Exemple #1
    def hook(step, u, v, w, ll):

        print("Current results:")
        print("Step:", step)
        print(" ")

        # Get classification error of validation and test sets
        def error(dataset_x, dataset_y):
            _, _, _z = model_qy.gen_xz(u, {'x': dataset_x}, {})
            n_examples = 20
            max_row = dataset_y.shape[1]
            example_rows = np.random.choice(max_row,
            print("  Predictions:", np.argmax(_z['py'], axis=0)[example_rows])
            print("  Real:       ", np.argmax(dataset_y, axis=0)[example_rows])
            return np.sum(
                np.argmax(_z['py'], axis=0) != np.argmax(dataset_y, axis=0)
            ) / (0.0 + dataset_y.shape[1])

        valid_error = error(valid_x, valid_y)
        test_error = error(test_x, test_y)

        # Save variables
        ndict.savez(u, logdir + 'u')
        ndict.savez(v, logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(w, logdir + 'w')

        time_elapsed = time.time() - t0

        # This will be showing the current results and write them in a file:
        with open(logdir + 'AA_results.txt', 'a') as file:
                str(step) + ',' + str(time_elapsed) + ',' + str(valid_error) +
                ',' + str(test_error) + '\n')

        print("Time elapsed:", time_elapsed)
        print("Validset error:", valid_error)
        print("Testset error:", test_error)
        print("LogLikelihood:", ll)

        return valid_error
Exemple #2
    def hook(t, u, v, w, ll):
        # Get classification error of validation and test sets
        def error(dataset_x, dataset_y):
            _, _, _z = model_qy.gen_xz(u, {'x':dataset_x}, {})
            return np.sum( np.argmax(_z['py'], axis=0) != np.argmax(dataset_y, axis=0)) / (0.0 + dataset_y.shape[1])
        valid_error = error(valid_x, valid_y)
        test_error = error(test_x, test_y)

        # Log
        ndict.savez(u, logdir+'u')
        ndict.savez(v, logdir+'v')
        ndict.savez(w, logdir+'w')
        dt = time.time() - t0
        print dt, t, ll, valid_error, test_error
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >>f, dt, t, ll, valid_error, test_error
        return valid_error
Exemple #3
    def hook(t, u, v, w, ll):

        # Get classification error of validation and test sets
        def error(dataset_x, dataset_y):
            _, _, _z = model_qy.gen_xz(u, {'x': dataset_x}, {})
            return np.sum(np.argmax(_z['py'], axis=0) != np.argmax(dataset_y, axis=0)) / (0.0 + dataset_y.shape[1])

        valid_error = error(valid_x, valid_y)
        test_error = error(test_x, test_y)

        # Log
        ndict.savez(u, logdir + 'u')
        ndict.savez(v, logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(w, logdir + 'w')

        dt = time.time() - t0

        print(dt, t, ll, valid_error, test_error)
        with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print(dt, t, ll, valid_error, test_error, file=f)

        return valid_error
Exemple #4
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):
        if epoch%10 != 0:
        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        if math.isnan(ll_valid):
            print "NaN detected. Reverting to saved best parameters"
            ndict.set_value(model.v, ndict.loadz(logdir+'v.ndict.tar.gz'))
            ndict.set_value(model.w, ndict.loadz(logdir+'w.ndict.tar.gz'))
        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if False and ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                print "Finished"
                with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print >>f, "Finished"

        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
        print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >>f, t, ll, ll_valid
        if gfx:   
            # Graphics
            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
            tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0x'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'q_w0x'+tail, 'PNG')
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
            _x = {'y': np.random.multinomial(1, [1./n_y]*n_y, size=144).T}
            _, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(_x, {}, n_batch=144)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z_confab['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
            _, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(y_sample, z_sample, n_batch=144)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z_confab['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'samples_fixed'+tail, 'PNG')
            if n_z == 2:
                import ImageFont
                import ImageDraw
                n_width = 10
                submosaic_offset = 15
                submosaic_width = (dim_input[1]*n_width)
                submosaic_height = (dim_input[0]*n_width)
                mosaic = Image.new("RGB", (submosaic_width*mosaic_w, submosaic_offset+submosaic_height*mosaic_h))
                for digit in range(0,n_y):
                    if digit >= mosaic_h*mosaic_w: continue
                    _x = {}
                    n_batch_plot = n_width*n_width
                    _x['y'] = np.zeros((n_y,n_batch_plot))
                    _x['y'][digit,:] = 1
                    _z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0,n_width):
                        for j in range(0,n_width):
                            _z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                            _z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(_x, _z, n_batch=n_batch_plot)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg, tile_spacing=(0,0))
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples_digit_'+str(digit)+'_'+tail, 'PNG')
                    mosaic_x = (digit%mosaic_w)*submosaic_width
                    mosaic_y = submosaic_offset+int(digit/mosaic_w)*submosaic_height
                    mosaic.paste(image, (mosaic_x, mosaic_y))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mosaic)
                draw.text((1,1),"Epoch #"+str(epoch)+" Loss="+str(int(ll)))
                #plt.savefig(logdir+'mosaic'+tail, format='PNG')
                mosaic.save(logdir+'mosaic'+tail, 'PNG')
Exemple #5
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):
        Documented by SetaSouto, may contains errors.

        :epoch: Number of the current step.
        :t: Time elapsed from the beginning.
        :ll: Loglikelihood.

        if epoch % 10 != 0: return

        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid,

        # Saves the value of our actual net.
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w')

        # If the actual ll of the validset is the best:
        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            # Reset the numbers of iterations without improving:
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if ll_valid_stats[1] > 100:
                with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print(f, "Finished")

        # This will be showing the current results and write them in a file:
        with open(logdir + 'AA_results.txt', 'a') as file:
            # Like a csv file:
                str(epoch) + ',' + str(t) + ',' + str(ll) + ',' +
                str(ll_valid) + ',' + str(ll_valid_stats[1]) + '\n')
        print("Current results:")
        print(" ")
        print("Step:", epoch)
        print("Time elapsed:", t)
        print("Loglikelihood minibatch:", ll)
        print("Loglikelihood validSet:", ll_valid)
        print("N not improving:", ll_valid_stats[1])

        # Graphics: Generate images from the math
        if gfx and epoch % gfx_freq == 0:

            # tail = '.png'
            tail = '-' + str(epoch) + '.png'

            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}

            if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                if 'out_unif' in w:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(
                        w['out_unif'].reshape((-1, 1))),
                    image.save(logdir + 'out_unif' + tail, 'PNG')

                if n_z == 2:
                    n_width = 10
                    import scipy.stats
                    z = {'z': np.zeros((2, n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0, n_width):
                        for j in range(0, n_width):
                            z['z'][0, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(i) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)
                            z['z'][1, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(j) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)

                    x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
                    if dataset == 'mnist':
                        x = 1 - _z['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
                    image.save(logdir + '2dmanifold' + tail, 'PNG')
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples),
                    image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

                    # x_samples = _x['x']
                    # image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    # image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')

                # Model with preprocessing

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
                x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples,
                image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')
Exemple #6
def main(n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed, gfx=True, _size=None):
    '''Learn a variational auto-encoder with generative model p(x,y,z)=p(y)p(z)p(x|y,z).
    x and y are (always) observed.
    I.e. this cannot be used for semi-supervised learning
    assert (type(n_hidden) == tuple or type(n_hidden) == list)
    assert type(n_z) == int
    assert isinstance(dataset, basestring)
    print 'gpulearn_yz_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed
    import time
    logdir = 'results/gpulearn_yz_x_'+dataset+'_'+str(n_z)+'-'+str(n_hidden)+'-'+str(int(time.time()))+'/'
    if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir)
    print 'logdir:', logdir
    # Init data
    if dataset == 'mnist':
        What works well:
        100-2-100 (Generated digits stay bit shady)
        1000-2-1000 (Needs pretty long training)
        import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist
        # MNIST
        size = 28
        train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = mnist.load_numpy(size, binarize_y=True)
        f_enc, f_dec = lambda x:x, lambda x:x
        x = {'x': train_x[:,:].astype(np.float32), 'y': train_y[:,:].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': valid_y.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (size,size)
        n_x = size*size
        n_y = 10
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = True
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 2
        type_px = 'bernoulli'

    elif dataset == 'norb':
        # resized NORB dataset, reshuffled
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = _size #48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)
        _x = {'x': train_x, 'y': train_y}
        train_x = _x['x']
        train_y = _x['y']
        # Do PCA
        f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(_x['x'][:,:10000], cutoff=2000, toFloat=False)
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir+'pca_params')
        x = {'x': f_enc(train_x).astype(np.float32), 'y':train_y.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32), 'y':test_y.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        n_y = 5
        dim_input = (size,size)
        n_batch = 1000 #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 1
        type_px = 'gaussian'

    elif dataset == 'norb_instances': 
        # resized NORB dataset with the instances as classes
        import anglepy.data.norb2 as norb2
        size = _size #48
        x, y = norb2.load_numpy_subclasses(size, binarize_y=True)
        _x = {'x': x, 'y': y}
        # Do pre=processing
        if True:
            # Works
            f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(_x['x'][:,:10000], cutoff=600, global_sd=True, toFloat=True)
            ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir+'pca_params')
        elif False:
            # Doesn't work
            f_enc, f_dec, pp_params = pp.normalize_noise(_x['x'][:,:50000], noise_sd=0.01, global_sd=True, toFloat=True)
            # Doesn't work
            f_enc, f_dec, params = pp.normalize_random(x=x[:,:10000], global_sd=True, toFloat=True)
            ndict.savez(params, logdir+'normalize_random_params')
        n_valid = 5000
        x = {'x': f_enc(_x['x'][:,:-n_valid]).astype(np.float32), 'y':_x['y'][:,:-n_valid].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': f_enc(_x['x'][:,:n_valid]).astype(np.float32), 'y':_x['y'][:,:n_valid].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        n_y = 50
        dim_input = (size,size)
        n_batch = 5000 #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 1
        type_px = 'gaussian'

