Exemple #1
def build( root, fingerDict, side='rt', cleanUp=1 ):
    Builds an fk hand with extendable knuckles
        root - node at the location of the wrist
        fingerDict - dictionary with keys for the name of each digit and values which are the root node for each digit:
            e.g. { 'thumb':'lf_thumb1_defJnt', 'index':'lf_index1_defJnt' }
            For each key in fingerDict a digit will be created with segments based on the number of child joints in the chain.
            Any joints with the same worldSpace location as their child will become 'extend' joints
    # Validate arguments
    if type(root) != type('hello') and type(root) != type(u'hello'):
        return showDialog( 'Argument Error', 'You must supply a root of type string or unicode' )
    if type(fingerDict) != type({}):
        return showDialog( 'Argument Error', "fingerDict must be supplied as a dictionary/nwith a key for the name of each digit and a root node as its value/n e.g.{ 'thumb':'lf_thumb1_defJnt', 'index':'lf_index1_defJnt' }")
    # Build and align root groups
    xformGrp = cmds.group(empty=1)
    xformGrp = cmds.rename(xformGrp, common.getName( node=xformGrp, side=side, rigPart='hand', function='xform', nodeType='grp'))
    common.align(node=xformGrp, target=root)
    rigGrp = cmds.duplicate(xformGrp)
    rigGrp = cmds.rename(rigGrp, common.getName( node=rigGrp, side=side, rigPart='hand', function='rig', nodeType='grp'))
    cmds.parent( rigGrp, xformGrp )
    # Root joint
    rootJnt = cmds.joint()
    rootJnt = cmds.rename(rootJnt, common.getName( node=rootJnt, side=side, rigPart='hand', function='root', nodeType='jnt'))
    common.align(rootJnt, xformGrp)
    cmds.parent(rootJnt, rigGrp)
    cmds.setAttr('%s.jointOrient' % rootJnt, 0, 0, 0 )
    # Build fingers
    for key in fingerDict.keys():
        fing = buildFinger( side=side, name=key, rootJnt=fingerDict[key], rootGrp=xformGrp, cleanUp=cleanUp )
        cmds.parent(fing['jnts'][0], rigGrp)
    # Cleanup
    if cleanUp:
        cmds.setAttr( '%s.visibility' % rigGrp, 0 )
        common.attrCtrl(nodeList=[rigGrp], attrList=['visibility'])
    return {'systemGrp':xformGrp}
Exemple #2
def buildFinger( side, name, rootJnt, rootGrp, cleanUp ):
    # Get aim axis - this presumes the rootJnt is NOT an extend joint
    childJnt = cmds.listRelatives( rootJnt, c=1, type='joint' )[0]
    childPos = cmds.getAttr('%s.t' % childJnt)[0]
    childPosAbs = [ math.fabs(value) for value in childPos ]
    twistIndex = childPosAbs.index(max(childPosAbs))
    twistAxis = ['x', 'y', 'z'][ twistIndex ]
    # Determine whether the joints have a negative translation along the twist axis
    neg = False
    if childPos[ twistIndex ] < 0.0:
        neg = True
    # Duplicate joint chain
    dupJnts = cmds.duplicate( rootJnt, rc=1 )
    print dupJnts
    ctrls = []
    for d in range(len(dupJnts)):
        if isExtendJnt(dupJnts[d]):
