def plot_1d(self, axes, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create an array of 1D plots.

        axes: plotting axes
            Can be:
                - list(str) or str
                - pandas.Series(matplotlib.axes.Axes)
            If a pandas.Series is provided as an existing set of axes, then
            this is used for creating the plot. Otherwise a new set of axes are
            created using the list or lists of strings.

        fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
            New or original (if supplied) figure object

        axes: pandas.Series of matplotlib.axes.Axes
            Pandas array of axes objects

        if not isinstance(axes, pandas.Series):
            fig, axes = make_1d_axes(axes, tex=self.tex)
            fig = axes.bfill().to_numpy().flatten()[0].figure

        for x, ax in axes.iteritems():
            self.plot(ax, x, *args, **kwargs)

        return fig, axes
Exemple #2
def test_make_1d_axes():
    paramnames = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    tex = {'A': 'tA', 'B': 'tB', 'C': 'tC', 'D': 'tD', 'E': 'tE'}

    # Check no optional arguments
    fig, axes = make_1d_axes(paramnames)
    assert(isinstance(fig, Figure))
    assert(isinstance(axes, Series))
    assert_array_equal(axes.index, paramnames)
    for p, ax in axes.iteritems():
        assert(ax.get_xlabel() == p)

    # Check tex argument
    fig, axes = make_1d_axes(paramnames, tex=tex)
    for t in tex:
        assert(axes[t].get_xlabel() != t)
        assert(axes[t].get_xlabel() == tex[t])

    # Check fig argument
    fig0 = plt.figure()
    fig0.suptitle('hi there')
    fig, axes = make_1d_axes(paramnames)
    assert(fig is not fig0)
    fig, axes = make_1d_axes(paramnames, fig=fig0)
    assert(fig is fig0)

    # Check ncols argument
    fig, axes = make_1d_axes(paramnames, ncols=2)
    nrows, ncols = axes[0].get_subplotspec().get_gridspec().get_geometry()
    assert(ncols == 2)

    # Check gridspec argument
    grid = gs.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1], height_ratios=[3, 1])
    g00 = grid[0, 0]
    fig, axes = make_1d_axes(paramnames, subplot_spec=g00)
    assert(g00 is axes[0].get_subplotspec().get_topmost_subplotspec())

    # Check unexpected kwargs
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        make_1d_axes(paramnames, foo='bar')