Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, config, logfile=None):
        Create a new sppasSyll instance.

        @param config is the configuration (rules) file name,
        @param logfile is a file descriptor of the log file.

        self._merge         = False
        self._usesintervals = False
        self._usesphons     = True
        self._tiername = "TokensAlign"

            self.syllabifier = Syllabification(config, logfile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
Exemple #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.syllabifierPOL = Syllabification(POL_SYLL, None)
     self.syllabifierFRA = Syllabification(FRA_SYLL, None)
Exemple #3
class TestSyll(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.syllabifierPOL = Syllabification(POL_SYLL, None)
        self.syllabifierFRA = Syllabification(FRA_SYLL, None)

    def testVV(self):
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|a", syll)

    def testVCV(self):
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','b','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|ba", syll)

    def testVCCV(self):
        # general rule
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','n','c','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("an|ca", syll)

        # exception rule
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','g','j','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|gja", syll)

        # specific (shift to left)
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','d','g','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|dga", syll)

        # do not apply the previous specific rule if not VdgV
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','x','d','g','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("ax|dga", syll)

        # specific (shift to right)
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','z','Z','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("az|Za", syll)

    def testVCCCV(self):
        # general rule
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','m','m','n','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("am|mna", syll)

        # exception rule
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','dz','v','j','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|dzvja", syll)

        # specific (shift to left)
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','b','z','n','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|bzna", syll)

        # specific (shift to right)
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','r','w','S','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("arw|Sa", syll)

    def testVCCCCV(self):
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','b','r','v','j','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierPOL.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("a|brvja", syll)

    def testVCCCCCV(self):
        tierP = labels2tier( ['a','p','s','k','m','w','a'] )
        trsS = self.syllabifierFRA.syllabify( tierP )
        syll = get_syll(trsS)
        self.assertEqual("apsk|mwa", syll)
Exemple #4
class sppasSyll:
    SPPAS automatic syllabification annotation.

    For details, see:
    B. Bigi, C. Meunier, I. Nesterenko, R. Bertrand (2010).
    Automatic detection of syllable boundaries in spontaneous speech
    Language Resource and Evaluation Conference,
    pp 3285-3292, La Valetta, Malte.

    The syllabification of phonemes is performed with a rule-based system from
    aligned phonemes. This RBS phoneme-to-syllable segmentation system is based
    on 2 main principles:

        - a syllable contains a vowel, and only one;
        - a pause is a syllable boundary.

    These two principles focus the problem of the task of finding a syllabic
    boundary between two vowels. As in state-of-the-art systems, phonemes were
    grouped into classes and rules established to deal with these classes.

    The rules we propose follow usual phonological statements for most of the
    corpus. A configuration file indicates phonemes, classes and rules.
    This file can be edited and modified to adapt the syllabification.

    The syllable configuration file is a simple ASCII text file that the user
    can change as needed.

    How to use sppasSyll?

    >>> s = sppasAlign( configfilename )
    >>> s.run(inputfilename, outputfilename)


    def __init__(self, config, logfile=None):
        Create a new sppasSyll instance.

        @param config is the configuration (rules) file name,
        @param logfile is a file descriptor of the log file.

        self._merge         = False
        self._usesintervals = False
        self._usesphons     = True
        self._tiername = "TokensAlign"

            self.syllabifier = Syllabification(config, logfile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    # End __init__
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def fix_options(self, options):
        Fix all options.

        @param options (dict) Dictionary with key=optionname (string).

        for opt in options:
            if "merge" == opt.get_key():
                self.set_merge( opt.get_value() )
            elif "usesintervals" == opt.get_key():
                self.set_usesintervals( opt.get_value() )
            elif "usesphons" == opt.get_key():
                self.set_usesphons( opt.get_value() )
            elif "tiername" == opt.get_key():

    # End fix_options
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_merge(self,merge):
        Fix the merge option.
        If merge is set to True, sppasSyll() will save the input tiers in the output file.

