def __init__(self): """ Creates the instance and sets the logger. """ display = Display() self.log = logging.getLogger('transport') # TODO: Make verbosity more configurable display.verbosity = 1 if logging.getLevelName(self.log.level) == 'DEBUG': display.verbosity = 5 # replace Displays display method with our own display.display = lambda msg, *a, **k: super(LogForward, self).__init__(display)
def pytest_configure(config): """Validate --ansible-* parameters.""" log.debug("pytest_configure() called") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "ansible(**kwargs): Ansible integration") # Enable connection debugging if config.option.verbose > 0: if hasattr(ansible.utils, 'VERBOSITY'): ansible.utils.VERBOSITY = int(config.option.verbose) else: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() display.verbosity = int(config.option.verbose) assert config.pluginmanager.register(PyTestAnsiblePlugin(config), "ansible")
def find_plugin(self, name, suffixes=None): ''' Find a plugin named name ''' if not suffixes: if self.class_name: suffixes = ['.py'] else: suffixes = ['.py', ''] potential_names = frozenset('%s%s' % (name, s) for s in suffixes) for full_name in potential_names: if full_name in self._plugin_path_cache: return self._plugin_path_cache[full_name] found = None for path in [p for p in self._get_paths() if p not in self._searched_paths]: if os.path.isdir(path): try: full_paths = (os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)) except OSError as e: d = Display() d.warning("Error accessing plugin paths: %s" % str(e)) for full_path in (f for f in full_paths if os.path.isfile(f)): for suffix in suffixes: if full_path.endswith(suffix): full_name = os.path.basename(full_path) break else: # Yes, this is a for-else: continue if full_name not in self._plugin_path_cache: self._plugin_path_cache[full_name] = full_path self._searched_paths.add(path) for full_name in potential_names: if full_name in self._plugin_path_cache: return self._plugin_path_cache[full_name] # if nothing is found, try finding alias/deprecated if not name.startswith('_'): for alias_name in ('_%s' % n for n in potential_names): # We've already cached all the paths at this point if alias_name in self._plugin_path_cache: return self._plugin_path_cache[alias_name] return None
class Config(object): def __init__(self, configfile): self.display = Display() self.configfile = configfile self.logfile = None self.loglevel = None @property def parse_configfile(self): """ Retrieve configuration parameters from the config file """ try: with open(self.configfile, "r") as f: config = yaml.load(f) except: self.display.error( "Can't read configuration file %s" % self.configfile ) sys.exit(1) return config
def __init__(self, args, display=None): """ Base init method for all command line programs """ self.args = args self.options = None self.parser = None self.action = None if display is None: self.display = Display() else: self.display = display
def __init__(self, host, task, job_vars, play_context, new_stdin, loader, shared_loader_obj): self._host = host self._task = task self._job_vars = job_vars self._play_context = play_context self._new_stdin = new_stdin self._loader = loader self._shared_loader_obj = shared_loader_obj try: from __main__ import display self._display = display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display self._display = Display()
def find_plugin(self, name, suffixes=None): ''' Find a plugin named name ''' if not suffixes: if self.class_name: suffixes = ['.py'] else: suffixes = ['.py', ''] potential_names = frozenset('%s%s' % (name, s) for s in suffixes) for full_name in potential_names: if full_name in self._plugin_path_cache: return self._plugin_path_cache[full_name] found = None for path in [p for p in self._get_paths() if p not in self._searched_paths]: if os.path.isdir(path): try: full_paths = (os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)) except OSError as e: d = Display() d.warning("Error accessing plugin paths: %s" % str(e)) for full_path in (f for f in full_paths if os.path.isfile(f)): for suffix in suffixes: if full_path.endswith(suffix): full_name = os.path.basename(full_path) break else: # Yes, this is a for-else: continue if full_name not in self._plugin_path_cache: self._plugin_path_cache[full_name] = full_path self._searched_paths.add(path) for full_name in potential_names: if full_name in self._plugin_path_cache: return self._plugin_path_cache[full_name] # if nothing is found, try finding alias/deprecated if not name.startswith('_'): for alias_name in ('_%s' % n for n in potential_names): # We've already cached all the paths at this point if alias_name in self._plugin_path_cache: if not os.path.islink(self._plugin_path_cache[alias_name]): d = Display() d.warning('%s has been deprecated, which means ' 'it is kept for backwards compatibility ' 'but usage is discouraged. The module ' 'documentation details page may explain ' 'more about this rationale.' % name.lstrip('_')) return self._plugin_path_cache[alias_name] return None
def main(): variable_manager = VariableManager() loader = DataLoader() passwd = None become_passwd = None display = Display() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() prepare_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args() if args.askpass: passwd = getpass.getpass("SSH password:"******"BECOME password " "[defaults to SSH password]:") if become_passwd == "": become_passwd = passwd options = Options( connection=args.connection, module_path=args.module_path, forks=args.forks, become=args.become, become_method=args.become_method, become_user=args.become_user, check=args.check, remote_user=args.remote_user, private_key_file=args.private_key_file, ssh_common_args=None, sftp_extra_args=None, scp_extra_args=None, ssh_extra_args=None, verbosity=args.verbose ) display.verbosity = args.verbose cb = CallbackModule(display) if not os.path.isfile(args.inventory): exit("ERROR! Can't open host list") inventory = Inventory( loader=loader, variable_manager=variable_manager, host_list=args.inventory ) inventory.subset(args.subset) play_source = dict( name="Assign roles %s" % args.roles, hosts='all', gather_facts='no', roles=args.roles) variable_manager.set_inventory(inventory) play = Play().load( play_source, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader ) tqm = None try: tqm = TaskQueueManager( inventory=inventory, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader, options=options, passwords={'conn_pass': passwd, 'become_pass': become_passwd}, stdout_callback=cb ) finally: if tqm is not None: tqm.cleanup()
def display(*args, **kwargs): display_instance = Display() display_instance.display(*args, **kwargs)
class CLI(object): ''' code behind bin/ansible* programs ''' VALID_ACTIONS = ['No Actions'] _ITALIC = re.compile(r"I\(([^)]+)\)") _BOLD = re.compile(r"B\(([^)]+)\)") _MODULE = re.compile(r"M\(([^)]+)\)") _URL = re.compile(r"U\(([^)]+)\)") _CONST = re.compile(r"C\(([^)]+)\)") PAGER = 'less' LESS_OPTS = 'FRSX' # -F (quit-if-one-screen) -R (allow raw ansi control chars) # -S (chop long lines) -X (disable termcap init and de-init) def __init__(self, args, display=None): """ Base init method for all command line programs """ self.args = args self.options = None self.parser = None self.action = None if display is None: self.display = Display() else: self.display = display def set_action(self): """ Get the action the user wants to execute from the sys argv list. """ for i in range(0,len(self.args)): arg = self.args[i] if arg in self.VALID_ACTIONS: self.action = arg del self.args[i] break if not self.action: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Missing required action") def execute(self): """ Actually runs a child defined method using the execute_<action> pattern """ fn = getattr(self, "execute_%s" % self.action) fn() def parse(self): raise Exception("Need to implement!") def run(self): if self.options.verbosity > 0: if C.CONFIG_FILE: self.display.display("Using %s as config file" % C.CONFIG_FILE) else: self.display.display("No config file found; using defaults") @staticmethod def ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=False, ask_new_vault_pass=False, confirm_vault=False, confirm_new=False): ''' prompt for vault password and/or password change ''' vault_pass = None new_vault_pass = None try: if ask_vault_pass: vault_pass = getpass.getpass(prompt="Vault password: "******"Confirm Vault password: "******"Passwords do not match") if ask_new_vault_pass: new_vault_pass = getpass.getpass(prompt="New Vault password: "******"Confirm New Vault password: "******"Passwords do not match") except EOFError: pass # enforce no newline chars at the end of passwords if vault_pass: vault_pass = to_bytes(vault_pass, errors='strict', nonstring='simplerepr').strip() if new_vault_pass: new_vault_pass = to_bytes(new_vault_pass, errors='strict', nonstring='simplerepr').strip() return vault_pass, new_vault_pass def ask_passwords(self): ''' prompt for connection and become passwords if needed ''' op = self.options sshpass = None becomepass = None become_prompt = '' try: if op.ask_pass: sshpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="SSH password: "******"%s password[defaults to SSH password]: " % op.become_method.upper() if sshpass: sshpass = to_bytes(sshpass, errors='strict', nonstring='simplerepr') else: become_prompt = "%s password: "******"--ask-vault-pass and --vault-password-file are mutually exclusive") if runas_opts: # Check for privilege escalation conflicts if ( or op.su_user or op.ask_su_pass) and \ (op.sudo or op.sudo_user or op.ask_sudo_pass) or \ ( or op.su_user or op.ask_su_pass) and \ (op.become or op.become_user or op.become_ask_pass) or \ (op.sudo or op.sudo_user or op.ask_sudo_pass) and \ (op.become or op.become_user or op.become_ask_pass): self.parser.error("Sudo arguments ('--sudo', '--sudo-user', and '--ask-sudo-pass') " "and su arguments ('-su', '--su-user', and '--ask-su-pass') " "and become arguments ('--become', '--become-user', and '--ask-become-pass')" " are exclusive of each other") if fork_opts: if op.forks < 1: self.parser.error("The number of processes (--forks) must be >= 1") @staticmethod def expand_tilde(option, opt, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.expanduser(value)) @staticmethod def