Exemple #1
    def map(self, record_json):
        if not record_json:
            return None

        # Handle a 'Vulnerability' wrapper around the specific record. If not present, assume a direct record
        if len(list(record_json.keys())) == 1 and record_json.get('Vulnerability'):
            vuln = record_json['Vulnerability']
            vuln = record_json

        db_rec = Vulnerability()
        db_rec.id = vuln['Name']
        db_rec.namespace_name = self.group
        db_rec.severity = vuln.get('Severity', 'Unknown')
        db_rec.link = vuln.get('Link')
        description = vuln.get("Description", "")
        if description:
            db_rec.description = vuln.get('Description', '') if len(vuln.get('Description', '')) < self.MAX_STR_LEN else (vuln.get('Description')[:self.MAX_STR_LEN - 8] + '...')
            db_rec.description = ""
        db_rec.fixed_in = []
        # db_rec.vulnerable_in = []

        # db_rec.metadata_json = json.dumps(vuln.get('Metadata')) if 'Metadata' in vuln else None
        db_rec.additional_metadata = vuln.get('Metadata', {})
        cvss_data = vuln.get('Metadata', {}).get('NVD', {}).get('CVSSv2')
        if cvss_data:
            db_rec.cvss2_vectors = cvss_data.get('Vectors')
            db_rec.cvss2_score = cvss_data.get('Score')

        # Process Fixes
        if 'FixedIn' in vuln:
            for f in vuln['FixedIn']:
                fix = FixedArtifact()
                fix.name = f['Name']
                fix.version = f['Version']
                fix.version_format = f['VersionFormat']
                fix.epochless_version = re.sub(r'^[0-9]*:', '', f['Version'])
                fix.vulnerability_id = db_rec.id
                fix.namespace_name = self.group
                fix.vendor_no_advisory = f.get('VendorAdvisory', {}).get('NoAdvisory', False)
                fix.fix_metadata = {'VendorAdvisorySummary': f['VendorAdvisory']['AdvisorySummary']} if f.get('VendorAdvisory', {}).get('AdvisorySummary', []) else None


        #        if 'VulnerableIn' in vuln:
        #            for v in vuln['VulnerableIn']:
        #                v_in = VulnerableArtifact()
        #                v_in.name = v['Name']
        #                v_in.version = v['Version']
        #                v_in.version_format = v['VersionFormat']
        #                v_in.epochless_version = re.sub(r'^[0-9]*:', '', v['Version'])
        #                v_in.vulnerability_id = db_rec.id
        #                v_in.namespace_name = self.group
        #                db_rec.vulnerable_in.append(v_in)

        return db_rec
Exemple #2
    def map(self, record_json):
        advisory = record_json["Advisory"]

        db_rec = Vulnerability()
        db_rec.id = advisory["ghsaId"]
        db_rec.name = advisory["ghsaId"]
        db_rec.namespace_name = advisory["namespace"]
        db_rec.description = advisory["Summary"]
        db_rec.severity = advisory.get("Severity", "Unknown") or "Unknown"
        db_rec.link = advisory["url"]
        db_rec.metadata_json = advisory["Metadata"]
        references = [
            for i in advisory["CVE"]
        db_rec.references = references

        # Set the `FixedArtifact` to an empty list so that a cascade deletion
        # gets rid of the associated fixes. If the advisory has been withdrawn,
        # this field will a string with a date.
        if advisory["withdrawn"] is not None:
            db_rec.fixed_in = []
            return db_rec

        for f in advisory["FixedIn"]:
            fix = FixedArtifact()
            fix.name = f["name"]
            # this is an unfortunate lie, 'version' has to be a range in order
            # to be processed correctly. If there is a real fix version, it
            # will be set in the `fix_metadata`.
            fix.version = f.get("range", "None")
            fix.version_format = "semver"
            fix.vulnerability_id = db_rec.id
            fix.namespace_name = f["namespace"]
            fix.vendor_no_advisory = False
            # the advisory summary is the same as db_rec.description, do we need to do this again?
            fix.fix_metadata = {"first_patched_version": f["identifier"]}


        return db_rec
Exemple #3
    def map(self, record_json):
        advisory = record_json['Advisory']

        db_rec = Vulnerability()
        db_rec.id = advisory['ghsaId']
        db_rec.name = advisory['ghsaId']
        db_rec.namespace_name = advisory['namespace']
        db_rec.description = advisory['Summary']
        db_rec.severity = advisory.get('Severity', 'Unknown') or 'Unknown'
        db_rec.link = advisory['url']
        db_rec.metadata_json = advisory['Metadata']
        references = [
            for i in advisory['CVE']
        db_rec.references = references