    elif dataset == 'svhn':    
        # SVHN dataset
        import anglepy.data.svhn as svhn
        size = 32
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = svhn.load_numpy(False, binarize_y=True) #norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)
        extra_x, extra_y = svhn.load_numpy_extra(False, binarize_y=True)
        x = {'x': np.hstack((train_x, extra_x)), 'y':np.hstack((train_y, extra_y))}
        #f_enc, f_dec, (x_sd, x_mean) = pp.preprocess_normalize01(train_x, True)
        f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(x['x'][:,:10000], cutoff=1000, toFloat=True)
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir+'pca_params')
        n_y = 10
        x = {'x': f_enc(x['x']).astype(np.float32), 'y': x['y'].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32), 'y': test_y.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        dim_input = (size,size)
        n_batch = 5000
        colorImg = True
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 2
        type_px = 'gaussian'
    # Init model
    n_hidden_q = n_hidden
    n_hidden_p = n_hidden
    from anglepy.models import GPUVAE_YZ_X
    updates = get_adam_optimizer(alpha=3e-4, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, weight_decay=0)
    model = GPUVAE_YZ_X(updates, n_x, n_y, n_hidden_q, n_z, n_hidden_p[::-1], 'softplus', 'softplus', type_px=type_px, type_qz='gaussianmarg', type_pz='gaussianmarg', prior_sd=1, uniform_y=True)
    if False:
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_yz_x_svhn_300-(500, 500)-1414094291/'
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_yz_x_svhn_300-(500, 500)-1414163488/'
        w = ndict.loadz(dir+'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(dir+'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        ndict.set_value(model.w, w)
        ndict.set_value(model.v, v)
    # Some statistics for optimization
    ll_valid_stats = [-1e99, 0]

    # Fixed sample for visualisation
    z_sample = {'z': np.repeat(np.random.standard_normal(size=(n_z, 12)), 12, axis=1).astype(np.float32)}
    y_sample = {'y': np.tile(np.random.multinomial(1, [1./n_y]*n_y, size=12).T, (1, 12))}
    # Progress hook
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):
        if epoch%10 != 0:
        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        if math.isnan(ll_valid):
            print "NaN detected. Reverting to saved best parameters"
            ndict.set_value(model.v, ndict.loadz(logdir+'v.ndict.tar.gz'))
            ndict.set_value(model.w, ndict.loadz(logdir+'w.ndict.tar.gz'))
        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if False and ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                print "Finished"
                with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print >>f, "Finished"

        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
        print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >>f, t, ll, ll_valid
        if gfx:   
            # Graphics
            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
            tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0x'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'q_w0x'+tail, 'PNG')
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
            _x = {'y': np.random.multinomial(1, [1./n_y]*n_y, size=144).T}
            _, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(_x, {}, n_batch=144)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z_confab['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
            _, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(y_sample, z_sample, n_batch=144)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z_confab['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'samples_fixed'+tail, 'PNG')
            if n_z == 2:
                import ImageFont
                import ImageDraw
                n_width = 10
                submosaic_offset = 15
                submosaic_width = (dim_input[1]*n_width)
                submosaic_height = (dim_input[0]*n_width)
                mosaic = Image.new("RGB", (submosaic_width*mosaic_w, submosaic_offset+submosaic_height*mosaic_h))
                for digit in range(0,n_y):
                    if digit >= mosaic_h*mosaic_w: continue
                    _x = {}
                    n_batch_plot = n_width*n_width
                    _x['y'] = np.zeros((n_y,n_batch_plot))
                    _x['y'][digit,:] = 1
                    _z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0,n_width):
                        for j in range(0,n_width):
                            _z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                            _z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(_x, _z, n_batch=n_batch_plot)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg, tile_spacing=(0,0))
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples_digit_'+str(digit)+'_'+tail, 'PNG')
                    mosaic_x = (digit%mosaic_w)*submosaic_width
                    mosaic_y = submosaic_offset+int(digit/mosaic_w)*submosaic_height
                    mosaic.paste(image, (mosaic_x, mosaic_y))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mosaic)
                draw.text((1,1),"Epoch #"+str(epoch)+" Loss="+str(int(ll)))
                #plt.savefig(logdir+'mosaic'+tail, format='PNG')
                mosaic.save(logdir+'mosaic'+tail, 'PNG')
                #x_samples = _x['x']
                #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')
    # Optimize
    dostep = epoch_vae_adam(model, x, n_batch=n_batch, bernoulli_x=bernoulli_x, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
    loop_va(dostep, hook)
Exemple #7
def main(n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed, comment, gfx=True):
  # Initialize logdir
  import time
  pre_dir = 'models/gpulearn_z_x_mnist_96-(500, 500)'
  if os.environ.has_key('pretrain') and bool(int(os.environ['pretrain'])) == True:
  if os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True:
  if os.environ.has_key('cutoff'):
  if os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True:
  if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
  logdir = 'results/gpulearn_z_x_'+dataset+'_'+str(n_z)+'-'+str(n_hidden)+comment+'_'+str(int(time.time()))+'/'
  if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir)
  print 'logdir:', logdir
  print 'gpulearn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed
  with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
    print >>f, 'learn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed

  gfx_freq = 1
  weight_decay = 0
  # Init data
  if dataset == 'mnist':
    import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = mnist.load_numpy(size)
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    if os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True:
        color.printBlue('Loading prior')
        mnist_prior = sio.loadmat('data/mnist_prior/mnist_prior.mat')
        train_mean_prior = mnist_prior['z_train']
        test_mean_prior = mnist_prior['z_test']
        valid_mean_prior = mnist_prior['z_valid']
        train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
        test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
        valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    print '---------------------', type(train_x)

    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    print '---------------------', type(x_train)

    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 50000
    n_test = 10000
    n_valid = 10000
    n_batch = 1000
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'higgs':
    size = 28
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    inputfile = 'data/higgs/HIGGS.csv'
    print 'loading file.'
    x = np.loadtxt(inputfile, dtype='f4', delimiter=',')
    print 'done.'
    y = x[:,0].reshape((-1,1))
    x = x[:,1:]
    x = np.array(x, dtype='float32')
    y = np.array(y, dtype='float32')
    n_train = 10000000 
    n_valid = 500000
    n_test  = 500000
    n_batch = 1000
    derived_feat = 'all'
    if os.environ.has_key('derived_feat'):
        derived_feat = os.environ['derived_feat']
    if derived_feat == 'high':
        # Only the 7 high level features.
        x = x[:, 21:28]
    elif derived_feat == 'low':
        # Only the 21 raw features.
        x = x[:, 0:21]
    train_x = x[0:n_train, :].T
    y_train = y[0:n_train, :]
    valid_x = x[n_train:n_train+n_valid, :].T
    y_valid = y[n_train:n_train+n_valid, :]
    test_x = x[n_train+n_valid:n_train+n_valid+n_test, :].T
    y_test = y[n_train+n_valid:n_train+n_valid+n_test, :]
    n_y = 2
    n_x = train_x.shape[0]
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))

