Exemple #1
from data import get_image_sample

# Modelname: CSRNet
# Based on https://github.com/Neerajj9/CSRNet-keras
# Related paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.10062

# Download dataset first:
# https://drive.google.com/file/d/16dhJn7k4FWVwByRsQAEpl9lwjuV03jVI/view

    "Preprocessing images (skipping all files that have already been processed)"

    "Show one random image from the dataset including the created groundtruth heatmap"
sample_image = get_image_sample()

print("Train the model and save the weights")

print("Show the same sample as before but including the generated heatmap")
show_sample(sample_image, "Model")

    "Analyze the model. Compute the Mean Absolute Error on different dataset subsets."
Exemple #2
def main():
    Reset TensorFlow before running anything
    Create the stimulus class to generate trial paramaters and input activity
    stim = stimulus.Stimulus()

    n_input, n_hidden, n_output = par['shape']
    N = par['batch_train_size'] * par[
        'num_batches']  # trials per iteration, calculate gradients after batch_train_size
    Define all placeholder
    mask = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, shape=[par['num_time_steps'], par['batch_train_size']])
    x = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[n_input, par['num_time_steps'],
               par['batch_train_size']])  # input data
    y = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[n_output, par['num_time_steps'],
               par['batch_train_size']])  # target data

    # enter "config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)" inside Session to check whether CPU/GPU in use
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        #with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
        model = Model(x, y, mask)
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        t_start = time.time()

        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        # Restore variables from previous model if desired
        if par['load_previous_model']:
            saver.restore(sess, par['save_dir'] + par['ckpt_load_fn'])
            print('Model ' + par['ckpt_load_fn'] + ' restored.')

        # keep track of the model performance across training
        model_performance = {
            'accuracy': [],
            'loss': [],
            'perf_loss': [],
            'spike_loss': [],
            'trial': [],
            'time': []

        for i in range(par['num_iterations']):

            # generate batch of N (batch_train_size X num_batches) trials
            trial_info = stim.generate_trial()

            # keep track of the model performance for this batch
            loss = np.zeros((par['num_batches']))
            perf_loss = np.zeros((par['num_batches']))
            spike_loss = np.zeros((par['num_batches']))
            accuracy = np.zeros((par['num_batches']))

            for j in range(par['num_batches']):
                Select batches of size batch_train_size
                ind = range(j * par['batch_train_size'],
                            (j + 1) * par['batch_train_size'])
                target_data = trial_info['desired_output'][:, :, ind]
                input_data = trial_info['neural_input'][:, :, ind]
                train_mask = trial_info['train_mask'][:, ind]
                Run the model
                If learning rate > 0, then also run the optimizer;
                if learning rate = 0, then skip optimizer
                if par['learning_rate'] > 0:
                    _, loss[j], perf_loss[j], spike_loss[j], y_hat, state_hist, W_rnn,  = \
                        sess.run([model.train_op, model.loss, model.perf_loss, model.spike_loss, model.y_hat, \
                        model.hidden_state_hist, model.WY], {x: input_data, y: target_data, mask: train_mask})
                    loss[j], perf_loss[j], spike_loss[j], y_hat, state_hist, W_rnn = \
                        sess.run([model.loss, model.perf_loss, model.spike_loss, model.y_hat, model.hidden_state_hist, \
                        model.WY], {x: input_data, y: target_data, mask: train_mask})

                accuracy[j] = analysis.get_perf(target_data, y_hat, train_mask)

            iteration_time = time.time() - t_start
            model_performance = append_model_performance(
                model_performance, accuracy, loss, perf_loss, spike_loss,
                (i + 1) * N, iteration_time)
            Save the network model and output model performance to screen
            if (i + 1) % par['iters_between_outputs'] == 0 or i + 1 == par[
                print_results(i, N, iteration_time, perf_loss, spike_loss,
                              state_hist, accuracy)
                save_path = saver.save(sess,
                                       par['save_dir'] + par['ckpt_save_fn'])
        Analyze the network model and save the results
        if par['analyze_model']:
            weights = eval_weights(W_rnn)
            analysis.analyze_model(trial_info, y_hat, state_hist,
                                   model_performance, weights)
Exemple #3
def main(gpu_id=None):