            j = cmds.rename(dupJnts[d], common.getName( node=dupJnts[d], side=side, rigPart='hand', function='%sExtend%s' % ( name, index ), nodeType='jnt'))
            grp = common.insertGroup( node=j )
            grp = cmds.rename( grp, j.replace('jnt', 'grp') )
            # Connect twistAxis translate to ctrl and ctrl rotatePivotTrnaslate back to ctrl.translate
            cmds.connectAttr('%s.t%s' % (ctrls[index-2], twistAxis), '%s.t%s' % ( j, twistAxis ) )
            rotPivTransUC = cmds.createNode('unitConversion')
            rotPivTransUC = cmds.rename(rotPivTransUC, common.getName( node=rotPivTransUC, side=side, rigPart='hand', function='%sNegTrans%s' % ( name, index ), nodeType='conv'))
            cmds.setAttr( '%s.conversionFactor' % rotPivTransUC, -1.0 )
            cmds.connectAttr( '%s.t' % ctrls[index-2], '%s.input' % rotPivTransUC )
            cmds.connectAttr( '%s.output' % rotPivTransUC, '%s.rotatePivotTranslate' % ctrls[index-2] )
            j = cmds.rename(dupJnts[d], common.getName( node=dupJnts[d], side=side, rigPart='hand', function='%s%s' % ( name, index ), nodeType='jnt'))
            if d < (len(dupJnts)-1):
                # Build control
                c = controls.Control( side=side, rigPart="hand", function='%s%s' % ( name, index ), nodeType="ctrl", size=0.15, color=side, aimAxis=twistAxis, flip=neg )
                grp = common.insertGroup( node=c.control )
                grp = cmds.rename( grp, c.control.replace('ctrl', 'grp') )
                common.align( node=grp, target=j )
                if d == 0:
                    cmds.parent( grp, rootGrp )
                    cmds.parent( j, rootGrp )
                    cmds.parent(grp, ctrls[index-2])
                    cmds.pointConstraint(j, grp)
                # Connect joint rotations to ctrl rotations
                cmds.connectAttr('%s.r' % c.control, '%s.r' % j)
            index = index + 1
        jnts.append( j )
        if cleanUp:
            lockAxes = ['t%s' % axis for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z'] if not axis == twistAxis]
            attrList=lockAxes + ['sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'visibility']
            for c in ctrls:
                common.attrCtrl(nodeList=[c], attrList=attrList)
            #common.attrCtrl(nodeList=[ctrls[-1]], attrList='t%s' % twistAxis) 
    return {'jnts':jnts, 'ctrls':ctrls}
Exemple #3
def build(
    hips=None, chest=None, head=None, numSpineJoints=6, numHeadJoints=6, twistAxis="x", bendAxis="y", cleanUp=True
    function to create the fk spine with head isolation...
    requires 3 objects to be selected or supplied - hips, chest, head
    hips: location of the first spine joint - this joint doesn't inherit any chest rotation
    chest: where the chest ctrl is placed. It's rotation is distributed from the second spine joint up to this point
    head: location of the last spine joint


