Exemple #1
def run_variable_recovery_analysis(project, func, groundtruth, is_fast):

    # Create a temporary KnowledgeBase instance
    tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project, project.loader.main_object)

    if is_fast:
        l.debug("Running VariableRecoveryFast on function %r.", func)
        vr = project.analyses.VariableRecoveryFast(func, kb=tmp_kb)
        l.debug("Running VariableRecovery on function %r.", func)
        vr = project.analyses.VariableRecovery(func, kb=tmp_kb)

    variable_manager = vr.variable_manager[func.addr]

    for insn_addr, variables in groundtruth.items():
        for var_info in variables:
            var_sort = var_info['sort']
            vars_and_offset = variable_manager.find_variables_by_insn(insn_addr, var_sort)

            # enumerate vars and find the variable that we want
            if var_sort == VariableType.MEMORY:
                the_var = next((var for var, _ in vars_and_offset if _compare_memory_variable(var, var_info)), None)
            elif var_sort == VariableType.REGISTER:
                the_var = next((var for var, _ in vars_and_offset if _compare_register_variable(var, var_info)), None)
                l.error('Unsupported variable sort %s.', var_sort)
                assert False

            nose.tools.assert_is_not_none(the_var, msg="The variable %s in groundtruth at instruction %#x cannot be "
                                                       "found in variable manager." % (var_info, insn_addr)
            l.debug("Found variable %s at %#x.", the_var, insn_addr)
    def test_get_the_sp_from_a_reaching_definition(self):
        binary = _binary_path('all')
        project = angr.Project(binary, auto_load_libs=False)
        cfg = project.analyses.CFGFast()

        tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)
        main_func = cfg.kb.functions['main']
        rda = project.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(
            subject=main_func, kb=tmp_kb, observe_all=True

        def _is_right_before_main_node(definition):
            bloc, ins_addr, op_type = definition[0]
            return (
                bloc == 'node' and
                ins_addr == main_func.addr and
                op_type == OP_BEFORE

        reach_definition_at_main = next(filter(

        sp_value = reach_definition_at_main.get_sp()

        self.assertEqual(sp_value, LiveDefinitions.INITIAL_SP_64BIT)
Exemple #3
    def test_get_the_sp_from_a_reaching_definition(self):
        binary = os.path.join(TESTS_LOCATION, 'x86_64', 'all')
        project = angr.Project(binary, auto_load_libs=False)
        cfg = project.analyses.CFGFast()

        tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)
        main_func = cfg.kb.functions['main']
        rda = project.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(
            subject=main_func, kb=tmp_kb, observe_all=True

        def _is_right_before_main_node(definition):
            bloc, ins_addr, op_type = definition[0]
            return (
                bloc == 'node' and
                ins_addr == main_func.addr and
                op_type == OP_BEFORE

        reach_definition_at_main = next(filter(

        sp_value = reach_definition_at_main.get_sp()

        nose.tools.assert_equal(sp_value, project.arch.initial_sp)
def test_angr_reaching_definitions(request):
    file_id, file_name, func_addr = ReqParams.many(request, ['file_id', 'file_name', 'func_addr.hex'])
    file_path = os.path.join(MyPath.samples(), file_name)

    project = angr.Project(file_path, load_options={'auto_load_libs': False})
    # cfg = project.analyses.CFGFast()
    cfg = project.analyses.CFGEmulated()

    function = FunctionParse.func_by_addr(func_addr, cfg=cfg)

    tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)
    reaching_definition = project.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(
        subject=function, kb=tmp_kb, observe_all=True

    # nose.tools.assert_equal(reaching_definition.subject.__class__ is Subject, True)

    def _result_extractor(rda):
        unsorted_result = map(
            lambda x: {'key': x[0],
                       'register_definitions': x[1].register_definitions._storage,
                       'stack_definitions': x[1].stack_definitions._storage,
                       'memory_definitions': x[1].memory_definitions._storage},
        return list(sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['key']

    result = _result_extractor(reaching_definition)

