def __init__(self, device, tool, shard_index, build_type): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. shard_index: Index number of the shard on which the test suite will run. build_type: 'Release' or 'Debug'. """ self.device = device self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device=device) self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.adb) self._http_server = None self._forwarder = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) self.flags = FlagChanger(self.adb) self.shard_index = shard_index self.flags.AddFlags(['--disable-fre']) self._spawning_server = None self._spawner_forwarder = None # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0 self.build_type = build_type
def __init__(self, device, tool, shard_index): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. shard_index: Index number of the shard on which the test suite will run. """ self.device = device self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device=device) self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.adb) # Synchronize date/time between host and device. Otherwise same file on # host and device may have different timestamp which may cause # AndroidCommands.PushIfNeeded failed, or a test which may compare timestamp # got from http head and local time could be failed. self.adb.SynchronizeDateTime() self._http_server = None self._forwarder = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) self.flags = FlagChanger(self.adb) self.shard_index = shard_index self.flags.AddFlags(['--disable-fre']) self._spawning_server = None self._spawner_forwarder = None # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0
def Launch(self): """Launches the emulator and waits for package manager to startup. If fails, an exception will be raised. """ port = _GetAvailablePort() self.device = "emulator-%d" % port self.popen = subprocess.Popen( args=[self.emulator, '-avd', 'buildbot', '-port', str(port)]) # This will not return until device's package manager starts up or an # exception is raised. android_commands.AndroidCommands(self.device, True)
def __init__(self, device): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. """ self.device = device self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device=device) # Synchronize date/time between host and device. Otherwise same file on # host and device may have different timestamp which may cause # AndroidCommands.PushIfNeeded failed, or a test which may compare timestamp # got from http head and local time could be failed. self.adb.SynchronizeDateTime() self._http_server = None self._forwarder = None self._spawning_server = None self._spawner_forwarder = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) self.flags = FlagChanger(self.adb)
def ConfirmLaunch(self, wait_for_boot=False): """Confirm the emulator launched properly. Loop on a wait-for-device with a very small timeout. On each timeout, check the emulator process is still alive. After confirming a wait-for-device can be successful, make sure it returns the right answer. """ a = android_commands.AndroidCommands(self.device, False) seconds_waited = 0 number_of_waits = 2 # Make sure we can wfd twice adb_cmd = "adb -s %s %s" % (self.device, 'wait-for-device') while seconds_waited < self._LAUNCH_TIMEOUT: try: run_command.RunCommand( adb_cmd, timeout_time=self._WAITFORDEVICE_TIMEOUT, retry_count=1) number_of_waits -= 1 if not number_of_waits: break except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError as e: seconds_waited += self._WAITFORDEVICE_TIMEOUT adb_cmd = "adb -s %s %s" % (self.device, 'kill-server') run_command.RunCommand(adb_cmd) self.popen.poll() if self.popen.returncode != None: raise EmulatorLaunchException('EMULATOR DIED') if seconds_waited >= self._LAUNCH_TIMEOUT: raise EmulatorLaunchException('TIMEOUT with wait-for-device')'Seconds waited on wait-for-device: %d', seconds_waited) if wait_for_boot: # Now that we checked for obvious problems, wait for a boot complete. # Waiting for the package manager is sometimes problematic. # TODO(jrg): for reasons I don't understand, sometimes this # gives an "error: device not found" which is only fixed with an # 'adb kill-server' command. Fix. a.Adb().SetTargetSerial(self.device) a.Adb().WaitForBootComplete(self._WAITFORBOOT_TIMEOUT)
def SetUp(self, options): self.options = options self.shard_index = self.options.shard_index self.device_id = self.options.device_id self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(self.device_id) self.ports_to_forward = []
def SetUp(self, device_id, shard_index): self.shard_index = shard_index self.device_id = device_id self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(self.device_id)
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- #获取androidFPS值 import sys import traceback sys.path.append('C:\\Users\\youwei\\Desktop\\chromiummaster\\build\\android\\pylib') import os,time import android_commands from perf import surface_stats_collector resultList = [] deviceText = os.popen('adb devices') textList = deviceText.readlines() deviceName = textList[1].split()[0] activityName = 'com.moji.mjweather' adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(deviceName) collector = surface_stats_collector.SurfaceStatsCollector(adb) collector.DisableWarningAboutEmptyData() collector.Start() #循环10次,主要方便自己的实现,其他实现方法请另行实现; for i in range(10): time.sleep(0.3) results = collector.SampleResults() if not results: pass else: resultList.append(int(results[0].value)) results[0].print_str() collector.Stop() a = resultList[3:-3] print u"平均值:"+str(float(sum(a)/len(a)))+u" ; 最小值:"+str(min(a))