Exemple #1
    def buildReferences(self, ElementTree, allow_duplicate_dfns=False,
        for dfn in ElementTree.iter(u"dfn"):
            term = self.getTerm(dfn, **kwargs)

            if len(term) > 0:
                if not allow_duplicate_dfns and term in self.dfns:
                    raise DuplicateDfnException(u'The term "%s" is defined more than once' % term)

                link_to = dfn

                for parent_element in dfn.iterancestors(tag=etree.Element):
                    if parent_element.tag in utils.heading_content:
                        link_to = parent_element

                id = utils.generateID(link_to, **kwargs)

                link_to.set(u"id", id)

                self.dfns[term] = id
Exemple #2
    def buildReferences(self, ElementTree, allow_duplicate_dfns=False,
        for dfn in ElementTree.iter("dfn"):
            terms = self.getTerm(dfn, **kwargs).split("|")
            for term in set(t for t in terms if t):
                if not allow_duplicate_dfns and term in self.dfns:
                    raise DuplicateDfnException('The term "%s" is defined more than once' % term)

                link_to = dfn

                for parent_element in dfn.iterancestors(tag=etree.Element):
                    if parent_element.tag in utils.heading_content:
                        link_to = parent_element

                id = utils.generateID(link_to, **kwargs)

                link_to.set("id", id)

                self.dfns[term] = id
                self.instances[term] = []
Exemple #3
    def buildTerms(self, ElementTree, w3c_compat=False, **kwargs):
        self.terms.text = "\n"
        # make a list of all the defining instances of "terms" in the document
        # -- <dfn> elements
        dfnList = ElementTree.findall("//dfn")
        if dfnList:
            indexNavTop = etree.Element(u"div", {
                u"class": "index-nav",
                u"id": "index-terms_top"
            indexNavTop.text = "\n"
            indexNavTop.tail = "\n"
            indexNavHelpers = {"top": indexNavTop}
            termFirstLetter = None
            prevTermFirstLetter = None
            firstLetters = ["top"]
            # sort the list of <dfn> terms by the lowercase value of the DOM
            # textContent of the <dfn> element (concantentation of the <dfn>
            # text nodes and that of any of its descendant elements)
            dfnList.sort(key=lambda dfn: utils.textContent(dfn).lower())
            for dfn in dfnList:
                # we don't need the tail, so copy the <dfn> and drop the tail
                term = deepcopy(dfn)
                term.tail = None
                termID = None
                dfnHasID = False
                if dfn.get("id"):
                    # if this <dfn> itself has an id, we'll use it as part of the
                    # id on the index entry for this term
                    termID = dfn.get("id")
                    dfnHasID = True
                elif dfn.getparent().get("id"):
                    # if this <dfn> itself has no id, use the id of its parent
                    # node as the id on the index entry for this term, with or
                    termID = dfn.getparent().get("id")
                # if we found an id, then create an index entry for this <dfn>
                # term; otherwise, do nothing further
                if termID:
                    indexEntry = etree.Element(u"dl")
                    # we want to give this index entry an id attribute based on
                    # the <dfn> or parent of a <dfn> we got the id-attribute
                    # value from earlier; but, if this <dfn> has no id attribute
                    # and has any sibling <dfn>s that also lack id attributes,
                    # we need to further qualify the id attribute here to make
                    # it unique
                    dfnSiblings = int(
                    if not dfnHasID and dfnSiblings > 0:
                        indexEntry = etree.Element(u"dl", {
                            termID + "_" + str(dfnSiblings) + "_index"
                        indexEntry = etree.Element(u"dl",
                                                   {u"id": termID + "_index"})
                    indexEntry.text = "\n"
                    # termName is container of the name of the term as it appears in the index
                    termName = etree.Element(u"dt")
                    if "id" in term.attrib:
                        del term.attrib["id"]
                    term.tag = "span"
                    term.tail = "\n"
                    termName.tail = "\n"
                    # normalize the text content of each <dfn> in the document
                    # and then normalize the text content of this <dfn>, then
                    # do a case-insensitive comparison of them and count how
                    # many matches we have
                    expr = "count(//dfn\

