Exemple #1
    def _username_password_login(self):
        resp = http.request(
            "GET", "{0}/auth".format(self.address), force_basic_auth=True,
            url_username=self.username, url_password=self.password,
            validate_certs=self.verify, ca_path=self.ca_path,

        if resp.status != 200:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication call returned status {0}".format(resp.status),

        if resp.json is None:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication call did not return a valid JSON",

        if "access_token" not in resp.json:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication call did not return access token",

        return dict(
            Authorization="Bearer {0}".format(resp.json["access_token"]),
Exemple #2
    def version(self):
        if self._version is None:
            resp = self.get("/version")
            if resp.status != 200:
                raise errors.SensuError(
                    "Version API returned status {0}".format(resp.status),
            if resp.json is None:
                raise errors.SensuError(
                    "Version API did not return a valid JSON",
            if "sensu_backend" not in resp.json:
                raise errors.SensuError(
                    "Version API did not return backend version",
            self._version = version.StrictVersion(

        return self._version
Exemple #3
 def validate_auth_data(self, username, password):
     resp = http.request(
         "GET", "{0}/auth/test".format(self.address),
         force_basic_auth=True, url_username=username,
         url_password=password, validate_certs=self.verify,
     if resp.status not in (200, 401):
         raise errors.SensuError(
             "Authentication test returned status {0}".format(resp.status),
     return resp.status == 200
Exemple #4
    def _login(self):
        resp = http.request(

        if resp.status != 200:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication call returned status {0}".format(
                    resp.status), )

        if resp.json is None:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication call did not return a valid JSON", )

        if "access_token" not in resp.json:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication call did not return access token", )

        return resp.json["access_token"]
Exemple #5
    def request(self, method, path, payload=None):
        url = self.address + path
        headers = self.auth_header

        response = http.request(
            method, url, payload=payload, headers=headers,
            validate_certs=self.verify, ca_path=self.ca_path,

        if response.status in (401, 403):
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "Authentication problem. Verify your credentials."

        return response
Exemple #6
    def _api_key_login(self):
        # We check the API key validity by using it to fetch its metadata from
        # the backend. This should also take care of validating if the backend
        # even supports the API key authentication.

        url = "{0}{1}".format(self.address, utils.build_core_v2_path(
            None, "apikeys", self.api_key,
        headers = dict(Authorization="Key {0}".format(self.api_key))

        resp = http.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
        if resp.status != 200:
            raise errors.SensuError(
                "The API key {0}...{1} seems to be invalid or the backend "
                "does not support the API key authentication".format(
                    self.api_key[:5], self.api_key[-5:],

        return headers