    axisDict = {"x": [1, 0, 0], "y": [0, 1, 0], "z": [0, 0, 1]}

    # Validate that the correct arguments have been supplied
    if not hips or not chest or not head:
        # If hips, chest anf head aren't explicitly supplied, check for a valid selection to use
        sel = cmds.ls(sl=1, type="transform")
        if len(sel) == 3:
            hips, chest, head = sel[0], sel[1], sel[2]
            return showDialog("Argument Error", "Cannot determine hips, chest and head points")

    # Get positions of spine and head joints
    spineLocs = common.pointsAlongVector(start=hips, end=chest, divisions=numSpineJoints - 1)
    headLocs = common.pointsAlongVector(start=chest, end=head, divisions=numHeadJoints - 1)

    xformGrp = cmds.group(empty=1)
    xformGrp = cmds.rename(
        xformGrp, common.getName(node=xformGrp, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="xform", nodeType="grp")
    common.align(node=xformGrp, target=hips)
    aimConst = cmds.aimConstraint(
        chest, xformGrp, aimVector=axisDict[twistAxis], upVector=axisDict[bendAxis], worldUpVector=[1, 0, 0]

    # Build control objects
    hipCtrl = controls.Control(
        side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="hips", nodeType="ctrl", size=1.25, color="green", aimAxis="twistAxis"
    hipGrp = common.insertGroup(node=hipCtrl.control)
    hipGrp = cmds.rename(hipGrp, hipCtrl.control.replace("ctrl", "grp"))
    common.align(node=hipGrp, target=xformGrp)
    cmds.parent(hipGrp, xformGrp)

    chestCtrl = controls.Control(
        side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="chest", nodeType="ctrl", size=1.25, color="green", aimAxis="twistAxis"
    chestGrp = common.insertGroup(node=chestCtrl.control)
    chestGrp = cmds.rename(chestGrp, chestCtrl.control.replace("ctrl", "grp"))
    common.align(node=chestGrp, orient=False, target=chest)
    common.align(node=chestGrp, translate=False, target=xformGrp)
    cmds.parent(chestGrp, hipCtrl.control)

    headCtrl = controls.Control(
        side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="head", nodeType="ctrl", size=1.25, color="green", aimAxis="twistAxis"
    headGrp = common.insertGroup(node=headCtrl.control)
    headGrp = cmds.rename(headGrp, headCtrl.control.replace("ctrl", "grp"))
    common.align(node=headGrp, target=head, orient=False)
    common.align(node=headGrp, target=xformGrp, translate=False)
    cmds.parent(headGrp, xformGrp)

    # Add attr to head ctrl for isolating head rotation
    cmds.addAttr(headCtrl.control, longName="isolate_rotation", at="double", keyable=True, min=0, max=1)

    # Build driven groups
    spineGrps = []
    for i in range(len(spineLocs)):
        g = cmds.group(empty=1)
        g = cmds.rename(
            g, common.getName(node=g, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="driven%s" % str(i + 1), nodeType="grp")
        cmds.setAttr("%s.t" % g, spineLocs[i][0], spineLocs[i][1], spineLocs[i][2])
        common.align(node=g, target=xformGrp, translate=False)
        if i > 0:
            cmds.parent(g, spineGrps[i - 1])
            cmds.parent(g, xformGrp)
            cmds.parentConstraint(hipCtrl.control, g)

    # Build joints
    spineJoints = []
    for i in range(len(spineLocs)):
        j = cmds.joint()
        common.align(node=j, target=xformGrp, translate=False)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrient" % j)
        j = cmds.rename(
            j, common.getName(node=j, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="driven%s" % str(i + 1), nodeType="jnt")
        cmds.setAttr("%s.displayLocalAxis" % j, 1)

    # set rotation orders
    leanAxis = [axis for axis in ["x", "y", "z"] if not axis in [twistAxis, bendAxis]][0]
    rotateOrder = "%s%s%s" % (twistAxis, leanAxis, bendAxis)
    rotateOrderDict = {"xyz": 0, "yzx": 1, "zxy": 2, "xzy": 3, "yxz": 4, "zyx": 5}

    for i in (
        [hipGrp, hipCtrl.control, chestGrp, chestCtrl.control, headGrp, headCtrl.control] + spineGrps + spineJoints
        cmds.setAttr("%s.rotateOrder" % i, rotateOrderDict[rotateOrder])

    # connect driven groups and joints below chest to chest control rotations
    spineBendUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    spineBendUC = cmds.rename(
        spineBendUC, common.getName(node=spineBendUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="bend", nodeType="conv")
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (chestCtrl.control, bendAxis), "%s.input" % spineBendUC)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineBendUC, 1.0 / (numSpineJoints - 1))

    spineLeanUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    spineLeanUC = cmds.rename(
        spineLeanUC, common.getName(node=spineLeanUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="lean", nodeType="conv")
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (chestCtrl.control, leanAxis), "%s.input" % spineLeanUC)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineLeanUC, 1.0 / (numSpineJoints - 1))

    for grp in spineGrps[1:numSpineJoints]:
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineBendUC, "%s.r%s" % (grp, bendAxis))
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineLeanUC, "%s.r%s" % (grp, leanAxis))

    for i in range(numSpineJoints - 1):
        spineTwistUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
        spineTwistUC = cmds.rename(
            common.getName(node=spineTwistUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="twist%s" % i, nodeType="conv"),
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (chestCtrl.control, twistAxis), "%s.input" % spineTwistUC)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineTwistUC, 1.0 / (numSpineJoints - 1) * (i + 1))
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineTwistUC, "%s.r%s" % (spineJoints[i + 1], twistAxis))