                    if ElementTree.xpath(expr,
                                         content=utils.textContent(term)) > 1:
                        # we have more than one <dfn> in the document whose
                        # content is a case-insensitive match for the
                        # textContent of this <dfn>; so, we attempt to
                        # disambiguate them by copying the parent node of the
                        # <dfn> and including that in our output as an excerpt,
                        # to provide the context for the term
                        dfnContext = etree.Element(u"dd",
                                                   {u"class": u"dfn-excerpt"})
                        dfnContext.text = "\n"
                        dfnContext.tail = "\n"
                        dfnParentNode = deepcopy(dfn.getparent())
                        # if length of the parent node isn't greater than 1,
                        # then the <dfn> is the only child node of its parent,
                        # and so there is no useful context we can provide, so
                        # we do nothing. Also, if the parent node is an h1-h6
                        # heading, we are already listing it in the entry, to
                        # it'd be redundant to be it here too, so we don't
                        if len(dfnParentNode) > 1 and not re.match(
                                "^[hH][1-6]$", dfnParentNode.tag):
                            # we just drop all of the text in this parent up to
                            # the first child element, because it's often just
                            # part of phrase like "The foo attribute" or
                            # something, and we don't need that. But, after we
                            # drop it, we don't want the node to end up starting
                            # with no next at all (because it looks odd in our
                            # output), so we replace it with some characters to
                            # indicate that there's something been ellided
                            if not dfnParentNode[0].tag == "dfn":
                                dfnParentNode.text = "*** "
                            # ...except for the case where we know our current
                            # dfn is the first child element, and then we deal
                            # with handling of that a little further down
                                dfnParentNode.text = ""
                            dfnParentNode.tag = "span"
                            # remove ID so that we don't duplicate it
                            if "id" in dfnParentNode.attrib:
                                del dfnParentNode.attrib["id"]
                            descendants = dfnParentNode.xpath(
                                ".//*[self::dfn or @id]")
                            for descendant in descendants:
                                if descendant.tag == "dfn":
                                    descendant.tag = "span"
                                if "id" in descendant.attrib:
                                    del descendant.attrib["id"]
                                # if the text content of this descendant is the
                                # same as the text content of the term, then we
                                # don't want to repeat it, so instead we
                                # replace it with ellipses
                                if utils.textContent(descendant).lower(
                                ) == utils.textContent(term).lower():
                                    tail = ""
                                    if descendant.tail is not None:
                                        tail = descendant.tail
                                    # drop any children this element might have,
                                    # and just put ellipsis in place of it
                                    descendant.text = "..." + tail
                                elif descendant == descendants[0]:
                                    # if we get here it means that the first dfn
                                    # child of this parent node is _not_ our
                                    # current dfn, so we use some alternative
                                    # characters (other than ellipses) to
                                    # indicate that we've ellided something
                                    dfnParentNode.text = "*** "
                    # we need a first letter so that we can build navigational
                    # links for the alphabetic nav bars injected into the index
                    termFirstLetter = utils.textContent(term)[0].upper()
                    if termFirstLetter != prevTermFirstLetter and termFirstLetter.isalpha(
                        indexNavHelpers[termFirstLetter] = etree.Element(
                            u"div", {
                                u"class": "index-nav",
                                u"id": "index-terms_" + termFirstLetter
                        prevTermFirstLetter = termFirstLetter
                    # #########################################################
                    # make a list of all the instances of terms in the document
                    # that are hyperlinked references back to the <dfn> term
                    # that is the defining instance of this term, as well as
                    # the <dfn> defining instance itself
                    # #########################################################
                    instanceList = ElementTree.xpath(
                    if instanceList:
                        instanceItem = None
                        lastLinkToHeading = None
                        lastInstanceItem = None
                        for instance in instanceList:
                            # each of these term instances is an <a> hyperlink
                            # without an id attribute, but we need each to have
                            # an id attribute so that we can link back to it
                            # from the index of terms; so, create an id for each
                            instanceID = utils.generateID(instance, **kwargs)
                            instance.set(u"id", instanceID)
                            # make a link that's a copy of the node of the h1-h6
                            # heading for the section that contains this
                            # instance hyperlink
                            linkToHeading = self.getAncestorHeadingLink(
                                instance, instanceID)
                            if not instance.tag == u"a":
                                linkToHeading.set(u"class", "dfn-ref")
                            # if this heading is not the same as one that we've
                            # already added to the index entry for this term,
                            # then process the heading
                            if lastLinkToHeading is None or \
                               utils.textContent(linkToHeading) != utils.textContent(lastLinkToHeading):
                                instanceItem = etree.Element(u"dd")
                                instanceItem.text = "\n"
                                lastLinkToHeading = linkToHeading
                                n = 1
                                # we wait to add the item for the previous
                                # instance at this point because we need to
                                # delay adding in order to see if for this
                                # instance there are multiple references to the
                                # same ancestor heading (if there are, we append
                                # link numbers to them, instead of repeating the
                                # heading; see below)
                                if lastInstanceItem is not None:
                                lastInstanceItem = instanceItem
                                linkToHeading.tail = "\n"
                                instanceItem.tail = "\n"
                            # otherwise, this heading is the same as one that
                            # we've already added to the index entry for this
                            # term; so instead of reprocessing the heading, we
                            # just append one or more link numbers to it
                                n += 1
                                counterLink = etree.Element(
                                    u"a", {
                                        u"href": "#" + instanceID,
                                        u"class": "index-counter"
                                if not instance.tag == u"a":
                                    counterLink.set(u"class", "dfn-ref")
                                    counterLink.set(u"class", "index-counter")
                                counterLink.text = "(" + str(n) + ")"
                                counterLink.tail = "\n"
                            # if the value of our n counter is still at 1 at
                            # this point, it means the document contains only
                            # one instance of a reference this term, so we need
                            # to add that instance now
                            if n == 1:
                    if not len(instanceList) > 1:
                        # if we don't have more than one item in this list, it
                        # means the <dfn> defining instance is the only item in
                        # the list, and the document contains no hyperlinked
                        # references back to that defining instance at all, so
                        # we need to set a flag to indicate that
                        indexEntry.set(u"class", "has-norefs")
                    indexEntry.tail = "\n"
            # ######################################################################
            # inject some alphabetic nav hyperlink bars into the index, strictly
            # for convenience purposes
            # ######################################################################
            navLetters = etree.Element(u"p")
            navLetters.text = "\n"
            navLetters.tail = "\n"
            navLettersClones = {}
            # reverse the letters list so that we can just pop off it
            while (firstLetters):
                letter = firstLetters.pop()
                navLetter = etree.Element(u"a",
                                          {u"href": "#index-terms_" + letter})
                navLetter.text = letter
                navLetter.tail = "\n"
            for key, navNode in indexNavHelpers.items():
                # this seems really hacky... but we need some way to manage multiple
                # copies of the sets of nav hyperlink letters we inject into the
                # index; otherwise, how to do it without just moving a single node
                # around instead of copying it...
                navLettersClones[key] = deepcopy(navLetters)
                navNode.text = "\n"
                navNode.tail = "\n"
            navLettersEnd = deepcopy(navLetters)
            indexNavEnd = etree.Element(u"div", {
                u"class": "index-nav",
                u"id": "index-terms_end"
            indexNavEnd.text = "\n"
            indexNavEnd.tail = "\n"
            indexNavHelpers = {"end": indexNavEnd}
        self.terms.tail = "\n"
Exemple #4
    def buildToc(self, ElementTree, min_depth=2, max_depth=6, w3c_compat=False,
                 w3c_compat_class_toc=False, **kwargs):
        # Build the outline of the document
        outline_creator = outliner.Outliner(ElementTree, **kwargs)
        outline = outline_creator.build(**kwargs)