base_parser(usage="", output_opts=False, runas_opts=False, meta_opts=False, runtask_opts=False, vault_opts=False, module_opts=False, async_opts=False, connect_opts=False, subset_opts=False, check_opts=False, inventory_opts=False, epilog=None, fork_opts=False): ''' create an options parser for most ansible scripts ''' #FIXME: implemente epilog parsing #OptionParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog # base opts parser = SortedOptParser(usage, version=CLI.version("%prog")) parser.add_option('-v','--verbose', dest='verbosity', default=0, action="count", help="verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)") if inventory_opts: parser.add_option('-i', '--inventory-file', dest='inventory', help="specify inventory host file (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, default=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str) parser.add_option('--list-hosts', dest='listhosts', action='store_true', help='outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else') parser.add_option('-l', '--limit', default=C.DEFAULT_SUBSET, dest='subset', help='further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern') if module_opts: parser.add_option('-M', '--module-path', dest='module_path', default=None, help="specify path(s) to module library (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH, action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str) if runtask_opts: parser.add_option('-e', '--extra-vars', dest="extra_vars", action="append", help="set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON", default=[]) if fork_opts: parser.add_option('-f','--forks', dest='forks', default=C.DEFAULT_FORKS, type='int', help="specify number of parallel processes to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_FORKS) if vault_opts: parser.add_option('--ask-vault-pass', default=False, dest='ask_vault_pass', action='store_true', help='ask for vault password') parser.add_option('--vault-password-file', default=C.DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE, dest='vault_password_file', help="vault password file", action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str) parser.add_option('--new-vault-password-file', dest='new_vault_password_file', help="new vault password file for rekey", action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str) parser.add_option('--output', default=None, dest='output_file', help='output file name for encrypt or decrypt; use - for stdout') if subset_opts: parser.add_option('-t', '--tags', dest='tags', default='all', help="only run plays and tasks tagged with these values") parser.add_option('--skip-tags', dest='skip_tags', help="only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values") if output_opts: parser.add_option('-o', '--one-line', dest='one_line', action='store_true', help='condense output') parser.add_option('-t', '--tree', dest='tree', default=None, help='log output to this directory') if runas_opts: # priv user defaults to root later on to enable detecting when this option was given here parser.add_option('-K', '--ask-sudo-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_SUDO_PASS, dest='ask_sudo_pass', action='store_true', help='ask for sudo password (deprecated, use become)') parser.add_option('--ask-su-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_SU_PASS, dest='ask_su_pass', action='store_true', help='ask for su password (deprecated, use become)') parser.add_option("-s", "--sudo", default=C.DEFAULT_SUDO, action="store_true", dest='sudo', help="run operations with sudo (nopasswd) (deprecated, use become)") parser.add_option('-U', '--sudo-user', dest='sudo_user', default=None, help='desired sudo user (default=root) (deprecated, use become)') parser.add_option('-S', '--su', default=C.DEFAULT_SU, action='store_true', help='run operations with su (deprecated, use become)') parser.add_option('-R', '--su-user', default=None, help='run operations with su as this user (default=%s) (deprecated, use become)' % C.DEFAULT_SU_USER) # consolidated privilege escalation (become) parser.add_option("-b", "--become", default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME, action="store_true", dest='become', help="run operations with become (nopasswd implied)") parser.add_option('--become-method', dest='become_method', default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, type='string', help="privilege escalation method to use (default=%s), valid choices: [ %s ]" % (C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, ' | '.join(C.BECOME_METHODS))) parser.add_option('--become-user', default=None, dest='become_user', type='string', help='run operations as this user (default=%s)' % C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER) parser.add_option('--ask-become-pass', default=False, dest='become_ask_pass', action='store_true', help='ask for privilege escalation password') if connect_opts: parser.add_option('-k', '--ask-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_PASS, dest='ask_pass', action='store_true', help='ask for connection password') parser.add_option('--private-key','--key-file', default=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, dest='private_key_file', help='use this file to authenticate the connection') parser.add_option('-u', '--user', default=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, dest='remote_user', help='connect as this user (default=%s)' % C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER) parser.add_option('-c', '--connection', dest='connection', default=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, help="connection type to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT) parser.add_option('-T', '--timeout', default=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, type='int', dest='timeout', help="override the connection timeout in seconds (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) parser.add_option('--ssh-common-args', default='', dest='ssh_common_args', help="specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g. ProxyCommand)") parser.add_option('--sftp-extra-args', default='', dest='sftp_extra_args', help="specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l)") parser.add_option('--scp-extra-args', default='', dest='scp_extra_args', help="specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)") parser.add_option('--ssh-extra-args', default='', dest='ssh_extra_args', help="specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)") if async_opts: parser.add_option('-P', '--poll', default=C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, type='int', dest='poll_interval', help="set the poll interval if using -B (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL) parser.add_option('-B', '--background', dest='seconds', type='int', default=0, help='run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A)') if check_opts: parser.add_option("-C", "--check", default=False, dest='check', action='store_true', help="don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur") parser.add_option('--syntax-check', dest='syntax', action='store_true', help="perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it") parser.add_option("-D", "--diff", default=False, dest='diff', action='store_true', help="when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check") if meta_opts: parser.add_option('--force-handlers', default=C.DEFAULT_FORCE_HANDLERS, dest='force_handlers', action='store_true', help="run handlers even if a task fails") parser.add_option('--flush-cache', dest='flush_cache', action='store_true', help="clear the fact cache") return parser @staticmethod def version(prog): ''' return ansible version ''' result = "{0} {1}".format(prog, __version__) gitinfo = CLI._gitinfo() if gitinfo: result = result + " {0}".format(gitinfo) result += "\n config file = %s" % C.CONFIG_FILE result = result + "\n configured module search path = %s" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH return result @staticmethod def version_info(gitinfo=False): ''' return full ansible version info ''' if gitinfo: # expensive call, user with care ansible_version_string = CLI.version('') else: ansible_version_string = __version__ ansible_version = ansible_version_string.split()[0] ansible_versions = ansible_version.split('.') for counter in range(len(ansible_versions)): if ansible_versions[counter] == "": ansible_versions[counter] = 0 try: ansible_versions[counter] = int(ansible_versions[counter]) except: pass if len(ansible_versions) < 3: for counter in range(len(ansible_versions), 3): ansible_versions.append(0) return {'string': ansible_version_string.strip(), 'full': ansible_version, 'major': ansible_versions[0], 'minor': ansible_versions[1], 'revision': ansible_versions[2]} @staticmethod def _git_repo_info(repo_path): ''' returns a string containing git branch, commit id and commit date ''' result = None if os.path.exists(repo_path): # Check if the .git is a file. If it is a file, it means that we are in a submodule structure. if os.path.isfile(repo_path): try: gitdir = yaml.safe_load(open(repo_path)).get('gitdir') # There is a possibility the .git file to have an absolute path. if os.path.isabs(gitdir): repo_path = gitdir else: repo_path = os.path.join(repo_path[:-4], gitdir) except (IOError, AttributeError): return '' f = open(os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD")) branch = f.readline().split('/')[-1].rstrip("\n") f.close() branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "refs", "heads", branch) if os.path.exists(branch_path): f = open(branch_path) commit = f.readline()[:10] f.close() else: # detached HEAD commit = branch[:10] branch = 'detached HEAD' branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD") date = time.localtime(os.stat(branch_path).st_mtime) if time.daylight == 0: offset = time.timezone else: offset = time.altzone result = "({0} {1}) last updated {2} (GMT {3:+04d})".format(branch, commit, time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", date), int(offset / -36)) else: result = '' return result @staticmethod def _gitinfo(): basedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..') repo_path = os.path.join(basedir, '.git') result = CLI._git_repo_info(repo_path) submodules = os.path.join(basedir, '.gitmodules') if not os.path.exists(submodules): return result f = open(submodules) for line in f: tokens = line.strip().split(' ') if tokens[0] == 'path': submodule_path = tokens[2] submodule_info = CLI._git_repo_info(os.path.join(basedir, submodule_path, '.git')) if not submodule_info: submodule_info = ' not found - use git submodule update --init ' + submodule_path result += "\n {0}: {1}".format(submodule_path, submodule_info) f.close() return result def pager(self, text): ''' find reasonable way to display text ''' # this is a much simpler form of what is in if not sys.stdout.isatty(): self.display.display(text) elif 'PAGER' in os.environ: if sys.platform == 'win32': self.display.display(text) else: self.pager_pipe(text, os.environ['PAGER']) elif'(less --version) 2> /dev/null', shell = True) == 0: self.pager_pipe(text, 'less') else: self.display.display(text) @staticmethod def pager_pipe(text, cmd): ''' pipe text through a pager ''' if 'LESS' not in os.environ: os.environ['LESS'] = CLI.LESS_OPTS try: cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=sys.stdout) cmd.communicate(input=text.encode(sys.stdout.encoding)) except IOError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass @classmethod def tty_ify(self, text): t = self._ITALIC.