        @param merge is a Boolean

        self._merge = merge

    # End set_merge
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_usesintervals(self, mode):
        Fix the usesintervals option.
        If usesintervals is set to True, the syllabification operates inside
        specific (given) intervals.

        @param mode is a Boolean

        self._usesintervals = mode

    # End set_usesintervals
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_usesphons(self, mode):
        Fix the usesphons option.
        If usesphons is set to True, the syllabification operates by using
        only tier with phonemes.

        @param mode is a Boolean

        self._usesphons = mode

    # End set_usesphons
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_tiername(self, tiername):
        Fix the tiername option.

        @param tiername is a string

        self._tiername = tiername

    # End set_interval_file
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def save(self, trsinput, inputfilename, syllables, outputfilename):
        Save the syllabification into a file (end of the input or output).

        # An output file name is given
        if outputfilename is not None:
            if self._merge is True:
                for tier in trsinput:
            trsoutput = syllables
        # the syllable' tiers are added to the input transcription
            for tier in syllables:
            trsoutput  = trsinput
            outputfilename = inputfilename

        # Save
            annotationdata.io.write( outputfilename, trsoutput )
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError('Syll::syll.py. An error occurred when writing output.\n %s' % e)

    # End save
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def run(self, inputfilename, outputfilename=None):
        Perform the Syllabification process.

        @param inputfilename (string) annotated file including time-aligned phonemes
        @param outputfilename

        phonemes = None
        trsinput = annotationdata.io.read(inputfilename)

        #find the phoneme tier
        for tier in trsinput:
            if "align" in tier.GetName().lower() and "phon" in tier.GetName().lower():
                phonemes = tier

        if phonemes is None:
            raise IOError("Phoneme tier not found."
                          " The name of a tier must contain both 'align' and 'phon'.")
        if phonemes.IsEmpty() is True:
            raise IOError("Syll::sppasSyll. Empty phoneme tier.\n")

        if self._usesintervals is True:
            intervals = trsinput.Find(self._tiername)
            if not intervals:
                raise IndexError("Interval tier not found: %s" % self._tiername)

        if self._usesintervals and self._usesphons:
            syllables     = self.syllabifier.syllabify(phonemes)
            syllables_seg = self.syllabifier.syllabify2(phonemes, intervals)
            for tier in syllables_seg:
            syll       = syllables.Find("Syllables")
            cls        = syllables.Find("Classes")
            struct     = syllables.Find("Structures")
            syll_seg   = syllables.Find("Syllables-seg")
            cls_seg    = syllables.Find("Classes-seg")
            struct_seg = syllables.Find("Structures-seg")
            #syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAlignment", phonemes, syll) # phonemes are not in this transcription
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAssociation", syll, cls)
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll, struct)
            #    syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAlignment", phonemes, syll_seg) # phonemes are not in this transcription
            #except Exception:
                # it happens when radius was not fixed properly in phonemes
            #    pass
            #    syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAlignment", syll_seg, self._tiername) # self._tiername is not in this transcription
            #except Exception:
                # it happens when radius was not fixed properly in self._tiername
            #    pass
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll_seg, cls_seg)
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll_seg, struct_seg)

        elif self._usesintervals:
            syllables  = self.syllabifier.syllabify2(phonemes, intervals)
            syll_seg   = syllables.Find("Syllables-seg")
            cls_seg    = syllables.Find("Classes-seg")
            struct_seg = syllables.Find("Structures-seg")
            #    syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAlignment", phonemes, syll_seg)
            #except Exception:
            #    pass
            #    syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAlignment", syll_seg, self._tiername)
            #except Exception:
            #    pass
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll_seg, cls_seg)
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll_seg, struct_seg)

            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(phonemes)
            syll      = syllables.Find("Syllables")
            cls       = syllables.Find("Classes")
            struct    = syllables.Find("Structures")
            #syllables._hierarchy.addLink("TimeAlignment", phonemes, syll)
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll, cls)
            syllables._hierarchy.addLink('TimeAssociation', syll, struct)

        # Manage results
        self.save(trsinput, inputfilename, syllables, outputfilename)