        # Get a list of all the top level sections, and their depth (0)
        sections = [(section, 0) for section in reversed(outline)]

        # Numbering
        num = []

        # Loop over all sections in a DFS
        while sections:
            # Get the section and depth at the end of list
            section, depth = sections.pop()

            # If we have a header, regardless of how deep we are
            if section.header is not None:
                # Get the element that represents the section header's text
                if section.header.tag == u"hgroup":
                    i = 1
                    while i <= 6:
                        header_text = section.header.find(u".//h" + unicode(i))
                        if header_text is not None:
                        i += 1
                        header_text = None
                    header_text = section.header
                header_text = None

            # If we have a section heading text element, regardless of depth
            if header_text is not None:
                # Remove any existing number
                for element in header_text.findall(u".//span"):
                    if utils.elementHasClass(element, u"secno"):
                        # Copy content, to prepare for the node being
                        # removed
                        utils.copyContentForRemoval(element, text=False,
                        # Remove the element (we can do this as we're not
                        # iterating over the elements, but over a list)

            # Check we're in the valid depth range (min/max_depth are 1 based,
            # depth is 0 based)
            if depth >= min_depth - 1 and depth <= max_depth - 1:
                # Calculate the corrected depth (i.e., the actual depth within
                # the numbering/TOC)
                corrected_depth = depth - min_depth + 1

                # Numbering:
                # No children, no sibling, move back to parent's sibling
                if corrected_depth + 1 < len(num):
                    del num[corrected_depth + 1:]
                # Children
                elif corrected_depth == len(num):