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", text) # I(word) => `word' t = self._BOLD.sub("*" + r"\1" + "*", t) # B(word) => *word* t = self._MODULE.sub("[" + r"\1" + "]", t) # M(word) => [word] t = self._URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word t = self._CONST.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", t) # C(word) => `word' return t @staticmethod def read_vault_password_file(vault_password_file, loader): """ Read a vault password from a file or if executable, execute the script and retrieve password from STDOUT """ this_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(vault_password_file)) if not os.path.exists(this_path): raise AnsibleError("The vault password file %s was not found" % this_path) if loader.is_executable(this_path): try: # STDERR not captured to make it easier for users to prompt for input in their scripts p = subprocess.Popen(this_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as e: raise AnsibleError("Problem running vault password script %s (%s). If this is not a script, remove the executable bit from the file." % (' '.join(this_path), e)) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() vault_pass = stdout.strip('\r\n') else: try: f = open(this_path, "rb") f.close() except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise AnsibleError("Could not read vault password file %s: %s" % (this_path, e)) return vault_pass def get_opt(self, k, defval=""): """ Returns an option from an Optparse values instance. """ try: data = getattr(self.options, k) except: return defval if k == "roles_path": if os.pathsep in data: data = data.split(os.pathsep)[0] return data
class ActionModule(ActionBase): #pylint: disable=R0903 """ The action module class """ display = Display() def _get_network_os(self, task_vars): if 'network_os' in self._task.args and self._task.args['network_os']: self.display.vvvv('Getting network OS from task argument') network_os = self._task.args['network_os'] elif self._play_context.network_os: self.display.vvvv('Getting network OS from inventory') network_os = self._play_context.network_os elif ('network_os' in task_vars.get('ansible_facts', {}) and task_vars['ansible_facts']['network_os']): self.display.vvvv('Getting network OS from fact') network_os = task_vars['ansible_facts']['network_os'] else: raise AnsibleError( 'ansible_network_os must be specified on this host.') return network_os def _get_os_resource(self, network_os, resource): parsers = [ p for p in parser_loader.all() if p.PARSER_METADATA['network_os'] == network_os and p.PARSER_METADATA['resource'] == resource ] if not parsers: self.display.warning( "No parser available for resource %s for network os %s" % (resource, network_os)) return None return parsers[0] def _run_command(self, command, task_vars): socket_path = getattr(self._connection, 'socket_path') or task_vars.get('ansible_socket') connection = Connection(socket_path) try: output = connection.get(command) except ConnectionError as exc: raise AnsibleError(to_text(exc)) return output @staticmethod def _command_map(): command_map = {} parsers = [p.PARSER_METADATA for p in parser_loader.all()] for parser in parsers: if not parser['resource'] in command_map: command_map[parser['resource']] = {} if not os in command_map[parser['resource']]: command_map[parser['resource']][parser['network_os']] = [] command_map[parser['resource']][parser['network_os']].append( parser['commands']) return command_map @staticmethod def _validate_args(args): provided = set(list(args.keys())) valid_args = set( ['resources', 'update_facts', 'fact_key', '_return_command_map']) extras = provided - valid_args if extras: raise AnsibleError( "The following arguments are not supported: %s" % ','.join(extras)) def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): self.display.verbosity = self._play_context.verbosity self._validate_args(self._task.args) result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars) if '_return_command_map' in self._task.args and self._task.args[ '_return_command_map']: result.update({'command_map': self._command_map()}) return result network_os = self._get_network_os(task_vars) facts = {} if 'resources' in self._task.args and self._task.args['resources']: resources = self._task.args['resources'] else: resources = [ p.PARSER_METADATA['resource'] for p in parser_loader.all() if p.PARSER_METADATA['network_os'] == network_os ] for resource in resources: if 'name' in resource: resource_name = resource['name'] else: resource_name = resource parser = self._get_os_resource(network_os, resource_name) if parser: if 'output' in resource: outputs = resource['output'] else: outputs = [] for command in parser.PARSER_METADATA['commands']: outputs.append(self._run_command(command, task_vars)) objs = parser.parse(outputs) facts.update( json.loads(json.dumps(objs, sort_keys=True, cls=ToFacts))) if 'update_facts' in self._task.args: result.update( {'ansible_facts': { self._task.args['fact_key']: facts }}) result.update({'results': facts}) return result
def __init__(self, username, playbook, private_key_file, inventory_data, extra_vars, become_pass, verbosity=0, search_filter=None): """ Args: username: string, username of user running the playbook playbook: string, full playbook path eg. /tmp/my_pb.yml private_key_file: string, private key file inventory_data: dict, inventory data extra_vars: dict, Ansible extra vars, key = variable name become_pass: string, become password verbosity: integer, verbosity level search_filter: string, hosts/groups to match """ self.playbook = playbook self.username = username self.inventory_data = inventory_data self.extra_vars = extra_vars self.search_filter = search_filter self.options = Options() self.options.private_key_file = private_key_file self.options.verbosity = verbosity self.options.connection = 'ssh' # Need a connection type "smart" or "ssh" self.options.become = True self.options.become_method = 'sudo' self.options.become_user = '******' # Set global verbosity self.display = Display() self.display.verbosity = self.options.verbosity # Executor appears to have it's own verbosity object/setting as well playbook_executor.verbosity = self.options.verbosity # Become Pass Needed if not logging in as user root passwords = {'become_pass': become_pass} # Gets data from YAML/JSON files self.loader = DataLoader() # ORIGNAL on line 1 #self.loader.set_vault_password(os.environ['VAULT_PASS']) self.loader.set_vault_password('secret') # All the variables from all the various places self.variable_manager = VariableManager() # Set of hosts hosts = set() # Load group variable for group in self.inventory_data: if group != '_meta': for host in self.inventory_data[group]['hosts']: host_obj = Host(host) hosts.add(host) for var in self.inventory_data[group]['vars']: self.variable_manager.set_host_variable( host_obj, var, self.inventory_data[group]['vars'][var]) # Load host variables for host in self.inventory_data['_meta']['hostvars']: for var in self.inventory_data['_meta']['hostvars'][host]: host_obj = Host(host) self.variable_manager.set_host_variable( host_obj, var, self.inventory_data['_meta']['hostvars'][host][var]) self.variable_manager.extra_vars = self.extra_vars # Set inventory, using most of above objects self.inventory = Inventory(loader=self.loader, variable_manager=self.variable_manager, host_list=list(hosts)) self.variable_manager.set_inventory(self.inventory) # Setup playbook executor, but don't run until run() called self.pbex = playbook_executor.PlaybookExecutor( playbooks=[self.playbook], inventory=self.inventory, variable_manager=self.variable_manager, loader=self.loader, options=self.options, passwords=passwords)
def __init__(self, configfile): self.display = Display() self.configfile = configfile self.logfile = None self.loglevel = None