    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'tanh'
    if os.environ.has_key('nonlinear'):
        nonlinear = os.environ['nonlinear']
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (1,size)
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'cifar10':
    import anglepy.data.cifar10 as cifar10
    size = 32
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = cifar10.load_numpy()
    train_x = train_x.astype(np.float32).T
    test_x = test_x.astype(np.float32).T
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    if os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True:
        color.printBlue('Loading prior')
        cifar_prior = sio.loadmat('data/cifar10_prior/cifar10_prior.mat')
        train_mean_prior = cifar_prior['z_train']
        test_mean_prior = cifar_prior['z_test']
        train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
        test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = x_test
    L_valid = 1
    n_y = 10
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    if os.environ.has_key('type_px'):
        type_px = os.environ['type_px']
        color.printBlue('Generative type: '+type_px)
    n_train = 50000
    n_test = 10000
    n_batch = 5000
    colorImg = True
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    #weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'cifar10_zca':
    import anglepy.data.cifar10 as cifar10
    size = 32
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = cifar10.load_numpy()
    train_x = train_x.astype(np.float32).T
    test_x = test_x.astype(np.float32).T
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    zca_mean, zca_w, zca_winv = cifar10.zca(train_x)
    train_x = zca_w.dot(train_x-zca_mean)
    test_x = zca_w.dot(test_x-zca_mean)
    if os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True:
        color.printBlue('Loading prior')
        cifar_prior = sio.loadmat('data/cifar10_prior/cifar10_prior.mat')
        train_mean_prior = cifar_prior['z_train']
        test_mean_prior = cifar_prior['z_test']
        train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
        test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = x_test
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_y = 10
    n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    n_train = 50000
    n_test = 10000
    n_batch = 5000
    colorImg = True
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    if os.environ.has_key('type_px'):
        type_px = os.environ['type_px']
        color.printBlue('Generative type: '+type_px)
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
  elif dataset == 'mnist_basic': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'mnist_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,10000:]
    valid_y = train_y[10000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:10000]
    train_y = train_y[:10000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(train_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(valid_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(test_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 10000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 200
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'rectangle': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'rectangles_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,1000:]
    valid_y = train_y[1000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:1000]
    train_y = train_y[:1000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(train_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(valid_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(test_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 2
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 1000
    n_valid = 200
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 500
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
    #print '3', n_x
  elif dataset == 'convex': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'convex_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,6000:]
    valid_y = train_y[6000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:6000]
    train_y = train_y[:6000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(train_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(valid_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(test_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 2
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 6000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 120
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'rectangle_image': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'rectangles_im_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,10000:]
    valid_y = train_y[10000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:10000]
    train_y = train_y[:10000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(train_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(valid_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'y': labelToMat(test_y).astype(np.float32)}
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 2
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 10000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 200
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'mnist_rot':
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'mnist_all_rotation_normalized_float_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,10000:]
    valid_y = train_y[10000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:10000]
    train_y = train_y[:10000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 10000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 200
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'mnist_back_rand': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'mnist_background_random_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,10000:]
    valid_y = train_y[10000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:10000]
    train_y = train_y[:10000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 10000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 200
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'mnist_back_image': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'mnist_background_images_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,10000:]
    valid_y = train_y[10000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:10000]
    train_y = train_y[:10000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 10000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 200
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'mnist_back_image_rot': 
    # MNIST
    size = 28
    data_dir = os.environ['ML_DATA_PATH']+'/mnist_variations/'+'mnist_all_background_images_rotation_normalized_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    # validation 2000
    valid_x = train_x[:,10000:]
    valid_y = train_y[10000:]
    train_x = train_x[:,:10000]
    train_y = train_y[:10000]
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    print train_x.shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_x.shape
    print test_y.shape
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': valid_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior': test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_x = size*size
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 10000
    n_valid = 2000
    n_test = 50000
    n_batch = 200
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = True
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
    #import anglepy.data.mnist_binarized as mnist_binarized
    # MNIST
    import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist
    size = 28
    data_dir = '/home/lichongxuan/regbayes2/data/mat_data/'+'binarized_mnist_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['x_train'].T
    #train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['x_test'].T
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'valid.mat')
    #print tmp.keys()
    valid_x = tmp['x_valid'].T
    #test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    train_x = np.hstack((train_x, valid_x)).astype(np.float32)
    train_mean_prior = np.hstack((train_mean_prior,valid_mean_prior)).astype(np.float32)
    print train_mean_prior.shape
    print train_x.shape
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior':train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32),'mean_prior':test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = x_valid
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (28,28)
    n_x = 28*28
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 60000
    n_valid = 10000
    n_batch = 1000
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'mnist_binarized_own':
    #import anglepy.data.mnist_binarized as mnist_binarized
    # MNIST
    import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist
    size = 28
    data_dir = 'data/mnist_binarized_own/'+'binarized_mnist_'
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'train.mat')
    train_x = tmp['train_x'].T
    #train_y = tmp['t_train'].T.astype(np.int32)
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'test.mat')
    test_x = tmp['test_x'].T
    tmp = sio.loadmat(data_dir+'valid.mat')
    #print tmp.keys()
    valid_x = tmp['valid_x'].T
    #test_y = tmp['t_test'].T.astype(np.int32)
    f_enc, f_dec = pp.Identity()
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    valid_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,valid_x.shape[1]))
    train_x = np.hstack((train_x, valid_x)).astype(np.float32)
    train_mean_prior = np.hstack((train_mean_prior,valid_mean_prior)).astype(np.float32)
    print train_mean_prior.shape
    print train_x.shape
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior':train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32),'mean_prior':test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = x_valid
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (28,28)
    n_x = 28*28
    n_y = 10
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    n_train = 60000
    n_valid = 10000
    n_batch = 1000
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
  elif dataset == 'freyface':
    # Frey's face
    import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
    n_train = 1600
    train_x = freyface.load_numpy()
    x = {'x': train_x.T[:,0:n_train]}
    x_valid = {'x': train_x.T[:,n_train:]}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (28,20)
    n_x = 20*28
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'bounded01'
    nonlinear = 'tanh'  #tanh works better with freyface #'softplus'
    n_batch = 100
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train

  elif dataset == 'freyface_pca':
    # Frey's face
    import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
    n_train = 1600
    train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T
    f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
    train_x = f_enc(train_x)
    x = {'x': train_x[:,0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = {'x': train_x[:,n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (28,20)
    n_x = train_x.shape[0]
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    n_batch = 100
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False

  elif dataset == 'freyface_bernoulli':
    # Frey's face
    import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
    n_train = 1600
    train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T
    x = {'x': train_x[:,0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = {'x': train_x[:,n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    dim_input = (28,20)
    n_x = train_x.shape[0]
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'bernoulli'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    n_batch = 100
    colorImg = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
  elif dataset == 'norb_48_24300_pca':
    size = 48
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = np.load('data/norb/norb_48_24300.npy')
    _x = {'x': train_x, 'y': train_y}
    #train_x = _x['x']
    #train_y = _x['y']
    #print _x['x'][:,:10000].shape
    # Do PCA
    print 'pca'
    f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(_x['x'][:,:10000], cutoff=500, toFloat=False)
    ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir+'pca_params')
    print 'done'
    train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
    test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': f_enc(train_x).astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior' : train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior' : test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_test = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior' : test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    print x['x'].shape
    print x['mean_prior'].shape
    L_valid = 1
    n_y = 5
    n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
    dim_input = (size,size)
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
    colorImg = False
    #binarize = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]
  elif dataset == 'norb':  
    # small NORB dataset
    import anglepy.data.norb as norb
    size = 48
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)

    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    n_x = train_x.shape[0]
    dim_input = (size,size)
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
    colorImg = False
    #binarize = False
    byteToFloat = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]
  elif dataset == 'norb_pca':  
    # small NORB dataset
    import anglepy.data.norb as norb
    size = 48
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)

    f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.999)
    #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
    train_x = f_enc(train_x)
    test_x = f_enc(test_x)
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    n_x = train_x.shape[0]
    dim_input = (size,size)
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
    colorImg = False
    #binarize = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]

  elif dataset == 'norb_normalized':
    # small NORB dataset
    import anglepy.data.norb as norb
    size = 48
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)

    #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
    #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
    f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize(train_x)
    train_x = f_enc(train_x)
    test_x = f_enc(test_x)
    x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
    L_valid = 1
    n_x = train_x.shape[0]
    dim_input = (size,size)
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'
    n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
    colorImg = False
    #binarize = False
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]
  elif dataset == 'svhn':
    # SVHN dataset
    #import anglepy.data.svhn as svhn
    size = 32
    train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = np.load('data/svhn/svhn.npy')
    #extra_x, extra_y = svhn.load_numpy_extra(False, binarize_y=True)
    #x = {'x': np.hstack((train_x, extra_x)), 'y':np.hstack((train_y, extra_y))}
    x = {'x' : train_x, 'y': train_y}
    print 'Performing PCA, can take a few minutes... '
    cutoff = 300
    if os.environ.has_key('cutoff'):
        cutoff = int(os.environ['cutoff'])
        color.printBlue('cutoff: '+str(cutoff))
    f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(x['x'][:,:10000], cutoff=cutoff, toFloat=True)
    ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir+'pca_params')
    print 'Done.'
    n_y = 10
    if os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True:
        color.printBlue('Loading prior')
        train_mean_prior, train_y1, test_mean_prior, test_y1 = np.load('data/svhn/svhn_prior.npy')
        print np.sum((train_y1 == train_y).astype(np.int32))
        print np.sum((test_y1 == test_y).astype(np.int32))
        train_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,train_x.shape[1]))
        test_mean_prior = np.zeros((n_z,test_x.shape[1]))
    x = {'x': f_enc(x['x']).astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior':train_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_train = x
    x_test = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32), 'mean_prior':test_mean_prior.astype(np.float32)}
    x_valid = x_test
    print x_train['x'].shape
    print x_test['x'].shape
    print train_y.shape
    print test_y.shape
    print x_train['mean_prior'].shape
    print x_test['mean_prior'].shape
    L_valid = 1
    n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
    dim_input = (size,size)
    n_batch = 5000
    n_train = 604388
    n_valid = 26032 
    n_test = 26032 
    colorImg = True
    bernoulli_x = False
    byteToFloat = False
    type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
    type_px = 'gaussian'
    nonlinear = 'softplus'

    print 'invalid data set'
  #print '2', n_x
  # Construct model
  from anglepy.models import GPUVAE_Z_X
  learning_rate1 = 3e-4
  if os.environ.has_key('stepsize'):
    learning_rate1 = float(os.environ['stepsize'])
  if os.environ.has_key('preoption'):
    pre = int(os.environ['preoption'])
    if pre == 1:
        updates = get_adam_optimizer(learning_rate=3e-4, decay1=0.9, decay2=0.999, weight_decay=0)
    elif pre ==2:
        updates = get_adam_optimizer(learning_rate=3e-4, decay1=0.9, decay2=0.999, weight_decay=weight_decay)
        raise Exception('Prepotion unknown')
    with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
      print >>f, 'preoption ' + str(pre)
    updates = get_adam_optimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate1, weight_decay=weight_decay)
  #print '1', n_x
  model = GPUVAE_Z_X(updates, n_x, n_hidden, n_z, n_hidden[::-1], nonlinear, nonlinear, type_px, type_qz=type_qz, type_pz=type_pz, prior_sd=100, init_sd=1e-3)
  if os.environ.has_key('pretrain') and bool(int(os.environ['pretrain'])) == True:
    #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412689061/'
    #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412676966/'
    #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412695481/'
    #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412695455/'
    #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/gpulearn_z_x_svhn_pca_300-(500, 500)__1413904756/'
    if len(n_hidden) == 1:
        layer_str = '-500'
    elif len(n_hidden) == 2:
        layer_str = '-(500, 500)'
        raise Exception()
    pre_str = 'models/gpulearn_z_x_'
    if dataset == 'mnist':
      #dir = pre_str + 'mnist_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
      dir = 'models/mnist_z_x_50-500-500_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'mnist_rot':
      dir = pre_str + 'mnist_rot_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'mnist_back_rand':
      dir = pre_str + 'mnist_back_rand_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'mnist_back_image':
      dir = pre_str + 'mnist_back_image_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'mnist_back_image_rot':
      dir = pre_str + 'mnist_back_image_rot_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'rectangle':
      dir = pre_str + 'rectangle_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'rectangle_image':
      dir = pre_str + 'rectangle_image_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'convex':
      dir = pre_str + 'convex_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'
    elif dataset == 'mnist_basic':
      dir = pre_str + 'mnist_basic_'+str(n_z)+layer_str+'_longrun/'

