def process_peter(scheme, optim, calib_folder, video_folder, pose_3d_folder, video_3d_folder, out_folder, cam_regex, video_ext): vid_fnames_2d = glob(os.path.join(video_folder, "*." + video_ext)) vid_fnames_3d = glob(os.path.join(video_3d_folder, "*." + video_ext)) vid_fnames_3d = sorted(vid_fnames_3d, key=natural_keys) fnames_2d = defaultdict(list) for vid in vid_fnames_2d: vidname = tools.videoname_from_regex(cam_regex, vid) fnames_2d[vidname].append(vid) fnames_3d = defaultdict(list) for vid in vid_fnames_3d: vidname = true_basename(vid) fnames_3d[vidname].append(vid) calib_fname = os.path.join(calib_folder, 'calibration.toml') cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) if len(vid_fnames_3d) > 0: os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) for vid_fname in vid_fnames_3d: basename = true_basename(vid_fname) out_fname = os.path.join(out_folder, basename + "." + video_ext) pose_fname = os.path.join(pose_3d_folder, basename + ".csv") if not os.path.exists(pose_fname): print(out_fname, 'missing 3d data') continue if len(fnames_2d[basename]) == 0: print(out_fname, 'missing 2d videos') continue if len(fnames_3d[basename]) == 0: print(out_fname, 'missing 3d videos') continue fname_3d_current = fnames_3d[basename][0] fnames_2d_current = fnames_2d[basename] fnames_2d_current = sorted(fnames_2d_current, key=natural_keys) cam_names = [ tools.camname_from_regex(cam_regex, fname) for fname in fnames_2d_current ] offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict({}, cam_names, video_folder) cgroup_subset = cgroup.subset_cameras_names(cam_names) visualize_combined(scheme, optim, pose_fname, cgroup_subset, offsets_dict, fnames_2d_current, fname_3d_current, out_fname)
def get_all_videos_fnames(config): vids_fnames = process_all(config, get_videos_fnames) cam_videos = defaultdict(list) for key, (session_path, fnames) in vids_fnames.items(): for fname in fnames: # print(fname) vidname = get_video_name(config, fname) k = (key, session_path, vidname) cam_videos[k].append(fname) vid_names = sorted(cam_videos.keys(), key=lambda x: natural_keys(x[2])) all_fnames = [] calib_fnames = [] for name in tqdm(vid_names, desc='get videos', ncols=80): (key, session_path, vidname) = name fnames = sorted(cam_videos[name], key=natural_keys) cam_names = [get_cam_name(config, f) for f in fnames] cgroup = None calib_folder = find_calibration_folder(config, session_path) if calib_folder is not None: calib_fname = os.path.join( calib_folder, config['pipeline']['calibration_results'], 'calibration.toml') if os.path.exists(calib_fname): cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) # pose_fname = os.path.join(session_path, config['pipeline']['pose_3d'], # vidname+'.csv') if cgroup is None: # or not os.path.exists(pose_fname): continue calib_fnames.append(calib_fname) all_fnames.append(fnames) normal_count = max([len(x) for x in all_fnames]) bad_num = np.sum([len(x) != normal_count for x in all_fnames]) if bad_num > 0: print( 'W: ignored {} sets of videos with inconsistent number of cameras'. format(bad_num)) all_fnames = [x for x in all_fnames if len(x) == normal_count] out = { 'fnames': all_fnames, 'calib_fnames': calib_fnames, 'cam_names': cam_names } return out