Exemple #5
    def _fast_cfg(self):
        if self.manager is not None:
            return self.manager.fast_cfg

            'Policy %s does not have an associated policy manager. The fast control flow graph is not cached.'
        tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(self.project, self.project.loader.main_bin)
        return self.project.analyses.CFGFast(kb=tmp_kb)
Exemple #6
    def test_cfg_with_patches(self):

        path = os.path.join(test_location, "x86_64", "fauxware")
        proj = angr.Project(path, auto_load_libs=False)

        cfg = proj.analyses.CFGFast()
        auth_func = cfg.functions["authenticate"]
        auth_func_addr = auth_func.addr

        # Take the authenticate function and add a retn patch for its very first block
        kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(proj)
        kb.patches.add_patch(auth_func_addr, b"\xc3")

        # with this patch, there should only be one block with one instruction in authenticate()
        _ = proj.analyses.CFGFast(kb=kb, use_patches=True)
        patched_func = kb.functions["authenticate"]
        assert len(patched_func.block_addrs_set) == 1
        block = patched_func._get_block(auth_func_addr)
        assert len(block.instruction_addrs) == 1

        # let's try to patch the second instruction of that function to ret
        kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(proj)
            auth_func._get_block(auth_func_addr).instruction_addrs[1], b"\xc3"

        # with this patch, there should only be one block with two instructions in authenticate()
        _ = proj.analyses.CFGFast(kb=kb, use_patches=True)
        patched_func = kb.functions["authenticate"]
        assert len(patched_func.block_addrs_set) == 1
        block = patched_func._get_block(auth_func_addr)
        assert len(block.instruction_addrs) == 2

        # finally, if we generate a new CFG on a KB without any patch, we should still see the normal function (with 10
        # blocks)
        kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(proj)
        _ = proj.analyses.CFGFast(kb=kb, use_patches=True)
        not_patched_func = kb.functions["authenticate"]
        assert len(not_patched_func.block_addrs_set) == 10
Exemple #7
    def _run_reaching_definition_analysis_test(self, project, function,
                                               result_path, _extract_result):
        tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)
        reaching_definition = project.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(
            subject=function, init_func=True, kb=tmp_kb, observe_all=True)

        result = _extract_result(reaching_definition)

        # Uncomment these to regenerate the reference results... if you dare
        #with open(result_path, 'wb') as result_file:
        #    pickle.dump(result, result_file)
        with open(result_path, 'rb') as result_file:
            expected_result = pickle.load(result_file)

        nose.tools.assert_list_equal(result, expected_result)
    def _run_reaching_definition_analysis_test(self, project, function, result_path, _extract_result):
        tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)
        reaching_definition = project.analyses[ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis].prep(kb=tmp_kb)(
            subject=function, observe_all=True, call_stack=[],

        result = _extract_result(reaching_definition)

        # Uncomment these to regenerate the reference results... if you dare
        #with open(result_path, 'wb') as result_file:
        #    pickle.dump(result, result_file)
        with open(result_path, 'rb') as result_file:
            expected_result = pickle.load(result_file)

        self.assertListEqual(result, expected_result)
Exemple #9
    def _run_reaching_definition_analysis(self, project, func, result_path):
        tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)
        reaching_definition = project.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(
            func, init_func=True, kb=tmp_kb, observe_all=True)

        unsorted_result = map(
            lambda x: {'key': x[0],\
                       'register_definitions': x[1].register_definitions,\
                       'stack_definitions': x[1].stack_definitions,\
                       'memory_definitions': x[1].memory_definitions},
        result = list(sorted(unsorted_result, key=lambda x: x['key']))

        with open(result_path, 'rb') as result_file:
            expected_result = pickle.load(result_file)

        nose.tools.assert_list_equal(result, expected_result)
Exemple #10
def run_reaching_definition_analysis(project, func, groundtruth):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument

    # Create a temporary KnowledgeBase instance
    tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)

    _ = project.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(func, kb=tmp_kb)
def run_variable_recovery_analysis(func_name, groundtruth, is_fast):
    binary_path = os.path.join(test_location, 'x86_64', 'fauxware')
    project = angr.Project(binary_path, load_options={'auto_load_libs': False})
    cfg = project.analyses.CFG(normalize=True)
    func = cfg.kb.functions[func_name]

    # Create a temporary KnowledgeBase instance
    tmp_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(project)

    if is_fast:
        l.debug("Running VariableRecoveryFast on function %r.", func)
        vr = project.analyses.VariableRecoveryFast(func, kb=tmp_kb)
        l.debug("Running VariableRecovery on function %r.", func)
        vr = project.analyses.VariableRecovery(func, kb=tmp_kb)

    variable_manager = vr.variable_manager[func.addr]

    for insn_addr, variables in groundtruth['variables_by_instruction'].items(
        for var_info in variables:
            var_sort = var_info['sort']
            vars_and_offset = variable_manager.find_variables_by_insn(
                insn_addr, var_sort)

            # enumerate vars and find the variable that we want
            if var_sort == VariableType.MEMORY:
                the_var = next((var for var, _ in vars_and_offset
                                if _compare_memory_variable(var, var_info)),
            elif var_sort == VariableType.REGISTER:
                the_var = next((var for var, _ in vars_and_offset
                                if _compare_register_variable(var, var_info)),
                l.error('Unsupported variable sort %s.', var_sort)
                assert False

                "The variable %s in groundtruth at instruction %#x cannot be "
                "found in variable manager." % (var_info, insn_addr))
            l.debug("Found variable %s at %#x.", the_var, insn_addr)

    for block_addr, variables in groundtruth['phi_variables_by_block'].items():
        phi_variables = variable_manager.get_phi_variables(block_addr)
        for var_info in variables:
            var_sort = var_info['sort']

            # enumerate vars and find the variable that we want
            if var_sort == VariableType.MEMORY:
                the_var = next((var for var in phi_variables
                                if _compare_memory_variable(var, var_info)),
            elif var_sort == VariableType.REGISTER:
                the_var = next((var for var in phi_variables
                                if _compare_register_variable(var, var_info)),
                l.error('Unsupported variable sort %s.', var_sort)
                assert False

                msg="The phi variable %s in groundtruth at block %#x cannot be "
                "found in variable manager." % (var_info, block_addr))
            l.debug("Found phi variable %s at %#x.", the_var, block_addr)
Exemple #12
target_func = cfg.kb.functions.function(name="printf")

target_node = cfg.get_any_node(target_func.addr)

#bs = proj.analyses.BackwardSlice(cfg, cdg=cdg, ddg=ddg, targets=[ (target_node, -1) ])

# symbolic execution

#bo = proj.analyses.BinaryOptimizer(cfg, {'register_reallocation', 'redundant_stack_variable_removal', 'constant_propagation'})
func_kb = angr.KnowledgeBase(proj, None)

ddg = proj.analyses.DDG(kb=func_kb,cfg=cfg, call_depth=10)
#ddg = proj.analyses.DDG(kb=proj.kb,cfg=cfg)

fn = proj.kb.functions.get_by_addr(main.rebased_addr)

main = cfg.functions.function(name='main')

# remove alloca statements with pattern matching

idea : if we delete the useless variables, IDA/Ghidra will be able to perform constant propagation.
* supprimer la paire d'instructions de la forme suivante:  tYY/tZZ = Add64(tXX,0xffffffffffffffXX), where tXX is the same for both statements.
* remplacer t124 = LDle:I32(tZZ) par la constante de l'instruction STle(tYY) = 0x024ced0a, à supprimer aussi. Ici, tyy vaut soit tYY, soit tZZ