def distribute(self, numprocs=1):

        self.numprocs = numprocs
        domain = self.domain
        verbose = self.verbose
        debug = self.debug
        parameters = self.parameters

        # FIXME: Dummy assignment (until boundaries are refactored to
        # be independent of domains until they are applied)
        bdmap = {}
        for tag in domain.get_boundary_tags():
            bdmap[tag] = None


        self.domain_name = domain.get_name()
        self.domain_dir = domain.get_datadir()
        self.domain_store = domain.get_store()
        self.domain_store_centroids = domain.get_store_centroids()
        self.domain_minimum_storable_height = domain.minimum_storable_height
        self.domain_flow_algorithm = domain.get_flow_algorithm()
        self.domain_minimum_allowed_height = domain.get_minimum_allowed_height()
        self.domain_georef = domain.geo_reference
        self.number_of_global_triangles = domain.number_of_triangles
        self.number_of_global_nodes = domain.number_of_nodes
        self.boundary_map = domain.boundary_map

        # Subdivide the mesh
        if verbose: print 'sequential_distribute: Subdivide mesh'

        new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, triangles_per_proc, quantities, \
               s2p_map, p2s_map = \
               pmesh_divide_metis_with_map(domain, numprocs)

        # Build the mesh that should be assigned to each processor,
        # this includes ghost nodes and the communication pattern
        if verbose: print 'sequential_distribute: Build submeshes'
        if verbose: print 'sequential_distribute: parameters = ',parameters

        submesh = build_submesh(new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, \
                                quantities, triangles_per_proc, parameters=parameters)

        if verbose:
            for p in range(numprocs):
                N = len(submesh['ghost_nodes'][p])
                M = len(submesh['ghost_triangles'][p])
                print 'There are %d ghost nodes and %d ghost triangles on proc %d'\
                      %(N, M, p)

        self.submesh = submesh
        self.triangles_per_proc = triangles_per_proc
        self.p2s_map =  p2s_map
    def distribute(self, numprocs=1):

        self.numprocs = numprocs

        domain = self.domain
        verbose = self.verbose
        debug = self.debug
        parameters = self.parameters

        # FIXME: Dummy assignment (until boundaries are refactored to
        # be independent of domains until they are applied)
        bdmap = {}
        for tag in domain.get_boundary_tags():
            bdmap[tag] = None


        self.domain_name = domain.get_name()
        self.domain_dir = domain.get_datadir()
        self.domain_store = domain.get_store()
        self.domain_store_centroids = domain.get_store_centroids()
        self.domain_minimum_storable_height = domain.minimum_storable_height
        self.domain_flow_algorithm = domain.get_flow_algorithm()
        self.domain_minimum_allowed_height = domain.get_minimum_allowed_height(
        self.domain_georef = domain.geo_reference
        self.domain_quantities_to_be_stored = domain.quantities_to_be_stored
        self.domain_smooth = domain.smooth
        self.domain_low_froude = domain.low_froude
        self.number_of_global_triangles = domain.number_of_triangles
        self.number_of_global_nodes = domain.number_of_nodes
        self.boundary_map = domain.boundary_map

        # Subdivide the mesh
        if verbose: print 'sequential_distribute: Subdivide mesh'

        new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, triangles_per_proc, quantities, \
               s2p_map, p2s_map = \
               pmesh_divide_metis_with_map(domain, numprocs)

        # Build the mesh that should be assigned to each processor,
        # this includes ghost nodes and the communication pattern
        if verbose: print 'sequential_distribute: Build submeshes'
        if verbose: print 'sequential_distribute: parameters = ', parameters

        submesh = build_submesh(new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, \
                                quantities, triangles_per_proc, parameters=parameters)

        if verbose:
            for p in range(numprocs):
                N = len(submesh['ghost_nodes'][p])
                M = len(submesh['ghost_triangles'][p])
                print 'There are %d ghost nodes and %d ghost triangles on proc %d'\
                      %(N, M, p)

        self.submesh = submesh
        self.triangles_per_proc = triangles_per_proc
        self.p2s_map = p2s_map
def distribute_mesh(domain, verbose=False, debug=False, parameters=None):
    """ Distribute andsend the mesh info to all the processors.
    Should only be run from processor 0 and will send info to the other
    There should be a corresponding  rec_submesh called from all the other

    if debug:
        verbose = True

    numprocs = size()

    # Subdivide the mesh
    if verbose: print 'Subdivide mesh'
    new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, triangles_per_proc, quantities, \
           s2p_map, p2s_map = \
           pmesh_divide_metis_with_map(domain, numprocs)

    #PETE: s2p_map (maps serial domain triangles to parallel domain triangles)
    #      sp2_map (maps parallel domain triangles to domain triangles)