    if dataset == 'svhn':
        if (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):
            print 'prior-------------------'
            pre_dir = 'results/gpulearn_z_x_svhn_'+str(n_z)+'-500-500_prior_'+str(cutoff)+'_longrun/'
            pre_dir = 'results/gpulearn_z_x_svhn_'+str(n_z)+'-500-500_'+str(cutoff)+'_longrun/'
        w = ndict.loadz(pre_dir+'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(pre_dir+'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
    elif n_z == 50:
        print 'n_z = 50', dir
        w = ndict.loadz(dir+'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(dir+'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        print 'n_z != 50'
        w = ndict.loadz(pre_dir+'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(pre_dir+'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
    ndict.set_value2(model.w, w)
    ndict.set_value2(model.v, v)
  # Some statistics for optimization
  ll_valid_stats = [-1e99, 0]
  # Progress hook
  def hook(epoch, t, ll):
    if epoch%10 != 0: return
    n_batch_n = n_batch
    if n_batch_n > n_valid:
        n_batch_n = n_valid
    ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch_n, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
    ll_test = ll_valid
    #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
    if not dataset == 'svhn':
        ll_test, _ = model.est_loglik(x_test, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
    # Log
    ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
    ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
    def infer(data, n_batch=1000):
        #print '--', n_batch
        size = data['x'].shape[1]
        res = np.zeros((sum(n_hidden), size))
        res1 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
        res2 = np.zeros((n_hidden[-1],size))
        res3 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
        for i in range(0, size, n_batch):
          idx_to = min(size, i+n_batch)
          x_batch = ndict.getCols(data, i, idx_to)
          # may have bugs
          nn_batch = idx_to - i
          _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(x_batch, {}, nn_batch)
          x_samples = _z_confab['x']
          for (hi, hidden) in enumerate(_z_confab['hidden']):
            res[sum(n_hidden[:hi]):sum(n_hidden[:hi+1]),i:i+nn_batch] = hidden
          res1[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['mean']
          res2[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['hidden'][-1]
          res3[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['logvar']
        #print '--'             
        return res, res1, res2, res3
    #print '..', n_batch
    #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
    if not dataset == 'svhn':
        z_test, z_test1, z_test2, vv_test = infer(x_test)
        z_train, z_train1, z_train2, vv_train = infer(x_train)
    if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
      ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
      ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
      ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
      ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
      #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
      if dataset == 'svhn':
        #np.save(logdir+'full_latent', ('z_test': z_test, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train))
        #np.save(logdir+'last_latent', ('z_test': z_test2, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train2))
        sio.savemat(logdir+'full_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train})
        sio.savemat(logdir+'mean_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test1, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train1})
        sio.savemat(logdir+'last_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test2, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train2})
      ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
      # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
      if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
        print "Finished"
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
          print >>f, "Finished"
    print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_test, ll_valid_stats
    with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
      print >>f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_test, ll_valid_stats
    if dataset != 'svhn':
        l_t, px_t, pz_t, qz_t = model.test(x_train, n_samples=1, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        print 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
        #sigma_square = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
        print 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior))
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
          print >>f, 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
          print >>f, 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior)) 
    # Graphics
    if gfx and epoch%gfx_freq == 0:
      #tail = '.png'
      tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
      v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
      w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
      if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset and 'zca' not in dataset:
        if 'w0' in v:
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
        image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
        image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
        if 'out_unif' in w:
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_unif'].reshape((-1,1))), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'out_unif'+tail, 'PNG')
        if n_z == 2:
          n_width = 10
          import scipy.stats
          z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
          for i in range(0,n_width):
            for j in range(0,n_width):
              z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
              z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
          x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
          if dataset == 'mnist':
            x = 1 - _z['x']
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
          image.save(logdir+'2dmanifold'+tail, 'PNG')
          if 'norb' in dataset or dataset=='svhn':
            nn_batch_nn = 64
            nn_batch_nn = 144
          if not(os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True) and (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):
            mp_in = np.random.randint(0,x_train['mean_prior'].shape[1],nn_batch_nn)
            m_p = x_train['mean_prior'][:,mp_in]
            s_s = 1
            if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
                s_s = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
            x_samples = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            x_samples = x_samples['x']
            m_p1 = (np.ones((n_z, nn_batch_nn)).T * np.mean(x_train['mean_prior'], axis = 1)).T
            x_samples1 = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p1.astype(np.float32), s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples1['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'mean_samples-prior'+tail, 'PNG')
            x_samples11 = model.gen_xz_prior11({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples11['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'prior-image'+tail, 'PNG')
            _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            x_samples = _z_confab['x']
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'samples-prior'+tail, 'PNG')
          #x_samples = _x['x']
          #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
          #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')
        # Model with preprocessing
        if 'w0' in v:
          tmp = f_dec(v['w0'][:].T)
          #print dim_input
          #print tmp.shape
          if 'zca' in dataset or dataset=='svhn':
            tmp = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv, tmp)
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(tmp, dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
        tmp = f_dec(w['out_w'][:])
        if 'zca' in dataset:
          tmp = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv, tmp)
        image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(tmp, dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
        image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
        if dataset == 'svhn':
            nn_batch_nn = 64
            nn_batch_nn = 144
        if not(os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True) and (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):
            mp_in = np.random.randint(0,x_train['mean_prior'].shape[1],nn_batch_nn)
            m_p = x_train['mean_prior'][:,mp_in]
            s_s = 1
            if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
                s_s = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
            x_samples = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            x_samples = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv,x_samples['x'])
            x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
            x_samples11 = model.gen_xz_prior11({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            x_samples11 = zca_dec(zca_mean,zca_winv,x_samples11['x'])
            x_samples11 = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples11, 0), 1)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples11, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'prior-image'+tail, 'PNG')
          _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
          x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
          x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
        image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
        image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
        def infer(data, n_batch=1000):
            #print '--', n_batch
            size = data['x'].shape[1]
            res = np.zeros((sum(n_hidden), size))
            res1 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
            res2 = np.zeros((n_hidden[-1],size))
            res3 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
            for i in range(0, size, n_batch):
              idx_to = min(size, i+n_batch)
              x_batch = ndict.getCols(data, i, idx_to)
              # may have bugs
              nn_batch = idx_to - i
              _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(x_batch, {}, nn_batch)
              x_samples = _z_confab['x']
              for (hi, hidden) in enumerate(_z_confab['hidden']):
                res[sum(n_hidden[:hi]):sum(n_hidden[:hi+1]),i:i+nn_batch] = hidden
              res1[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['mean']
              res2[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['hidden'][-1]
              res3[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['logvar']
            return res, res1, res2, res3
        #print n_batch
        #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
        z_test, z_test1, z_test2, vv_test = infer(x_test)
        z_train, z_train1, z_train2, vv_train = infer(x_train)
        l_t, px_t, pz_t, qz_t = model.test(x_train, n_samples=1, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        print 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
        #sigma_square = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
        print 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior))
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
          print >>f, 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
          print >>f, 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior))
        #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':  
        sio.savemat(logdir+'full_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train})
        sio.savemat(logdir+'mean_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test1, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train1})
        sio.savemat(logdir+'last_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test2, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train2})
  # Optimize
  dostep = epoch_vae_adam(model, x, n_batch=n_batch, bernoulli_x=bernoulli_x, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
  loop_va(dostep, hook)
Exemple #8
 def hook(epoch, t, ll):
   if epoch%10 != 0: return
   n_batch_n = n_batch
   if n_batch_n > n_valid:
       n_batch_n = n_valid
   ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch_n, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
   ll_test = ll_valid
   #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
   if not dataset == 'svhn':
       ll_test, _ = model.est_loglik(x_test, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
   # Log
   ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
   ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
   def infer(data, n_batch=1000):
       #print '--', n_batch
       size = data['x'].shape[1]
       res = np.zeros((sum(n_hidden), size))
       res1 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
       res2 = np.zeros((n_hidden[-1],size))
       res3 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
       for i in range(0, size, n_batch):
         idx_to = min(size, i+n_batch)
         x_batch = ndict.getCols(data, i, idx_to)
         # may have bugs
         nn_batch = idx_to - i
         _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(x_batch, {}, nn_batch)
         x_samples = _z_confab['x']
         for (hi, hidden) in enumerate(_z_confab['hidden']):
           res[sum(n_hidden[:hi]):sum(n_hidden[:hi+1]),i:i+nn_batch] = hidden
         res1[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['mean']
         res2[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['hidden'][-1]
         res3[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['logvar']
       #print '--'             
       return res, res1, res2, res3
   #print '..', n_batch
   #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
   if not dataset == 'svhn':
       z_test, z_test1, z_test2, vv_test = infer(x_test)
       z_train, z_train1, z_train2, vv_train = infer(x_train)
   if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
     ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
     ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
     ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
     ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
     #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
     if dataset == 'svhn':
       #np.save(logdir+'full_latent', ('z_test': z_test, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train))
       #np.save(logdir+'last_latent', ('z_test': z_test2, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train2))
       sio.savemat(logdir+'full_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train})
       sio.savemat(logdir+'mean_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test1, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train1})
       sio.savemat(logdir+'last_latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test2, 'train_y':train_y, 'test_y':test_y, 'z_train': z_train2})
     ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
     # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
     if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
       print "Finished"
       with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
         print >>f, "Finished"
   print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_test, ll_valid_stats
   with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
     print >>f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_test, ll_valid_stats
   if dataset != 'svhn':
       l_t, px_t, pz_t, qz_t = model.test(x_train, n_samples=1, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
       print 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
       #sigma_square = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
       print 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior))
       with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
         print >>f, 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
         print >>f, 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior)) 
   # Graphics
   if gfx and epoch%gfx_freq == 0:
     #tail = '.png'
     tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
     v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
     w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
     if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset and 'zca' not in dataset:
       if 'w0' in v:
         image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
         image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
       image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
       image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
       if 'out_unif' in w:
         image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_unif'].reshape((-1,1))), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
         image.save(logdir+'out_unif'+tail, 'PNG')
       if n_z == 2:
         n_width = 10
         import scipy.stats
         z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
         for i in range(0,n_width):
           for j in range(0,n_width):
             z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
             z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
         x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
         if dataset == 'mnist':
           x = 1 - _z['x']
         image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
         image.save(logdir+'2dmanifold'+tail, 'PNG')
         if 'norb' in dataset or dataset=='svhn':
           nn_batch_nn = 64
           nn_batch_nn = 144
         if not(os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True) and (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):
           mp_in = np.random.randint(0,x_train['mean_prior'].shape[1],nn_batch_nn)
           m_p = x_train['mean_prior'][:,mp_in]
           s_s = 1
           if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
               s_s = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
           x_samples = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
           x_samples = x_samples['x']
           m_p1 = (np.ones((n_z, nn_batch_nn)).T * np.mean(x_train['mean_prior'], axis = 1)).T
           x_samples1 = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p1.astype(np.float32), s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
           image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples1['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
           image.save(logdir+'mean_samples-prior'+tail, 'PNG')
           x_samples11 = model.gen_xz_prior11({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
           image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples11['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
           image.save(logdir+'prior-image'+tail, 'PNG')
           _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
           x_samples = _z_confab['x']
         image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
         image.save(logdir+'samples-prior'+tail, 'PNG')
         #x_samples = _x['x']
         #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
         #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')
       # Model with preprocessing
       if 'w0' in v:
         tmp = f_dec(v['w0'][:].T)
         #print dim_input
         #print tmp.shape
         if 'zca' in dataset or dataset=='svhn':
           tmp = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv, tmp)
         image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(tmp, dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
         image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
       tmp = f_dec(w['out_w'][:])
       if 'zca' in dataset:
         tmp = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv, tmp)
       image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(tmp, dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
       image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
       if dataset == 'svhn':
           nn_batch_nn = 64
           nn_batch_nn = 144
       if not(os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True) and (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):
           mp_in = np.random.randint(0,x_train['mean_prior'].shape[1],nn_batch_nn)
           m_p = x_train['mean_prior'][:,mp_in]
           s_s = 1
           if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
               s_s = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
           x_samples = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
           x_samples = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv,x_samples['x'])
           x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
           x_samples11 = model.gen_xz_prior11({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
           x_samples11 = zca_dec(zca_mean,zca_winv,x_samples11['x'])
           x_samples11 = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples11, 0), 1)
           image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples11, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
           image.save(logdir+'prior-image'+tail, 'PNG')
         _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
         x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
         x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
       image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
       image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
Exemple #9
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):

