def sparsitysetup(nums): """ This setup considers the tweets from the places in the list and select some number of tweets from those places as testing tweets, the query is a block of tweets @arg city the place_id of the city @arg num the number of tweets generated @return a list() of tuple (text, cadidates) """ lsts = linestyles() for num in nums: with open('chicago10.lst') as fin: twt = Dataset() places = [p.strip() for p in fin] lmplc = dict() lmtwt = Dataset() for pid in places: cur = CONN_POOL.get_cur(GEOTWEET) cur.execute('select text from sample' \ ' where place_id = \'{0}\' order by rand() limit {1}'.format(pid, 160)) text = [row['text'] for row in cur] lmplc[pid] = lmfromtext(text[:num]) for txt in text[150:160]: lmtwt.append({'pid': pid, 'lm': lmfromtext([txt,])}) ranks = list() for item in lmtwt: ranks.append(ranke(lmplc, item['lm'])) gch = batcheval(lmtwt['pid'], len(places), ranks) plt.plot(gch['pos'], gch['rate'],, label='t={0}'.format(num)) plt.xlabel('First $n$ places') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def onesetup(places, numtwts, numtest, balance): """ This setup considers the tweets from the places in the list and select some number of tweets from those places as testing tweets, the query is just one tweet @arg city the place_id of the city @arg num the number of tweets generated @return a list() of tuple (text, cadidates) """ lsts = linestyles() # prepare for data twtmodel = dict() webmodel = dict() twttest = Dataset() for pid in places: twtp = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'text'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid),), 'sample', 'order by rand() limit {0}'.format(max(numtwts) + numtest)) webmodel[pid] = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'web'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid),), 'web', 'order by rand() limit 30')['web'] twtmodel[pid] = twtp['text'][:max(numtwts)] for idx in range(max(numtwts) + 1, twtp.size()): twttest.append(twtp.item(idx)) # ranking by twt and twt+web for numtwt in numtwts: lmtwt = dict() lmweb = dict() for pid in twtmodel.iterkeys(): lmtwt[pid] = lmfromtext(twtmodel[pid][:numtwt]) lmweb[pid] = lmfromtext(webmodel[pid]) jointranks = list() for item in twttest: jointranks.append(joint_ranking(lmfromtext([item['text'],]), lmtwt, lmweb, balance)) twtranks = list() for item in twttest: twtranks.append(kl_ranking(lmtwt, lmfromtext([item['text'],]))) gjoint = batcheval(twttest['place_id'], len(places), jointranks) gtwt = batcheval(twttest['place_id'], len(places), twtranks) plt.plot(gjoint['pos'], gjoint['rate'], marker='^', label='JOINT($t={0}$)'.format(numtwt), plt.plot(gtwt['pos'], gtwt['rate'], marker='o', label='TWEET($t={0}$)'.format(numtwt), webranks = list() for item in twttest: webranks.append(kl_ranking(lmweb, lmfromtext([item['text'],]))) gweb = batcheval(twttest['place_id'], len(places), webranks) plt.plot(gweb['pos'], gweb['rate'], label='WEB', linestyle='dotted') plt.plot(lmeval['pos'], [float(r) / max(lmeval['pos']) for r in lmeval['pos']], ls='-.', marker='s', label='Random Baseline') plt.xlabel('First $n$ Places') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def kldiff(places): """ compare the difference of kl-divergence between tweets and web pages for each place in places """ diff = Dataset() for pid in places: twt = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'text'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid),), 'sample', 'order by rand() limit {0}'.format(100)) web = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'web'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid),), 'web', 'limit 25') lmref = lmfromtext(twt['text'][:50]) lmtwt = lmfromtext(twt['text'][51:]) lmweb = lmfromtext(web['web']) diff.append({'pid': pid, 'twtkld': kl_divergence(lmtwt, lmref), 'webkld': kl_divergence(lmweb, lmref)}) for item in diff: print '{0} & {1} & {2}'.format(place_name(item['pid']), item['twtkld'], item['webkld'])