    if gpu_id is not None:
        os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id
    Reset TensorFlow before running anything
    Create the stimulus class to generate trial paramaters and input activity
    stim = stimulus.Stimulus()

    n_input, n_hidden, n_output = par['shape']
    N = par[
        'batch_train_size']  # trials per iteration, calculate gradients after batch_train_size
    Define all placeholder
    mask = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float64, shape=[par['num_time_steps'], par['batch_train_size']])
    x = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[n_input, par['num_time_steps'],
               par['batch_train_size']])  # input data
    target = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,
                                par['n_output'], par['num_time_steps'],
                            ])  # input data
    actual_reward = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float64, shape=[par['num_time_steps'], par['batch_train_size']])
    pred_reward = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float64, shape=[par['num_time_steps'], par['batch_train_size']])
    actual_action = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,
                                       par['num_time_steps'], par['n_output'],

    config = tf.ConfigProto()

    # enter "config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)" inside Session to check whether CPU/GPU in use
    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:

        if gpu_id is not None:
            model = Model(x, target, actual_reward, pred_reward, actual_action,
            #with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
            model = Model(x, target, actual_reward, pred_reward, actual_action,
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        # keep track of the model performance across training
        model_performance = {
            'accuracy': [],
            'loss': [],
            'perf_loss': [],
            'spike_loss': [],
            'trial': []

        for i in range(par['num_iterations']):

            # generate batch of batch_train_size
            trial_info = stim.generate_trial()
            Run the model
            pol_out, val_out, pol_rnn, action, stacked_mask, reward = sess.run([model.pol_out, model.val_out, model.h_pol, model.action, \
                 model.stacked_mask,model.reward], {x: trial_info['neural_input'], target: trial_info['desired_output'], mask: trial_info['train_mask']})

            trial_reward = np.squeeze(np.stack(reward))
            trial_action = np.stack(action)

            _, _, pol_loss, val_loss = sess.run([model.train_pol, model.train_val, model.pol_loss, model.val_loss], \
                {x: trial_info['neural_input'], target: trial_info['desired_output'], mask: trial_info['train_mask'], \
                actual_reward: trial_reward, pred_reward: np.squeeze(val_out), actual_action:trial_action })

            accuracy, _, _ = analysis.get_perf(trial_info['desired_output'],

            #model_performance = append_model_performance(model_performance, accuracy, val_loss, pol_loss, spike_loss, (i+1)*N)
            Save the network model and output model performance to screen
            if i % par['iters_between_outputs'] == 0 and i > 0:
                print_results(i, N, pol_loss, 0., pol_rnn, accuracy)
                r = np.squeeze(np.sum(np.stack(trial_reward), axis=0))
                print('Mean mask', np.mean(stacked_mask), ' val loss ',
                      val_loss, ' reward ', np.mean(r), np.max(r))
        Save model, analyze the network model and save the results
        #save_path = saver.save(sess, par['save_dir'] + par['ckpt_save_fn'])
        if par['analyze_model']:
            weights = eval_weights()
            analysis.analyze_model(trial_info, y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist, model_performance, weights, \
                simulation = True, lesion = False, tuning = False, decoding = False, load_previous_file = False, save_raw_data = False)

            # Generate another batch of trials with test_mode = True (sample and test stimuli
            # are independently drawn), and then perform tuning and decoding analysis
            trial_info = stim.generate_trial(test_mode=True)
            y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist = \
                sess.run([model.y_hat, model.hidden_state_hist, model.syn_x_hist, model.syn_u_hist], \
                {x: trial_info['neural_input'], y: trial_info['desired_output'], mask: trial_info['train_mask']})
            analysis.analyze_model(trial_info, y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist, model_performance, weights, \
                simulation = False, lesion = False, tuning = par['analyze_tuning'], decoding = True, load_previous_file = True, save_raw_data = False)
def main(gpu_id):

