1

    eofs = eofs.transpose(1, 0,
                          2).reshape(nlat * nlon,
                                     npcs)  # Switch back to lat x lon x pcs

    return eofs, pcs
Exemple #2
# Apply the mask
fullvar *= msk
slabvar *= msk

# Flip the longitude
lon180, fullvar1 = proc.lon360to180(lon, fullvar.T[:, :, None])
_, slabvar1 = proc.lon360to180(lon, slabvar.T[:, :, None])
fullvar1 = np.squeeze(fullvar1)
slabvar1 = np.squeeze(slabvar1)

# Select region
bbox = [lonr[0], lonr[-1], latr[0], latr[-1]]

# Limit to region
fullr, _, _ = proc.sel_region(fullvar1, lon180, lat, bbox)
slabr, _, _ = proc.sel_region(slabvar1, lon180, lat, bbox)

#%% Take the ratios

entr = sstvars[3]
nentr = sstvars[1]

fullratio = entr / fullr
slabratio = nentr / slabr

proc.sel_region(fullvar1, lon180, lat, bbox)

bboxplot = [-80, 0, 0, 65]

cmap = cmocean.cm.balance
cesmauto = np.load(projpath + "01_Data/Autocorrelation_Region.npy",

print("Data loaded in %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))

#%% Get Regional Data

nregion = len(regions)
sstregion = {}
for r in range(nregion):
    bbox = bboxes[r]

    sstr = {}
    for model in range(4):
        tsmodel = sst[model]
        sstr[model], _, _ = proc.sel_region(tsmodel, lonr, latr, bbox)

    sstregion[r] = sstr

#%% Calculate autocorrelation and SST averaged time series for a given region

kmonths = {}
autocorr_region = {}
sstavg_region = {}
for r in range(nregion):
    bbox = bboxes[r]

    autocorr = {}
    sstavg = {}
    for model in range(4):
Exemple #4
cesmacproc = []
for ac in cesmacs:
    # Make into [lon x lat x otherdims]
    _,nlag,nlon,nlat = ac.shape
    ac = ac.reshape(12*nlag,nlon,nlat)
    ac = ac.transpose(1,2,0)
    # Flip longitude
    if debug:
    # Restrict to region, apply mask
    acreg,_,_ = proc.sel_region(acflip,lon1,lat,bboxsim)
    acreg *= msk[:,:,None]
    # Make into [month x lag x lon x lat]
    acreg = acreg.transpose(2,0,1)
    acreg = acreg.reshape(12,nlag,nlonr,nlatr)
    if debug:
    # Append to new plot
#%% Calculate RMSE with selected simulation
Exemple #5
dampmat     = 'ensavg_nhflxdamping_monwin3_sig020_dof082_mode4.mat'
loaddamp    = loadmat(input_path+dampmat)
LON         = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LON1'])
LAT         = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LAT'])
damping     = loaddamp['ensavg']

# Load Mixed layer variables (preprocessed in prep_mld.py)
mld         = np.load(input_path+"HMXL_hclim.npy") # Climatological MLD
kprevall    = np.load(input_path+"HMXL_kprev.npy") # Entraining Month

# ------------------
# % Restrict to region --------------------------------------------------
# ------------------

# Note: what is the second dimension for?
dampingr,lonr,latr = proc.sel_region(damping,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
hclim,_,_ = proc.sel_region(mld,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
kprev,_,_ = proc.sel_region(kprevall,LON,LAT,bboxsim)

if mldavg == 1:
    hclim = np.ones(hclim.shape) * np.nanmean(hclim,(0,1,2))
if lbdavg == 1:
    dampingr = np.ones(hclim.shape) * np.nanmean(dampingr,(0,1,2))

# Set artificial MLD
# hclim = np.ones(hclim.shape[0:-1])
# # Set artificial MLD (remove later)
# hclima=np.array([1,1,1,
#         1,1,1,
#         1,100,100,
#         100,1,1])
    lons = dssum.lon.values
    lats = dssum.lat.values
    sstac = dssum.SST.values  # [ens x mon x lats x lons]
    nens, nmon, nlatr, nlonr = sstac.shape

#%% Prepare to Cut damping variables to the region
bboxreg = [lons[0], lons[-1], lats[0], lats[-1]]

# Reshape damping (also flip longitude, and cut region)
nens, nlag, nmon, nlat, nlon = damping.shape
damping_rs = damping.reshape(np.array(damping.shape[:-2]).prod(), nlat,
                             nlon)  # Combine dims
damping_rs = damping_rs.transpose(2, 1, 0)  # Flip to [lon x lat x otherdim]

lon1, damping_rs180 = proc.lon360to180(lon, damping_rs)  # Flip longitude
dampingr, lonr, latr, = proc.sel_region(damping_rs180, lon1, lat,
                                        bboxreg)  # Cut Region

dampingr = dampingr.transpose(2, 1, 0)  # Flip to [otherdim x lat x lon]
dampingr = dampingr.reshape(damping.shape[:-2] +
                            (len(latr), len(lonr)))  # Uncombine dims

