Exemple #1
def test_make_immutable_known():
    mutable_in = {
        'str': '123',
        'bytes': b'testing',
        'map': {
            'one': 1,
            'two': 2,
            'three': set('nested')
        'set': set(('one', 2, ('nested', ))),
        'sequence': [1, 2, 3, {
            'nested': [True]
        'scalar': 2,

    immutable_out = ap.ContextDict({
            'one': 1,
            'two': 2,
            'three': frozenset('nested')
        frozenset(('one', 2, ('nested', ))),
        'sequence': (1, 2, 3, ap.ContextDict({'nested': (True, )})),

    assert ap._make_immutable(mutable_in) == immutable_out
Exemple #2
def test_app_and_lib_context():
    data = ap.create_contexts(cfg={
        'chunksize': 5,
        'galaxy_url': 'https://dev.galaxy.ansible.com/'

    with ap.app_and_lib_context(data) as (app_ctx, lib_ctx):
        # Test that the app_context that was returned has the new values
        assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://dev.galaxy.ansible.com/'

        # Test that the context that we can retrieve has the new values too
        app_ctx = ap.app_ctx.get()
        assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://dev.galaxy.ansible.com/'

        # Test that the returned lib_ctx has the new values
        assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 5

        # Likewise for the one that we can retrieve
        lib_ctx = ap.lib_ctx.get()
        assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 5

    # Check that once we return from the context manager, the old values have been restored
    app_ctx = ap.app_ctx.get()
    assert app_ctx.extra == ap.ContextDict()
    assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://galaxy.ansible.com/'
    assert isinstance(app_ctx.logging_cfg, config.LoggingModel)
    assert app_ctx.pypi_url == 'https://pypi.org/'

    lib_ctx = ap.lib_ctx.get()
    assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 4096
    assert lib_ctx.process_max is None
    assert lib_ctx.thread_max == 64
    assert lib_ctx.max_retries == 10
Exemple #3
def test_create_contexts_with_args_and_cfg():
    """Test that args override cfg"""
    cfg = {
        'chunksize': 1,
        'thread_max': 2,
        'galaxy_url': 'https://dev.galaxy.ansible.com/',
        'pypi_url': 'https://test.pypi.org/',
        'unknown': True,
        'cfg': 1
    args = {
        'chunksize': 3,
        'pypi_url': 'https://other.pypi.org/',
        'unknown': False,
        'args': 2
    args = argparse.Namespace(**args)
    app_ctx, lib_ctx, args, cfg = ap.create_contexts(args=args, cfg=cfg)

    assert args == argparse.Namespace()
    assert cfg == {}

    assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 3
    assert lib_ctx.process_max is None
    assert lib_ctx.thread_max == 2
    assert lib_ctx.max_retries == 10

    assert app_ctx.extra == ap.ContextDict({
        'unknown': False,
        'cfg': 1,
        'args': 2
    assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://dev.galaxy.ansible.com/'
    assert isinstance(app_ctx.logging_cfg, config.LoggingModel)
    assert app_ctx.pypi_url == 'https://other.pypi.org/'
Exemple #4
def test_default():
    """Context has default values if no ocntext manager is used"""
    lib_ctx = ap.lib_ctx.get()
    assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 4096
    assert lib_ctx.process_max is None
    assert lib_ctx.thread_max == 64
    assert lib_ctx.max_retries == 10

    app_ctx = ap.app_ctx.get()
    assert app_ctx.extra == ap.ContextDict()
    assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://galaxy.ansible.com/'
    assert isinstance(app_ctx.logging_cfg, config.LoggingModel)
    assert app_ctx.pypi_url == 'https://pypi.org/'
Exemple #5
def test_create_contexts_with_cfg():
    """Test that the create_contexts function sets values from a config dict"""
    cfg = {
        'chunksize': 1,
        'pypi_url': 'https://test.pypi.org/',
        'unknown': True
    app_ctx, lib_ctx, args, cfg = ap.create_contexts(cfg=cfg)

    assert args == argparse.Namespace()
    assert cfg == {}

    assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 1
    assert lib_ctx.process_max is None
    assert lib_ctx.thread_max == 64
    assert lib_ctx.max_retries == 10

    assert app_ctx.extra == ap.ContextDict({'unknown': True})
    assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://galaxy.ansible.com/'
    assert isinstance(app_ctx.logging_cfg, config.LoggingModel)
    assert app_ctx.pypi_url == 'https://test.pypi.org/'
Exemple #6
def test_create_contexts_without_extra():
    """Test that use_extra=False returns unused args and cfg."""
    cfg_data = {'chunksize': 7, 'unknown': True, 'cfg': 1}
    args_data = {'thread_max': 10, 'unknown': False, 'args': 2}
    input_args = argparse.Namespace(**args_data)
    app_ctx, lib_ctx, args, cfg = ap.create_contexts(args=input_args,

    assert args == argparse.Namespace(unknown=False, args=2)
    assert cfg == {'unknown': True, 'cfg': 1}

    assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 7
    assert lib_ctx.process_max is None
    assert lib_ctx.thread_max == 10
    assert lib_ctx.max_retries == 10

    assert app_ctx.extra == ap.ContextDict()
    assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://galaxy.ansible.com/'
    assert isinstance(app_ctx.logging_cfg, config.LoggingModel)
    assert app_ctx.pypi_url == 'https://pypi.org/'
Exemple #7
def test_create_contexts_with_args():
    """Test that the create_context function sets values from cli args"""
    args = {
        'process_max': 2,
        'pypi_url': 'https://test.pypi.org/',
        'unknown': True
    args = argparse.Namespace(**args)
    app_ctx, lib_ctx, args, cfg = ap.create_contexts(args=args)

    assert args == argparse.Namespace()
    assert cfg == {}

    assert lib_ctx.chunksize == 4096
    assert lib_ctx.process_max == 2
    assert lib_ctx.thread_max == 64
    assert lib_ctx.max_retries == 10

    assert app_ctx.extra == ap.ContextDict({'unknown': True})
    assert app_ctx.galaxy_url == 'https://galaxy.ansible.com/'
    assert isinstance(app_ctx.logging_cfg, config.LoggingModel)
    assert app_ctx.pypi_url == 'https://test.pypi.org/'