def raw(self, expected: []):
     token = CommonToken(type=Token.EOF)
     token.text = "<eof-token>"
     raw_types = self.tokens_to_types(self.tokens)
     self.assertEqual(expected, raw_types, "raw tokens")
     return self
Exemple #2
def makeNumber(parent: ParserRuleContext, n: int):
    """This node represents a virtual ParseTree node that does not come from
    the parser but rather is constructed via a rewriting rule. For example,
    the expression "a-b" is parsed as "Plus[a, Times[-1, b]]" in exitPlusOp(),
    so a node for "-1" needs to be created even though "-1" does not appear as
    a token in the token stream.

    Note that makeNumber sets the NumberContext's parent but does not add
    anything to parent's children."""

    # The hierarchy is:
    #   CommonToken->TerminalNodeImpl->NumberLiteralContext
    #       ->NumberBaseTenContext->NumberContext->parent

    digits_token = CommonToken(type=FoxySheepParser.DIGITS)
    digits_token._text = str(n)

    number = FoxySheepParser.NumberContext(
        None, FoxySheepParser.ExprContext(None, parent=parent))

    number_literal = FoxySheepParser.NumberBaseTenContext(
        None, FoxySheepParser.NumberLiteralContext(None, parent=number))

    addChild(number, number_literal)

    return number
Exemple #3
    def nextToken(self):
        # consume pending token if it's there.
        if self.pending_token is not None:
            t = self.pending_token
            self.pending_token = None
            t = super(YAMLLexerWrapper, self).nextToken()
            if t.type == YAMLLexer.S_INDENT:
                num_spaces = len(t.text)
                if num_spaces == self.last_num_spaces:
                    # skip to next token
                    t = self.nextToken()
                elif num_spaces < self.last_num_spaces:
                    self.pending_token = t
                    t = CommonToken(type=YAMLParser.DEDENT)
                elif num_spaces > self.last_num_spaces:
                    t = CommonToken(type=YAMLParser.INDENT)
                    assert False
                self.last_num_spaces = num_spaces
            elif t.type == Token.EOF:
                if self.last_token.type == YAMLLexer.B_BREAK:
                    if self.last_num_spaces > 0:
                        self.pending_token = t
                        t = CommonToken(type=YAMLParser.DEDENT)

        self.last_token = t
        return t
Exemple #4
 def createToken(self, type_, text="", length=0):
     start = self._tokenStartCharIndex
     stop = start + length
     t = CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, type_,
                     self.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, start, stop)
     t.text = text
     return t
 def addToken(self, prefix: str, s: str, token_type: TT):
     token = CommonToken(type=token_type.value)
     token.text = prefix + s
     token.column = self.pos
     token.line = self.lineNo
     self.pos += len(s)
 def create(self, source, type, text, channel, start, stop, line, column):
     t = CommonToken(source, type, channel, start, stop)
     t.line = line
     t.column = column
     if text is not None:
         t.text = text
     elif self.copyText and source[1] is not None:
         t.text = source[1].getText(start,stop)
     return t
Exemple #7
    def emit_type(self, token_type, channel=Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, text=""):
        char_index = self.getCharIndex()
        token = CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, token_type, channel,
                            char_index - len(text), char_index)
        token.line = self.line
        token.column = self.column
        token.text = text

        return token
 def syntaxError(self, recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e):
     t = CommonToken(source=(recognizer, recognizer._input),
     t.line = recognizer._tokenStartLine
     t.column = recognizer._tokenStartColumn
     recognizer._type = Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE
 def commonToken( self, _type, text ):
   stop = self.getCharIndex() - 1
   if len(text) == 0:
     start = stop
     start = stop - len(text) + 1
   return CommonToken( self._tokenFactorySourcePair, _type, self.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, start, stop )
Exemple #10
 def common_token(self, _type,  text):
     from antlr4.Token import CommonToken
     stop = self.getCharIndex() - 1
     if len(self.text) == 0:
         start = stop
         start = stop - len(self.text) + 1
     return CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, _type, Lexer.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, start, stop)
Exemple #11
 def commonToken(self, type: int, text: str):
     stop: int = self.getCharIndex() - 1
     start: int = 0
     if text:
         start = stop - len(text) + 1
     ct = CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, type,
                      self.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, start, stop)
     return ct
Exemple #12
    def exitPlusOp(self, ctx: FoxySheepParser.PlusOpContext):

        We have to treat PlusOp special, because we have to keep the
        operators intact, and only  plus and minus (not PlusMinus or
        MinusPlus) are flat. The situation is complicated by the fact
        that Mathematica parses "a-b" as "Plus[a, Times[-1, b]]". We
        Rewrite the parse tree, inserting the Times context and
        changing BINARYMINUS to BINARYPLUS."""