# Now compute the pattern correlation
dampingr_in = dampingr[:,
                       0, :, :, :]  # Select first lag # [ens x mon x lat x lon]
patcorr_t2 = np.zeros((nens, nmon)) * np.nan
for e in tqdm(range(nens)):
    for m in range(12):
        patcorr_t2[e, m] = proc.patterncorr(dampingr_in[e, m, :, :],
                                            sstac[e, m, :, :])

#%% Plot Intermember Variability (Stdev)
Exemple #7
# Get values  for different regions
bbox_SP = [-60, -15, 40, 65]
bbox_ST = [-80, -10, 20, 40]
bbox_TR = [-75, -15, 0, 20]
bbox_NA = [-80, 0, 0, 65]

regions = ("SPG", "STG", "TRO", "NAT")
bboxes = (bbox_SP, bbox_ST, bbox_TR, bbox_NA)

stdboxes = []
stdval = []
for r in range(4):

    # Select data from region
    bbox = bboxes[r]
    datr, _, _ = proc.sel_region(fstd, clon1, clat, bbox)

    # Make Data 1D and remove NaN points
    datr = datr.flatten()
    datr, _, _ = proc.find_nan(datr, 0)

    # Append data

# Create Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
bp = ax.boxplot(stdboxes, 0, '',
                labels=regions)  # Note Outlier POints are not shown
# For each variable, flip the longitude
vstatreg  = []
vstatglob = []
vmaxmon   = []
maxmonid  = []
maxmonidglob  = [] 
for v in vstats:
    # Find month of maximum
    kmon   = np.argmax(v,axis=0).flatten()
    # Preprocess (flip longitude, cut to region)
    v = v.transpose(2,1,0) * (msk.T)[:,:,None]
    lon1,v1 = proc.lon360to180(lon,v)
    vrr,lonr,latr = proc.sel_region(v1,lon1,lat,bbox=bbox)
    # Do the same for the mask
    _,msk180 = proc.lon360to180(lon,msk.T)
    mskr,_,_ = proc.sel_region(msk180,lon1,lat,bbox=bbox)
    # Find the month of maximum
    vrrmax = np.argmax(vrr,axis=2).T+1 * mskr.T
    kmonr = np.argmax(vrr,axis=2).flatten()
#%% Save Variable as input into stochastic Model
TS = TS.transpose(2,1,0) # Lon Lat Time

# Apply landice mask
limask = np.load(outpath+"landicemask_enssum.npy")
TS *= limask.T[:,:,None]

# Flip Longitude
lon180,sst = proc.lon360to180(lon,TS)

nregions = len(regions)
acs = np.zeros((len(lags),nregions)) # Lag x Region
for r in range(nregions):
    sstr,_,_ = proc.sel_region(sst,lon180,lat,bboxes[r])
    tsmodel = np.nanmean(sstr,(0,1))
    tsmodel = proc.year2mon(tsmodel) # mon x year
    # Deseason
    tsmodel2 = tsmodel - np.mean(tsmodel,1)[:,None]
    # Compute autocorrelation and save data for region
    acs[:,r] = proc.calc_lagcovar(tsmodel2,tsmodel2,lags,kmonth+1,0)

def remapcluster(inclust,

    # Remap an input cluster [inclust] according
    # to a regiondict.
    # Searches within each region and assigns
    # value to most frequent class in a given region

    nlat, nlon = inclust.shape
    clusternew = inclust.copy()
    clusternewflat = clusternew.flatten()
    clusteroldflat = inclust.flatten()
    assigned = []
    remapdict = {}
    for r in regiondict.keys():
        # Get Region
        bbox = regiondict[r].copy()
        for i in range(2):  # Just check Longitudes
            if bbox[i] < 0:
                bbox[i] += 360
        varr, lonr, latr, = proc.sel_region(inclust.T,

        # Get rid of NaNs
        varrok = varr.flatten().copy()
        varrok = varrok[~np.isnan(varrok)]

        # Get unique elements and counts, sort by count
        eles, freqs = np.unique(varrok, return_counts=True)
        sortid = np.argsort(freqs)[::-1]
        eles = eles[sortid]
        done = False
        for ele in eles:
            if done:  # Skip if already assigned
            if ele in assigned:  # Skip if class has already be reassigned