def process_peter(calibration_path, board, cam_regex, fisheye=False, video_ext='avi'): videos = glob(os.path.join(calibration_path,'*.' +video_ext)) videos = sorted(videos) cam_videos = defaultdict(list) cam_names = set() for vid in videos: name = tools.camname_from_regex(cam_regex, vid) cam_videos[name].append(vid) cam_names.add(name) cam_names = sorted(cam_names) cgroup = CameraGroup.from_names(cam_names, fisheye) video_list = [sorted(cam_videos[cname]) for cname in cam_names] if len(videos) == 0: print('no videos or calibration file found, continuing...') return rows_fname = os.path.join(calibration_path, 'detections.pickle') if os.path.exists(rows_fname): with open(rows_fname, 'rb') as f: all_rows = pickle.load(f) else: all_rows = cgroup.get_rows_videos(video_list, board) with open(rows_fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_rows, f) cgroup.set_camera_sizes_videos(video_list) cgroup.calibrate_rows(all_rows, board, init_extrinsics=True, init_intrinsics=True, max_nfev=100, n_iters=2, n_samp_iter=100, n_samp_full=300, verbose=True) error = cgroup.calibrate_rows(all_rows, board, init_intrinsics=False, init_extrinsics=False, max_nfev=100, n_iters=10, n_samp_iter=100, n_samp_full=1000, verbose=True) cgroup.metadata['adjusted'] = False if error is not None: cgroup.metadata['error'] = float(error) outname = os.path.join(calibration_path, 'calibration.toml') cgroup.dump(outname) print(outname)
def load_2d_projections(session_path, fname): calib_fname = os.path.join(session_path, "Calibration", "calibration.toml") cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) config_fname = os.path.join(session_path, "config.toml") config = toml.load(config_fname) data = pd.read_csv(fname) M = np.identity(3) center = np.zeros(3) for i in range(3): center[i] = np.mean(data['center_{}'.format(i)]) for j in range(3): M[i, j] = np.mean(data['M_{}{}'.format(i, j)]) cols = [x for x in data.columns if '_error' in x] bodyparts = [c.replace('_error', '') for c in cols] vecs = [] for bp in bodyparts: vec = np.array(data[[bp+'_x', bp+'_y', bp+'_z']]) vecs.append(vec) p3d = np.array(vecs).swapaxes(0, 1) # project to 2d n_cams = len(cgroup.cameras) n_frames, n_joints, _ = p3d.shape all_points_flat = p3d.reshape(-1, 3) all_points_flat_t = (all_points_flat + center).dot(np.linalg.inv(M.T)) points_2d_proj_flat = cgroup.project(all_points_flat_t) points_2d_proj = points_2d_proj_flat.reshape(n_cams, n_frames, n_joints, 2) # points_2d_proj = points_2d_proj.swapaxes(0, 1) cam_names = cgroup.get_names() offsets = [config['cameras'][name]['offset'] for name in cam_names] for i in range(n_cams): dx = offsets[i][0] dy = offsets[i][1] points_2d_proj[i, :, :, 0] -= dx points_2d_proj[i, :, :, 1] -= dy points_2d_proj = np.int32(np.round(points_2d_proj)) out = dict() for i, cname in enumerate(cam_names): out[cname] = points_2d_proj[i].tolist() return out
def load_2d_projections(session, folders, fname): config = get_config(session) pipeline_calibration_videos = config.get('pipeline', {}).get('calibration_videos', 'calibration') search_path = os.path.normpath(safe_join(prefix, session, *folders)) calib_folder = find_calibration_folder(config, search_path) calib_fname = safe_join(calib_folder, pipeline_calibration_videos, "calibration.toml") cgroup = CameraGroup.load(os.path.normpath(calib_fname)) offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict(config, cgroup.get_names()) bodyparts, points_2d_proj, all_scores = get_projected_points( config, fname, cgroup, offsets_dict) cam_names = cgroup.get_names() points_2d_proj[~np.isfinite(points_2d_proj)] = 0 points_2d_proj = np.int32(np.round(points_2d_proj)) out = dict() for i, cname in enumerate(cam_names): out[cname] = points_2d_proj[i].swapaxes(0,1).tolist() return out