def kldiff(places): """ compare the difference of kl-divergence between tweets and web pages for each place in places """ diff = Dataset() for pid in places: twt = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'text'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid), ), 'sample', 'order by rand() limit {0}'.format(100)) web = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'web'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid), ), 'web', 'limit 25') lmref = lmfromtext(twt['text'][:50]) lmtwt = lmfromtext(twt['text'][51:]) lmweb = lmfromtext(web['web']) diff.append({ 'pid': pid, 'twtkld': kl_divergence(lmtwt, lmref), 'webkld': kl_divergence(lmweb, lmref) }) for item in diff: print '{0} & {1} & {2}'.format(place_name(item['pid']), item['twtkld'], item['webkld'])
def sparsitysetup(nums): """ This setup considers the tweets from the places in the list and select some number of tweets from those places as testing tweets, the query is a block of tweets @arg city the place_id of the city @arg num the number of tweets generated @return a list() of tuple (text, cadidates) """ lsts = linestyles() for num in nums: with open('chicago10.lst') as fin: twt = Dataset() places = [p.strip() for p in fin] lmplc = dict() lmtwt = Dataset() for pid in places: cur = CONN_POOL.get_cur(GEOTWEET) cur.execute('select text from sample' \ ' where place_id = \'{0}\' order by rand() limit {1}'.format(pid, 160)) text = [row['text'] for row in cur] lmplc[pid] = lmfromtext(text[:num]) for txt in text[150:160]: lmtwt.append({ 'pid': pid, 'lm': lmfromtext([ txt, ]) }) ranks = list() for item in lmtwt: ranks.append(ranke(lmplc, item['lm'])) gch = batcheval(lmtwt['pid'], len(places), ranks) plt.plot(gch['pos'], gch['rate'],, label='t={0}'.format(num)) plt.xlabel('First $n$ places') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def onesetup(places, numtwts, numtest, balance): """ This setup considers the tweets from the places in the list and select some number of tweets from those places as testing tweets, the query is just one tweet @arg city the place_id of the city @arg num the number of tweets generated @return a list() of tuple (text, cadidates) """ lsts = linestyles() # prepare for data twtmodel = dict() webmodel = dict() twttest = Dataset() for pid in places: twtp = loadrows( GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'text'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid), ), 'sample', 'order by rand() limit {0}'.format(max(numtwts) + numtest)) webmodel[pid] = loadrows(GEOTWEET, ('place_id', 'web'), ('place_id=\'{0}\''.format(pid), ), 'web', 'order by rand() limit 30')['web'] twtmodel[pid] = twtp['text'][:max(numtwts)] for idx in range(max(numtwts) + 1, twtp.size()): twttest.append(twtp.item(idx)) # ranking by twt and twt+web for numtwt in numtwts: lmtwt = dict() lmweb = dict() for pid in twtmodel.iterkeys(): lmtwt[pid] = lmfromtext(twtmodel[pid][:numtwt]) lmweb[pid] = lmfromtext(webmodel[pid]) jointranks = list() for item in twttest: jointranks.append( joint_ranking(lmfromtext([ item['text'], ]), lmtwt, lmweb, balance)) twtranks = list() for item in twttest: twtranks.append(kl_ranking(lmtwt, lmfromtext([ item['text'], ]))) gjoint = batcheval(twttest['place_id'], len(places), jointranks) gtwt = batcheval(twttest['place_id'], len(places), twtranks) plt.plot(gjoint['pos'], gjoint['rate'], marker='^', label='JOINT($t={0}$)'.format(numtwt), plt.plot(gtwt['pos'], gtwt['rate'], marker='o', label='TWEET($t={0}$)'.format(numtwt), webranks = list() for item in twttest: webranks.append(kl_ranking(lmweb, lmfromtext([ item['text'], ]))) gweb = batcheval(twttest['place_id'], len(places), webranks) plt.plot(gweb['pos'], gweb['rate'], label='WEB', linestyle='dotted') plt.plot(lmeval['pos'], [float(r) / max(lmeval['pos']) for r in lmeval['pos']], ls='-.', marker='s', label='Random Baseline') plt.xlabel('First $n$ Places') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.legend(loc='lower right')