        # Set the `FixedArtifact` to an empty list so that a cascade deletion
        # gets rid of the associated fixes. If the advisory has been withdrawn,
        # this field will a string with a date.
        if advisory['withdrawn'] is not None:
            db_rec.fixed_in = []
            return db_rec

        for f in advisory['FixedIn']:
            fix = FixedArtifact()
            fix.name = f['name']
            # this is an unfortunate lie, 'version' has to be a range in order
            # to be processed correctly. If there is a real fix version, it
            # will be set in the `fix_metadata`.
            fix.version = f.get('range', 'None')
            fix.version_format = 'semver'
            fix.vulnerability_id = db_rec.id
            fix.namespace_name = f['namespace']
            fix.vendor_no_advisory = False
            # the advisory summary is the same as db_rec.description, do we need to do this again?
            fix.fix_metadata = {'first_patched_version': f['identifier']}


        return db_rec
Exemple #4
    def map(self, record_json):
        if not record_json:
            return None

        # Handle a 'Vulnerability' wrapper around the specific record. If not present, assume a direct record
        if len(list(
                record_json.keys())) == 1 and record_json.get("Vulnerability"):
            vuln = record_json["Vulnerability"]
            vuln = record_json

        db_rec = Vulnerability()
        db_rec.id = vuln["Name"]
        db_rec.namespace_name = self.group
        db_rec.severity = vuln.get("Severity", "Unknown")
        db_rec.link = vuln.get("Link")
        description = vuln.get("Description", "")
        if description:
            db_rec.description = (
                vuln.get("Description", "")
                if len(vuln.get("Description", "")) < self.MAX_STR_LEN else
                (vuln.get("Description")[:self.MAX_STR_LEN - 8] + "..."))
            db_rec.description = ""
        db_rec.fixed_in = []
        # db_rec.vulnerable_in = []

        # db_rec.metadata_json = json.dumps(vuln.get('Metadata')) if 'Metadata' in vuln else None
        db_rec.additional_metadata = vuln.get("Metadata", {})
        cvss_data = vuln.get("Metadata", {}).get("NVD", {}).get("CVSSv2")
        if cvss_data:
            db_rec.cvss2_vectors = cvss_data.get("Vectors")
            db_rec.cvss2_score = cvss_data.get("Score")

        # Process Fixes
        if "FixedIn" in vuln:
            for f in vuln["FixedIn"]:
                fix = FixedArtifact()
                fix.name = f["Name"]
                fix.version = f["Version"]
                fix.version_format = f["VersionFormat"]
                fix.epochless_version = re.sub(r"^[0-9]*:", "", f["Version"])
                fix.vulnerability_id = db_rec.id
                fix.namespace_name = self.group
                fix.vendor_no_advisory = f.get("VendorAdvisory",
                                               {}).get("NoAdvisory", False)
                fix.fix_metadata = ({
                } if f.get("VendorAdvisory", {}).get("AdvisorySummary", [])
                                    else None)


        #        if 'VulnerableIn' in vuln:
        #            for v in vuln['VulnerableIn']:
        #                v_in = VulnerableArtifact()
        #                v_in.name = v['Name']
        #                v_in.version = v['Version']
        #                v_in.version_format = v['VersionFormat']
        #                v_in.epochless_version = re.sub(r'^[0-9]*:', '', v['Version'])
        #                v_in.vulnerability_id = db_rec.id
        #                v_in.namespace_name = self.group
        #                db_rec.vulnerable_in.append(v_in)

        return db_rec