def pointtrans(Fish, F): #=============================================================================== import os import ants import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Apply registration to the CMN identified cells #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- for c in range(len(Fish["Cond"])): print('Transforming points to standard space for condition ' + str(c + 1)) Freg = F["Freg"] + os.sep + Fish["Name"] + os.sep + Fish["Cond"][c][ "Name"] Ff2cf = Freg + os.sep + 'FUN2CF' os.listdir(Ff2cf) cs = pd.DataFrame(Fish["Cond"][c]["Pixels"]) cs.columns = ['x', 'y', 'z'] tcs = np.multiply(cs, (-.3, .3, -6)) ncs = ants.apply_transforms_to_points(3, tcs, \ [ Ff2cf +os.sep+ 'cf2fun_R.mat', Ff2cf +os.sep+ 'cf2fun_S.mat', Ff2cf +os.sep+ 'cf2fun_S.nii.gz'], \ whichtoinvert = [True, True, False]) tcs = np.multiply(ncs, (1, 1, 1)) nncs = ants.apply_transforms_to_points(3, tcs, \ [ F["Ftrans"] +os.sep+ 'ref2cf_R.mat', F["Ftrans"] +os.sep+ 'ref2cf_S.mat', F["Ftrans"] +os.sep+ 'ref2cf_S.nii.gz'], \ whichtoinvert = [True,True,False]) Fish["Cond"][c]["ZBBCoord"] = nncs.values return Fish
boldseg = ants.apply_transforms( und, t1seg['segmentation'], t1reg['fwdtransforms'], interpolator = 'nearestNeighbor' ) ## Template mapping # include prior information e.g. from meta-analysis or anatomy myvoxes = range(powers_areal_mni_itk.shape[0]) anat = powers_areal_mni_itk['Anatomy'] syst = powers_areal_mni_itk['SystemName'] Brod = powers_areal_mni_itk['Brodmann'] xAAL = powers_areal_mni_itk['AAL'] ch2 = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data( "ch2" ) ) treg = ants.registration( t1 * t1mask, ch2, 'SyN' ) concatx2 = treg['invtransforms'] + t1reg['invtransforms'] pts2bold = ants.apply_transforms_to_points( 3, powers_areal_mni_itk, concatx2,whichtoinvert = ( True, False, True, False ) ) locations = pts2bold.iloc[:,:3].values ptImg = ants.make_points_image( locations, bmask, radius = 3 ) networks = powers_areal_mni_itk['SystemName'].unique() dfnpts = np.where( powers_areal_mni_itk['SystemName'] == networks[5] ) dfnImg = ants.mask_image( ptImg, ptImg, level = dfnpts[0].tolist(), binarize=False ) # plot( und, ptImg, axis=3, window.overlay = range( ptImg ) ) bold2ch2 = ants.apply_transforms( ch2, und, concatx2, whichtoinvert = ( True, False, True, False ) ) # Extracting canonical functional network maps ## preprocessing csfAndWM = ( ants.threshold_image( boldseg, 1, 1 ) +
initial_transform='AffineFast', type_of_transform='ElasticSyN', grad_step=5, aff_metric='mattes', aff_sampling=32, syn_metric='mattes', syn_sampling=32, reg_iterations=(40, 20, 10), ) print('Transform: %r' % mytx) t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start print('Time: %r seconds' % t_elapsed) warped_moving = ants.apply_transforms(fixed=fixed, moving=moving, transformlist=mytx['fwdtransforms']) warped_points = ants.apply_transforms_to_points( dim=2, points=lnds, transformlist=mytx['invtransforms']) # # Visualisation # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(warped_moving.numpy(), # plt.plot(warped_points['y'], warped_points['x'], '.') # # Exporting results with open(paths['time'], 'w') as fp: fp.write(str(t_elapsed)) imsave(paths['warped'], warped_moving.numpy()) lnds = warped_points[['y', 'x']] # transform landmarks coordinates back lnds.columns = ['X', 'Y'] lnds.to_csv(paths['pts'])