            # Assign new cluster
            clusternewflat[clusteroldflat == ele] = r
            if printmsg:
                print("Reassigned Class %i to %i" % (ele, r))
            remapdict[int(ele)] = r
            done = True

        if done is False:  # When no cluster is assigned...
            # Get unassigned regions, and assign first one
            unassigned = np.setdiff1d(list(regiondict.keys()), assigned)
            ele = unassigned[0]
            clusternewflat[clusteroldflat == ele] = r
            remapdict[int(ele)] = r
            if printmsg:
                    "Reassigned (Leftover) Class %i to %i because nothing was found"
                    % (ele, r))
    clusternew = clusternewflat.reshape(nlat, nlon)
    if returnremap:
        return clusternew, remapdict
    return clusternew
for i in tqdm(range(len(clusts))):
    k = np.arange(i, i + winsize)

    grabsla = sla_lp[k, :, :]
    sla_std[i, :, :] = grabsla.std(0)

#%% Try Shfting, then calculating pattern correlation

test = clusts[0]
bbtest = [55, 95, -25, -5]
bbtest2 = [55, 95, -30, -10]

test1 = test.copy()

klon, klat = proc.sel_region(test, lon5, lat5, bbtest, returnidx=True)
selpoints = test[klat[:, None], klon[None, :]]

klon2, klat2 = proc.sel_region(test, lon5, lat5, bbtest2, returnidx=True)
test1[klat2[:, None], klon2[None, :]] = selpoints

# Calculate Pattern Correlation
R = slutil.patterncorr(test, test1)

# Plot some results (Clusters Themselves)
proj = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=180)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, subplot_kw={'projection': proj}, figsize=(4, 5))

tests = [test, test1]
names = ['Before', 'After']
Exemple #12
axs[2].set_title("EAP+NAO DJFM max=%03d" % h3[0].max())
axs[2].set_ylim([0, 5000])
axs[2].set_yticks(np.arange(0, 7500, 2500))
axs[2].set_xlim((-5, 5))
axs[2].set_xlabel("Forcing (W/$m^{2})$")
plt.savefig(outpath + "Forcing_Histograms.png", dpi=200)

#%% Plot Seasonal Damping and MLD parameters, averaged over the NAtl

mons3 = np.arange(1, 13, 1)
damppt = proc.sel_region(dampingr, lonr, latr, bbox_NA, reg_avg=1)
hpt = proc.sel_region(hclim, lonr, latr, bbox_NA, reg_avg=1)

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3))
color = 'tab:red'
ax1.set_ylabel('$\lambda_{net} (W m^{-2} K^{-1}$)')
ln1 = ax1.plot(mons3, damppt, color='r', label=r'$\lambda_{net}$')
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color)

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
color = 'tab:blue'
ax2.set_ylabel('Mixed Layer Depth (m)', color=color)
Exemple #13
def check_NAO_sign(eofs, pcs, lon, lat, tol=5, verbose=True):
    checks sign of EOF for NAO/EAP and flips sign by check the sum over
    several boxes (see below for more information)
    checks to see if the sum within the region and flips if sum < 0
        1) eofs [space (latxlon), PC] EOF spatial pattern from eof_simple
        2) pcs  [time, PC] PC timeseries calculated from eof_simple
        3) lat  [lat] Latitude values
        4) lon  [lon] Longitude values
        5) tol  [INT] Tolerance (in degrees) for searching
        1) eofs [space, PC]
        2) pcs  [time, PC]
    # Set EOF boxes to check over (west,east,south,north)
    lonLisb = -9.1398 + 360
    latLisb = 38.7223
    lonReyk = -21.9426 + 360
    latReyk = 64.146621
    naobox1 = [lonReyk - tol, lonReyk + tol, latReyk - tol, latReyk + tol
               ]  #EOF1 sign check Lat/Lon Box (Currently using nino3.4)
    naobox2 = [lonLisb - tol, lonLisb + tol, latLisb - tol, latLisb + tol]
    eapbox = [320, 15, 35, 60]  #EAP Box

    # Find dimensions and separate out space
    nlon = lon.shape[0]
    nlat = lat.shape[0]
    npcs = eofs.shape[1]
    eofs = eofs.reshape(nlat, nlon, npcs)
    eofs = eofs.transpose(1, 0, 2)  # [lon x lat x npcs]

    for n in range(npcs):

        if n == 0:  # EOF 1
            chk = proc.sel_region(eofs, lon, lat, naobox1, reg_sum=1)[n]

            if chk > 0:
                if verbose:
                        "Flipping EOF %i (Reykjavik Check) because sum is %.2f"
                        % (n, chk))

                eofs[:, :, n] *= -1
                pcs[:, n] *= -1

            chk = proc.sel_region(eofs, lon, lat, naobox2, reg_sum=1)[n]

            if chk < 0:
                if verbose:
                        "Flipping EOF %i (Lisbon Check) because sum is %.2f" %
                        (n, chk))

                eofs[:, :, n] *= -1
                pcs[:, n] *= -1
            chk = proc.sel_region(eofs, lon, lat, eapbox, reg_sum=1)[n]

            if chk > 0:
                if verbose:
                    print("Flipping EOF %i (EAP Check) because sum is %.2f" %
                          (n, chk))

                eofs[:, :, n] *= -1
                pcs[:, n] *= -1

    eofs = eofs.transpose(1, 0,
                          2).reshape(nlat * nlon,
                                     npcs)  # Switch back to lat x lon x pcs

    return eofs, pcs
Exemple #14
    hpt = hclim[klon, klat, :]
    kprev = kprevall[klon, klat, :]

    if funiform > 2:
        naopt = naoforce[klon, klat, :]
    elif funiform == 2:
        naopt = naoforce[klon, klat]

