def test_extract_tar_file_missing_member(tmp_tarfile):
    temp_dir, tfile, dummy, dummy = tmp_tarfile

    expected = "Collection tar at '%s' does not contain the expected file 'missing'." % to_native(
    with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=expected):
        collection._extract_tar_file(tfile, 'missing', temp_dir, temp_dir)
Exemple #2
def test_extract_tar_file_missing_parent_dir(tmp_tarfile):
    temp_dir, tfile, filename, checksum = tmp_tarfile
    output_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, b'output')
    output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, to_bytes(filename))

    collection._extract_tar_file(tfile, filename, output_dir, temp_dir, checksum)
def test_extract_tar_file_invalid_hash(tmp_tarfile):
    temp_dir, tfile, filename, dummy = tmp_tarfile

    expected = "Checksum mismatch for '%s' inside collection at '%s'" % (
        to_native(filename), to_native(
    with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=expected):
        collection._extract_tar_file(tfile, filename, temp_dir, temp_dir,
Exemple #4
def test_extract_tar_file_outside_dir(tmp_path_factory):
    filename = u'ÅÑŚÌβŁÈ'
    temp_dir = to_bytes(tmp_path_factory.mktemp('test-%s Collections' % to_native(filename)))
    tar_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, to_bytes('%s.tar.gz' % filename))
    data = os.urandom(8)

    tar_filename = '../' % filename
    with, 'w:gz') as tfile:
        b_io = BytesIO(data)
        tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(tar_filename)
        tar_info.size = len(data)
        tar_info.mode = 0o0644
        tfile.addfile(tarinfo=tar_info, fileobj=b_io)

    expected = re.escape("Cannot extract tar entry '%s' as it will be placed outside the collection directory"
                         % to_native(tar_filename))
    with, 'r') as tfile:
        with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=expected):
            collection._extract_tar_file(tfile, tar_filename, os.path.join(temp_dir, to_bytes(filename)), temp_dir)