Exemple #1
    y_train = data_y[:26614]#, len(low_level)+len(mid_level):
    y_test = data_y[26614:33268]#, len(low_level)+len(mid_level):
    if load:
        print("The shape of the X_train is: ", X_train.shape)
    print("The shape of the y_train is: ", y_train.shape)
    if load:
        print("The shape of the X_test is: ", X_test.shape)
    print("The shape of the y_test is: ", y_test.shape)
    #alpha = np.ones((1, class_num))

    if args.model == "GoogLeNet":
        model = GoogLeNet.build(image_height, image_width, 3, class_num)
        loss_func = weighted_binary_crossentropy(alpha)
        #loss_func = 'binary_crossentropy'
        #loss_func = K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1)
        loss_weights = None
        metrics = [weighted_acc]
        metrics = [mA, 'accuracy']
    elif args.model == "GoogLeNetGAP":
        model = GoogLeNetGAP.build(image_height, image_width, 3, class_num)
        loss_func = weighted_binary_crossentropy(alpha)
        #loss_func = 'binary_crossentropy'
        #loss_func = K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1)
        loss_weights = None
        metrics = [weighted_acc]
        metrics = [mA, 'accuracy']
 #alpha = np.exp(-alpha)
 if load:
     print("The shape of the X_train is: ", X_train.shape)
 print("The shape of the y_train is: ", y_train.shape)
 if load: 
     print("The shape of the X_test is: ", X_test.shape)
 print("The shape of the y_test is: ", y_test.shape)
 is_multi = None
 if args.model == "hiarGoogLeNet":
     model = hiarGoogLeNet.build(image_height, image_width, 3, [len(low_level), len(mid_level), len(high_level)])
     loss_func = 'binary_crossentropy'#weighted_categorical_crossentropy(alpha)
     loss_func = weighted_binary_crossentropy(alpha)
     loss_weights = None
     metrics = [weighted_acc]
     metrics = [mA, 'accuracy']
 elif args.model == "hiarGoogLeNetGAP":
     model = hiarGoogLeNetGAP.build(image_height, image_width, 3, [len(low_level), len(mid_level), len(high_level)])
     loss_func = 'binary_crossentropy'#weighted_categorical_crossentropy(alpha)
     loss_func = weighted_binary_crossentropy(alpha)
     loss_weights = None
     metrics = [weighted_acc]
     metrics = [mA, 'accuracy']
 elif args.model == "hiarBayesGoogLeNet":
     model = hiarBayesGoogLeNet.build(image_height, image_width, 3, [len(low_level), len(mid_level), len(high_level)])
     loss_func ='binary_crossentropy'#bayes_binary_crossentropy(alpha, y_train)#weighted_categorical_crossentropy(alpha)