    # Set string labels
    loctitle = "LON: %02d LAT: %02d" % (lonf, latf)
    locfname = "LON%03d_LAT%03d" % (lonf, latf)

elif regionmode == 1:

    # Limit parameters to region and return average
    hpt = proc.sel_region(hclim, lon, lat, rbbox, reg_avg=1)
    kprev = proc.sel_region(kprevall, lon, lat, rbbox, reg_avg=1)
    damppt = proc.sel_region(damping, lon, lat, rbbox, reg_avg=1)

    if funiform >= 2:
        naopt = proc.sel_region(naoforce, lon, lat, rbbox, reg_avg=1)

    # Set string labels
    loctitle = "%s (Avg.)" % (regionname)
    locfname = regionname + "AVG"

# Determine month for autocorrelation calculation
kmon = hpt.argmax()

# Introduce Artificial seasonal cycle in damping
if seasonal_damping == 1:
Exemple #15
# Get dimensions
nlon = len(lon)
nlat = len(lat)
ntime = len(times)
nens = len(mnum)
nyr = int(ntime / 12)

# Reshape to [lon,lat,time x ens]
invar = np.reshape(pslglo.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1), (nlon, nlat, ntime * nens))

# Correct if expressed in degrees west
if bboxNAO[0] < 0: bboxNAO[0] += 360
if bboxNAO[1] < 0: bboxNAO[1] += 360

# Select NAO region and reshape to original dimensions
pslnao, rlon, rlat = proc.sel_region(invar, lon, lat, bboxNAO, warn=0)
nlatr = len(rlat)
nlonr = len(rlon)
pslnao = pslnao.reshape(nlonr, nlatr, 1032,
                        42).transpose(3, 2, 1,
                                      0)  # reshape to [ens x time x lat x lon]

# Apply Area Weights
wgt = np.sqrt(np.cos(np.radians(rlat)))
pslnao = pslnao * wgt[None, None, :, None]

# Separate out the month and year dimensions and combine lat/lon, then transpose to [ens x space x yr x mon]
pslnao = pslnao.reshape(nens, nyr, 12,
                        nlatr * nlonr).transpose(0, 3, 1,
                                                 2)  #[ens x space x yr x mon]
pslglo = pslglo.reshape(nens, nyr, 12, nlat * nlon).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        clusterout,knan,okpts = proc.find_nan((clusterin).flatten(),0)
    # Make Silhouette Map
    silmap = np.zeros(nlat5*nlon5)*np.nan
    silmap[okpts] = s_in
    silmap = silmap.reshape(nlat5,nlon5)
    silmap_all[idx,:,:] = silmap

    # Reassign clusters

#%% Find some extreme values

# Calculate averaged silhouette value over a particular region
bboxsil        = regiondict[1]
sreg,slon,slat = proc.sel_region(silmap_all.transpose(2,1,0),lon5,lat5,bboxsil)
s_allin        = np.nanmean(sreg,(0,1))

# Flatte the region, and count the number of unique values within that region
creg,_,_  = proc.sel_region(clusts.transpose(2,1,0),lon5,lat5,bboxsil)
nlatr,nlonr,nrngs = creg.shape
cregflat = creg.reshape(nlatr*nlonr,nrngs)
okdata,knan,okpts = proc.find_nan(cregflat,1) # Pick only non-nan points
npts = okdata.shape[0]
rcount = np.zeros(nrngs)
for t in range(nrngs):
    indata = okdata[:,t]
    rcount[t] = len(np.unique(indata))

def findk(arr,k,max=True):
Exemple #17
mld = np.load(input_path + "HMXL_hclim.npy")  # Climatological MLD
kprevall = np.load(input_path + "HMXL_kprev.npy")  # Entraining Month
dampmat = 'ensavg_nhflxdamping_monwin3_sig020_dof082_mode4.mat'
loaddamp = loadmat(input_path + dampmat)
LON = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LON1'])
LAT = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LAT'])

if mconfig == "SLAB_PIC":
    damping = np.load(input_path + mconfig +
elif mconfig == "FULL_HTR":
    damping = np.load(input_path + mconfig +

# Restrict to Region
dampingr, lonr, latr = proc.sel_region(damping, LON, LAT, bboxsim)
hclim, _, _ = proc.sel_region(mld, LON, LAT, bboxsim)
kprev, _, _ = proc.sel_region(kprevall, LON, LAT, bboxsim)