        # If the op isn't Plus or Minus, nothing to do.
        if ctx.BINARYMINUS() is None and ctx.BINARYPLUS() is None:

        # Since ANTLR4 parses this operator as left associative, we only
        # need to check the left hand side expr.
        rhs = ctx.getChild(2)

        # If the operator of the PlusOp is BINARYMINUS, we rewrite the tree as
        # "Plus[lhs, Times[-1, rhs]]". Note that if rhs is TIMES, we have to
        # keep that TIMES flat.
        if ctx.BINARYMINUS() is not None:
            # Construct Times, or obtain it from the rhs.
            times = None
            if isinstance(rhs, FoxySheepParser.TimesContext):
                times = rhs
                # If rhs is already a times, keep it flat.
                times = FoxySheepParser.TimesContext(
                    None, FoxySheepParser.ExprContext(None))
                adopt(ctx, times)
                adopt(times, rhs)
            # Add "-1" as the first child of Times.
            addChild(times, makeNumber(times, -1), 0)

            # Finally, we have to change operator to BINARYPLUS.
            plustoken = CommonToken(type=FoxySheepParser.BINARYPLUS)
            plustoken.text = '+'
            plus = TerminalNodeImpl(plustoken)
            # Replace minus token with plus.
            ctx.children[1] = plus
            plus.parentCtx = ctx

        # Flatten
Exemple #13
    def __emit_token_type_on_channel(self, token_type: int, channel: int,
                                     text: str) -> None:
        char_index: int = self.getCharIndex()
        token: CommonToken = CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair,
                                         token_type, channel,
                                         char_index - len(text),
                                         char_index - 1)
        token.line = self.line
        token.column = self.column
        token.text = text

Exemple #14
def validate_common_token(py_tok:CommonToken, cpp_tok:CommonToken):
    assert type(py_tok) == type(cpp_tok)
    if py_tok is None:
    assert py_tok.type == cpp_tok.type
    assert ==
    assert py_tok.start == cpp_tok.start
    assert py_tok.stop == cpp_tok.stop
    assert py_tok.tokenIndex == cpp_tok.tokenIndex
    assert py_tok.line == cpp_tok.line
    assert py_tok.column == cpp_tok.column
    assert py_tok.text == cpp_tok.text
    assert isinstance(cpp_tok.getInputStream(), InputStream)
Exemple #15
def main(argv):
	sai = StaticAnalysisInfo()

	input = FileStream(argv[1])
	lexer = CPP14Lexer(input)
	stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
	parser = CPP14Parser(stream)
	tree = parser.translationunit()
	tracker  = Tracker1(sai, stream)
	walker = ParseTreeWalker()

	walker.walk(tracker, tree)

	stream.tokens[0].text = "test"
	tmp_tok = stream.getTokens(0,3)
	space = CommonToken()
	space.text = ' '
	stream.tokens[2:2] = tmp_tok

	#tmp_tok = stream.tokens[2].clone()
	#stream.tokens.insert(2, tmp_tok)
	#ttt = CommonToken()
	#ttt.text = '???'
	#stream.tokens.insert(2, ttt)

	#lll = stream.getTokens(0,5)

 def insertLeft(self, type, text):
     token = CommonToken()
     token.type = type.value
     token.text = text
     token.line = self._dllTokens.value.line
     token.tokenIndex = self._dllTokens.value.tokenIndex
     inserted = self._dllAll.insert(token, self._dllTokens)
     return TokenEditor(inserted, self._dllAll)
 def create(self, source, type, text, channel, start, stop, line, column):
     t = CommonToken(source, type, channel, start, stop)
     t.line = line
     t.column = column
     if text is not None:
         t.text = text
     elif self.copyText and source[1] is not None:
         t.text = source[1].getText(start, stop)
     return t
Exemple #18
    def nextToken(self):
        token = super(PhpBaseLexer, self).nextToken()