class TaskExecutor: ''' This is the main worker class for the executor pipeline, which handles loading an action plugin to actually dispatch the task to a given host. This class roughly corresponds to the old Runner() class. ''' # Modules that we optimize by squashing loop items into a single call to # the module SQUASH_ACTIONS = frozenset(C.DEFAULT_SQUASH_ACTIONS) def __init__(self, host, task, job_vars, play_context, new_stdin, loader, shared_loader_obj): self._host = host self._task = task self._job_vars = job_vars self._play_context = play_context self._new_stdin = new_stdin self._loader = loader self._shared_loader_obj = shared_loader_obj try: from __main__ import display self._display = display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display self._display = Display() def run(self): ''' The main executor entrypoint, where we determine if the specified task requires looping and either runs the task with ''' self._display.debug("in run()") try: # lookup plugins need to know if this task is executing from # a role, so that it can properly find files/templates/etc. roledir = None if self._task._role: roledir = self._task._role._role_path self._job_vars['roledir'] = roledir items = self._get_loop_items() if items is not None: if len(items) > 0: item_results = self._run_loop(items) # loop through the item results, and remember the changed/failed # result flags based on any item there. changed = False failed = False for item in item_results: if 'changed' in item and item['changed']: changed = True if 'failed' in item and item['failed']: failed = True # create the overall result item, and set the changed/failed # flags there to reflect the overall result of the loop res = dict(results=item_results) if changed: res['changed'] = True if failed: res['failed'] = True res['msg'] = 'One or more items failed' else: res['msg'] = 'All items completed' else: res = dict(changed=False, skipped=True, skipped_reason='No items in the list', results=[]) else: self._display.debug("calling self._execute()") res = self._execute() self._display.debug("_execute() done") # make sure changed is set in the result, if it's not present if 'changed' not in res: res['changed'] = False def _clean_res(res): if isinstance(res, dict): for k in res.keys(): res[k] = _clean_res(res[k]) elif isinstance(res, list): for idx,item in enumerate(res): res[idx] = _clean_res(item) elif isinstance(res, UnsafeProxy): return res._obj return res self._display.debug("dumping result to json") res = _clean_res(res) self._display.debug("done dumping result, returning") return res except AnsibleError as e: return dict(failed=True, msg=to_unicode(e, nonstring='simplerepr')) finally: try: self._connection.close() except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: self._display.debug("error closing connection: %s" % to_unicode(e)) def _get_loop_items(self): ''' Loads a lookup plugin to handle the with_* portion of a task (if specified), and returns the items result. ''' # create a copy of the job vars here so that we can modify # them temporarily without changing them too early for other # parts of the code that might still need a pristine version vars_copy = self._job_vars.copy() # now we update them with the play context vars self._play_context.update_vars(vars_copy) templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=vars_copy) items = None if self._task.loop: if self._task.loop in self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader: #TODO: remove convert_bare true and deprecate this in with_ try: loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=self._task.loop_args, templar=templar, loader=self._loader, fail_on_undefined=True, convert_bare=True) except AnsibleUndefinedVariable as e: if 'has no attribute' in str(e): loop_terms = [] self._display.deprecated("Skipping task due to undefined attribute, in the future this will be a fatal error.") else: raise items = self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader.get(self._task.loop, loader=self._loader, templar=templar).run(terms=loop_terms, variables=vars_copy) else: raise AnsibleError("Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins" % self._task.loop) if items: from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy for idx, item in enumerate(items): if item is not None and not isinstance(item, UnsafeProxy): items[idx] = UnsafeProxy(item) return items def _run_loop(self, items): ''' Runs the task with the loop items specified and collates the result into an array named 'results' which is inserted into the final result along with the item for which the loop ran. ''' results = [] # make copies of the job vars and task so we can add the item to # the variables and re-validate the task with the item variable task_vars = self._job_vars.copy() items = self._squash_items(items, task_vars) for item in items: task_vars['item'] = item try: tmp_task = self._task.copy() tmp_play_context = self._play_context.copy() except AnsibleParserError as e: results.append(dict(failed=True, msg=str(e))) continue # now we swap the internal task and play context with their copies, # execute, and swap them back so we can do the next iteration cleanly (self._task, tmp_task) = (tmp_task, self._task) (self._play_context, tmp_play_context) = (tmp_play_context, self._play_context) res = self._execute(variables=task_vars) (self._task, tmp_task) = (tmp_task, self._task) (self._play_context, tmp_play_context) = (tmp_play_context, self._play_context) # now update the result with the item info, and append the result # to the list of results res['item'] = item results.append(res) return results def _squash_items(self, items, variables): ''' Squash items down to a comma-separated list for certain modules which support it (typically package management modules). ''' if len(items) > 0 and self._task.action in self.SQUASH_ACTIONS: final_items = [] name = self._task.args.pop('name', None) or self._task.args.pop('pkg', None) for item in items: variables['item'] = item templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=variables) if self._task.evaluate_conditional(templar, variables): if templar._contains_vars(name): new_item = templar.template(name) final_items.append(new_item) else: final_items.append(item) joined_items = ",".join(final_items) self._task.args['name'] = joined_items return [joined_items] else: return items def _execute(self, variables=None): ''' The primary workhorse of the executor system, this runs the task on the specified host (which may be the delegated_to host) and handles the retry/until and block rescue/always execution ''' if variables is None: variables = self._job_vars templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=variables) # apply the given task's information to the connection info, # which may override some fields already set by the play or # the options specified on the command line self._play_context = self._play_context.set_task_and_variable_override(task=self._task, variables=variables, templar=templar) # fields set from the play/task may be based on variables, so we have to # do the same kind of post validation step on it here before we use it. # We also add "magic" variables back into the variables dict to make sure # a certain subset of variables exist. self._play_context.update_vars(variables) self._play_context.post_validate(templar=templar) # Evaluate the conditional (if any) for this task, which we do before running # the final task post-validation. We do this before the post validation due to # the fact that the conditional may specify that the task be skipped due to a # variable not being present which would otherwise cause validation to fail if not self._task.evaluate_conditional(templar, variables): self._display.debug("when evaulation failed, skipping this task") return dict(changed=False, skipped=True, skip_reason='Conditional check failed', _ansible_no_log=self._play_context.no_log) # Now we do final validation on the task, which sets all fields to their final values. # In the case of debug tasks, we save any 'var' params and restore them after validating # so that variables are not replaced too early. prev_var = None if self._task.action == 'debug' and 'var' in self._task.args: prev_var = self._task.args.pop('var') original_args = self._task.args.copy() self._task.post_validate(templar=templar) if '_variable_params' in self._task.args: variable_params = self._task.args.pop('_variable_params') if isinstance(variable_params, dict): self._display.deprecated("Using variables for task params is unsafe, especially if the variables come from an external source like facts") variable_params.update(self._task.args) self._task.args = variable_params if prev_var is not None: self._task.args['var'] = prev_var # if this task is a TaskInclude, we just return now with a success code so the # main thread can expand the task list for the given host if self._task.action == 'include': include_variables = original_args include_file = include_variables.get('_raw_params') del include_variables['_raw_params'] return dict(include=include_file, include_variables=include_variables) # get the connection and the handler for this execution self._connection = self._get_connection(variables=variables, templar=templar) self._connection.set_host_overrides(host=self._host) self._handler = self._get_action_handler(connection=self._connection, templar=templar) # And filter out any fields which were set to default(omit), and got the omit token value omit_token = variables.get('omit') if omit_token is not None: self._task.args = dict((i[0], i[1]) for i in iteritems(self._task.args) if i[1] != omit_token) # Read some values from the task, so that we can modify them if need be retries = self._task.retries if retries <= 0: retries = 1 delay = self._task.delay if delay < 0: delay = 1 # make a copy of the job vars here, in case we need to update them # with the registered variable value later on when testing conditions vars_copy = variables.copy() self._display.debug("starting attempt loop") result = None for attempt in range(retries): if attempt > 0: # FIXME: this should use the self._display.callback/message passing mechanism self._display.display("FAILED - RETRYING: %s (%d retries left). Result was: %s" % (self._task, retries-attempt, result), color="red") result['attempts'] = attempt + 1 self._display.debug("running the handler") try: result = except AnsibleConnectionFailure as e: return dict(unreachable=True, msg=str(e)) self._display.debug("handler run complete") if self._task.async > 0: # the async_wrapper module returns dumped JSON via its stdout # response, so we parse it here and replace the result try: result = json.loads(result.get('stdout')) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: return dict(failed=True, msg="The async task did not return valid JSON: %s" % str(e)) if self._task.poll > 0: result = self._poll_async_result(result=result, templar=templar) # update the local copy of vars with the registered value, if specified, # or any facts which may have been generated by the module execution if self._task.register: vars_copy[self._task.register] = result if 'ansible_facts' in result: vars_copy.update(result['ansible_facts']) # create a conditional object to evaluate task conditions cond = Conditional(loader=self._loader) def _evaluate_changed_when_result(result): if self._task.changed_when is not None: cond.when = [ self._task.changed_when ] result['changed'] = cond.evaluate_conditional(templar, vars_copy) def _evaluate_failed_when_result(result): if self._task.failed_when is not None: cond.when = [ self._task.failed_when ] failed_when_result = cond.evaluate_conditional(templar, vars_copy) result['failed_when_result'] = result['failed'] = failed_when_result return failed_when_result return False if self._task.until: cond.when = self._task.until if cond.evaluate_conditional(templar, vars_copy): _evaluate_changed_when_result(result) _evaluate_failed_when_result(result) break elif (self._task.changed_when is not None or self._task.failed_when is not None) and 'skipped' not in result: _evaluate_changed_when_result(result) if _evaluate_failed_when_result(result): break elif 'failed' not in result: if result.get('rc', 0) != 0: result['failed'] = True else: # if the result is not failed, stop trying break if attempt < retries - 1: time.sleep(delay) else: _evaluate_changed_when_result(result) _evaluate_failed_when_result(result) # do the final update of the local variables here, for both registered # values and any facts which may have been created if self._task.register: variables[self._task.register] = result if 'ansible_facts' in result: variables.update(result['ansible_facts']) # save the notification target in the result, if it was specified, as # this task may be running in a loop in which case the notification # may be item-specific, ie. "notify: service {{item}}" if self._task.notify is not None: result['_ansible_notify'] = self._task.notify # preserve no_log setting result["_ansible_no_log"] = self._play_context.no_log # and return self._display.debug("attempt loop complete, returning result") return result
class Config(object): def __init__(self, configfile): self.display = Display() self.configfile = configfile self.logfile = None self.loglevel = None @property def parse_configfile(self): """ Retrieve configuration parameters from the config file """ try: with open(self.configfile, "r") as f: config = yaml.load(f) except: self.display.error( "Can't read configuration file %s" % self.configfile ) sys.exit(1) return config def default_values(self, args, config): # Set kubespray_path if 'kubespray_path' not in config.keys() and args.kubespray_path is None: config['kubespray_path'] = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.kubespray') arguments = dict(args._get_kwargs()) for key, value in arguments.items(): if value is not None: config[key] = value # Set inventory_path if 'inventory_path' not in config.keys() and args.inventory_path is None: config['inventory_path'] = os.path.join( config['kubespray_path'], 'inventory/inventory.cfg' ) # Set logfile if 'logfile' not in config.keys(): config['logfile'] = os.path.join(config['kubespray_path'], 'kubespray.log') # Set default bool for v in ['use_private_ip', 'assign_public_ip']: if v not in config.keys(): config[v] = False # Set default instances type if args.func.__name__ == "aws": if 'masters_instance_type' not in config.keys() and args.masters_instance_type is None: config['masters_instance_type'] = 't2.medium' if 'nodes_instance_type' not in config.keys() and args.nodes_instance_type is None: config['nodes_instance_type'] = 't2.large' if 'etcds_instance_type' not in config.keys() and args.etcds_instance_type is None: config['etcds_instance_type'] = 't2.small' # ----GCE if args.func.__name__ == "gce": if 'masters_machine_type' not in config.keys() and args.masters_machine_type is None: config['masters_machine_type'] = 'n1-standard-2' if 'nodes_machine_type' not in config.keys() and args.nodes_machine_type is None: config['nodes_machine_type'] = 'n1-standard-4' if 'etcds_machine_type' not in config.keys() and args.etcds_machine_type is None: config['etcds_machine_type'] = 'n1-standard-1' # Conflicting options if args.func.__name__ == "aws": if args.security_group_name and 'security_group_id' in config.keys(): config.pop('security_group_id') elif args.security_group_id and 'security_group_name' in config.keys(): config.pop('security_group_name') # Set kubernetes 'kube' password if 'prompt_pwd' in config.keys() and config['prompt_pwd'] is True: pwd = read_password() config['k8s_passwd'] = pwd return(config)
def __init__(self, playbook, inventory, run_data, start_at_task, step, private_key_file, become_pass, verbosity=0): self.run_data = run_data self.options = Options() self.options.listtags = False self.options.listtasks = False self.options.listhosts = False self.options.syntax = False self.options.check = False self.options.diff = False self.options.start_at_task = start_at_task self.options.step = step self.options.private_key_file = private_key_file self.options.verbosity = verbosity self.options.connection = 'ssh' # Need a connection type "smart" or "ssh" self.options.become = False self.options.become_method = 'sudo' self.options.become_user = '******' self.options.remote_user = '******' # Set global verbosity self.display = Display() self.display.verbosity = self.options.verbosity # Executor appears to have it's own # verbosity object/setting as well #playbook_executor.verbosity = self.options.verbosity # Become Pass Needed if not logging in as user root passwords = {'become_pass': become_pass} # Gets data from YAML/JSON files self.loader = DataLoader() # self.loader.set_vault_password(os.environ['VAULT_PASS']) # All the variables from all the various places # Parse hosts, I haven't found a good way to # pass hosts in without using a parsed template :( # (Maybe you know how?) # self.hosts = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # self.hosts.write("""[run_hosts] # %s # """ % hostnames) # self.hosts.close() # This was my attempt to pass in hosts directly. # # Also Note: In py2.7, "isinstance(foo, str)" is valid for # latin chars only. Luckily, hostnames are # ascii-only, which overlaps latin charset ## if isinstance(hostnames, str): ## hostnames = {"customers": {"hosts": [hostnames]}} # Set inventory, using most of above objects inventory_dir = '/etc/ansible/inventory' inventory_source = "%s/%s" % (inventory_dir, inventory) self.inventory = InventoryManager(loader=self.loader, sources=inventory_source) self.variable_manager = VariableManager(loader=self.loader, inventory=self.inventory) if self.run_data: self.variable_manager.extra_vars = self.run_data['extra_vars'] self.options.tags = self.run_data['tags'] # Playbook to run. Assumes it is # local to this python file pb_dir = '/etc/ansible/playbooks' playbook = "%s/%s" % (pb_dir, playbook) print(playbook) # Setup playbook executor, but don't run until run() called self.pbex = playbook_executor.PlaybookExecutor( playbooks=[playbook], inventory=self.inventory, variable_manager=self.variable_manager, loader=self.loader, options=self.options.get_config(), passwords=passwords)
def display(*args, **kwargs): """Set up display function for Ansible v2""" display_instance = Display() display_instance.display(*args, **kwargs)
from ansible import constants as C from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text from ansible.module_utils.six import text_type from ansible.parsing.ajson import AnsibleJSONEncoder from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper from ansible.parsing.yaml.objects import AnsibleUnicode from ansible.plugins import AnsiblePlugin, get_plugin_class from ansible.utils.color import stringc from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy import AnsibleUnsafeText, NativeJinjaUnsafeText from ansible.vars.clean import strip_internal_keys, module_response_deepcopy import yaml global_display = Display() __all__ = ["CallbackBase"] _DEBUG_ALLOWED_KEYS = frozenset(('msg', 'exception', 'warnings', 'deprecations')) _YAML_TEXT_TYPES = (text_type, AnsibleUnicode, AnsibleUnsafeText, NativeJinjaUnsafeText) # Characters that libyaml/pyyaml consider breaks _YAML_BREAK_CHARS = '\n\x85\u2028\u2029' # NL, NEL, LS, PS # regex representation of libyaml/pyyaml of a space followed by a break character _SPACE_BREAK_RE = re.compile(fr' +([{_YAML_BREAK_CHARS}])') class _AnsibleCallbackDumper(AnsibleDumper): def __init__(self, lossy=False):
class CLI(object): """ code behind bin/ansible* programs """ VALID_ACTIONS = ["No Actions"] _ITALIC = re.compile(r"I\(([^)]+)\)") _BOLD = re.compile(r"B\(([^)]+)\)") _MODULE = re.compile(r"M\(([^)]+)\)") _URL = re.compile(r"U\(([^)]+)\)") _CONST = re.compile(r"C\(([^)]+)\)") PAGER = "less" LESS_OPTS = "FRSX" # -F (quit-if-one-screen) -R (allow raw ansi control chars) # -S (chop long lines) -X (disable termcap init and de-init) def __init__(self, args, display=None): """ Base init method for all command line programs """ self.args = args self.options = None self.parser = None self.action = None if display is None: self.display = Display() else: self.display = display def set_action(self): """ Get the action the user wants to execute from the sys argv list. """ for i in range(0, len(self.args)): arg = self.args[i] if arg in self.VALID_ACTIONS: self.action = arg del self.args[i] break if not self.action: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Missing required action") def execute(self): """ Actually runs a child defined method using the execute_<action> pattern """ fn = getattr(self, "execute_%s" % self.action) fn() def parse(self): raise Exception("Need to implement!") def run(self): if self.options.verbosity > 0: self.display.display("Using %s as config file" % C.CONFIG_FILE) @staticmethod def ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=False, ask_new_vault_pass=False, confirm_vault=False, confirm_new=False): """ prompt for vault password and/or password change """ vault_pass = None new_vault_pass = None try: if ask_vault_pass: vault_pass = getpass.getpass(prompt="Vault password: "******"Confirm Vault password: "******"Passwords do not match") if ask_new_vault_pass: new_vault_pass = getpass.getpass(prompt="New Vault password: "******"Confirm New Vault password: "******"Passwords do not match") except EOFError: pass # enforce no newline chars at the end of passwords if vault_pass: vault_pass = to_bytes(vault_pass, errors="strict", nonstring="simplerepr").strip() if new_vault_pass: new_vault_pass = to_bytes(new_vault_pass, errors="strict", nonstring="simplerepr").strip() return vault_pass, new_vault_pass def ask_passwords(self): """ prompt for connection and become passwords if needed """ op = self.options sshpass = None becomepass = None become_prompt = "" try: if op.ask_pass: sshpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="SSH