        if epoch % 10 != 0: return

        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid,

        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w')

        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                print "Finished"
                with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print >> f, "Finished"

        print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats
        with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >> f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats

        # Graphics
        if gfx and epoch % gfx_freq == 0:

            #tail = '.png'
            tail = '-' + str(epoch) + '.png'

            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}

            if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                if 'out_unif' in w:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(
                        w['out_unif'].reshape((-1, 1))),
                    image.save(logdir + 'out_unif' + tail, 'PNG')

                if n_z == 2:
                    n_width = 10
                    import scipy.stats
                    z = {'z': np.zeros((2, n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0, n_width):
                        for j in range(0, n_width):
                            z['z'][0, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(i) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)
                            z['z'][1, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(j) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)

                    x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
                    if dataset == 'mnist':
                        x = 1 - _z['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
                    image.save(logdir + '2dmanifold' + tail, 'PNG')
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples),
                    image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

                    #x_samples = _x['x']
                    #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')

                # Model with preprocessing

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
                x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples,
                image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')
Exemple #10
def main(n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed, comment, gfx=True):

    # Initialize logdir
    import time
    logdir = 'results/gpulearn_z_x_' + dataset + '_' + str(n_z) + '-' + str(
        n_hidden) + '_' + comment + '_' + str(int(time.time())) + '/'
    if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir)
    print 'logdir:', logdir
    print 'gpulearn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed
    with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
        print >> f, 'learn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed


    gfx_freq = 1

    weight_decay = 0
    f_enc, f_dec = lambda x: x, lambda x: x

    # Init data
    if dataset == 'mnist':
        import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist

        # MNIST
        size = 28
        train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = mnist.load_numpy(
        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_x = size * size
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = 50000
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = True
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train

    if dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
        import anglepy.data.mnist_binarized as mnist_binarized
        # MNIST
        train_x, valid_x, test_x = mnist_binarized.load_numpy(28)
        x = {'x': np.hstack((train_x, valid_x)).astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 28)
        n_x = 28 * 28
        n_y = 10
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'mog'
        nonlinear = 'rectlin'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = 60000
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train

    elif dataset == 'freyface':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy()
        x = {'x': train_x.T[:, 0:n_train]}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x.T[:, n_train:]}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 20)
        n_x = 20 * 28
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'bounded01'
        nonlinear = 'tanh'  #tanh works better with freyface #'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train

    elif dataset == 'freyface_pca':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T

        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)

        x = {'x': train_x[:, 0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x[:, n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 20)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False

    elif dataset == 'freyface_bernoulli':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T

        x = {'x': train_x[:, 0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x[:, n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 20)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False

    elif dataset == 'norb':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        byteToFloat = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'norb_pca':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,

        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.999)
        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        test_x = f_enc(test_x)

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'norb_normalized':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,

        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize(train_x)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        test_x = f_enc(test_x)

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'svhn':
        # SVHN dataset
        import anglepy.data.svhn as svhn
        size = 32
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = svhn.load_numpy(
            False, binarize_y=True)  #norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)
        extra_x, extra_y = svhn.load_numpy_extra(False, binarize_y=True)
        x = {
            'x': np.hstack((train_x, extra_x)),
            'y': np.hstack((train_y, extra_y))

        print 'Performing PCA, can take a few minutes... ',
        f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(x['x'][:, :10000],
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir + 'pca_params')
        print 'Done.'

        n_y = 10
        x = {'x': f_enc(x['x']).astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_batch = 5000
        colorImg = True
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'

    # Construct model
    from anglepy.models import GPUVAE_Z_X
    updates = get_adam_optimizer(learning_rate=3e-4, weight_decay=weight_decay)
    model = GPUVAE_Z_X(updates,

    if False:
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412689061/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412676966/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412695481/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412695455/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/gpulearn_z_x_svhn_pca_300-(500, 500)__1413904756/'
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_z_x_mnist_50-[500, 500]__1414259423/'
        w = ndict.loadz(dir + 'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(dir + 'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        ndict.set_value(model.w, w)
        ndict.set_value(model.v, v)

    # Some statistics for optimization
    ll_valid_stats = [-1e99, 0]

    # Progress hook
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):

        if epoch % 10 != 0: return

        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid,

        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w')

        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                print "Finished"
                with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print >> f, "Finished"

        print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats
        with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >> f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats

        # Graphics
        if gfx and epoch % gfx_freq == 0:

            #tail = '.png'
            tail = '-' + str(epoch) + '.png'

            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}

            if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                if 'out_unif' in w:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(
                        w['out_unif'].reshape((-1, 1))),
                    image.save(logdir + 'out_unif' + tail, 'PNG')

                if n_z == 2:
                    n_width = 10
                    import scipy.stats
                    z = {'z': np.zeros((2, n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0, n_width):
                        for j in range(0, n_width):
                            z['z'][0, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(i) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)
                            z['z'][1, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(j) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)

                    x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
                    if dataset == 'mnist':
                        x = 1 - _z['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
                    image.save(logdir + '2dmanifold' + tail, 'PNG')
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples),
                    image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

                    #x_samples = _x['x']
                    #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')

                # Model with preprocessing

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
                x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples,
                image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

    # Optimize
    dostep = epoch_vae_adam(model,
    loop_va(dostep, hook)

Exemple #11
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):
        if epoch%10 != 0: return
        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                print "Finished"
                with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print >>f, "Finished"
        print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >>f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats

        # Graphics
        if gfx and epoch%gfx_freq == 0:
            #tail = '.png'
            tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
            if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:
                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
                if 'out_unif' in w:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_unif'].reshape((-1,1))), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'out_unif'+tail, 'PNG')
                if n_z == 2:
                    n_width = 10
                    import scipy.stats
                    z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0,n_width):
                        for j in range(0,n_width):
                            z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                            z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                    x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
                    if dataset == 'mnist':
                        x = 1 - _z['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
                    image.save(logdir+'2dmanifold'+tail, 'PNG')
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
                    #x_samples = _x['x']
                    #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')
                # Model with preprocessing
                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')