def process_session(config, session_path): pipeline_videos_raw = config['pipeline']['videos_raw'] pipeline_pose_3d = config['pipeline']['pose_3d'] pipeline_pose_2d_projected = config['pipeline']['pose_2d_projected'] video_ext = config['video_extension'] vid_fnames_2d = glob( os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_videos_raw, "*." + video_ext)) vid_fnames_2d = sorted(vid_fnames_2d, key=natural_keys) pose_fnames_3d = glob(os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_pose_3d, "*.csv")) pose_fnames_3d = sorted(pose_fnames_3d, key=natural_keys) if len(pose_fnames_3d) == 0: return fnames_2d = defaultdict(list) for vid in vid_fnames_2d: vidname = get_video_name(config, vid) fnames_2d[vidname].append(vid) fnames_3d = defaultdict(list) for fname in pose_fnames_3d: vidname = true_basename(fname) fnames_3d[vidname].append(fname) cgroup = None calib_folder = find_calibration_folder(config, session_path) if calib_folder is not None: calib_fname = os.path.join(calib_folder, config['pipeline']['calibration_results'], 'calibration.toml') if os.path.exists(calib_fname): cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) if cgroup is None: print( 'session {}: no calibration found, skipping'.format(session_path)) return outdir = os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_pose_2d_projected) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) for pose_fname in pose_fnames_3d: basename = true_basename(pose_fname) if len(fnames_2d[basename]) == 0: print(pose_fname, 'missing raw videos') continue fname_3d_current = pose_fname fnames_2d_current = fnames_2d[basename] fnames_2d_current = sorted(fnames_2d_current, key=natural_keys) out_fnames = [ os.path.join(outdir, true_basename(fname) + '.h5') for fname in fnames_2d_current ] if all([os.path.exists(f) for f in out_fnames]): continue print(pose_fname) cam_names = [ get_cam_name(config, fname) for fname in fnames_2d_current ] video_folder = os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_videos_raw) offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict(config, cam_names, video_folder) cgroup_subset = cgroup.subset_cameras_names(cam_names) bodyparts, points_2d_proj, all_scores = get_projected_points( config, fname_3d_current, cgroup_subset, offsets_dict) metadata = { 'scorer': 'scorer', 'bodyparts': bodyparts, 'index': np.arange(points_2d_proj.shape[2]) } n_cams, n_joints, n_frames, _ = points_2d_proj.shape pts = np.zeros((n_frames, n_joints, 3), dtype='float64') for cix, (cname, outname) in enumerate(zip(cam_names, out_fnames)): pts[:, :, :2] = points_2d_proj[cix].swapaxes(0, 1) pts[:, :, 2] = all_scores.T write_pose_2d(pts, metadata, outname)
def process_session(config, session_path): # filtered = config['filter']['enabled'] # if filtered: # pipeline_videos_labeled_2d = config['pipeline']['videos_labeled_2d_filter'] # else: # pipeline_videos_labeled_2d = config['pipeline']['videos_labeled_2d'] pipeline_videos_labeled_3d = config['pipeline']['videos_labeled_3d'] pipeline_videos_raw = config['pipeline']['videos_raw'] # pipeline_angles = config['pipeline']['angles'] if config['filter3d']['enabled']: pipeline_pose_3d = config['pipeline']['pose_3d_filter'] else: pipeline_pose_3d = config['pipeline']['pose_3d'] pipeline_videos_combined = config['pipeline']['videos_combined'] video_ext = config['video_extension'] vid_fnames_2d = glob( os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_videos_raw, "*." + video_ext)) # vid_fnames_2d = glob(os.path.join(session_path, # pipeline_videos_labeled_2d, "*.avi")) vid_fnames_3d = glob( os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_videos_labeled_3d, "*.mp4")) vid_fnames_3d = sorted(vid_fnames_3d, key=natural_keys) fnames_2d = defaultdict(list) for vid in vid_fnames_2d: vidname = get_video_name(config, vid) fnames_2d[vidname].append(vid) fnames_3d = defaultdict(list) for vid in vid_fnames_3d: vidname = true_basename(vid) fnames_3d[vidname].append(vid) cgroup = None calib_folder = find_calibration_folder(config, session_path) if calib_folder is not None: calib_fname = os.path.join(calib_folder, config['pipeline']['calibration_results'], 