Exemple #1
    def _configure_from_file(self):
        """Initialize from .ini file.

        Configuration file is assumed to be named 'brook.ini' and to be located on the same
        directory than this file, unless the environment variable BROOK_INI_PATH says otherwise.

        brook_ini_default_path = \
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'brook.ini')
        brook_ini_path = os.environ.get('BROOK_INI_PATH',

        config = ConfigParser(defaults={'api_token': '', 'project_id': ''})
        self.api_token = config.get('brook', 'api_token')
        self.project_id = config.get('brook', 'project_id')

        if not self.api_token:
                'You must provide (at least) your Brook.io API token to generate the dynamic '
Exemple #2
    def load_config(self, config_path):
        # Validate the config file is an actual file
        if not isfile(config_path):
            raise ConfigFileException(
                'The specified config file does not exist')

        if not access(config_path, R_OK):
            raise ConfigFileException(
                "The specified config file cannot be read")

        # Read in the file contents:
        with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
            config_string = f.read()

        # First try to yaml load the content (which will also load json)
            config_data = yaml.load(config_string, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
            # If this is an actual ini file, yaml will return the whole thing as a string instead of a dict
            if type(config_data) is not dict:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "The yaml config file is not properly formatted as a dict."

        except (AttributeError, yaml.YAMLError, AssertionError):
            # TowerCLI used to support a config file with a missing [general] section by prepending it if missing
            if '[general]' not in config_string:
                config_string = '[general]{0}'.format(config_string)

            config = ConfigParser()

                placeholder_file = StringIO(config_string)
                # py2 ConfigParser has readfp, that has been deprecated in favor of read_file in py3
                # This "if" removes the deprecation warning
                if hasattr(config, 'read_file'):

                # If we made it here then we have values from reading the ini file, so let's pull them out into a dict
                config_data = {}
                for honorred_setting in self.honorred_settings:
                        config_data[honorred_setting] = config.get(
                            'general', honorred_setting)
                    except (NoOptionError):

            except Exception as e:
                raise ConfigFileException(
                    "An unknown exception occured trying to ini load config file: {0}"

        except Exception as e:
            raise ConfigFileException(
                "An unknown exception occured trying to load config file: {0}".

        # If we made it here, we have a dict which has values in it from our config, any final settings logic can be performed here
        for honorred_setting in self.honorred_settings:
            if honorred_setting in config_data:
                # Veriffy SSL must be a boolean
                if honorred_setting == 'verify_ssl':
                    if type(config_data[honorred_setting]) is str:
                        setattr(self, honorred_setting,
                        setattr(self, honorred_setting,
                    setattr(self, honorred_setting,
Exemple #3
def get_credentials(module):
    Get user_id and key from module configuration, environment, or dotfile.
    Order of priority is module, environment, dotfile.

    To set in environment:

        export MCP_USER='******'
        export MCP_PASSWORD='******'

    To set in dot file place a file at ~/.dimensiondata with
    the following contents:

        MCP_USER: myusername
        MCP_PASSWORD: mypassword

    if not HAS_LIBCLOUD:
        module.fail_json(msg='libcloud is required for this module.')

        return None

    user_id = None
    key = None

    # First, try the module configuration
    if 'mcp_user' in module.params:
        if 'mcp_password' not in module.params:
                '"mcp_user" parameter was specified, but not "mcp_password" ' +
                '(either both must be specified, or neither).')

            return None

        user_id = module.params['mcp_user']
        key = module.params['mcp_password']

    # Fall back to environment
    if not user_id or not key:
        user_id = os.environ.get('MCP_USER', None)
        key = os.environ.get('MCP_PASSWORD', None)

    # Finally, try dotfile (~/.dimensiondata)
    if not user_id or not key:
        home = expanduser('~')
        config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        config.read("%s/.dimensiondata" % home)

            user_id = config.get("dimensiondatacloud", "MCP_USER")
            key = config.get("dimensiondatacloud", "MCP_PASSWORD")
        except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):

    # One or more credentials not found. Function can't recover from this
    # so it has to raise an error instead of fail silently.
    if not user_id:
        raise MissingCredentialsError("Dimension Data user id not found")
    elif not key:
        raise MissingCredentialsError("Dimension Data key not found")

    # Both found, return data
    return dict(user_id=user_id, key=key)