                # Increment the current section's number
                if header_text is not None and \
                   not utils.elementHasClass(header_text, u"no-num") or \
                   header_text is None and section:
                    num[-1] += 1

                # Get the current TOC section for this depth, and add another
                # item to it
                if header_text is not None and \
                   not utils.elementHasClass(header_text, u"no-toc") or \
                   header_text is None and section:
                    # Find the appropriate section of the TOC
                    i = 0
                    toc_section = self.toc
                    while i < corrected_depth:
                            # If the final li has no children, or the last
                            # children isn't an ol element
                            if len(toc_section[-1]) == 0 or \
                               toc_section[-1][-1].tag != u"ol":
                                                (i + 1) * 2, **kwargs)
                                if w3c_compat or w3c_compat_class_toc:
                                    toc_section[-1][-1].set(u"class", u"toc")
                        except IndexError:
                            # If the current ol has no li in it
                            self.indentNode(toc_section[0], (i + 1) * 2 - 1,
                            self.indentNode(toc_section[0][0], (i + 1) * 2,
                            if w3c_compat or w3c_compat_class_toc:
                                toc_section[0][0].set(u"class", u"toc")
                        # TOC Section is now the final child (ol) of the final
                        # item (li) in the previous section
                        assert toc_section[-1].tag == u"li"
                        assert toc_section[-1][-1].tag == u"ol"
                        toc_section = toc_section[-1][-1]
                        i += 1
                    # Add the current item to the TOC
                    item = etree.Element(u"li")
                    self.indentNode(item, (i + 1) * 2 - 1, **kwargs)

                # If we have a header
                if header_text is not None:
                    # Add ID to header
                    id = utils.generateID(header_text, **kwargs)
                    if header_text.get(u"id") is not None:
                        del header_text.attrib[u"id"]
                    section.header.set(u"id", id)