password: "******"%s password[defaults to SSH password]: " % op.become_method.upper() if sshpass: sshpass = to_bytes(sshpass, errors="strict", nonstring="simplerepr") else: become_prompt = "%s password: "******"": becomepass = sshpass if becomepass: becomepass = to_bytes(becomepass) except EOFError: pass return (sshpass, becomepass) def normalize_become_options(self): """ this keeps backwards compatibility with sudo/su self.options """ self.options.become_ask_pass = ( self.options.become_ask_pass or self.options.ask_sudo_pass or self.options.ask_su_pass or C.DEFAULT_BECOME_ASK_PASS ) self.options.become_user = ( self.options.become_user or self.options.sudo_user or self.options.su_user or C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER ) if self.options.become: pass elif self.options.sudo: self.options.become = True self.options.become_method = "sudo" elif self.options.become = True self.options.become_method = "su" def validate_conflicts(self, vault_opts=False, runas_opts=False): """ check for conflicting options """ op = self.options if vault_opts: # Check for vault related conflicts if op.ask_vault_pass and op.vault_password_file: self.parser.error("--ask-vault-pass and --vault-password-file are mutually exclusive") if runas_opts: # Check for privilege escalation conflicts if ( ( or op.su_user or op.ask_su_pass) and (op.sudo or op.sudo_user or op.ask_sudo_pass) or ( or op.su_user or op.ask_su_pass) and (op.become or op.become_user or op.become_ask_pass) or (op.sudo or op.sudo_user or op.ask_sudo_pass) and (op.become or op.become_user or op.become_ask_pass) ): self.parser.error( "Sudo arguments ('--sudo', '--sudo-user', and '--ask-sudo-pass') " "and su arguments ('-su', '--su-user', and '--ask-su-pass') " "and become arguments ('--become', '--become-user', and '--ask-become-pass')" " are exclusive of each other" ) @staticmethod def expand_tilde(option, opt, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.expanduser(value)) @staticmethod def base_parser( usage="", output_opts=False, runas_opts=False, meta_opts=False, runtask_opts=False, vault_opts=False, async_opts=False, connect_opts=False, subset_opts=False, check_opts=False, diff_opts=False, epilog=None, fork_opts=False, ): """ create an options parser for most ansible scripts """ # FIXME: implemente epilog parsing # OptionParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog # base opts parser = SortedOptParser(usage, version=CLI.version("%prog")) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity", default=0, action="count", help="verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)", ) if runtask_opts: parser.add_option( "-i", "--inventory-file", dest="inventory", help="specify inventory host file (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, default=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str, ) parser.add_option( "--list-hosts", dest="listhosts", action="store_true", help="outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else", ) parser.add_option( "-M", "--module-path", dest="module_path", help="specify path(s) to module library (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH, default=None, action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str, ) parser.add_option( "-e", "--extra-vars", dest="extra_vars", action="append", help="set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON", default=[], ) if fork_opts: parser.add_option( "-f", "--forks", dest="forks", default=C.DEFAULT_FORKS, type="int", help="specify number of parallel processes to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_FORKS, ) parser.add_option( "-l", "--limit", default=C.DEFAULT_SUBSET, dest="subset", help="further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern", ) if vault_opts: parser.add_option( "--ask-vault-pass", default=False, dest="ask_vault_pass", action="store_true", help="ask for vault password", ) parser.add_option( "--vault-password-file", default=C.DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE, dest="vault_password_file", help="vault password file", action="callback", callback=CLI.expand_tilde, type=str, ) if subset_opts: parser.add_option( "-t", "--tags", dest="tags", default="all", help="only run plays and tasks tagged with these values" ) parser.add_option( "--skip-tags", dest="skip_tags", help="only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values" ) if output_opts: parser.add_option("-o", "--one-line", dest="one_line", action="store_true", help="condense output") parser.add_option("-t", "--tree", dest="tree", default=None, help="log output to this directory") if runas_opts: # priv user defaults to root later on to enable detecting when this option was given here parser.add_option( "-K", "--ask-sudo-pass", default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_SUDO_PASS, dest="ask_sudo_pass", action="store_true", help="ask for sudo password (deprecated, use become)", ) parser.add_option( "--ask-su-pass", default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_SU_PASS, dest="ask_su_pass", action="store_true", help="ask for su password (deprecated, use become)", ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--sudo", default=C.DEFAULT_SUDO, action="store_true", dest="sudo", help="run operations with sudo (nopasswd) (deprecated, use become)", ) parser.add_option( "-U", "--sudo-user", dest="sudo_user", default=None, help="desired sudo user (default=root) (deprecated, use become)", ) parser.add_option( "-S", "--su", default=C.DEFAULT_SU, action="store_true", help="run operations with su (deprecated, use become)", ) parser.add_option( "-R", "--su-user", default=None, help="run operations with su as this user (default=%s) (deprecated, use become)" % C.DEFAULT_SU_USER, ) # consolidated privilege escalation (become) parser.add_option( "-b", "--become", default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME, action="store_true", dest="become", help="run operations with become (nopasswd implied)", ) parser.add_option( "--become-method", dest="become_method", default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, type="string", help="privilege escalation method to use (default=%s), valid choices: [ %s ]" % (C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, " | ".join(C.BECOME_METHODS)), ) parser.add_option( "--become-user", default=None, dest="become_user", type="string", help="run operations as this user (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER, ) parser.add_option( "--ask-become-pass", default=False, dest="become_ask_pass", action="store_true", help="ask for privilege escalation password", ) if connect_opts: parser.add_option( "-k", "--ask-pass", default=False, dest="ask_pass", action="store_true", help="ask for connection password", ) parser.add_option( "--private-key", "--key-file", default=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, dest="private_key_file", help="use this file to authenticate the connection", ) parser.add_option( "-u", "--user", default=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, dest="remote_user", help="connect as this user (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--connection", dest="connection", default=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, help="connection type to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, ) parser.add_option( "-T", "--timeout", default=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, type="int", dest="timeout", help="override the connection timeout in seconds (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ) if async_opts: parser.add_option( "-P", "--poll", default=C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, type="int", dest="poll_interval", help="set the poll interval if using -B (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, ) parser.add_option( "-B", "--background", dest="seconds", type="int", default=0, help="run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A)", ) if check_opts: parser.add_option( "-C", "--check", default=False, dest="check", action="store_true", help="don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur", ) parser.add_option( "--syntax-check", dest="syntax", action="store_true", help="perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it", ) if diff_opts: parser.add_option( "-D", "--diff", default=False, dest="diff", action="store_true", help="when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check", ) if meta_opts: parser.add_option( "--force-handlers", dest="force_handlers", action="store_true", help="run handlers even if a task fails" ) parser.add_option("--flush-cache", dest="flush_cache", action="store_true", help="clear the fact cache") return parser @staticmethod def version(prog): """ return ansible version """ result = "{0} {1}".format(prog, __version__) gitinfo = CLI._gitinfo() if gitinfo: result = result + " {0}".format(gitinfo) result = result + "\n configured module search path = %s" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH return result @staticmethod def version_info(gitinfo=False): """ return full ansible version info """ if gitinfo: # expensive call, user with care ansible_version_string = version("") else: ansible_version_string = __version__ ansible_version = ansible_version_string.split()[0] ansible_versions = ansible_version.split(".") for counter in range(len(ansible_versions)): if ansible_versions[counter] == "": ansible_versions[counter] = 0 try: ansible_versions[counter] = int(ansible_versions[counter]) except: pass if len(ansible_versions) < 3: for counter in range(len(ansible_versions), 3): ansible_versions.append(0) return { "string": ansible_version_string.strip(), "full": ansible_version, "major": ansible_versions[0], "minor": ansible_versions[1], "revision": ansible_versions[2], } @staticmethod def _git_repo_info(repo_path): """ returns a string containing git branch, commit id and commit date """ result = None if os.path.exists(repo_path): # Check if the .git is a file. If it is a file, it means that we are in a submodule structure. if os.path.isfile(repo_path): try: gitdir = yaml.safe_load(open(repo_path)).get("gitdir") # There is a possibility the .git file to have an absolute path. if os.path.isabs(gitdir): repo_path = gitdir else: repo_path = os.path.join(repo_path[:-4], gitdir) except (IOError, AttributeError): return "" f = open(os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD")) branch = f.readline().split("/")[-1].rstrip("\n") f.close() branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "refs", "heads", branch) if os.path.exists(branch_path): f = open(branch_path) commit = f.readline()[:10] f.close() else: # detached HEAD commit = branch[:10] branch = "detached HEAD" branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD") date = time.localtime(os.stat(branch_path).st_mtime) if time.daylight == 0: offset = time.timezone else: offset = time.altzone result = "({0} {1}) last updated {2} (GMT {3:+04d})".format( branch, commit, time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", date), int(offset / -36) ) else: result = "" return result @staticmethod def _gitinfo(): basedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..") repo_path = os.path.join(basedir, ".git") result = CLI._git_repo_info(repo_path) submodules = os.path.join(basedir, ".gitmodules") if not os.path.exists(submodules): return result f = open(submodules) for line in f: tokens = line.strip().split(" ") if tokens[0] == "path": submodule_path = tokens[2] submodule_info = CLI._git_repo_info(os.path.join(basedir, submodule_path, ".git")) if not submodule_info: submodule_info = " not found - use git submodule update --init " + submodule_path result += "\n {0}: {1}".format(submodule_path, submodule_info) f.close() return result @staticmethod def pager(text): """ find reasonable way to display text """ # this is a much simpler form of what is in if not sys.stdout.isatty(): print(text) elif "PAGER" in os.environ: if sys.platform == "win32": print(text) else: CLI.pager_pipe(text, os.environ["PAGER"]) elif"(less --version) 2> /dev/null", shell=True) == 0: CLI.pager_pipe(text, "less") else: print(text) @staticmethod def pager_pipe(text, cmd): """ pipe text through a pager """ if "LESS" not in os.environ: os.environ["LESS"] = CLI.LESS_OPTS try: cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=sys.stdout) cmd.communicate(input=text) except IOError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass @classmethod def tty_ify(self, text): t = self._ITALIC.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", text) # I(word) => `word' t = self._BOLD.sub("*" + r"\1" + "*", t) # B(word) => *word* t = self._MODULE.sub("[" + r"\1" + "]", t) # M(word) => [word] t = self._URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word t = self._CONST.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", t) # C(word) => `word' return t
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): display = Display() host_list = ['spark-node1', 'spark-node2', 'spark-node3'] # initialize needed objects Options = namedtuple('Options', ['connection', 'module_path', 'log_path', 'forks', 'become', 'become_method', 'become_user', 'verbosity', 'check']) variable_manager = VariableManager() loader = DataLoader() options = Options(connection='ssh', module_path='/path/to/mymodules', log_path='./log', forks=100, become=None, become_method=None, become_user=None, verbosity=None, check=False) # create inventory and pass to var manager inventory = Inventory(loader=loader, variable_manager=variable_manager, host_list=host_list) variable_manager.set_inventory(inventory) # inventory_list = inventory.get_hosts() # display.display('hosts: %s' % dir(inventory_list[0])) # h = inventory_list[0].get_name() # display.display('hosts: %s' % inventory_list[0].get_name()) # display.display('hosts: %s' % variable_manager.get_vars(loader)) # display.display('host list: %s' % inventory_list) display.warning('Running Ansible embedded') # create play with tasks play_source = dict(name="Ansible Play", hosts=host_list, gather_facts='no', tasks=[ dict(action=dict(module='command', args='uname -a'), register='shell_out'), dict(action=dict(module='debug', args=dict(msg='{{shell_out.stdout}}'))) ] ) play = Play().load(play_source, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader) callback = ResultsCollector() # actually run it try: tqm = TaskQueueManager(inventory=inventory, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader, options=options, passwords={}, stdout_callback=callback, ) result = if result != 0: print "ERROR" finally: if tqm is not None: tqm.cleanup() print "UP ***********" for host, result in callback.host_ok.items(): print '{}: {}'.format(host, result._result['msg']) print "FAILED *******" for host, result in callback.host_failed.items(): print '{}: {}'.format(host, result._result['msg']) print "DOWN *********" for host, result in callback.host_unreachable.items(): print '{}: {}'.format(host, result._result['msg'])
import hashlib import os import re import string from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.template import Templar try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() _SAFE_GROUP = re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9\_]") class BaseInventoryPlugin(object): """ Parses an Inventory Source""" TYPE = 'generator' def __init__(self, cache=None): self.inventory = None self.display = display self.cache = cache
from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_sequence from ansible.plugins.loader import filter_loader, lookup_loader, test_loader from ansible.template.safe_eval import safe_eval from ansible.template.template import AnsibleJ2Template from ansible.template.vars import AnsibleJ2Vars from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionRef from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy import wrap_var # HACK: keep Python 2.6 controller tests happy in CI until they're properly split try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError: import_module = __import__ display = Display() __all__ = ['Templar', 'generate_ansible_template_vars'] # A regex for checking to see if a variable we're trying to # expand is just a single variable name. # Primitive Types which we don't want Jinja to convert to strings. NON_TEMPLATED_TYPES = (bool, Number) JINJA2_OVERRIDE = '#jinja2:' USE_JINJA2_NATIVE = False if C.DEFAULT_JINJA2_NATIVE: try:
class TaskExecutor: ''' This is the main worker class for the executor pipeline, which handles loading an action plugin to actually dispatch the task to a given host. This class roughly corresponds to the old Runner() class. ''' # Modules that we optimize by squashing loop items into a single call to # the module SQUASH_ACTIONS = frozenset(C.DEFAULT_SQUASH_ACTIONS) def __init__(self, host, task, job_vars, play_context, new_stdin, loader, shared_loader_obj): self._host = host self._task = task self._job_vars = job_vars self._play_context = play_context self._new_stdin = new_stdin self._loader = loader self._shared_loader_obj = shared_loader_obj try: from __main__ import display self._display = display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display self._display = Display() def run(self): ''' The main executor entrypoint, where we determine if the specified task requires looping and either runs the task with ''' self._display.debug("in run()") try: # lookup plugins need to know if this task is executing from # a role, so that it can properly find files/templates/etc. roledir = None if self._task._role: roledir = self._task._role._role_path self._job_vars['roledir'] = roledir items = self._get_loop_items() if items is not None: if len(items) > 0: item_results = self._run_loop(items) # loop through the item results, and remember the changed/failed # result flags based on any item there. changed = False failed = False for item in item_results: if 'changed' in item and item['changed']: changed = True if 'failed' in item and item['failed']: failed = True # create the overall result item, and set the changed/failed # flags there to reflect the overall result of the loop res = dict(results=item_results) if changed: res['changed'] = True if failed: res['failed'] = True res['msg'] = 'One or more items failed' else: res['msg'] = 'All items completed' else: res = dict(changed=False, skipped=True, skipped_reason='No items in the list', results=[]) else: self._display.debug("calling self._execute()") res = self._execute() self._display.debug("_execute() done") # make sure changed is set in the result, if it's not present if 'changed' not in res: res['changed'] = False def _clean_res(res): if isinstance(res, dict): for k in res.keys(): res[k] = _clean_res(res[k]) elif isinstance(res, list): for idx, item in enumerate(res): res[idx] = _clean_res(item) elif isinstance(res, UnsafeProxy): return res._obj return res self._display.debug("dumping result to json") res = _clean_res(res) self._display.debug("done dumping result, returning") return res except AnsibleError as e: return dict(failed=True, msg=to_unicode(e, nonstring='simplerepr')) finally: try: self._connection.close() except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: self._display.debug("error closing connection: %s" % to_unicode(e)) def _get_loop_items(self): ''' Loads a lookup plugin to handle the with_* portion of a task (if specified), and returns the items result. ''' # create a copy of the job vars here so that we can modify # them temporarily without changing them too early for other # parts of the code that might still need a pristine version vars_copy = self._job_vars.copy() # now we update them with the play context vars self._play_context.update_vars(vars_copy) templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=vars_copy) items = None if self._task.loop: if self._task.loop in self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader: #TODO: remove convert_bare true and deprecate this in with_ try: loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms( terms=self._task.loop_args, templar=templar, loader=self._loader, fail_on_undefined=True, convert_bare=True) except AnsibleUndefinedVariable as e: if 'has no attribute' in str(e): loop_terms = [] self._display.deprecated( "Skipping task due to undefined attribute, in the future this will be a fatal error." ) else: raise items = self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader.get( self._task.loop, loader=self._loader, templar=templar).run(terms=loop_terms, variables=vars_copy) else: raise AnsibleError( "Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins" % self._task.loop) if