Exemple #1
    def addDFAState(self, configs: ATNConfigSet) -> DFAState:
        # the lexer evaluates predicates on-the-fly; by this point configs
        # should not contain any configurations with unevaluated predicates.
        assert not configs.hasSemanticContext

        proposed = DFAState(configs=configs)
        firstConfigWithRuleStopState = None
        for c in configs:
            if isinstance(c.state, RuleStopState):
                firstConfigWithRuleStopState = c

        if firstConfigWithRuleStopState is not None:
            proposed.isAcceptState = True
            proposed.lexerActionExecutor = firstConfigWithRuleStopState.lexerActionExecutor
            proposed.prediction = self.atn.ruleToTokenType[

        dfa = self.decisionToDFA[self.mode]
        existing = dfa.states.get(proposed, None)
        if existing is not None:
            return existing

        newState = proposed

        newState.stateNumber = len(dfa.states)
        newState.configs = configs
        dfa.states[newState] = newState
        return newState
Exemple #2
    def addDFAState(self, configs):

        proposed = DFAState(configs=configs)
        firstConfigWithRuleStopState = next(
            (cfg for cfg in configs if isinstance(cfg.state, RuleStopState)),

        if firstConfigWithRuleStopState is not None:
            proposed.isAcceptState = True
            proposed.lexerActionExecutor = firstConfigWithRuleStopState.lexerActionExecutor
            proposed.prediction = self.atn.ruleToTokenType[

        dfa = self.decisionToDFA[self.mode]
        existing = dfa.states.get(proposed, None)
        if existing is not None:
            return existing

        newState = proposed

        newState.stateNumber = len(dfa.states)
        newState.configs = configs
        dfa.states[newState] = newState
        return newState
Exemple #3
 def setPrecedenceDfa(self, precedenceDfa):
     if self.precedenceDfa != precedenceDfa:
         self._states = dict()
         if precedenceDfa:
             precedenceState = DFAState(configs=ATNConfigSet())
             precedenceState.edges = []
             precedenceState.isAcceptState = False
             precedenceState.requiresFullContext = False
             self.s0 = precedenceState
             self.s0 = None
         self.precedenceDfa = precedenceDfa
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, atnStartState, decision=0):
        # From which ATN state did we create this DFA?
        self.atnStartState = atnStartState
        self.decision = decision
        # A set of all DFA states. Use {@link Map} so we can get old state back
        #  ({@link Set} only allows you to see if it's there).
        self._states = dict()
        self.s0 = None
        # {@code true} if this DFA is for a precedence decision; otherwise,
        # {@code false}. This is the backing field for {@link #isPrecedenceDfa},
        # {@link #setPrecedenceDfa}.
        self.precedenceDfa = False

        if isinstance(atnStartState, StarLoopEntryState):
            if atnStartState.isPrecedenceDecision:
                self.precedenceDfa = True
                precedenceState = DFAState(configs=ATNConfigSet())
                precedenceState.edges = []
                precedenceState.isAcceptState = False
                precedenceState.requiresFullContext = False
                self.s0 = precedenceState