                _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
                x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
Exemple #12
def main(n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed, comment, gfx=True):
    # Initialize logdir
    import time
    logdir = 'results/gpulearn_z_x_'+dataset+'_'+str(n_z)+'-'+str(n_hidden)+'_'+comment+'_'+str(int(time.time()))+'/'
    if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir)
    print 'logdir:', logdir
    print 'gpulearn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed
    with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
        print >>f, 'learn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed

    gfx_freq = 1
    weight_decay = 0
    f_enc, f_dec = lambda x:x, lambda x:x

    # Init data
    if dataset == 'mnist':
        import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist
        # MNIST
        size = 28
        train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = mnist.load_numpy(size)
        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (size,size)
        n_x = size*size
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = 50000
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = True
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
    if dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
        import anglepy.data.mnist_binarized as mnist_binarized
        # MNIST
        train_x, valid_x, test_x = mnist_binarized.load_numpy(28)
        x = {'x': np.hstack((train_x, valid_x)).astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28,28)
        n_x = 28*28
        n_y = 10
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'mog'
        nonlinear = 'rectlin'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = 60000
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train
    elif dataset == 'freyface':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy()
        x = {'x': train_x.T[:,0:n_train]}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x.T[:,n_train:]}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28,20)
        n_x = 20*28
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'bounded01'
        nonlinear = 'tanh'  #tanh works better with freyface #'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch)/n_train

    elif dataset == 'freyface_pca':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T
        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        x = {'x': train_x[:,0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x[:,n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28,20)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False

    elif dataset == 'freyface_bernoulli':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T
        x = {'x': train_x[:,0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x[:,n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28,20)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False

    elif dataset == 'norb':    
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size,size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        byteToFloat = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]
    elif dataset == 'norb_pca':    
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)

        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.999)
        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        test_x = f_enc(test_x)
        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size,size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'norb_normalized':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)

        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize(train_x)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        test_x = f_enc(test_x)
        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size,size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900 #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay= float(n_batch)/train_x.shape[1]
    elif dataset == 'svhn':
        # SVHN dataset
        import anglepy.data.svhn as svhn
        size = 32
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = svhn.load_numpy(False, binarize_y=True) #norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)
        extra_x, extra_y = svhn.load_numpy_extra(False, binarize_y=True)
        x = {'x': np.hstack((train_x, extra_x)), 'y':np.hstack((train_y, extra_y))}
        print 'Performing PCA, can take a few minutes... ',
        f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(x['x'][:,:10000], cutoff=600, toFloat=True)
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir+'pca_params')
        print 'Done.'
        n_y = 10
        x = {'x': f_enc(x['x']).astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        dim_input = (size,size)
        n_batch = 5000
        colorImg = True
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
    # Construct model
    from anglepy.models import GPUVAE_Z_X
    updates = get_adam_optimizer(learning_rate=3e-4, weight_decay=weight_decay)
    model = GPUVAE_Z_X(updates, n_x, n_hidden, n_z, n_hidden[::-1], nonlinear, nonlinear, type_px, type_qz=type_qz, type_pz=type_pz, prior_sd=100, init_sd=1e-3)
    if False:
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412689061/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412676966/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412695481/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412695455/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/gpulearn_z_x_svhn_pca_300-(500, 500)__1413904756/'
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_z_x_mnist_50-[500, 500]__1414259423/'
        w = ndict.loadz(dir+'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(dir+'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        ndict.set_value(model.w, w)
        ndict.set_value(model.v, v)
    # Some statistics for optimization
    ll_valid_stats = [-1e99, 0]
    # Progress hook
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):
        if epoch%10 != 0: return
        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                print "Finished"
                with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print >>f, "Finished"
        print epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >>f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats

        # Graphics
        if gfx and epoch%gfx_freq == 0:
            #tail = '.png'
            tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
            if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:
                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
                if 'out_unif' in w:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_unif'].reshape((-1,1))), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'out_unif'+tail, 'PNG')
                if n_z == 2:
                    n_width = 10
                    import scipy.stats
                    z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0,n_width):
                        for j in range(0,n_width):
                            z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                            z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
                    x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
                    if dataset == 'mnist':
                        x = 1 - _z['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
                    image.save(logdir+'2dmanifold'+tail, 'PNG')
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
                    #x_samples = _x['x']
                    #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')
                # Model with preprocessing
                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                    image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
                image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')

                _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
                x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
    # Optimize
    dostep = epoch_vae_adam(model, x, n_batch=n_batch, bernoulli_x=bernoulli_x, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
    loop_va(dostep, hook)
Exemple #13
def main(n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed, comment, gfx=True):

    # Initialize logdir
    # Setasouto:
    # Create the directory to save the outputs files and log.
    import time
    logdir = 'results/gpulearn_z_x_' + dataset + '_' + str(n_z) + '-' + str(
        n_hidden) + '_' + comment + '_' + str(int(time.time())) + '/'
    if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir)
    print('logdir:', logdir)
    print('gpulearn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed)
    with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
        print(f, 'learn_z_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed)


    gfx_freq = 1

    weight_decay = 0
    f_enc, f_dec = lambda x: x, lambda x: x

    # Init data
    if dataset == 'mnist':
        import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist

        # MNIST
        size = 28
        train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = mnist.load_numpy(
        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_x = size * size
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = 50000
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = True
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train

    if dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
        import anglepy.data.mnist_binarized as mnist_binarized
        # MNIST
        train_x, valid_x, test_x = mnist_binarized.load_numpy(28)
        x = {'x': np.hstack((train_x, valid_x)).astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 28)
        n_x = 28 * 28
        n_y = 10
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'mog'
        nonlinear = 'rectlin'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = 60000
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train

    elif dataset == 'freyface':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy()
        x = {'x': train_x.T[:, 0:n_train]}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x.T[:, n_train:]}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 20)
        n_x = 20 * 28
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'bounded01'
        nonlinear = 'tanh'  #tanh works better with freyface #'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train

    elif dataset == 'freyface_pca':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T

        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)

        x = {'x': train_x[:, 0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x[:, n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 20)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False

    elif dataset == 'freyface_bernoulli':
        # Frey's face
        import anglepy.data.freyface as freyface
        n_train = 1600
        train_x = freyface.load_numpy().T

        x = {'x': train_x[:, 0:n_train].astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': train_x[:, n_train:].astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (28, 20)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 100
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False

    elif dataset == 'norb':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        byteToFloat = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'norb_pca':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,

        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.999)
        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        test_x = f_enc(test_x)

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'norb_normalized':
        # small NORB dataset
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = 48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,

        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.PCA(train_x, 0.99)
        #f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize_random(train_x)
        f_enc, f_dec, _ = pp.normalize(train_x)
        train_x = f_enc(train_x)
        test_x = f_enc(test_x)

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        n_batch = 900  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        #binarize = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / train_x.shape[1]

    elif dataset == 'svhn':
        # SVHN dataset
        import anglepy.data.svhn as svhn
        size = 32
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = svhn.load_numpy(
            False, binarize_y=True)  #norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)
        extra_x, extra_y = svhn.load_numpy_extra(False, binarize_y=True)
        x = {
            'x': np.hstack((train_x, extra_x)),
            'y': np.hstack((train_y, extra_y))

        print('Performing PCA, can take a few minutes... ',
              pca_params=pp.PCA(x['x'][:, :10000], cutoff=600, toFloat=True))
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir + 'pca_params')

        n_y = 10
        x = {'x': f_enc(x['x']).astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_batch = 5000
        colorImg = True
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_px = 'gaussian'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'

    elif dataset == 'hyper':
        # Hyperspectral images:

        # Import 1 file of the dataset
        # TODO: import more files: Edit hyperspectralData.py

        #I added the hyperspectralData file in the anglepy library
        from hyperspectralData import HyperspectralData

        train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = HyperspectralData(

        #Dim input: How it has to be written like an image. We said that is:
        dim_input = (67, 4)
        n_x = train_x.shape[0]  #Dimension of our data vector.

        x = {'x': train_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_valid = {'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32)}
        x_test = {'x': test_x.astype(np.float32)}
        L_valid = 1
        type_qz = 'gaussianmarg'
        type_pz = 'gaussianmarg'
        nonlinear = 'softplus'
        type_px = 'bernoulli'
        n_train = train_x.shape[1]
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        weight_decay = float(n_batch) / n_train
        #Write the hyperparameters used:
        with open(logdir + 'AA_hyperparameters.txt', 'w') as file:
            file.write("L_valid: " + str(L_valid) + '\n')
            file.write("type_qz: " + type_qz + '\n')
            file.write("type_pz: " + type_pz + '\n')
            file.write("Nonlinear: " + nonlinear + '\n')
            file.write("type_px: " + type_px + '\n')
            file.write("n_train: " + str(n_train) + '\n')
            file.write("n_batch: " + str(n_batch) + '\n')
            file.write("colorImg: " + str(colorImg) + '\n')
            file.write("bernoulli_x: " + str(bernoulli_x) + '\n')
            file.write("byteToFloat: " + str(byteToFloat) + '\n')
        # Write the headers for the csv file output:
        with open(logdir + 'AA_results.txt', 'w') as file:
            # Like a csv file:
            file.write("Step" + ',' + "TimeElapsed" + ',' +
                       "LowerboundMinibatch" + ',' + "LowerboundValid" + ',' +
                       "NumStepNotImproving" + '\n')

    # Construct model
    from anglepy.models import GPUVAE_Z_X
    updates = get_adam_optimizer(learning_rate=3e-4, weight_decay=weight_decay)
    model = GPUVAE_Z_X(updates,
    # SetaSouto:
    # The [::-1] is to reverse the list.

    if False:
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412689061/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412676966/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_svhn_bernoulli_300-(1000, 1000)_l1l2_sharing_and_1000HU_1412695481/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/learn_z_x_mnist_binarized_50-(500, 500)_mog_1412695455/'
        #dir = '/Users/dpkingma/results/gpulearn_z_x_svhn_pca_300-(500, 500)__1413904756/'
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_z_x_mnist_50-[500, 500]__1414259423/'
        w = ndict.loadz(dir + 'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(dir + 'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        ndict.set_value(model.w, w)
        ndict.set_value(model.v, v)

    # Some statistics for optimization
    ll_valid_stats = [-1e99, 0]

    # Progress hook
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):
        Documented by SetaSouto, may contains errors.

