(program, labels) = assemble("""
  SET 0 <- 0
  SET 1 <- 1
  SET 2 <- 2
  SET 3 <- 1
  MUL 2 3 -> 4 5 6
  SUB 4 1 -> 4
  ADD 5 1 -> 5
  DIV 4 5 -> 11
  DIV 11 2 -> 11
  SUB 13 11 -> 13
  SUB 3 1 -> 10
  BRZ finish
  ADD 2 7 -> 7
  DIV 6 7 -> 11
  MUL DATA 11 -> 12
  ADD 12 13 -> 13
  SUB 10 1 -> 10
  BRZ finish
  SUB 6 1 -> 6
  ADD 1 7 -> 7
  DIV 6 7 -> 8
  MUL 8 11 -> 11
  SUB 6 1 -> 6
  ADD 1 7 -> 7
  DIV 6 7 -> 9
  MUL 9 11 -> 11
  MUL DATA 11 -> 12
  ADD 12 13 -> 13
  SUB 10 1 -> 10
  BRN loop
  SUB 0 13
  ADD 1 3 -> 3
  SET 7 <- 0
  SET 13 <- 0
# https://enigmaticcode.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/running-the-first-program-part-3/
# Program 6 - factorial3.py

from analytical_engine import AnalyticalEngine, Column, assemble

import sys
n = (40 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1]))

(program, _) = assemble("""
  SET 0 <- {n}
  SET 1 <- 1
  SET 2 <- 1
  # operation 1: v[2] *= v[0]
  MUL 0 2 -> 2
  # operation 2: v[2] -= 1
  SUB 0 1 -> 0
  # branch if non-zero to operation 1
  BRN loop
  # end

# initialise the engine
p = AnalyticalEngine(vars=3, number=Column(digits=50), trace=1)

# load the program to compute factorial(n)

# run the program