Exemple #1
    def from_edl(self, path):
        """Parses EDL file and returns a Sequence instance which reflects the
        whole time line hierarchy.

        :param path: The path of the XML file
        :return: :class:`.Sequence`
        if not isinstance(path, str):
            raise TypeError(
                'path argument in %s.from_edl should be a string, not %s' %
                (self.__class__.__name__, path.__class__.__name__)

        from anima.env.mayaEnv import Maya
        m = Maya()
        fps = m.get_fps()

        import edl
        p = edl.Parser(str(fps))
        with open(path) as f:
            l = p.parse(f)

        seq = Sequence()

Exemple #2
    def generate_sequence_structure(self):
        """Generates a Sequence structure suitable for XML<->EDL conversion

        :return: Sequence
        import timecode
        from anima.env.mayaEnv import Maya

        m = Maya()
        fps = m.get_fps()

        # export only the first sequence, ignore others
        sequencers = self.sequences.get()
        if len(sequencers) == 0:
            return None

        sequencer = sequencers[0]
        time = pm.PyNode('time1')

        seq = Sequence()
        seq.name = str(sequencer.get_sequence_name())

        seq.rate = Rate(timebase=str(fps), ntsc=False)
        seq.timecode = str(timecode.Timecode(
            frames=time.timecodeProductionStart.get() + 1
        seq.duration = sequencer.duration

        media = Media()
        video = Video()
        media.video = video

        for shot in sequencer.shots.get():
            clip = Clip()
            clip.id = str(shot.full_shot_name)
            clip.name = str(shot.full_shot_name)
            clip.duration = shot.duration + 2 * shot.handle.get()
            clip.enabled = True
            clip.start = shot.sequenceStartFrame.get()
            clip.end = shot.sequenceEndFrame.get() + 1
            # clips always start from 0 and includes the shot handle
            clip.in_ = shot.handle.get()  # handle at start
            clip.out = shot.handle.get() + shot.duration  # handle at end
            clip.type = 'Video'  # always video for now

            f = File()
            f.name = os.path.splitext(

            f.duration = shot.duration + 2 * shot.handle.get()

            f.pathurl = str('file://localhost/%s' % shot.output.get())

            clip.file = f

            track_number = shot.track.get() - 1  # tracks should start from 0
                track = video.tracks[track_number]
            except IndexError:
                track = Track()

            # set video resolution
            video.width = shot.wResolution.get()
            video.height = shot.hResolution.get()

        seq.media = media
        return seq