                    # Add number, if @class doesn't contain no-num
                    if not utils.elementHasClass(header_text, u"no-num"):
                        header_text[0:0] = [etree.Element(u"span", {u"class":
                        header_text[0].tail = header_text.text
                        header_text.text = None
                        header_text[0].text = u".".join(map(unicode, num))
                        header_text[0].text += u" "
                    # Add to TOC, if @class doesn't contain no-toc
                    if not utils.elementHasClass(header_text, u"no-toc"):
                        link = deepcopy(header_text)
                        # Make it link to the header
                        link.tag = u"a"
                        link.set(u"href", u"#" + id)
                        # Remove interactive content child elements
                        # Remove other child elements
                        for element_name in remove_elements_from_toc:
                            # Iterate over all the desendants of the new link
                            # with that element name
                            for element in link.findall(u".//" + element_name):
                                # Copy content, to prepare for the node being
                                # removed
                                # Remove the element (we can do this as we're
                                # not iterating over the elements, but over a
                                # list)
                        # Remove unwanted attributes
                        for element in link.iter(tag=etree.Element):
                            for attribute_name in remove_attributes_from_toc:
                                if element.get(attribute_name) is not None:
                                    del element.attrib[attribute_name]
                        # We don't want the old tail
                        link.tail = None
                        # Check we haven't changed the content in all of that
                        assert utils.textContent(header_text) == \
            # Add subsections in reverse order (so the next one is executed
            # next) with a higher depth value
            sections.extend([(child_section, depth + 1)
                             for child_section in reversed(section)])
Exemple #5
 def buildTerms(self, ElementTree, w3c_compat=False, **kwargs):
     self.terms.text = "\n"
     # make a list of all the defining instances of "terms" in the document
     # -- <dfn> elements
     dfnList = ElementTree.findall("//dfn")
     if dfnList:
         indexNavTop = etree.Element(u"div",{u"class": "index-nav", u"id": "index-terms_top"})
         indexNavTop.text = "\n"
         indexNavTop.tail = "\n"
         indexNavHelpers = {"top": indexNavTop}
         termFirstLetter = None
         prevTermFirstLetter = None
         firstLetters = ["top"]
         # sort the list of <dfn> terms by the lowercase value of the DOM
         # textContent of the <dfn> element (concantentation of the <dfn>
         # text nodes and that of any of its descendant elements)
         dfnList.sort(key=lambda dfn: dfn.text_content().lower())
         for dfn in dfnList:
             # we don't need the tail, so copy the <dfn> and drop the tail
             term = deepcopy(dfn)
             term.tail = None
             termID = None
             dfnHasID = False
             if dfn.get("id"):
                 # if this <dfn> itself has an id, we'll use it as part of the
                 # id on the index entry for this term
                 termID = dfn.get("id")
                 dfnHasID = True
             elif dfn.getparent().get("id"):
                 # if this <dfn> itself has no id, use the id of its parent
                 # node as the id on the index entry for this term, with or
                 termID = dfn.getparent().get("id")
             # if we found an id, then create an index entry for this <dfn>
             # term; otherwise, do nothing further
             if termID:
                 indexEntry = etree.Element(u"dl")
                 # we want to give this index entry an id attribute based on
                 # the <dfn> or parent of a <dfn> we got the id-attribute
                 # value from earlier; but, if this <dfn> has no id attribute
                 # and has any sibling <dfn>s that also lack id attributes,
                 # we need to further qualify the id attribute here to make
                 # it unique
                 dfnSiblings = int(dfn.xpath("count(preceding-sibling::dfn[not(@id)])"))
                 if not dfnHasID and dfnSiblings > 0:
                     indexEntry = etree.Element(u"dl",{u"id": termID+"_"+str(dfnSiblings)+"_index"})
                     indexEntry = etree.Element(u"dl",{u"id": termID+"_index"})
                 indexEntry.text = "\n"
                 # termName is container of the name of the term as it appears in the index
                 termName = etree.Element(u"dt")
                 if "id" in term.attrib:
                     del term.attrib["id"]
                 term.tag = "span"
                 term.tail = "\n"
                 termName.tail= "\n"
                 # normalize the text content of each <dfn> in the document
                 # and then normalize the text content of this <dfn>, then
                 # do a case-insensitive comparison of them and count how
                 # many matches we have
                 expr = "count(//dfn\
                 if ElementTree.xpath(expr, content = term.text_content()) > 1:
                     # we have more than one <dfn> in the document whose
                     # content is a case-insensitive match for the
                     # textContent of this <dfn>; so, we attempt to
                     # disambiguate them by copying the parent node of the
                     # <dfn> and including that in our output as an excerpt,
                     # to provide the context for the term
                     dfnContext = etree.Element(u"dd",{u"class": u"dfn-excerpt"})
                     dfnContext.text = "\n"
                     dfnContext.tail = "\n"
                     dfnParentNode = deepcopy(dfn.getparent())
                     # if length of the parent node isn't greater than 1,
                     # then the <dfn> is the only child node of its parent,
                     # and so there is no useful context we can provide, so
                     # we do nothing. Also, if the parent node is an h1-h6
                     # heading, we are already listing it in the entry, to
                     # it'd be redundant to be it here too, so we don't
                     if len(dfnParentNode) > 1 and not re.match("^[hH][1-6]$",dfnParentNode.tag):
                         # we just drop all of the text in this parent up to
                         # the first child element, because it's often just
                         # part of phrase like "The foo attribute" or
                         # something, and we don't need that. But, after we
                         # drop it, we don't want the node to end up starting
                         # with no next at all (because it looks odd in our
                         # output), so we replace it with some characters to
                         # indicate that there's something been ellided
                         if not dfnParentNode[0].tag == "dfn":
                             dfnParentNode.text = "*** "
                         # ...except for the case where we know our current
                         # dfn is the first child element, and then we deal
                         # with handling of that a little further down
                             dfnParentNode.text = ""
                         dfnParentNode.tag = "span"