'calibration.toml') if os.path.exists(calib_fname): cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) # angle_fnames = glob(os.path.join(session_path, # pipeline_angles, '*.csv')) # angle_fnames = sorted(angle_fnames, key=natural_keys) outdir = os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_videos_combined) if len(vid_fnames_3d) > 0: os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) for vid_fname in vid_fnames_3d: basename = true_basename(vid_fname) out_fname = os.path.join(outdir, basename + '.mp4') pose_fname = os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_pose_3d, basename + '.csv') if os.path.exists(out_fname) and \ abs(get_nframes(out_fname) - get_nframes(vid_fname)) < 100: continue if not os.path.exists(pose_fname): print(out_fname, 'missing 3d data') continue if len(fnames_2d[basename]) == 0: print(out_fname, 'missing 2d videos') continue if len(fnames_3d[basename]) == 0: print(out_fname, 'missing 3d videos') continue fname_3d_current = fnames_3d[basename][0] fnames_2d_current = fnames_2d[basename] fnames_2d_current = sorted(fnames_2d_current, key=natural_keys) cam_names = [ get_cam_name(config, fname) for fname in fnames_2d_current ] print(out_fname) video_folder = os.path.join(session_path, pipeline_videos_raw) offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict(config, cam_names, video_folder) cgroup_subset = cgroup.subset_cameras_names(cam_names) visualize_combined(config, pose_fname, cgroup_subset, offsets_dict, fnames_2d_current, fname_3d_current, out_fname)
def process_session(config, session_path): pipeline_calibration_videos = config['pipeline']['calibration_videos'] pipeline_calibration_results = config['pipeline']['calibration_results'] video_ext = config['video_extension'] print(session_path) calibration_path = find_calibration_folder(config, session_path) if calibration_path is None: return videos = glob( os.path.join(calibration_path, pipeline_calibration_videos, '*.' + video_ext)) videos = sorted(videos) cam_videos = defaultdict(list) cam_names = set() for vid in videos: name = get_cam_name(config, vid) cam_videos[name].append(vid) cam_names.add(name) cam_names = sorted(cam_names) video_list = [sorted(cam_videos[cname]) for cname in cam_names] outname_base = 'calibration.toml' outdir = os.path.join(calibration_path, pipeline_calibration_results) outname = os.path.join(outdir, outname_base) print(outname) skip_calib = False init_stuff = True error = None if os.path.exists(outname): cgroup = CameraGroup.load(outname) if (not config['calibration']['animal_calibration']) or \ ('adjusted' in cgroup.metadata and cgroup.metadata['adjusted']): return else: skip_calib = True if 'error' in cgroup.metadata: error = cgroup.metadata['error'] else: error = None init_stuff = False elif config['calibration']['calibration_init'] is not None: calib_path = os.path.join(config['path'], config['calibration']['calibration_init']) print('loading calibration from: {}'.format(calib_path)) cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_path) init_stuff = False skip_calib = len(videos) == 0 else: if len(videos) == 0: print('no videos or calibration file found, continuing...') return cgroup = CameraGroup.from_names(cam_names, config['calibration']['fisheye']) board = get_calibration_board(config) if not skip_calib: rows_fname = os.path.join(outdir, 'detections.pickle') if os.path.exists(rows_fname): with open(rows_fname, 'rb') as f: all_rows = pickle.load(f) else: all_rows = cgroup.get_rows_videos(video_list, board) with open(rows_fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_rows, f) cgroup.set_camera_sizes_videos(video_list) cgroup.calibrate_rows(all_rows, board, init_extrinsics=init_stuff, init_intrinsics=init_stuff, max_nfev=100, n_iters=2, n_samp_iter=100, n_samp_full=300, verbose=True) error = cgroup.calibrate_rows(all_rows, board, init_intrinsics=False, init_extrinsics=False, max_nfev=100, n_iters=10, n_samp_iter=100, n_samp_full=1000, verbose=True) cgroup.metadata['adjusted'] = False if error is not None: cgroup.metadata['error'] = float(error) cgroup.dump(outname) if config['calibration']['animal_calibration']: all_points, all_scores, all_cam_names = load_2d_data( config, calibration_path) imgp = process_points_for_calibration(all_points, all_scores) # error = cgroup.bundle_adjust(imgp, threshold=10, ftol=1e-4, loss='huber') cgroup = cgroup.subset_cameras_names(all_cam_names) error = cgroup.bundle_adjust_iter(imgp, ftol=1e-4, n_iters=10, n_samp_iter=300, n_samp_full=1000, max_nfev=500, verbose=True) cgroup.metadata['adjusted'] = True cgroup.metadata['error'] = float(error) cgroup.dump(outname)
def get_errors_group(config, group, scorer=None): if config['filter3d']['enabled']: pipeline_pose_3d = config['pipeline']['pose_3d_filter'] else: pipeline_pose_3d = config['pipeline']['pose_3d'] metadatas = dict() fnames_dict = dict() cam_names = [] for cname, folder in group: metadata_fname = os.path.join('labeled-data', folder, 'anipose_metadata.csv') if scorer is None: labels_fname = sorted( glob(os.path.join('labeled-data', folder, 'CollectedData*.h5')))[0] else: labels_fname = os.path.join('labeled-data', folder, 'CollectedData_{}.h5'.format(scorer)) metadatas[cname] = pd.read_csv(metadata_fname) fnames_dict[cname] = labels_fname cam_names.append(cname) cam_names = sorted(cam_names) ## TODO: will have to modify this for custom offset per session offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict(config, cam_names) print(offsets_dict) out = load_pose2d_fnames(fnames_dict, offsets_dict, cam_names) points_labeled = out['points'] bodyparts = out['bodyparts'] metadata = metadatas[cam_names[0]] n_frames = len(metadata) n_joints = len(bodyparts) calib_fnames = np.array(metadata['calib']) points_3d_pred = np.full((n_frames, n_joints, 3), np.nan, 'float') points_3d_labeled = np.full((n_frames, n_joints, 3), np.nan, 'float') reproj_err_pred = np.full((n_frames, n_joints), np.nan, 'float') reproj_err_labeled = np.full((n_frames, n_joints), np.nan, 'float') # get predicted 3D points paths_3d = [] curr_path = None curr_pose = None curr_fnum = None for i in range(n_frames): row = metadata.iloc[i] fname = row['video'] fnum = row['framenum'] prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(fname)) vidname = get_video_name(config, fname) pose_path = os.path.join(prefix, pipeline_pose_3d, vidname + '.csv') paths_3d.append(pose_path) if curr_path != pose_path: curr_pose = pd.read_csv(pose_path) curr_fnum = np.array(curr_pose['fnum']) curr_path = pose_path try: ix = np.where(curr_fnum == fnum)[0][0] except IndexError: print("W: frame {} not found in 3D data for video {}".format( fnum, fname)) continue row = curr_pose.iloc[ix] M, center = get_transform(row) pts = np.array([(row[bp + '_x'], row[bp + '_y'], row[bp + '_z']) for bp in bodyparts]) pts_t = (pts + center).dot(np.linalg.inv(M.T)) points_3d_pred[i] = pts_t reproj_err_pred[i] = [row[bp + '_error'] for bp in bodyparts] # triangulate 3D points from labeled points # get reprojection errors as well curr_cgroup = None curr_calib_fname = None for i in range(n_frames): calib_fname = calib_fnames[i] if curr_calib_fname != calib_fname: print(calib_fname) curr_cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) curr_cgroup = curr_cgroup.subset_cameras_names(cam_names) print(curr_cgroup.get_names()) curr_calib_fname = calib_fname pts = points_labeled[:, i] p3d = curr_cgroup.triangulate(pts) points_3d_labeled[i] = p3d