        :epoch: Number of the current step.
        :t: Time elapsed from the beginning.
        :ll: Loglikelihood (?).

        if epoch % 10 != 0: return

        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid,

        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w')

        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if ll_valid_stats[1] > 100:
                with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print(f, "Finished")

        # This will be showing the current results and write them in a file:
        with open(logdir + 'AA_results.txt', 'a') as file:
            # Like a csv file:
                str(epoch) + ',' + str(t) + ',' + str(ll) + ',' +
                str(ll_valid) + ',' + str(ll_valid_stats[1]) + '\n')
        print("Current results:")
        print(" ")
        print("Step:", epoch)
        print("Time elapsed:", t)
        print("Loglikelihood minibatch:", ll)
        print("Loglikelihood validSet:", ll_valid)
        print("N not improving:", ll_valid_stats[1])
        #print(epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats)

        #This print the file where are written the stats.
        #with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
        #print(f, epoch, t, ll, ll_valid, ll_valid_stats)

        # Graphics
        if gfx and epoch % gfx_freq == 0:

            #tail = '.png'
            tail = '-' + str(epoch) + '.png'

            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}

            if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                if 'out_unif' in w:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(
                        w['out_unif'].reshape((-1, 1))),
                    image.save(logdir + 'out_unif' + tail, 'PNG')

                if n_z == 2:
                    n_width = 10
                    import scipy.stats
                    z = {'z': np.zeros((2, n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0, n_width):
                        for j in range(0, n_width):
                            z['z'][0, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(i) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)
                            z['z'][1, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(j) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)

                    x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
                    if dataset == 'mnist':
                        x = 1 - _z['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
                    image.save(logdir + '2dmanifold' + tail, 'PNG')
                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples),
                    image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

                    #x_samples = _x['x']
                    #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                    #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')

                # Model with preprocessing

                if 'w0' in v:
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T),
                    image.save(logdir + 'q_w0' + tail, 'PNG')

                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
                image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

                _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=144)
                x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
                x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
                image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples,
                image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

    # Optimize
    dostep = epoch_vae_adam(model,
    loop_va(dostep, hook)

Exemple #14
  def hook(epoch, t, ll):
    if epoch==-1:
        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
        ll_test, _ = model.est_loglik(x_test, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)

        #print 'Likelihood of the pre-trained model: ', ll_valid, ll_test

    if epoch%10 != 0: return
    ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
    ll_test = ll_valid
    #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
    if not dataset == 'svhn':
        ll_test, _ = model.est_loglik(x_test, n_samples=L_valid, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
    # Log
    ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v')
    ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w')
    if True:
    if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
      ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
      ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
      ll_valid_stats[2] = epoch
      ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best')
      ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best')
      ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
      # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
      if ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
        print "Finished"
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
          print >>f, "Finished"
    # Graphics
    if gfx and epoch%gfx_freq == 0:
      #tail = '.png'
      tail = '-'+str(epoch)+'.png'
      v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
      w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}
      if True:
        def infer(data, n_batch=1000):
            size = data['x'].shape[1]
            #res = np.zeros((sum(n_hidden), size))
            #res3 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
            #res1 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
            predy = []
            for i in range(0, size, n_batch):
              idx_to = min(size, i+n_batch)
              x_batch = ndict.getCols(data, i, idx_to)
              # may have bugs
              nn_batch = idx_to - i
              _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(x_batch, {}, nn_batch)
              x_samples = _z_confab['x']
              predy += list(_z_confab['predy'])        
              #for (hi, hidden) in enumerate(_z_confab['hidden']):
              #  res[sum(n_hidden[:hi]):sum(n_hidden[:hi+1]),i:i+nn_batch] = hidden
              #res3[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['logvar']
              #res1[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['mean']
            stats = dict()
            #if epoch == -1:
            #  print 'features: ', res.shape
            return predy #(res, predy, _z, res1, res3)
        def evaluate(data, predy):
            y = np.argmax(data['y'], axis=0)
            return sum([int(yi != py) for (yi, py) in zip(y, predy)]) / float(len(predy))
        #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
        #(z_test, pred_test,_z_test,z_test1,vv_test) = infer(x_test)
        pred_test = infer(x_test)
        pred_train = infer(x_train)
        if not dataset == 'svhn':
            n_used = 1000
            if n_valid < 2 * n_used:
                n_used = n_valid / 2
            pred_valid = infer(x_valid,n_used)
        #predy_valid = predy_test
        #(z_train, pred_train, _z_train,z_train1,vv_train) = infer(x_train)
        #l_t, px_t, pz_t, qz_t = model.test(x_train, n_samples=1, n_batch=n_batch, byteToFloat=byteToFloat)
          print 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
          #sigma_square = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
          print 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior))
        #with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
        #    print >>f, 'Elogpx', px_t, 'Elogpz', pz_t, '-Elogqz', qz_t
        #    print >>f, 'var', np.mean(np.exp(vv_train)), 'q', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1)), 'p', np.mean(np.abs(train_mean_prior)), 'd', np.mean(np.abs(z_train1-train_mean_prior))
        pre_train = evaluate(x_train, pred_train)
        pre_test = evaluate(x_test, pred_test)
        pre_valid = pre_test
        if not dataset == 'svhn':
            pre_valid = evaluate(x_valid, pred_valid)
        if pre_valid < predy_valid_stats[0]:
            predy_valid_stats[0] = pre_valid
            predy_valid_stats[1] = pre_test
            predy_valid_stats[2] = epoch
            predy_valid_stats[3] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir+'v_best_predy')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir+'w_best_predy')
            predy_valid_stats[3] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if predy_valid_stats[3] > 10000 and model.param_c.get_value() > 0:
              print "Finished"
              with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                print >>f, "Finished"
        if pre_test < predy_test_stats[1]:
            predy_test_stats[0] = pre_valid
            predy_test_stats[1] = pre_test
            predy_test_stats[2] = epoch
        #print 'c = ', model.param_c.get_value()
        print 'epoch', epoch, 't', t, 'll', ll, 'll_valid', ll_valid, 'll_test', ll_test#, 'valid_stats', ll_valid_stats
        print 'train_err = ', pre_train, 'valid_err = ', pre_valid, 'test_err = ', pre_test
        print '--best: predy_valid_stats', predy_valid_stats#, 'predy_test_stats', predy_test_stats
        with open(logdir+'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print >>f, 'epoch', epoch, 't', t, 'll', ll, 'll_valid', ll_valid,'ll_test', ll_test, ll_valid_stats
            print >>f, 'train_err = ', pre_train, 'valid_err = ', pre_valid, 'test_err = ', pre_test
            print >>f, '--best: predy_valid_stats', predy_valid_stats#, 'predy_test_stats', predy_test_stats
        #if not dataset == 'mnist_binarized':
        #sio.savemat(logdir+'latent.mat', {'z_test': z_test, 'z_train': z_train})      

      if 'pca' not in dataset and 'random' not in dataset and 'normalized' not in dataset:
        #print 'lallaaa'
        if 'w0' in v:
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0'][:].T), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
        image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
        image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
        if 'out_unif' in w:
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_unif'].reshape((-1,1))), dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'out_unif'+tail, 'PNG')
        if n_z == 2:
          n_width = 10
          import scipy.stats
          z = {'z':np.zeros((2,n_width**2))}
          for i in range(0,n_width):
            for j in range(0,n_width):
              z['z'][0,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(i)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
              z['z'][1,n_width*i+j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(float(j)/n_width+0.5/n_width)
          x, _, _z = model.gen_xz({}, z, n_width**2)
          if dataset == 'mnist':
            x = 1 - _z['x']
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z['x']), dim_input)
          image.save(logdir+'2dmanifold'+tail, 'PNG')
          if 'norb' in dataset or dataset == 'svhn':
            nn_batch_nn = 64
            nn_batch_nn = 144
          if not(os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True) and (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):
            mp_in = np.random.randint(0,x_train['mean_prior'].shape[1],nn_batch_nn)
            m_p = x_train['mean_prior'][:,mp_in]
            s_s = 1
            if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
                s_s = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
            x_samples = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            x_samples = x_samples['x']
            m_p1 = (np.ones((n_z, nn_batch_nn)).T * np.mean(x_train['mean_prior'], axis = 1)).T
            x_samples1 = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p1.astype(np.float32), s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples1['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'mean_samples-prior'+tail, 'PNG')
            x_samples11 = model.gen_xz_prior11({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples11['x']), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
            image.save(logdir+'prior-image'+tail, 'PNG')
            _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
            x_samples = _z_confab['x']
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'samples-prior'+tail, 'PNG')
      # Model with preprocessing
        if 'w0' in v:
          tmp = f_dec(v['w0'][:].T)
          if 'zca' in dataset:
            tmp = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv, tmp)
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(tmp, dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'q_w0'+tail, 'PNG')
        tmp = f_dec(w['out_w'][:])
        if 'zca' in dataset:
          tmp = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv, tmp)
        image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(tmp, dim_input, True, colorImg=colorImg)
        image.save(logdir+'out_w'+tail, 'PNG')
        if dataset == 'svhn':
            nn_batch_nn = 64
            nn_batch_nn = 144
        if not(os.environ.has_key('train_residual') and bool(int(os.environ['train_residual'])) == True) and (os.environ.has_key('prior') and bool(int(os.environ['prior'])) == True):

          mp_in = np.random.randint(0,x_train['mean_prior'].shape[1],nn_batch_nn)
          m_p = x_train['mean_prior'][:,mp_in]
          s_s = 1
          if os.environ.has_key('sigma_square'):
              s_s = float(os.environ['sigma_square'])
          x_samples = model.gen_xz_prior({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
          x_samples = zca_dec(zca_mean, zca_winv,x_samples['x'])
          x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)  
          x_samples11 = model.gen_xz_prior11({}, {}, m_p, s_s, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
          x_samples11 = zca_dec(zca_mean,zca_winv,x_samples11['x'])
          x_samples11 = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples11, 0), 1)    
          image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples11, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
          image.save(logdir+'prior-image'+tail, 'PNG')
          _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz({}, {}, n_batch=nn_batch_nn)
          x_samples = f_dec(_z_confab['x'])
          x_samples = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_samples, 0), 1)
        image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(x_samples, dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
        image.save(logdir+'samples'+tail, 'PNG')
def main(n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed, gfx=True, _size=None):
    '''Learn a variational auto-encoder with generative model p(x,y,z)=p(y)p(z)p(x|y,z).
    x and y are (always) observed.
    I.e. this cannot be used for semi-supervised learning
    assert (type(n_hidden) == tuple or type(n_hidden) == list)
    assert type(n_z) == int
    assert isinstance(dataset, str)

    print('gpulearn_yz_x', n_z, n_hidden, dataset, seed)

    import time
    logdir = 'results/gpulearn_yz_x_' + dataset + '_' + str(n_z) + '-' + str(
        n_hidden) + '-' + str(int(time.time())) + '/'
    if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir)
    print('logdir:', logdir)