# Get lat and long sizes
lonsize = lonr.shape[0]
latsize = latr.shape[0]

# Calculate values
o, a = proc.find_latlon(-30, 50, lonr, latr)
if usetau:
    lbd, lbd_entr, FAC, beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim[o, a, :],
def stochmod_region(pointmode,funiform,fscale,runid,genrand,nyr,fstd,bboxsim,stormtrack,
    # --------------
    # %% Set Parameters--------------------------------------------------------
    # --------------
    # Unpack Points if in pointmode
    lonf,latf = points
    # Other intengration Options (not set by user)
    t_end    = 12*nyr      # Calculates Integration Period
    dt       = 60*60*24*30 # Timestep size (Will be used to multiply lambda)
    T0       = 0           # Initial temperature [degC]
    hfix     = 50          # Fixed MLD value (meters)
    # Set Constants
    cp0      = 3996 # Specific Heat [J/(kg*C)]
    rho      = 1026 # Density of Seawater [kg/m3]
    # Set Integration Region
    lonW,lonE,latS,latN = bboxsim
    # Save Option
    saveforcing = 0 # Save Forcing for each point (after scaling, etc)
    #Set Paths (stormtrack and local)
    if stormtrack == 0:
        projpath   = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/02_stochmod/"
        datpath     = projpath + '01_Data/'
    elif stormtrack == 1:
        datpath = "/stormtrack/data3/glliu/01_Data/02_AMV_Project/02_stochmod/Model_Data/"
    import scm
    from amv import proc
    input_path  = datpath + 'model_input/'
    output_path = datpath + 'model_output/'   
    ## ------------ Script Start -------------------------------------------------
    print("Now Running stochmod_region with the following settings: \n")
    print("mconfig   = " + mconfig)
    print("funiform  = " + str(funiform))
    print("genrand   = " + str(genrand))
    print("fstd      = " + str(fstd))
    print("runid     = " + runid)
    print("pointmode = " + str(pointmode))
    print("fscale    = " + str(fscale))
    print("nyr       = " + str(nyr))
    print("bbox      = " + str(bboxsim))
    print("Data will be saved to %s" % datpath)
    allstart = time.time()
    # Set experiment ID
    #expid = "%iyr_funiform%i_run%s_fscale%03d" %(nyr,funiform,runid,fscale)
    expid = "%s_%iyr_funiform%i_run%s_fscale%03d_applyfac%i" %(mconfig,nyr,funiform,runid,fscale,applyfac)
    # --------------
    # %% Load Variables ------------------------------------------------------
    # --------------
    # Load Latitude and Longitude
    dampmat     = 'ensavg_nhflxdamping_monwin3_sig020_dof082_mode4.mat'
    loaddamp    = loadmat(input_path+dampmat)
    LON         = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LON1'])
    LAT         = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LAT'])
    # Load Atmospheric Heat Flux Feedback/Damping
    if mconfig == "FULL_HTR":
        damping = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NHFLX_Damping_monwin3_sig020_dof082_mode4.npy")
    elif mconfig == "SLAB_PIC":
        damping = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NHFLX_Damping_monwin3_sig005_dof894_mode4.npy")
    # Load Mixed layer variables (preprocessed in prep_mld.py)
    mld         = np.load(input_path+"FULL_PIC_HMXL_hclim.npy") # Climatological MLD
    kprevall    = np.load(input_path+"FULL_PIC_HMXL_kprev.npy") # Entraining Month
    # Load MLD from SLAB run
    hblt     = np.load(input_path+"SLAB_PIC_hblt.npy")
    # ------------------
    # %% Restrict to region --------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------
    # Note: what is the second dimension for?
    dampingr,lonr,latr = proc.sel_region(damping,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    hclim,_,_ = proc.sel_region(mld,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    kprev,_,_ = proc.sel_region(kprevall,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    hbltr,_,_ = proc.sel_region(hblt,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    hbltr = hbltr.mean(2) # Take mean along month dimensions
    # Get lat and long sizes
    lonsize = lonr.shape[0]
    latsize = latr.shape[0]
    # ------------------
    # %% Prep NAO Forcing ----------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------
    # Consider moving this section to another script?
    if funiform > 1: # For NAO-like forcings (and EAP forcings, load in data and setup)
        if funiform == 1.5: # Scale by standard deviation of NHFLX
            # [lon x lat x mon]
            NAO1 = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NHFLXSTD_Forcing_Mon.npy")
        # # Load Longitude for processing
        # lon360 =  np.load(datpath+"CESM_lon360.npy")
        if funiform == 2: # Load (NAO-NHFLX)_DJFM Forcing
            # [lon x lat x pc]
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC1 # [lon x lat x 1]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[0]]
        elif funiform == 3: # NAO (DJFM) regressed to monthly NHFLX
            # [lon x lat x pc x mon]
            #naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Calculated from calc-NAO_PIC_monhtly.py.... Fixed NAO Pattern
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON_Fix.npy") # New file, magnitude does not vary at each point
            # Select PC 1 and 2 # [lon x lat x mon]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,0,:]
        elif funiform == 4: # Monthly NAO and NHFLX
            # # Load Forcing and take ensemble average
            # naoforcing = np.load(datpath+"NAO_Monthly_Regression_PC.npz")['eofall'] #[Ens x Mon x Lat x Lon]
            # NAO1 = np.nanmean(naoforcing,0)
            # Load Forcing and take ensemble average
            naoforcing = np.load(datpath+"NAO_Monthly_Regression_PC123.npz")['flxpattern'] #[Ens x Mon x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC1 Take ensemble average
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,:,:,0].mean(0)
        elif funiform == 5: # EAP (DJFM) ONLY
            # [lon x lat x pc]
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC 2 # [lon x lat x 1]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[1]]
        elif funiform == 5.5: # EAP (DJFM-MON)
            # [lon x lat x pc x mon]
            #naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Calculated from calc-NAO_PIC_monhtly.py.... Fixed NAO Pattern
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON_Fix.npy") # New file, magnitude does not vary at each point
            # Select PC 2 # [lon x lat x 2 x mon]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,1,:]
        elif funiform == 6: # DJFM NAO and EAP
            # [lon x lat x pc]
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC 1 and 2 # [lon x lat x 2]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[0,1]]
        elif funiform == 7: # DJFM Index, Monthly NHFLX
            # [lon x lat x pc x mon]
            #naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Calculated from calc-NAO_PIC_monhtly.py.... Fixed NAO Pattern
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON_Fix.npy") # New file, magnitude does not vary at each point
            # Select PC 1 and 2 # [lon x lat x 2 x mon]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[0,1],:]
        # Restrict to region
        NAO1,_,_ = proc.sel_region(NAO1,LON,LAT,bboxsim,autoreshape=True)
    else: # For funiform= uniform or random forcing, just make array of ones
        NAO1 = np.ones(hclim.shape)
    # Convert NAO from W/m2 to degC/sec. Returns dict with keys 0-2
    NAOF  = {}
    NAOF1 = {}
    if applyfac == 0: # Don't Apply MLD Cycle
        if funiform > 1:
            NAO1 = NAO1 * dt / rho / cp0 # Do conversions (minus MLD)
        for i in range(3):
            if funiform > 5.5:  # Separate NAO and EAP Forcing
                NAOF[i]  = NAO1[:,:,0,...].copy() # NAO Forcing
                NAOF1[i] = NAO1[:,:,1,...].copy() # EAP Forcing