items: from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy for idx, item in enumerate(items): if item is not None and not isinstance(item, UnsafeProxy): items[idx] = UnsafeProxy(item) return items def _run_loop(self, items): ''' Runs the task with the loop items specified and collates the result into an array named 'results' which is inserted into the final result along with the item for which the loop ran. ''' results = [] # make copies of the job vars and task so we can add the item to # the variables and re-validate the task with the item variable task_vars = self._job_vars.copy() items = self._squash_items(items, task_vars) for item in items: task_vars['item'] = item try: tmp_task = self._task.copy() tmp_play_context = self._play_context.copy() except AnsibleParserError as e: results.append(dict(failed=True, msg=str(e))) continue # now we swap the internal task and play context with their copies, # execute, and swap them back so we can do the next iteration cleanly (self._task, tmp_task) = (tmp_task, self._task) (self._play_context, tmp_play_context) = (tmp_play_context, self._play_context) res = self._execute(variables=task_vars) (self._task, tmp_task) = (tmp_task, self._task) (self._play_context, tmp_play_context) = (tmp_play_context, self._play_context) # now update the result with the item info, and append the result # to the list of results res['item'] = item results.append(res) return results def _squash_items(self, items, variables): ''' Squash items down to a comma-separated list for certain modules which support it (typically package management modules). ''' # _task.action could contain templatable strings (via action: and # local_action:) Template it before comparing. If we don't end up # optimizing it here, the templatable string might use template vars # that aren't available until later (it could even use vars from the # with_items loop) so don't make the templated string permanent yet. templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=variables) if templar._contains_vars(self._task.action): task_action = templar.template(self._task.action, fail_on_undefined=False) if len(items) > 0 and task_action in self.SQUASH_ACTIONS: if all(isinstance(o, string_types) for o in items): final_items = [] name = self._task.args.pop( 'name', None) or self._task.args.pop('pkg', None) for item in items: variables['item'] = item if self._task.evaluate_conditional(templar, variables): if templar._contains_vars(name): new_item = templar.template(name) final_items.append(new_item) else: final_items.append(item) self._task.args['name'] = final_items return [final_items] #elif: # Right now we only optimize single entries. In the future we # could optimize more types: # * lists can be squashed together # * dicts could squash entries that match in all cases except the # name or pkg field. # Note: we really should be checking that the name or pkg field # contains a template that expands with our with_items values. # If it doesn't then we may break things return items def _execute(self, variables=None): ''' The primary workhorse of the executor system, this runs the task on the specified host (which may be the delegated_to host) and handles the retry/until and block rescue/always execution ''' if variables is None: variables = self._job_vars templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=variables) context_validation_error = None try: # apply the given task's information to the connection info, # which may override some fields already set by the play or # the options specified on the command line self._play_context = self._play_context.set_task_and_variable_override( task=self._task, variables=variables, templar=templar) # fields set from the play/task may be based on variables, so we have to # do the same kind of post validation step on it here before we use it. self._play_context.post_validate(templar=templar) # We also add "magic" variables back into the variables dict to make sure # a certain subset of variables exist. self._play_context.update_vars(variables) except AnsibleError as e: # save the error, which we'll raise later if we don't end up # skipping this task during the conditional evaluation step context_validation_error = e # Evaluate the conditional (if any) for this task, which we do before running # the final task post-validation. We do this before the post validation due to # the fact that the conditional may specify that the task be skipped due to a # variable not being present which would otherwise cause validation to fail try: if not self._task.evaluate_conditional(templar, variables): self._display.debug( "when evaluation failed, skipping this task") return dict(changed=False, skipped=True, skip_reason='Conditional check failed', _ansible_no_log=self._play_context.no_log) except AnsibleError: # skip conditional exception in the case of includes as the vars needed might not be avaiable except in the included tasks or due to tags if self._task.action != 'include': raise # if we ran into an error while setting up the PlayContext, raise it now if context_validation_error is not None: raise context_validation_error # if this task is a TaskInclude, we just return now with a success code so the # main thread can expand the task list for the given host if self._task.action == 'include': include_variables = self._task.args.copy() include_file = include_variables.pop('_raw_params', None) if not include_file: return dict(failed=True, msg="No include file was specified to the include") include_file = templar.template(include_file) return dict(include=include_file, include_variables=include_variables) # Now we do final validation on the task, which sets all fields to their final values. self._task.post_validate(templar=templar) if '_variable_params' in self._task.args: variable_params = self._task.args.pop('_variable_params') if isinstance(variable_params, dict): self._display.deprecated( "Using variables for task params is unsafe, especially if the variables come from an external source like facts" ) variable_params.update(self._task.args) self._task.args = variable_params # get the connection and the handler for this execution self._connection = self._get_connection(variables=variables, templar=templar) self._connection.set_host_overrides(host=self._host) self._handler = self._get_action_handler(connection=self._connection, templar=templar) # And filter out any fields which were set to default(omit), and got the omit token value omit_token = variables.get('omit') if omit_token is not None: self._task.args = dict((i[0], i[1]) for i in iteritems(self._task.args) if i[1] != omit_token) # Read some values from the task, so that we can modify them if need be if self._task.until is not None: retries = self._task.retries if retries <= 0: retries = 1 else: retries = 1 delay = self._task.delay if delay < 0: delay = 1 # make a copy of the job vars here, in case we need to update them # with the registered variable value later on when testing conditions vars_copy = variables.copy() self._display.debug("starting attempt loop") result = None for attempt in range(retries): if attempt > 0: self._display.display( "FAILED - RETRYING: %s (%d retries left). Result was: %s" % (self._task, retries - attempt, result), color="red") result['attempts'] = attempt + 1 self._display.debug("running the handler") try: result = except AnsibleConnectionFailure as e: return dict(unreachable=True, msg=str(e)) self._display.debug("handler run complete") if self._task. async > 0: # the async_wrapper module returns dumped JSON via its stdout # response, so we parse it here and replace the result try: result = json.loads(result.get('stdout')) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: return dict( failed=True, msg="The async task did not return valid JSON: %s" % str(e)) if self._task.poll > 0: result = self._poll_async_result(result=result, templar=templar) # update the local copy of vars with the registered value, if specified, # or any facts which may have been generated by the module execution if self._task.register: vars_copy[self._task.register] = result if 'ansible_facts' in result: vars_copy.update(result['ansible_facts']) # create a conditional object to evaluate task conditions cond = Conditional(loader=self._loader) def _evaluate_changed_when_result(result): if self._task.changed_when is not None: cond.when = [self._task.changed_when] result['changed'] = cond.evaluate_conditional( templar, vars_copy) def _evaluate_failed_when_result(result): if self._task.failed_when is not None: cond.when = [self._task.failed_when] failed_when_result = cond.evaluate_conditional( templar, vars_copy) result['failed_when_result'] = result[ 'failed'] = failed_when_result return failed_when_result return False if self._task.until: cond.when = self._task.until if cond.evaluate_conditional(templar, vars_copy): _evaluate_changed_when_result(result) _evaluate_failed_when_result(result) break elif (self._task.changed_when is not None or self._task.failed_when is not None) and 'skipped' not in result: _evaluate_changed_when_result(result) if _evaluate_failed_when_result(result): break elif 'failed' not in result: if result.get('rc', 0) != 0: result['failed'] = True else: # if the result is not failed, stop trying break if attempt < retries - 1: time.sleep(delay) else: _evaluate_changed_when_result(result) _evaluate_failed_when_result(result) # do the final update of the local variables here, for both registered # values and any facts which may have been created if self._task.register: ### FIXME: # If we remove invocation, we should also be removing _ansible* # and maybe ansible_facts. # Remove invocation from registered vars #if 'invocation' in result: # del result['invocation'] variables[self._task.register] = result if 'ansible_facts' in result: variables.update(result['ansible_facts']) # save the notification target in the result, if it was specified, as # this task may be running in a loop in which case the notification # may be item-specific, ie. "notify: service {{item}}" if self._task.notify is not None: result['_ansible_notify'] = self._task.notify # preserve no_log setting result["_ansible_no_log"] = self._play_context.no_log # and return self._display.debug("attempt loop complete, returning result") return result