    # Init data
    if dataset == 'mnist':
        What works well:
        100-2-100 (Generated digits stay bit shady)
        1000-2-1000 (Needs pretty long training)
        import anglepy.data.mnist as mnist

        # MNIST
        size = 28
        train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y = mnist.load_numpy(
            size, binarize_y=True)
        f_enc, f_dec = lambda x: x, lambda x: x
        x = {
            'x': train_x[:, :].astype(np.float32),
            'y': train_y[:, :].astype(np.float32)
        x_valid = {
            'x': valid_x.astype(np.float32),
            'y': valid_y.astype(np.float32)
        L_valid = 1
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_x = size * size
        n_y = 10
        n_batch = 1000
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = True
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 2
        type_px = 'bernoulli'

    elif dataset == 'norb':
        # resized NORB dataset, reshuffled
        import anglepy.data.norb as norb
        size = _size  #48
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = norb.load_resized(size,
        _x = {'x': train_x, 'y': train_y}
        train_x = _x['x']
        train_y = _x['y']

        # Do PCA
        f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(_x['x'][:, :10000],
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir + 'pca_params')

        x = {
            'x': f_enc(train_x).astype(np.float32),
            'y': train_y.astype(np.float32)
        x_valid = {
            'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32),
            'y': test_y.astype(np.float32)

        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        n_y = 5
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_batch = 1000  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 1
        type_px = 'gaussian'

    elif dataset == 'norb_instances':
        # resized NORB dataset with the instances as classes
        import anglepy.data.norb2 as norb2
        size = _size  #48
        x, y = norb2.load_numpy_subclasses(size, binarize_y=True)
        _x = {'x': x, 'y': y}

        # Do pre=processing
        if True:
            # Works
            f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(_x['x'][:, :10000],
            ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir + 'pca_params')
        elif False:
            # Doesn't work
            f_enc, f_dec, pp_params = pp.normalize_noise(_x['x'][:, :50000],
            # Doesn't work
            f_enc, f_dec, params = pp.normalize_random(x=x[:, :10000],
            ndict.savez(params, logdir + 'normalize_random_params')

        n_valid = 5000
        x = {
            'x': f_enc(_x['x'][:, :-n_valid]).astype(np.float32),
            'y': _x['y'][:, :-n_valid].astype(np.float32)
        x_valid = {
            'x': f_enc(_x['x'][:, :n_valid]).astype(np.float32),
            'y': _x['y'][:, :n_valid].astype(np.float32)

        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        n_y = 50
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_batch = 5000  #23400/900 = 27
        colorImg = False
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 1
        type_px = 'gaussian'

    elif dataset == 'svhn':
        # SVHN dataset
        import anglepy.data.svhn as svhn
        size = 32
        train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = svhn.load_numpy(
            False, binarize_y=True)  #norb.load_resized(size, binarize_y=True)
        extra_x, extra_y = svhn.load_numpy_extra(False, binarize_y=True)
        x = {
            'x': np.hstack((train_x, extra_x)),
            'y': np.hstack((train_y, extra_y))

        #f_enc, f_dec, (x_sd, x_mean) = pp.preprocess_normalize01(train_x, True)
        f_enc, f_dec, pca_params = pp.PCA(x['x'][:, :10000],
        ndict.savez(pca_params, logdir + 'pca_params')

        n_y = 10
        x = {
            'x': f_enc(x['x']).astype(np.float32),
            'y': x['y'].astype(np.float32)
        x_valid = {
            'x': f_enc(test_x).astype(np.float32),
            'y': test_y.astype(np.float32)
        L_valid = 1
        n_x = x['x'].shape[0]
        dim_input = (size, size)
        n_batch = 5000
        colorImg = True
        bernoulli_x = False
        byteToFloat = False
        mosaic_w = 5
        mosaic_h = 2
        type_px = 'gaussian'

    # Init model
    n_hidden_q = n_hidden
    n_hidden_p = n_hidden
    from anglepy.models import GPUVAE_YZ_X
    updates = get_adam_optimizer(alpha=3e-4,
    model = GPUVAE_YZ_X(updates,

    if False:
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_yz_x_svhn_300-(500, 500)-1414094291/'
        dir = '/home/ubuntu/results/gpulearn_yz_x_svhn_300-(500, 500)-1414163488/'
        w = ndict.loadz(dir + 'w_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        v = ndict.loadz(dir + 'v_best.ndict.tar.gz')
        ndict.set_value(model.w, w)
        ndict.set_value(model.v, v)

    # Some statistics for optimization
    ll_valid_stats = [-1e99, 0]

    # Fixed sample for visualisation
    z_sample = {
        np.repeat(np.random.standard_normal(size=(n_z, 12)), 12,
    y_sample = {
            np.random.multinomial(1, [1. / n_y] * n_y, size=12).T, (1, 12))

    # Progress hook
    def hook(epoch, t, ll):

        if epoch % 10 != 0:

        ll_valid, _ = model.est_loglik(x_valid,

        if math.isnan(ll_valid):
            print("NaN detected. Reverting to saved best parameters")
            ndict.set_value(model.v, ndict.loadz(logdir + 'v.ndict.tar.gz'))
            ndict.set_value(model.w, ndict.loadz(logdir + 'w.ndict.tar.gz'))

        if ll_valid > ll_valid_stats[0]:
            ll_valid_stats[0] = ll_valid
            ll_valid_stats[1] = 0
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v_best')
            ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w_best')
            ll_valid_stats[1] += 1
            # Stop when not improving validation set performance in 100 iterations
            if False and ll_valid_stats[1] > 1000:
                with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print("Finished", file=f)

        # Log
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.v), logdir + 'v')
        ndict.savez(ndict.get_value(model.w), logdir + 'w')
        print(epoch, t, ll, ll_valid)
        with open(logdir + 'hook.txt', 'a') as f:
            print(t, ll, ll_valid, file=f)

        if gfx:
            # Graphics

            v = {i: model.v[i].get_value() for i in model.v}
            w = {i: model.w[i].get_value() for i in model.w}

            tail = '-' + str(epoch) + '.png'

            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(v['w0x'][:].T),
            image.save(logdir + 'q_w0x' + tail, 'PNG')

            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(w['out_w'][:]),
            image.save(logdir + 'out_w' + tail, 'PNG')

            _x = {'y': np.random.multinomial(1, [1. / n_y] * n_y, size=144).T}
            _, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(_x, {}, n_batch=144)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z_confab['x']),
            image.save(logdir + 'samples' + tail, 'PNG')

            _, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(y_sample, z_sample, n_batch=144)
            image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(_z_confab['x']),
            image.save(logdir + 'samples_fixed' + tail, 'PNG')

            if n_z == 2:

                import Image
                import ImageFont
                import ImageDraw

                n_width = 10
                submosaic_offset = 15
                submosaic_width = (dim_input[1] * n_width)
                submosaic_height = (dim_input[0] * n_width)
                mosaic = Image.new(
                    "RGB", (submosaic_width * mosaic_w,
                            submosaic_offset + submosaic_height * mosaic_h))

                for digit in range(0, n_y):
                    if digit >= mosaic_h * mosaic_w: continue

                    _x = {}
                    n_batch_plot = n_width * n_width
                    _x['y'] = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_plot))
                    _x['y'][digit, :] = 1
                    _z = {'z': np.zeros((2, n_width**2))}
                    for i in range(0, n_width):
                        for j in range(0, n_width):
                            _z['z'][0, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(i) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)
                            _z['z'][1, n_width * i + j] = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
                                float(j) / n_width + 0.5 / n_width)

                    _x, _, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(_x,
                    x_samples = _z_confab['x']
                    image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples),
                                                     tile_spacing=(0, 0))

                    #image.save(logdir+'samples_digit_'+str(digit)+'_'+tail, 'PNG')
                    mosaic_x = (digit % mosaic_w) * submosaic_width
                    mosaic_y = submosaic_offset + int(
                        digit / mosaic_w) * submosaic_height
                    mosaic.paste(image, (mosaic_x, mosaic_y))

                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mosaic)
                draw.text((1, 1),
                          "Epoch #" + str(epoch) + " Loss=" + str(int(ll)))

                #plt.savefig(logdir+'mosaic'+tail, format='PNG')
                mosaic.save(logdir + 'mosaic' + tail, 'PNG')

                #x_samples = _x['x']
                #image = paramgraphics.mat_to_img(f_dec(x_samples), dim_input, colorImg=colorImg)
                #image.save(logdir+'samples2'+tail, 'PNG')

    # Optimize
    dostep = epoch_vae_adam(model,
    loop_va(dostep, hook)
