Exemple #1
def test_without_required_parameters(capfd, patch_xfconf):
    Failure must occurs when all parameters are missing
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    results = json.loads(out)
    assert results['failed']
    assert 'missing required arguments' in results['msg']
Exemple #2
def test_xfconf(mocker, capfd, patch_xfconf, testcase):
    Run unit tests for test cases listen in TEST_CASES

    # Mock function used for running commands first
    call_results = [item[2] for item in testcase['run_command.calls']]
    mock_run_command = mocker.patch(

    # Try to run test case
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    results = json.loads(out)
    print("testcase =\n%s" % testcase)
    print("results =\n%s" % results)

    assert 'changed' in results
    assert results['changed'] == testcase['changed']

    for test_result in ('channel', 'property'):
        assert test_result in results, "'{0}' not found in {1}".format(
            test_result, results)
        assert results[test_result] == results['invocation']['module_args'][test_result], \
            "'{0}': '{1}' != '{2}'".format(test_result, results[test_result], results['invocation']['module_args'][test_result])

    for conditional_test_result in ('msg', 'value', 'previous_value'):
        if conditional_test_result in testcase:
            assert conditional_test_result in results, "'{0}' not found in {1}".format(
                conditional_test_result, results)
            assert results[conditional_test_result] == testcase[conditional_test_result], \
                "'{0}': '{1}' != '{2}'".format(conditional_test_result, results[conditional_test_result], testcase[conditional_test_result])

    assert mock_run_command.call_count == len(testcase['run_command.calls'])
    if mock_run_command.call_count:
        call_args_list = [(item[0][0], item[1])
                          for item in mock_run_command.call_args_list]
        expected_call_args_list = [(item[0], item[1])
                                   for item in testcase['run_command.calls']]
        print("call args list =\n%s" % call_args_list)
        print("expected args list =\n%s" % expected_call_args_list)
        assert call_args_list == expected_call_args_list
Exemple #3
def test_xfconf(mocker, capfd, patch_xfconf, testcase):
    Run unit tests for test cases listen in TEST_CASES

    # Mock function used for running commands first
    call_results = [item[2] for item in testcase['run_command.calls']]
    mock_run_command = mocker.patch(

    # Try to run test case
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    results = json.loads(out)
    print("testcase =\n%s" % testcase)
    print("results =\n%s" % results)
    assert 'changed' in results
    assert results['changed'] == testcase['changed']
    if 'msg' in results:
        assert results.get('msg') == testcase['msg']
    if 'value' in results:
        assert results['value'] == testcase['value']
    if 'previous_value' in results:
        assert results['previous_value'] == testcase['previous_value']

    assert mock_run_command.call_count == len(testcase['run_command.calls'])
    if mock_run_command.call_count:
        call_args_list = [(item[0][0], item[1])
                          for item in mock_run_command.call_args_list]
        expected_call_args_list = [(item[0], item[1])
                                   for item in testcase['run_command.calls']]
        print("call args list =\n%s" % call_args_list)
        print("expected args list =\n%s" % expected_call_args_list)
        assert call_args_list == expected_call_args_list