                         # remove ID so that we don't duplicate it
                         if "id" in dfnParentNode.attrib:
                             del dfnParentNode.attrib["id"]
                         descendants = dfnParentNode.xpath(".//*[self::dfn or @id]")
                         for descendant in descendants:
                             if descendant.tag == "dfn":
                                 descendant.tag = "span"
                             if "id" in descendant.attrib:
                                 del descendant.attrib["id"]
                             # if the text content of this descendant is the
                             # same as the text content of the term, then we
                             # don't want to repeat it, so instead we
                             # replace it with ellipses
                             if descendant.text_content().lower() == term.text_content().lower():
                                 tail = ""
                                 if descendant.tail is not None:
                                     tail = descendant.tail
                                 # drop any children this element might have,
                                 # and just put ellipsis in place of it
                                 descendant.text = "..."+tail
                             elif descendant == descendants[0]:
                                 # if we get here it means that the first dfn
                                 # child of this parent node is _not_ our
                                 # current dfn, so we use some alternative
                                 # characters (other than ellipses) to
                                 # indicate that we've ellided something
                                 dfnParentNode.text = "*** "
                 # we need a first letter so that we can build navigational
                 # links for the alphabetic nav bars injected into the index
                 termFirstLetter = term.text_content()[0].upper()
                 if termFirstLetter != prevTermFirstLetter and termFirstLetter.isalpha():
                     indexNavHelpers[termFirstLetter] = etree.Element(u"div",{u"class": "index-nav", u"id": "index-terms_"+termFirstLetter})
                     prevTermFirstLetter = termFirstLetter
                 # #########################################################
                 # make a list of all the instances of terms in the document
                 # that are hyperlinked references back to the <dfn> term
                 # that is the defining instance of this term, as well as
                 # the <dfn> defining instance itself
                 # #########################################################
                 instanceList = ElementTree.xpath("//a[substring-after(@href,'#')=$targetID]|//*[@id=$targetID]", targetID = termID)
                 if instanceList:
                     instanceItem = None
                     lastLinkToHeading = None
                     lastInstanceItem = None
                     for instance in instanceList:
                         # each of these term instances is an <a> hyperlink
                         # without an id attribute, but we need each to have
                         # an id attribute so that we can link back to it
                         # from the index of terms; so, create an id for each
                         instanceID = utils.generateID(instance, **kwargs)
                         # make a link that's a copy of the node of the h1-h6
                         # heading for the section that contains this
                         # instance hyperlink
                         linkToHeading = self.getAncestorHeadingLink(instance, instanceID)
                         if not instance.tag == u"a":
                         # if this heading is not the same as one that we've
                         # already added to the index entry for this term,
                         # then process the heading
                         if lastLinkToHeading is None or linkToHeading.text_content() != lastLinkToHeading.text_content():
                             instanceItem = etree.Element(u"dd")
                             instanceItem.text = "\n"
                             lastLinkToHeading = linkToHeading
                             n = 1
                             # we wait to add the item for the previous
                             # instance at this point because we need to
                             # delay adding in order to see if for this
                             # instance there are multiple references to the
                             # same ancestor heading (if there are, we append
                             # link numbers to them, instead of repeating the
                             # heading; see below)
                             if lastInstanceItem is not None:
                             lastInstanceItem = instanceItem
                             linkToHeading.tail = "\n"
                             instanceItem.tail = "\n"
                         # otherwise, this heading is the same as one that
                         # we've already added to the index entry for this
                         # term; so instead of reprocessing the heading, we
                         # just append one or more link numbers to it
                             n += 1
                             counterLink = etree.Element(u"a",{u"href": "#"+instanceID, u"class": "index-counter"})
                             if not instance.tag == u"a":
                             counterLink.text = "("+str(n)+")"
                             counterLink.tail = "\n"
                         # if the value of our n counter is still at 1 at
                         # this point, it means the document contains only
                         # one instance of a reference this term, so we need
                         # to add that instance now
                         if n == 1:
                 if not len(instanceList) > 1:
                     # if we don't have more than one item in this list, it
                     # means the <dfn> defining instance is the only item in
                     # the list, and the document contains no hyperlinked
                     # references back to that defining instance at all, so
                     # we need to set a flag to indicate that
                 indexEntry.tail = "\n"
         # ######################################################################
         # inject some alphabetic nav hyperlink bars into the index, strictly
         # for convenience purposes
         # ######################################################################
         navLetters = etree.Element(u"p")
         navLetters.text = "\n"
         navLetters.tail = "\n"
         navLettersClones = {}
         # reverse the letters list so that we can just pop off it
             letter = firstLetters.pop()
             navLetter = etree.Element(u"a",{u"href": "#index-terms_"+letter})
             navLetter.text = letter
             navLetter.tail = "\n"
         for key, navNode in indexNavHelpers.items():
             # this seems really hacky... but we need some way to manage multiple
             # copies of the sets of nav hyperlink letters we inject into the
             # index; otherwise, how to do it without just moving a single node
             # around instead of copying it...
             navLettersClones[key] = deepcopy(navLetters)
             navNode.text = "\n"
             navNode.tail = "\n"
         navLettersEnd = deepcopy(navLetters)
         indexNavEnd = etree.Element(u"div",{u"class": "index-nav", u"id": "index-terms_end"})
         indexNavEnd.text = "\n"
         indexNavEnd.tail = "\n"
         indexNavHelpers = {"end": indexNavEnd}
     self.terms.tail = "\n"