Exemple #1
 def check_blocks_equal(self):
     src_block = self.process.block_view("TESTDET")
     block = self.process2.block_view("TESTDET")
     for k in src_block:
         assert json_encode(block[k].to_dict(),
                            indent=2) == json_encode(src_block[k].to_dict(),
 def _on_response(self, response: Response) -> None:
     # called from tornado thread
     message = json_encode(response)
     except WebSocketError:
         # The websocket is dead. If the response was a Delta or Update, then
         # unsubscribe so the local controller doesn't keep on trying to
         # respond
         if isinstance(response, (Delta, Update)):
             # Websocket is dead so we can clear the subscription key.
             # Subsequent updates may come in before the unsubscribe, but
             # ignore them as we can't do anything about it
             mri = self._id_to_mri.pop(response.id, None)
             if mri:
                 log.info("WebSocket Error: unsubscribing from stale handle")
                 unsubscribe = Unsubscribe(response.id)
                 if self._registrar:
                         builtin.infos.RequestInfo(unsubscribe, mri)
         assert self._queue, "No queue"
         cothread.Callback(self._queue.put, None)
 def _send_request(self, request):
     # Called in tornado thread
     request.id = self._next_id
     self._next_id += 1
     self._request_lookup[request.id] = request
     message = json_encode(request)
     self.log.debug("Sending message %s", message)
Exemple #4
 def handle_response(self, response):
     # called from tornado thread
     if isinstance(response, Return):
         message = json_encode(response.value)
         self.finish(message + "\n")
         if isinstance(response, Error):
             message = response.message
             message = "Unknown response %s" % type(response)
         self.set_status(500, message)
 def send_messages(self, messages, convert_json=True):
     conn = yield websocket_connect("ws://localhost:%s/ws" % self.socket)
     num = len(messages)
     for msg in messages:
         if convert_json:
             msg = json_encode(msg)
     for _ in range(num):
         resp = yield conn.read_message()
         resp = json.loads(resp)
         cothread.Callback(self.result.put, resp)
Exemple #6
    def on_message(self, message):
        # called in tornado's thread
        if self._writeable is None:
            ipv4_ip = self.request.remote_ip
            if ipv4_ip == "::1":
                # Special case IPV6 loopback
                ipv4_ip = ""
            remoteaddr = struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(ipv4_ip))[0]
            if self._validators:
                # Work out if the remote ip is within the netmask of any of our
                # interfaces. If not, Put and Post are forbidden
                self._writeable = max(v(remoteaddr) for v in self._validators)
                self._writeable = True
                "Puts and Posts are %s from %s",
                "allowed" if self._writeable else "forbidden",

        msg_id = -1
            d = json_decode(message)
                msg_id = d["id"]
            except KeyError:
                raise FieldError("id field not present in JSON message")
            request = deserialize_object(d, Request)
            if isinstance(request, Subscribe):
                assert msg_id not in self._id_to_mri, (
                    "Duplicate subscription ID %d" % msg_id
                self._id_to_mri[msg_id] = request.path[0]
            if isinstance(request, Unsubscribe):
                mri = self._id_to_mri[msg_id]
                mri = request.path[0]
            if isinstance(request, (Put, Post)) and not self._writeable:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Put/Post is forbidden from %s" % self.request.remote_ip
            self._registrar.report(builtin.infos.RequestInfo(request, mri))
        except Exception as e:
            log.exception("Error handling message:\n%s", message)
            error = Error(msg_id, e)
            error_message = error.to_dict()
 def do_save(self, design=""):
     if not design:
         design = self.design.value
     assert design, "Please specify save design name when saving from new"
     assert not design.startswith(
         "template_"), "Cannot save over a template"
     structure = OrderedDict()
     attributes = structure.setdefault("attributes", OrderedDict())
     # Add the layout table
     layout = attributes.setdefault("layout", OrderedDict())
     for name, mri, x, y, visible in self.layout.value.rows():
         layout_structure = OrderedDict()
         layout_structure["x"] = x
         layout_structure["y"] = y
         layout_structure["visible"] = visible
         layout[name] = layout_structure
     # Add the exports table
     exports = attributes.setdefault("exports", OrderedDict())
     for source, export in self.exports.value.rows():
         exports[source] = export
     # Add other attributes
     for name, attribute in self.our_config_attributes.items():
         attributes[name] = attribute.value
     # Add any structure that a child part wants to save
     structure["children"] = self.run_hooks(
         SaveHook(p, c)
         for p, c in self.create_part_contexts(only_visible=False).items())
     text = json_encode(structure, indent=2)
     filename = self._validated_config_filename(design)
     if filename.startswith("/tmp"):
         self.log.warning("Saving to tmp directory %s" % filename)
     with open(filename, "w") as f:
     # Run a sync command to make sure we flush this file to disk
     # Try and commit the file to git, don't care if it fails
     self._run_git_cmd("add", filename)
     msg = "Saved %s %s" % (self.mri, design)
     self._run_git_cmd("commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", msg, filename)
def merge_non_writeable_table(
    default: Table, supplied: Table, non_writeable: List[int]
) -> Table:
    default_rows = list(default.rows())
    for supplied_row in supplied.rows():
        key = [supplied_row[i] for i in non_writeable]
        for default_row in default_rows:
            if key == [default_row[i] for i in non_writeable]:
            d = OrderedDict()
            for i, k in enumerate(supplied.call_types):
                if i in non_writeable:
                    d[k] = supplied_row[i]
            raise ValueError(
                "Table row with %s doesn't match a row in the default table"
                % json_encode(d)
        for i, v in enumerate(supplied_row):
            if i not in non_writeable:
                default_row[i] = v
    table = default.from_rows(default_rows)
    return table
 def test_post_hello(self):
     IOLoopHelper.call(self.post, "hello", "greet",
     result = self.result.get(timeout=2)
     assert result.body.decode().strip() == json_encode("Hello me")
 def test_get_hello(self):
     IOLoopHelper.call(self.get, "hello")
     result = self.result.get(timeout=2)
     assert result.body.decode().strip() == json_encode(self.hello._block)
    def test_enum_serialize(self):
        class MyEnum(Enum):
            ME = "me"

        s = json_encode({"who": MyEnum.ME})
        assert s == '{"who": "me"}'
 def test_exception_serialize(self):
     s = json_encode({"message": ValueError("Bad result")})
     assert s == '{"message": "ValueError: Bad result"}'
 def test_json_numpy_array(self):
     s1 = DummySerializable(3, {}, np.array([3, 4]))
     assert json_encode(s1) == \
         '{"typeid": "foo:1.0", "boo": 3, "bar": {}, "NOT_CAMEL": [3, 4]}'