def create_grid_squares_shapefile(outfile, side_length=250): mpoly = get_boundary() ipoly, fpoly, full = spatial.create_spatial_grid(mpoly, side_length) field_description = {'id': {'fieldType': 'N'}} id = range(1, len(fpoly) + 1) full_polys = [spatial.shapely_rectangle_from_vertices(*t) for t in fpoly] spatial.write_polygons_to_shapefile(outfile, full_polys, field_description=field_description, id=id)
def set_sample_units(self, side_length, *args, **kwargs): ''' Set the ROC grid. :param length_or_arr: Either a scalar, interpreted as the side length of the grid square, OR an array of shapely Polygon or shapely MultiPolygon objects :param args: Passed to set_sample_points :param kwargs: Passed to set_sample_points :return: None ''' # reset prediction values self.prediction_values = None if not self.poly: # find minimal bounding rectangle self.poly = self.generate_bounding_poly( self.side_length = side_length self.grid_polys, self.sample_units, self.full_grid_square = create_spatial_grid( self.poly, self.side_length) self.set_centroids() self.set_sample_points(*args, **kwargs)
def set_sample_units(self, side_length, interval, *args, **kwargs): """ Set the ROC grid. :param side_length: side length of grid squares :param interval: The length interval between sample points :param args: Passed to set_sample_points :param kwargs: Passed to set_sample_points. :return: None """ # reset prediction values self.prediction_values = None if not self.poly: # find minimal bounding rectangle self.poly = self.generate_bounding_poly( # set sample grid self.side_length = side_length self.grid_polys, self.sample_units, _ = create_spatial_grid( self.poly, self.side_length) # set network sampling points self.set_sample_points(interval, *args, **kwargs)
ax = ax or plt.gca() y = [len(t) for t in aggregate_data.values()] spatial.plot_shaded_regions(aggregate_data.keys(), y, ax=ax, cmap=plt.get_cmap('autumn_r'), vmin=1e-6, domain=domain, scale_bar_loc=scale_bar_loc) if __name__ == "__main__": chic_s_domain = chicago.get_chicago_side_polys(as_shapely=True)['South'] camden_domain = cad.get_camden_region(as_shapely=True) chic_s_grid = create_spatial_grid(chic_s_domain, 250)[0] cad_grid = [t.mpoly for t in models.Division.objects.filter(type='monsuru_250m_grid')] ## Camden nicl_types = ( (1, 'Violence'), (3, 'Burglary'), (13, 'Shoplifting') ) cad_data = {} cad_spatial_data = {} for k, v in nicl_types: a, b, c = cad.get_crimes_by_type(k, convert_dates=False)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cm = utils.transparent_colour_map() net.plot_network(ax=ax) pred_t = 180. arr_fun = lambda x, y: plots.txy_to_cartesian_data_array(np.ones_like(x) * pred_t, x, y) pred_fun = lambda x, y: r.predict(arr_fun(x, y)) xx, yy, zz = spatial.plot_surface_function_on_polygon(domain, pred_fun, ax=ax, fmax=0.98, cmap=cm, dx=50) ax.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig('continuous_heatmap.png', dpi=300) fig.savefig('continuous_heatmap.pdf', dpi=300) # (2) top 10 % grid squares ipolys, full_extents, full_grid_square = create_spatial_grid(domain, 200) grid_values = [] for xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in full_extents: i, j = np.where((xx >= xmin) & (xx < xmax) & (yy >= ymin) & (yy < ymax)) grid_values.append(zz[i, j].sum()) sort_idx = np.argsort(grid_values)[::-1] top_10_pct = sort_idx[:int(len(sort_idx) * 0.1)] top_10_pct_grids = [shapely_rectangle_from_vertices(*full_extents[i]) for i in top_10_pct] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) net.plot_network(ax=ax) spatial.plot_shapely_geos(domain, ax=ax) spatial.plot_shapely_geos(top_10_pct_grids, ax=ax, fc='r', ec='none', lw=1.5, alpha=0.7) ax.axis('off')
def get_chicago_grid(poly): ipoly, fpoly, full = spatial.create_spatial_grid(poly, 250) return fpoly
def create_roc_grid(poly, grid_length=250): ipoly, fpoly, full = spatial.create_spatial_grid(poly, grid_length) return fpoly