                NAOF[i] = NAO1.copy()
    else: # Apply seasonal MLD cycle and convert
        if funiform >= 6: # Separately convert NAO and EAP forcing
            NAOF  = scm.convert_NAO(hclim,NAO1[:,:,0],dt,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None]) # NAO Forcing
            NAOF1 = scm.convert_NAO(hclim,NAO1[:,:,1],dt,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None]) # EAP Forcing
            NAOF = scm.convert_NAO(hclim,NAO1,dt,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None])

    # Out: Dict. (keys 0-2) with [lon x lat x mon]
    # Outformat: Dict. (keys 0-2, representing MLD type) with [lon x lat x mon]
    # We have prepared NAO forcing patterns for the 3 different MLD treatments (if
    # applyfac is set. All it requires now is scaling by both the chosen factor and
    # white nosie timeseries)
    # ----------------------------
    # %% Set-up damping parameters
    # ----------------------------
    lbd,lbd_entr,FAC,beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim,dampingr,dt,ND=1,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None])
    Out Format:
        lbd -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each mode, damping parameter
        lbd_entr -> array of entrainment damping
        FAC -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each model, integration factor
        beta ->array [Lon x Lat x Mon]
    # ----------------------------
    # %% Set Up Forcing           ------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------
    startf = time.time()