reproj_err_labeled[i] = curr_cgroup.reprojection_error(p3d, pts, mean=True) # get L2 and reprojection errors errors = np.linalg.norm(points_3d_labeled - points_3d_pred, axis=2) # get angles vecs_pred = dict() vecs_lab = dict() for bp_ix, bp in enumerate(bodyparts): vecs_lab[bp] = points_3d_labeled[:, bp_ix] vecs_pred[bp] = points_3d_pred[:, bp_ix] angles = config.get('angles', dict()) # angle_names = sorted(angles.keys()) angles_pred = get_angles(vecs_pred, angles) angles_lab = get_angles(vecs_lab, angles) angle_names = sorted(angles_pred.keys()) # save into dataframe out = pd.DataFrame() out['pose_path'] = paths_3d out['framenum'] = metadata['framenum'] out['calib'] = metadata['calib'] out['img'] = metadata['img'] out['video'] = metadata['video'] for ang_name in angle_names: out[ang_name + '_lab'] = angles_lab[ang_name] out[ang_name + '_pred'] = angles_pred[ang_name] out[ang_name + '_error'] = angles_pred[ang_name] - angles_lab[ang_name] for bp_ix, bp in enumerate(bodyparts): out[bp + '_x_lab'] = points_3d_labeled[:, bp_ix, 0] out[bp + '_y_lab'] = points_3d_labeled[:, bp_ix, 1] out[bp + '_z_lab'] = points_3d_labeled[:, bp_ix, 2] out[bp + '_reprojerr_lab'] = reproj_err_labeled[:, bp_ix] out[bp + '_x_pred'] = points_3d_pred[:, bp_ix, 0] out[bp + '_y_pred'] = points_3d_pred[:, bp_ix, 1] out[bp + '_z_pred'] = points_3d_pred[:, bp_ix, 2] out[bp + '_reprojerr_pred'] = reproj_err_pred[:, bp_ix] out[bp + '_error'] = errors[:, bp_ix] return out
def load_2d_data(config): pose_fnames = process_all(config, get_pose2d_fnames) cam_videos = defaultdict(list) for key, (session_path, fnames) in pose_fnames.items(): for fname in fnames: # print(fname) vidname = get_video_name(config, fname) k = (key, session_path, vidname) cam_videos[k].append(fname) vid_names = sorted(cam_videos.keys()) all_points = [] all_scores = [] all_proj = [] all_fnames = [] calib_fnames = [] for name in tqdm(vid_names, desc='load points', ncols=80): # for name in vid_names: (key, session_path, vidname) = name fnames = sorted(cam_videos[name]) cam_names = [get_cam_name(config, f) for f in fnames] fname_dict = dict(zip(cam_names, fnames)) cgroup = None calib_folder = find_calibration_folder(config, session_path) if calib_folder is not None: calib_fname = os.path.join( calib_folder, config['pipeline']['calibration_results'], 'calibration.toml') if os.path.exists(calib_fname): cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) pose_fname = os.path.join(session_path, config['pipeline']['pose_3d'], vidname + '.csv') if cgroup is None or not os.path.exists(pose_fname): continue calib_fnames.append(calib_fname) video_folder = os.path.join(session_path, config['pipeline']['videos_raw']) offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict(config, cam_names, video_folder) out = load_pose2d_fnames(fname_dict) points_raw = out['points'] scores = out['scores'] bodyparts = out['bodyparts'] vid_fnames = [ os.path.join(session_path, config['pipeline']['videos_raw'], true_basename(f) + '.' + config['video_extension']) for f in fnames ] points_proj = get_projected_points(bodyparts, pose_fname, cgroup, offsets_dict) all_points.append(points_raw) all_scores.append(scores) all_proj.append(points_proj) all_fnames.append(vid_fnames) out = { 'points': all_points, 'scores': all_scores, 'proj': all_proj, 'fnames': all_fnames, 'cam_names': cam_names, 'calib_fnames': calib_fnames, 'bodyparts': bodyparts } return out
