Exemple #1
    def emit(self, token=None):
        The standard method called to automatically emit a token at the
        outermost lexical rule.  The token object should point into the
        char buffer start..stop.  If there is a text override in 'text',
        use that to set the token's text.  Override this method to emit
        custom Token objects.

        If you are building trees, then you should also override
        Parser or TreeParser.getMissingSymbol().

        if token is None:
            token = CommonToken(
            token.line = self._state.tokenStartLine
            token.text = self._state.text
            token.charPositionInLine = self._state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine

        self._state.token = token
        return token
    def emit(self, token=None):
        The standard method called to automatically emit a token at the
        outermost lexical rule.  The token object should point into the
        char buffer start..stop.  If there is a text override in 'text',
        use that to set the token's text.  Override this method to emit
        custom Token objects.

        If you are building trees, then you should also override
        Parser or TreeParser.getMissingSymbol().

        if token is None:
            token = CommonToken(
            token.line = self._state.tokenStartLine
            token.text = self._state.text
            token.charPositionInLine = self._state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine

        self._state.token = token

        return token
 def makeEOFToken(self):
     eof = CommonToken(
         type=EOF, channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
         start=self.input.index(), stop=self.input.index())
     eof.line = self.input.line
     eof.charPositionInLine = self.input.charPositionInLine
     return eof
Exemple #4
 def makeEOFToken(self):
     eof = CommonToken(type=EOF,
     eof.line = self.input.line
     eof.charPositionInLine = self.input.charPositionInLine
     return eof
Exemple #5
    def getMissingSymbol(self, input, e, expectedTokenType, follow):
        tokenText = "<missing " + self.tokenNames[expectedTokenType] + ">"
        t = CommonToken(type=expectedTokenType, text=tokenText)
        current = input.LT(1)
        if current.type == EOF:
            current = input.LT(-1)

        if current is not None:
            t.line = current.line
            t.charPositionInLine = current.charPositionInLine
        t.channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
        return t
    def parseNode(self):
        # "%label:" prefix
        label = None

        if self.ttype == PERCENT:
            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
            if self.ttype != ID:
                return None

            label = self.tokenizer.sval
            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
            if self.ttype != COLON:
                return None

            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken(
            )  # move to ID following colon

        # Wildcard?
        if self.ttype == DOT:
            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
            wildcardPayload = CommonToken(0, ".")
            node = WildcardTreePattern(wildcardPayload)
            if label is not None:
                node.label = label
            return node

        # "ID" or "ID[arg]"
        if self.ttype != ID:
            return None

        tokenName = self.tokenizer.sval
        self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()

        if tokenName == "nil":
            return self.adaptor.nil()

        text = tokenName
        # check for arg
        arg = None
        if self.ttype == ARG:
            arg = self.tokenizer.sval
            text = arg
            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()

        # create node
        treeNodeType = self.wizard.getTokenType(tokenName)
        if treeNodeType == INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE:
            return None

        node = self.adaptor.createFromType(treeNodeType, text)
        if label is not None and isinstance(node, TreePattern):
            node.label = label

        if arg is not None and isinstance(node, TreePattern):
            node.hasTextArg = True

        return node
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, payload):
     We need to work around a bug in the antlr runtime where if you
     pass an imaginary token to a custom AST node type, it passes the
     integer type of the token instead of a token instance.
     if isinstance(payload, (int, long)):
         payload = CommonToken(type=payload)
     super(AstNode, self).__init__(payload)
Exemple #8
    def emit(self, token=None):
        The standard method called to automatically emit a token at the
	outermost lexical rule.  The token object should point into the
	char buffer start..stop.  If there is a text override in 'text',
	use that to set the token's text.

        if token is None:
            token = CommonToken(input=self.input,
                                stop=self.getCharIndex() - 1)
            token.line = self.tokenStartLine
            token.text = self.text
            token.charPositionInLine = self.tokenStartCharPositionInLine

        self.token = token

        return token
    def emit(self, token=None):
        The standard method called to automatically emit a token at the
	outermost lexical rule.  The token object should point into the
	char buffer start..stop.  If there is a text override in 'text',
	use that to set the token's text.

        if token is None:
            token = CommonToken(
            token.line = self.tokenStartLine
            token.text = self.text
            token.charPositionInLine = self.tokenStartCharPositionInLine

        self.token = token
        return token
Exemple #10
    def extractInformationFromTreeNodeStream(self, nodes):
        from antlr3.tree import Tree, CommonTree
        from antlr3.tokens import CommonToken

        self.node = nodes.LT(1)
        adaptor = nodes.adaptor
        payload = adaptor.getToken(self.node)
        if payload is not None:
            self.token = payload
            if payload.line <= 0:
                # imaginary node; no line/pos info; scan backwards
                i = -1
                priorNode = nodes.LT(i)
                while priorNode is not None:
                    priorPayload = adaptor.getToken(priorNode)
                    if priorPayload is not None and priorPayload.line > 0:
                        # we found the most recent real line / pos info
                        self.line = priorPayload.line
                        self.charPositionInLine = priorPayload.charPositionInLine
                        self.approximateLineInfo = True

                    i -= 1
                    priorNode = nodes.LT(i)

            else: # node created from real token
                self.line = payload.line
                self.charPositionInLine = payload.charPositionInLine

        elif isinstance(self.node, Tree):
            self.line = self.node.line
            self.charPositionInLine = self.node.charPositionInLine
            if isinstance(self.node, CommonTree):
                self.token = self.node.token

            type = adaptor.getType(self.node)
            text = adaptor.getText(self.node)
            self.token = CommonToken(type=type, text=text)