    # Prepare or load random time series
    if genrand == 1: # Generate new time series
        print("Generating New Time Series")
        # Create and save entire forcing array [lon x lat x time] and apply scaling factor
        if funiform == 0: 
            F = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=(lonsize,latsize,t_end)) * fscale # Removed Divide by 4 to scale between -1 and 1
            randts = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Just generate dummy randts
        # Just generate the time series
            randts = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Removed Divide by 4 to scale between -1 and 1
    else: # Load old data
        print("Loading Old Data")
        if funiform == 0:# Directly load full forcing
            F = np.load(output_path+"stoch_output_%s_Forcing.npy"%(expid))
            randts = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Just generate dummy randts
        else: # Load random time series
            randts = np.load(output_path+"stoch_output_%iyr_run%s_randts.npy"%(nyr,runid))
    # Generate extra time series for EAP forcing
    if funiform in [5,6,7]:
        numforce = 1 # In the future, incoporate forcing for other EOFs
        # Generate newtimeseries if it is missing
        if (genrand == 1) | (len(glob.glob(output_path+"stoch_output_%iyr_run%s_randts_%03d.npy"%(nyr,runid,numforce)))==0):
            print("Generating Additional New Time Series for EAP")
            randts1 = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Removed Divide by 4 to scale between -1 and 1
            print("Loading Additional New Time Series for EAP")
            randts1 = np.load(output_path+"stoch_output_%iyr_run%s_randts_%03d.npy"%(nyr,runid,numforce))
        if funiform in [5,5.5]: # Assign EAP Forcing white noise time series
            randts = randts1
    # Use random time series to scale the forcing pattern
    if funiform != 0: 
        if funiform in [6,7]: # NAO + EAP Forcing
            F,Fseas   = scm.make_naoforcing(NAOF,randts,fscale,nyr) # Scale NAO Focing
            F1,Fseas1 = scm.make_naoforcing(NAOF1,randts1,fscale,nyr) # Scale EAP forcing
            # Add the two forcings together
            for hi in range(3):
                F[hi]     += F1[hi]
                Fseas[hi] += Fseas1[hi]
        else: # NAO Like Forcing of funiform with mld/lbd factors, apply scaling and randts
            F,Fseas = scm.make_naoforcing(NAOF,randts,fscale,nyr)
        # Save Forcing if option is set
        if saveforcing == 1:
    else: # Duplicate for uniform forcing
        F0 = F.copy()
        for hi in range(3):
            F[hi] = F0
    print("Forcing Setup in %.2fs" % (time.time() - startf))
        F - dict (keys = 0-2, representing each MLD treatment) [ lon x lat x time (simulation length)]
        Fseas - dict (keys = 0-2, representing each MLD treatment) [ lon x lat x  month]
    # ----------------------------
    # %% Additional setup based on pointmode  ------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------    
    if pointmode == 1: # Find indices for pointmode
        # Get point indices
        ko,ka = proc.find_latlon(lonf,latf,lonr,latr)
        locstring = "lon%02d_lat%02d" % (lonf,latf)
        # Select variable at point
        hclima   = hclim[ko,ka,:]
        dampinga = dampingr[ko,ka,:]
        kpreva   = kprev[ko,ka,:]
        lbd_entr = lbd_entr[ko,ka,:]
        beta     = beta[ko,ka,:]
        hblta = hbltr[ko,ka]
        #naoa     = NAO1[ko,ka,...]
        # Select forcing at point
        Fa    = {} # Forcing
        Fseasa = {} # Seasonal Forcing pattern
        for hi in range(3):
            Fa[hi] = F[hi][ko,ka,:]
            Fseasa = Fseas[hi][ko,ka,:]
        F = Fa.copy()
        # Do the same but for each model type (hfdamping and FAC)
        lbda = {}
        FACa = {}
        for model in range(4):
            FACa[model] = FAC[model][ko,ka,:]
            lbda[model] = lbd[model][ko,ka,:]
        lbd = lbda.copy()
        FAC = FACa.copy()

    if pointmode == 2: # Take regionally averaged parameters (need to recalculate some things)
        # Make string for plotting
        locstring = "lon%02d_%02d_lat%02d_%02d" % (lonW,lonE,latS,latN)
        # Current setup: Average raw variables, assuming
        # that bboxsim is the region you want to average over
        hclima    = np.nanmean(hclim,(0,1))    # Take lon,lat mean, ignoring nans
        kpreva    = scm.find_kprev(hclima)[0]  # Recalculate entrainment month
        dampinga  = np.nanmean(dampingr,(0,1)) # Repeat for damping
        hblta = np.nanmean(hbltr,(0,1)) # Repeat for slab mld
        #naoa      = np.nanmean(NAO1,(0,1))     # Repeat for nao forcing
        # Get regionally averaged forcing based on mld config
        rNAOF = {}
        rF    = {}
        for hi in range(3):
            rNAOF[hi] = proc.sel_region(NAOF[hi],lonr,latr,bboxsim,reg_avg=1)
            rF[hi] = randts * np.tile(rNAOF[hi],nyr)
        # Add in EAP Forcing [consider making separate file to save?]
        if funiform in [6,7]: # NAO + EAP Forcing
            for hi in range(3):
                rNAOF1 = proc.sel_region(NAOF1[hi],lonr,latr,bboxsim,reg_avg=1)
                rF1 = randts1 * np.tile(rNAOF1,nyr)
                # Add to forcing
                rNAOF[hi] += rNAOF1
                rF[hi] += rF1
        # Copy over forcing
        F = rF.copy()
        Fseas = rNAOF.copy()