    # connect driven groups above chest to reverse chest control rotations + hips control rotations
    hipRotUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    hipRotUC = cmds.rename(
        hipRotUC, common.getName(node=hipRotUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="hipRotate", nodeType="conv")
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % hipRotUC, -1)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.r" % hipCtrl.control, "%s.input" % hipRotUC)
    hipRotMD = cmds.createNode("multiplyDivide")
    hipRotMD = cmds.rename(
        hipRotMD, common.getName(node=hipRotMD, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="hipRotate", nodeType="multDiv")
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % hipRotUC, "%s.input1" % hipRotMD)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input2X" % hipRotMD)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input2Y" % hipRotMD)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input2Z" % hipRotMD)

    chestRotUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    chestRotUC = cmds.rename(
        chestRotUC, common.getName(node=chestRotUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="chestRotate", nodeType="conv")
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % chestRotUC, -1)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.r" % chestCtrl.control, "%s.input" % chestRotUC)
    chestRotMD = cmds.createNode("multiplyDivide")
    chestRotMD = cmds.rename(
        common.getName(node=chestRotMD, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="chestRotate", nodeType="multDiv"),
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % chestRotUC, "%s.input1" % chestRotMD)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input2X" % chestRotMD)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input2Y" % chestRotMD)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input2Z" % chestRotMD)

    headRotUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    headRotUC = cmds.rename(
        headRotUC, common.getName(node=headRotUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="headRotate", nodeType="conv")
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % headRotUC, 1)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.r" % headCtrl.control, "%s.input" % headRotUC)

    # negative hip and chest rotation are added to head rotation. The negative values are piped through a multiplier to blend the head isolation off and on
    spineRotNegPMA = cmds.createNode("plusMinusAverage")
    spineRotNegPMA = cmds.rename(
        common.getName(node=spineRotNegPMA, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="rotateNeg", nodeType="pma"),
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % hipRotMD, "%s.input3D[0]" % spineRotNegPMA)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % chestRotMD, "%s.input3D[1]" % spineRotNegPMA)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % headRotUC, "%s.input3D[2]" % spineRotNegPMA)

    spineBendNegUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    spineBendNegUC = cmds.rename(
        common.getName(node=spineBendNegUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="bendNeg", nodeType="conv"),
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output3D%s" % (spineRotNegPMA, bendAxis), "%s.input" % spineBendNegUC)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineBendNegUC, 1.0 / (numHeadJoints - 2))

    spineLeanNegUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    spineLeanNegUC = cmds.rename(
        common.getName(node=spineLeanNegUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="leanNeg", nodeType="conv"),
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.output3D%s" % (spineRotNegPMA, leanAxis), "%s.input" % spineLeanNegUC)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineLeanNegUC, 1.0 / (numHeadJoints - 2))

    for grp in spineGrps[numSpineJoints:-1]:
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineBendNegUC, "%s.r%s" % (grp, bendAxis))
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineLeanNegUC, "%s.r%s" % (grp, leanAxis))

    # Direct output from chest control. If head isolation is off. All twist joints above it recieve 100% of its twisting
    chestTwistDirectUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
    chestTwistDirectUC = cmds.rename(
        common.getName(node=chestTwistDirectUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="chestTwist", nodeType="conv"),
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (chestCtrl.control, twistAxis), "%s.input" % chestTwistDirectUC)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % chestTwistDirectUC, 1.0)

    for i in range(numSpineJoints + 1, len(spineJoints)):
        # gradually negate hip twist from chest up
        hipTwistUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
        hipTwistUC = cmds.rename(
            common.getName(node=hipTwistUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="hipTwist%s" % i, nodeType="conv"),
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (hipCtrl.control, twistAxis), "%s.input" % hipTwistUC)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % hipTwistUC, -1.0 / (numHeadJoints - 2) * (i - numSpineJoints))

        # gradually negate chest twist from chest up
        chestTwistUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
        chestTwistUC = cmds.rename(
            common.getName(node=chestTwistUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="chestTwist%s" % i, nodeType="conv"),
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (chestCtrl.control, twistAxis), "%s.input" % chestTwistUC)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % chestTwistUC, 1.0 / (numHeadJoints - 2) * (len(spineJoints) - (i + 1)))