def triangulate(config, calib_folder, video_folder, pose_folder, fname_dict, output_fname): cam_names = sorted(fname_dict.keys()) calib_fname = os.path.join(calib_folder, 'calibration.toml') cgroup = CameraGroup.load(calib_fname) offsets_dict = load_offsets_dict(config, cam_names, video_folder) out = load_pose2d_fnames(fname_dict, offsets_dict, cam_names) all_points_raw = out['points'] all_scores = out['scores'] bodyparts = out['bodyparts'] cgroup = cgroup.subset_cameras_names(cam_names) n_cams, n_frames, n_joints, _ = all_points_raw.shape bad = all_scores < config['triangulation']['score_threshold'] all_points_raw[bad] = np.nan if config['triangulation']['optim']: constraints = load_constraints(config, bodyparts) constraints_weak = load_constraints(config, bodyparts, 'constraints_weak') points_2d = all_points_raw scores_2d = all_scores points_shaped = points_2d.reshape(n_cams, n_frames*n_joints, 2) if config['triangulation']['ransac']: points_3d_init, _, _, _ = cgroup.triangulate_ransac(points_shaped, progress=True) else: points_3d_init = cgroup.triangulate(points_shaped, progress=True) points_3d_init = points_3d_init.reshape((n_frames, n_joints, 3)) c = np.isfinite(points_3d_init[:, :, 0]) if np.sum(c) < 20: print("warning: not enough 3D points to run optimization") points_3d = points_3d_init else: points_3d = cgroup.optim_points( points_2d, points_3d_init, constraints=constraints, constraints_weak=constraints_weak, # scores=scores_2d, scale_smooth=config['triangulation']['scale_smooth'], scale_length=config['triangulation']['scale_length'], scale_length_weak=config['triangulation']['scale_length_weak'], n_deriv_smooth=config['triangulation']['n_deriv_smooth'], reproj_error_threshold=config['triangulation']['reproj_error_threshold'], verbose=True) points_2d_flat = points_2d.reshape(n_cams, -1, 2) points_3d_flat = points_3d.reshape(-1, 3) errors = cgroup.reprojection_error( points_3d_flat, points_2d_flat, mean=True) good_points = ~np.isnan(all_points_raw[:, :, :, 0]) num_cams = np.sum(good_points, axis=0).astype('float') all_points_3d = points_3d all_errors = errors.reshape(n_frames, n_joints) all_scores[~good_points] = 2 scores_3d = np.min(all_scores, axis=0) scores_3d[num_cams < 1] = np.nan all_errors[num_cams < 1] = np.nan else: points_2d = all_points_raw.reshape(n_cams, n_frames*n_joints, 2) if config['triangulation']['ransac']: points_3d, picked, p2ds, errors = cgroup.triangulate_ransac( points_2d, min_cams=3, progress=True) all_points_picked = p2ds.reshape(n_cams, n_frames, n_joints, 2) good_points = ~np.isnan(all_points_picked[:, :, :, 0]) num_cams = np.sum(np.sum(picked, axis=0), axis=1)\ .reshape(n_frames, n_joints)\ .astype('float') else: points_3d = cgroup.triangulate(points_2d, progress=True) errors = cgroup.reprojection_error(points_3d, points_2d, mean=True) good_points = ~np.isnan(all_points_raw[:, :, :, 0]) num_cams = np.sum(good_points, axis=0).astype('float') all_points_3d = points_3d.reshape(n_frames, n_joints, 3) all_errors = errors.reshape(n_frames, n_joints) all_scores[~good_points] = 2 scores_3d = np.min(all_scores, axis=0) scores_3d[num_cams < 2] = np.nan all_errors[num_cams < 2] = np.nan num_cams[num_cams < 2] = np.nan if 'reference_point' in config['triangulation'] and 'axes' in config['triangulation']: all_points_3d_adj, M, center = correct_coordinate_frame(config, all_points_3d, bodyparts) else: all_points_3d_adj = all_points_3d M = np.identity(3) center = np.zeros(3) dout = pd.DataFrame() for bp_num, bp in enumerate(bodyparts): for ax_num, axis in enumerate(['x','y','z']): dout[bp + '_' + axis] = all_points_3d_adj[:, bp_num, ax_num] dout[bp + '_error'] = all_errors[:, bp_num] dout[bp + '_ncams'] = num_cams[:, bp_num] dout[bp + '_score'] = scores_3d[:, bp_num] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): dout['M_{}{}'.format(i, j)] = M[i, j] for i in range(3): dout['center_{}'.format(i)] = center[i] dout['fnum'] = np.arange(n_frames) dout.to_csv(output_fname, index=False)