    # Build the mesh that should be assigned to each processor,
    # this includes ghost nodes and the communication pattern
    if verbose: print 'Build submeshes'
    submesh = build_submesh(new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, quantities,
                            triangles_per_proc, parameters)

    if verbose:
        for p in range(numprocs):
            N = len(submesh['ghost_nodes'][p])
            M = len(submesh['ghost_triangles'][p])
            print 'There are %d ghost nodes and %d ghost triangles on proc %d'\
                  %(N, M, p)

    #if debug:
    #    from pprint import pprint
    #    pprint(submesh)

    # Send the mesh partition to the appropriate processor
    if verbose: print 'Distribute submeshes'
    for p in range(1, numprocs):
        send_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p2s_map, p, verbose)

    # Build the local mesh for processor 0
    points, vertices, boundary, quantities, \
            ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict, \
            tri_map, node_map, tri_l2g, node_l2g, ghost_layer_width =\
              extract_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p2s_map, 0)

    # Keep track of the number full nodes and triangles.
    # This is useful later if one needs access to a ghost-free domain
    # Here, we do it for process 0. The others are done in rec_submesh.
    number_of_full_nodes = len(submesh['full_nodes'][0])
    number_of_full_triangles = len(submesh['full_triangles'][0])

    #for p in range(numprocs):
    #    print 'Process %d:' %(p)
    #    print 'full_triangles:'
    #    print submesh['full_triangles'][p]
    #    print 'full_nodes:'
    #    print submesh['full_nodes'][p]
    #    print 'ghost_triangles:'
    #    print submesh['ghost_triangles'][p]#
    #    print 'ghost_nodes:'
    #   print submesh['ghost_nodes'][p]
    #    print
    #print 'Receive dict'
    #print ghost_recv_dict
    #print 'Send dict'
    #print full_send_dict

    # Return structures necessary for building the parallel domain
    return points, vertices, boundary, quantities,\
           ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict,\
           number_of_full_nodes, number_of_full_triangles, \
           s2p_map, p2s_map, tri_map, node_map, tri_l2g, node_l2g, \
Exemple #4
def distribute_mesh(domain, verbose=False, debug=False, parameters=None):
    """ Distribute andsend the mesh info to all the processors.
    Should only be run from processor 0 and will send info to the other
    There should be a corresponding  rec_submesh called from all the other

    if debug:
        verbose = True

    numprocs = size()

    # Subdivide the mesh
    if verbose: print 'Subdivide mesh'
    new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, triangles_per_proc, quantities, \
           s2p_map, p2s_map = \
           pmesh_divide_metis_with_map(domain, numprocs)

    #PETE: s2p_map (maps serial domain triangles to parallel domain triangles)
    #      sp2_map (maps parallel domain triangles to domain triangles)

    # Build the mesh that should be assigned to each processor,
    # this includes ghost nodes and the communication pattern
    if verbose: print 'Build submeshes'    
    submesh = build_submesh(new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, quantities, triangles_per_proc, parameters)

    if verbose:
        for p in range(numprocs):
            N = len(submesh['ghost_nodes'][p])                
            M = len(submesh['ghost_triangles'][p])
            print 'There are %d ghost nodes and %d ghost triangles on proc %d'\
                  %(N, M, p)

    #if debug:
    #    from pprint import pprint
    #    pprint(submesh)

    # Send the mesh partition to the appropriate processor
    if verbose: print 'Distribute submeshes'        
    for p in range(1, numprocs):
        send_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p2s_map, p, verbose)

    # Build the local mesh for processor 0
    points, vertices, boundary, quantities, \
            ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict, \
            tri_map, node_map, tri_l2g, node_l2g, ghost_layer_width =\
              extract_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p2s_map, 0)

    # Keep track of the number full nodes and triangles.
    # This is useful later if one needs access to a ghost-free domain
    # Here, we do it for process 0. The others are done in rec_submesh.
    number_of_full_nodes = len(submesh['full_nodes'][0])
    number_of_full_triangles = len(submesh['full_triangles'][0])
    #for p in range(numprocs):
    #    print 'Process %d:' %(p)
    #    print 'full_triangles:'
    #    print submesh['full_triangles'][p]
    #    print 'full_nodes:'
    #    print submesh['full_nodes'][p]
    #    print 'ghost_triangles:'
    #    print submesh['ghost_triangles'][p]#
    #    print 'ghost_nodes:'
    #   print submesh['ghost_nodes'][p]                                
    #    print
    #print 'Receive dict'
    #print ghost_recv_dict
    #print 'Send dict'
    #print full_send_dict        

    # Return structures necessary for building the parallel domain
    return points, vertices, boundary, quantities,\
           ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict,\
           number_of_full_nodes, number_of_full_triangles, \
           s2p_map, p2s_map, tri_map, node_map, tri_l2g, node_l2g, \