    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id
    Reset TensorFlow before running anything
    Create the stimulus class to generate trial paramaters and input activity
    stim = stimulus.Stimulus()

    n_input, n_hidden, n_output = par['shape']
    N = par[
        'batch_train_size']  # trials per iteration, calculate gradients after batch_train_size
    Define all placeholder
    mask = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, shape=[par['num_time_steps'], par['batch_train_size']])
    x = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[n_input, par['num_time_steps'],
               par['batch_train_size']])  # input data
    y = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[n_output, par['num_time_steps'],
               par['batch_train_size']])  # target data

    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

    # enter "config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)" inside Session to check whether CPU/GPU in use
    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:

        with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
            model = Model(x, y, mask)
            init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        t_start = time.time()

        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        # Restore variables from previous model if desired
        if par['load_previous_model']:
            saver.restore(sess, par['save_dir'] + par['ckpt_load_fn'])
            print('Model ' + par['ckpt_load_fn'] + ' restored.')

        # keep track of the model performance across training
        model_performance = {
            'accuracy': [],
            'loss': [],
            'perf_loss': [],
            'spike_loss': [],
            'trial': [],
            'time': []

        for i in range(par['num_iterations']):

            # generate batch of batch_train_size
            trial_info = stim.generate_trial()
            Run the model
            _, loss, perf_loss, spike_loss, y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist = \
                sess.run([model.train_op, model.loss, model.perf_loss, model.spike_loss, model.y_hat, \
                model.hidden_state_hist, model.syn_x_hist, model.syn_u_hist], {x: trial_info['neural_input'], \
                y: trial_info['desired_output'], mask: trial_info['train_mask']})

            accuracy, _, _ = analysis.get_perf(trial_info['desired_output'],
                                               y_hat, trial_info['train_mask'])

            iteration_time = time.time() - t_start
            model_performance = append_model_performance(
                model_performance, accuracy, loss, perf_loss, spike_loss,
                (i + 1) * N, iteration_time)
            Save the network model and output model performance to screen
            if (i + 1) % par['iters_between_outputs'] == 0 or i + 1 == par[
                print_results(i, N, iteration_time, perf_loss, spike_loss,
                              state_hist, accuracy)
        Save model, analyze the network model and save the results
        #save_path = saver.save(sess, par['save_dir'] + par['ckpt_save_fn'])
        if par['analyze_model']:
            weights = eval_weights()
            analysis.analyze_model(trial_info, y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist, model_performance, weights, \
                simulation = True, tuning = False, decoding = False, load_previous_file = False, save_raw_data = False)

            # Generate another batch of trials with decoding_test_mode = True (sample and test stimuli
            # are independently drawn), and then perform tuning and decoding analysis
            update = {'decoding_test_mode': True}
            trial_info = stim.generate_trial()
            y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist = \
                sess.run([model.y_hat, model.hidden_state_hist, model.syn_x_hist, model.syn_u_hist], \
                {x: trial_info['neural_input'], y: trial_info['desired_output'], mask: trial_info['train_mask']})
            analysis.analyze_model(trial_info, y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist, model_performance, weights, \
                simulation = False, tuning = par['analyze_tuning'], decoding = True, load_previous_file = True, save_raw_data = False)

            if par['trial_type'] == 'dualDMS':
                # run an additional session with probe stimuli
                save_fn = 'probe_' + par['save_fn']
                update = {'probe_trial_pct': 1, 'save_fn': save_fn}
                trial_info = stim.generate_trial()
                y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, syn_u_hist = \
                    sess.run([model.y_hat, model.hidden_state_hist, model.syn_x_hist, model.syn_u_hist], \
                    {x: trial_info['neural_input'], y: trial_info['desired_output'], mask: trial_info['train_mask']})
                analysis.analyze_model(trial_info, y_hat, state_hist, syn_x_hist, \
                    syn_u_hist, model_performance, weights, simulation = False, tuning = False, decoding = True, \
                    load_previous_file = False, save_raw_data = False)