        if token.type == self.PHPEnd or token.type == self.PHPEndSingleLineComment:
            if self._mode == self.SingleLineCommentMode:
                # SingleLineCommentMode for such allowed syntax:
                # // <?php echo "Hello world"; // comment ?>

            if token.text == "</script>":
                self._phpScript = False
                token.type = self.ScriptClose
                # Add semicolon to the end of statement if it is absent.
                # For example: <?php echo "Hello world" ?>
                if self._prevTokenType == self.SemiColon or \
                        self._prevTokenType == self.Colon or \
                        self._prevTokenType == self.OpenCurlyBracket or \
                        self._prevTokenType == self.CloseCurlyBracket:
                    token = super(PhpBaseLexer, self).nextToken()
                    token = CommonToken(type=self.SemiColon)
                    token.text = ';'
        elif token.type == self.HtmlName:
            self._htmlNameText = token.text
        elif token.type == self.HtmlDoubleQuoteString:
            if token.text == "php" and self._htmlNameText == "language":
                self._phpScript = True
        elif self._mode == self.HereDoc:
            # Heredoc and Nowdoc syntax support:
            if token.type == self.StartHereDoc or token.type == self.StartNowDoc:
                self._heredocIdentifier = token.text[3:].strip().replace(
                    "'", "")
            if token.type == self.HereDocText:
                if self.CheckHeredocEnd(token.text):
                    heredoc_identifier = self.GetHeredocEnd(token.text)
                    if token.text.strip().endswith(';'):
                        text = heredoc_identifier + ";\n"
                        token = CommonToken(type=self.SemiColon)
                        token.text = text
                        token = super(PhpBaseLexer, self).nextToken()
                        token.text = heredoc_identifier + "\n;"
        elif self._mode == self.PHP:
            if self._channel == self.HIDDEN:
                self._prevTokenType = token.type

        return token
    def insertRight(self, type, text):
        token = CommonToken()
        token.type = type.value
        token.text = text
        token.line = self._dllTokens.value.line
        token.tokenIndex = self._dllTokens.value.tokenIndex

        next =
        if next:
            inserted = self._dllAll.insert(token, next)
            inserted = self._dllAll.append(token)
        return TokenEditor(inserted, self._dllAll)
    def nextToken(self) -> Token:
        if not self.queue.empty():
            return self.queue.get(block=False)
            next_: Token = super(TurkishLexer, self).nextToken()
            if next_.type != 16:
                return next_
                next2: Token = super(TurkishLexer, self).nextToken()
                if next2.type == 19 and next2.text == ".":
                    abbrev = next_.text + "."
                    if self.abbreviations and abbrev in self.abbreviations:
                        common_token: CommonToken = CommonToken(type=1)
                        common_token.text = abbrev
                        common_token.start = next_.start
                        common_token.stop = next2.stop
                        common_token.tokenIndex = next_.tokenIndex
                        common_token.column = next_.column
                        common_token.line = next_.line
                        return common_token

                return next_
Exemple #21
 def get_injected_token(self, copy_from: CommonToken, token_type_str):
     new_token = copy_from.clone()
     new_token.text = token_type_str
     return new_token
Exemple #22
 def commonToken(self, type, text, indent=0):
     stop = self.getCharIndex() - 1 - indent
     start = (stop - len(text) + 1) if text else stop
     return CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, type,
                        super().DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, start, stop)
Exemple #23
 def commonToken(self, mytype, text):
     stop = self.getCharIndex() - 1
     start = stop if len(text) == 0 else (stop - len(text) + 1)
     return CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, mytype,
                        super().DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, start, stop)
 def createThin(self, type, text):
     t = CommonToken(type=type)
     t.text = text
     return t
 def createThin(self, type, text):
     t = CommonToken(type=type)
     t.text = text
     return t
Exemple #26
 def createThin(self, type: int, text: str):
     t = CommonToken(type=type)
     t.text = text
     return t
Exemple #27
 def deriveToken(self, token: CommonToken, type: int):
     res = token.clone()
     res.type = type
     return res
 def createThin(self, type:int, text:str):
     t = CommonToken(type=type)
     t.text = text
     return t
Exemple #29
 def commonToken(self, _type, text):
     stop = self.getCharIndex() - 1
     start = stop if text == "" else stop - len(text) + 1
     return CommonToken(self._tokenFactorySourcePair, _type, start=start, stop=stop)