        # Convert units
        lbd,lbd_entr,FAC,beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclima,dampinga,dt,ND=0,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hblta)
    Dict with keys 0-2 for MLD configuation
        - F (Forcing, full timeseries)
        - Fseas (Forcing, seasonal pattern)
    Dict with keys 0-3 for Model Type
        - lbd (damping parameter)
        - FAC (integration factor)
    Just Arrays...
        - beta (entrainment velocity)
        - dampinga (atmospheric damping)
        - hclima (mixed layer depth)
        - kpreva (entraining month)
        - naoa (NAO forcing pattern)
    # ----------
    # %%RUN MODELS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------
    # Set mulFAC condition based on applyfac
    if applyfac == 2:
        multFAC = 1 # Don't apply integrationreduction factor if applyfac is set to 0 or 1
        multFAC = 0
    # Run Model Without Entrainment
    sst = {}
    #Loop for each Mixed Layer Depth Treatment
    for hi in range(3):
        start = time.time()
        # Select damping and FAC based on MLD
        FACh = FAC[hi]
        lbdh = lbd[hi]
        # Select Forcing
        Fh  = F[hi]
        # # Match Forcing and FAC shape
        # if (len(Fh.shape)>2) & (Fh.shape[2] != FACh.shape[2]):
        #     FACh = np.tile(FACh,int(t_end/12))
        if pointmode == 0: #simulate all points
            # Match Forcing and FAC shape
            if (len(Fh.shape)>2) & (Fh.shape[2] != FACh.shape[2]):
                FACh = np.tile(FACh,int(t_end/12))
            sst[hi] =  scm.noentrain_2d(randts,lbdh,T0,Fh,FACh,multFAC=multFAC)
            print("\nSimulation for No Entrain Model, hvarmode %s completed in %s" % (hi,time.time() - start))
        else: # simulate for 1 point (or regionally averaged case)
            start = time.time()
            # Run Point Model
            elapsed = time.time() - start
            tprint = "\nNo Entrain Model, hvarmode %i, ran in %.2fs" % (hi,elapsed)

    # Run Model With Entrainment
    start = time.time()
    icount = 0
    Fh = F[2] # Forcing with varying MLD
    FACh = FAC[3] # Integration Factor with entrainment
    if pointmode == 0: # All Points
        if parallel:
            st = time.time()
            lonsize,latsize,_ = F[2].shape

            Fin   = F[2].reshape(lonsize*latsize,t_end)
            FACin = FAC[3].reshape(lonsize*latsize,12)
            dampingpt = dampingr.reshape(FACin.shape)
            lbdin     = lbd[3].reshape(FACin.shape)
            betain    = beta.reshape(FACin.shape)
            hin       = hclim.reshape(FACin.shape)
            kprevin   = kprev.reshape(FACin.shape)
            #T_entr1 = np.zeros(Fin.shape) * np.nan
            results = []
            T_entr1 = np.array([])
            for i in trange(lonsize*latsize):
                if np.isnan(np.mean(dampingpt[i,:])):
                inputs = (t_end,lbdin[i],T0,Fin[i],betain[i],hin[i],kprevin[i],FACin[i],multFAC)
                #T_entr1[i,:] = dask.delayed(scm.entrain_parallel)(inputs)
                result = dask.delayed(scm.entrain_parallel)(inputs)
            x = T_entr1.compute()
            end = time.time()
            print("Finished in %.2fs"%(end-st))
        else: # Regular Loop without parallelization
            T_entr1 = np.ones((lonsize,latsize,t_end))*np.nan
            for o in trange(lonsize,desc="Longitude"):
                for a in range(latsize):
                    # Skip if the point is land
                    if np.isnan(np.mean(dampingr[o,a,:])):
                        #msg = "Land Point @ lon %f lat %f" % (lonf,latf)
                        icount += 1
                        # T_entr1[o,a,:] = scm.entrain(t_end,lbd[3][o,a,:],
                        #                                        T0,Fh[o,a,:],beta[o,a,:],
                        #                                        hclim[o,a,:],kprev[o,a,:],
                        #                                        FACh[o,a,:],multFAC=multFAC,
                        #                                        debug=False,debugprint=False)
                        T_entr1[o,a,:] = scm.entrain(t_end,lbd[3][o,a,:],T0,Fh[o,a,:],beta[o,a,:],hclim[o,a,:],kprev[o,a,:],FACh[o,a,:],multFAC=multFAC)
                    icount += 1
                    #msg = '\rCompleted Entrain Run for %i of %i points' % (icount,lonsize*latsize)
                #End Latitude Loop
            #End Longitude Loop
    else: # Single point/average region
        T_entr1= scm.entrain(t_end,lbd[3],T0,Fh,beta,hclima,kpreva,FACh,multFAC=multFAC)

    # Copy over to sst dictionary
    sst[3] = T_entr1.copy()
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    tprint = "\nEntrain Model ran in %.2fs" % (elapsed)
    #%% save output
    if pointmode > 0:
        # SAVE ALL in 1
    print("stochmod_region.py ran in %.2fs"% (time.time()-allstart))
    print("Output saved as" + output_path + "stoch_output_%s.npy"%(expid))