        # sum hip and chest negation
        spineTwistNegPMA = cmds.createNode("plusMinusAverage")
        spineTwistNegPMA = cmds.rename(
                node=spineTwistNegPMA, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="twistNeg%s" % i, nodeType="pma"
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % hipTwistUC, "%s.input1D[0]" % spineTwistNegPMA)
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % chestTwistUC, "%s.input1D[1]" % spineTwistNegPMA)

        # Distribute head twist down to chest
        spineTwistUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
        spineTwistUC = cmds.rename(
            common.getName(node=spineTwistUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="twist%s" % i, nodeType="conv"),
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.r%s" % (headCtrl.control, twistAxis), "%s.input" % spineTwistUC)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineTwistUC, 1.0 / (numHeadJoints - 2) * (i - numSpineJoints))

        # Blend between hip and chest negation (head isolation on) and full inheritance of chest twist (head isolation off)
        spineTwistNegBC = cmds.createNode("blendColors")
        spineTwistNegBC = cmds.rename(
            common.getName(node=spineTwistNegBC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="twistNeg%s" % i, nodeType="bc"),
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output1D" % spineTwistNegPMA, "%s.color1R" % spineTwistNegBC)
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % chestTwistDirectUC, "%s.color2R" % spineTwistNegBC)
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.blender" % spineTwistNegBC)

        # Sum blended negation twist and head twist
        spineTwistPMA = cmds.createNode("plusMinusAverage")
        spineTwistPMA = cmds.rename(
                node=spineTwistPMA, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="twistResult%s" % i, nodeType="pma"
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputR" % spineTwistNegBC, "%s.input1D[0]" % spineTwistPMA)
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineTwistUC, "%s.input1D[1]" % spineTwistPMA)

        # Force unit conversion to 1
        spineTwistResultUC = cmds.createNode("unitConversion")
        spineTwistResultUC = cmds.rename(
                node=spineTwistResultUC, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="twistResult%s" % i, nodeType="conv"
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output1D" % spineTwistPMA, "%s.input" % spineTwistResultUC)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.conversionFactor" % spineTwistResultUC, 1.0)

        cmds.connectAttr("%s.output" % spineTwistResultUC, "%s.r%s" % (spineJoints[i - 1], twistAxis))

    # Orient contstrain last head joint to second last head joint
    orientConst = cmds.orientConstraint(spineJoints[-2], spineJoints[-1])
    # Point constrain chest ctrl grp to its spine group
    pointConst = cmds.pointConstraint(spineGrps[numSpineJoints - 1], chestGrp)
    # Point constrain head ctrl grp to last spine group
    pointConst = cmds.pointConstraint(spineGrps[-1], headGrp)
    # Add orient constraint to headCtrl group - weighted between root noXformGrp and last spine grp - weight controlled by isolation attr
    orientConst = cmds.orientConstraint(xformGrp, chestCtrl.control, headGrp)[0]
    isolateRev = cmds.createNode("reverse")
    isolateRev = cmds.rename(
        isolateRev, common.getName(node=isolateRev, side="cn", rigPart="spine", function="headIsolate", nodeType="rev")
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.inputX" % isolateRev)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.isolate_rotation" % headCtrl.control, "%s.%sW0" % (orientConst, xformGrp), f=1)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputX" % isolateRev, "%s.%sW1" % (orientConst, chestCtrl.control), f=1)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.interpType" % orientConst, 2)

    # Clean up attributes and objects that need to be hidden / locked
    if cleanUp:
        cmds.setAttr("%s.visibility" % spineGrps[0], 0)
        common.attrCtrl(nodeList=[spineGrps[1]], attrList=["visibility"])
        common.attrCtrl(nodeList=[hipCtrl.control], attrList=["sx", "sy", "sz", "visibility"])
            nodeList=[chestCtrl.control, headCtrl.control], attrList=["tx", "ty", "tz", "sx", "sy", "sz", "visibility"]

    returnDict = collections.defaultdict(list)

    return returnDict