Exemple #1
 def test_Hexmesh3(self):
     # Hexagonal mesh
     #   1---2---7
     #  /5\0/1\6/7\
     # 6---0---3---8
     #  \4/3\2/9\8/
     #   5---4---9
     # Divided 2 ways
     # Calling order is: elements, verticies, edge list
     # element type, number parts
     edgecut, epart, npart = metis.partMeshNodal(10, 10,\
                                                 [0, 2, 1,\
                                                  0, 3, 2,\
                                                  0, 4, 3,\
                                                  0, 5, 4,\
                                                  0, 6, 5,\
                                                  0, 1, 6,\
                                                  3, 2, 7,\
        3, 7, 8,\
        3, 8, 9,\
        3, 9, 4],\
     #print edgecut
     #print epart
     #print npart
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         epart_expected = array([2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 12)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
     elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
         epart_expected = array([0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 13)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
         epart_expected = array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 14)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
Exemple #2
 def test_Hexmesh2(self):
     # Hexagonal mesh
     #   1---2
     #  / \ / \
     # 6---0---3
     #  \ / \ /
     #   5---4
     # Divided 2 ways
     # Calling order is: elements, verticies, edge list
     # element type, number parts
     edgecut, epart, npart = metis.partMeshNodal(6, 7,\
                                                 [0, 2, 1,\
                                                  0, 3, 2,\
                                                  0, 4, 3,\
                                                  0, 5, 4,\
                                                  0, 6, 5,\
                                                  0, 1, 6],\
     #print edgecut
     #print epart
     #print npart
     #print sys.platform
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         epart_expected = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 0)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
     elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
         epart_expected = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 0)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
         epart_expected = array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 5)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
    def test_Hexmesh3(self):
        # Hexagonal mesh
        #   1---2---7 
        #  /5\0/1\6/7\
        # 6---0---3---8
        #  \4/3\2/9\8/
        #   5---4---9
        # Divided 2 ways
        # Calling order is: elements, verticies, edge list
        # element type, number parts
        edgecut, epart, npart = metis.partMeshNodal(10, 10,\
                                                    [0, 2, 1,\
                                                     0, 3, 2,\
                                                     0, 4, 3,\
                                                     0, 5, 4,\
                                                     0, 6, 5,\
                                                     0, 1, 6,\
													 3, 2, 7,\
													 3, 7, 8,\
													 3, 8, 9,\
													 3, 9, 4],\
        #print edgecut
        #print epart
        #print npart
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            epart_expected = array([2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'i')
            npart_expected = array([2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0], 'i')
            self.assert_(edgecut == 12)
            assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
            assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)  
            epart_expected = array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1], 'i')
            npart_expected = array([0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1], 'i')
            self.assert_(edgecut == 14)
            assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
            assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
 def test_Hexmesh2(self):
     # Hexagonal mesh
     #   1---2  
     #  / \ / \
     # 6---0---3
     #  \ / \ /
     #   5---4
     # Divided 2 ways
     # Calling order is: elements, verticies, edge list
     # element type, number parts
     edgecut, epart, npart = metis.partMeshNodal(6, 7,\
                                                 [0, 2, 1,\
                                                  0, 3, 2,\
                                                  0, 4, 3,\
                                                  0, 5, 4,\
                                                  0, 6, 5,\
                                                  0, 1, 6],\
     #print edgecut
     #print epart
     #print npart
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         epart_expected = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 0)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)  
         epart_expected = array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'i')
         npart_expected = array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'i')
         self.assert_(edgecut == 5)
         assert allclose(epart, epart_expected)
         assert allclose(npart, npart_expected)
def pmesh_divide_metis_helper(domain, n_procs):
    # Initialise the lists
    # List, indexed by processor of # triangles.
    #triangles_per_proc = []
    # List of lists, indexed by processor of vertex numbers
    #tri_list = []

    # Serial to Parallel and Parallel to Serial Triangle index maps
    tri_index = {}
    r_tri_index = {} # reverse tri index, parallel to serial triangle index mapping

    # Prepare variables for the metis call
    n_tri = len(domain.triangles)
    if n_procs != 1: #Because metis chokes on it...
        n_vert = domain.get_number_of_nodes()
        t_list = domain.triangles.copy()
        t_list = num.reshape(t_list, (-1,))
        # The 1 here is for triangular mesh elements.
        # FIXME: Should update to Metis 5
        edgecut, epart, npart = partMeshNodal(n_tri, n_vert, t_list, 1, n_procs)
        # print edgecut
        # print npart
        #print epart
        del edgecut
        del npart

        # Sometimes (usu. on x86_64), partMeshNodal returns an array of zero
        # dimensional arrays. Correct this.
        if type(epart[0]) == num.ndarray:
            epart_new = num.zeros(len(epart), num.int)
            epart_new[:] = epart[:][0]
#            for i in xrange(len(epart)):
#                epart_new[i] = epart[i][0]
            epart = epart_new
            del epart_new

        triangles_per_proc = num.bincount(epart)

        msg =  "Metis created a partition where at least one submesh has no triangles. "
        msg += "Try using a smaller number of mpi processes."
        assert num.all(triangles_per_proc>0), msg

        proc_sum = num.zeros(n_procs+1,num.int)
        proc_sum[1:] = num.cumsum(triangles_per_proc)

        epart_order = num.argsort(epart, kind='mergesort')
        new_triangles = domain.triangles[epart_order]

        #new_r_tri_index_flat = num.zeros((n_tri,3), num.int)
        new_tri_index = num.zeros((n_tri,2), num.int)
        for i in xrange(n_procs):
            ids = num.arange(proc_sum[i],proc_sum[i+1])
            eids = epart_order[ids]
            nrange = num.reshape(num.arange(triangles_per_proc[i]), (-1,1))
            nones = num.ones_like(nrange)
            #print ids.shape
            #print nrange.shape
            new_tri_index[eids] = num.concatenate((i*nones, nrange), axis = 1)
            #new_r_tri_index_flat[ids] = num.concatenate((i*nones, nrange, num.reshape(eids, (-1,1))), axis = 1)

        if verbose:
            from pprint import pprint
            print 'epart'
            print 'new_tri_index'

        #print 50*'='
        new_boundary = {}
        for b in domain.boundary:
            t =  new_tri_index[b[0]]
            #print t
            new_boundary[proc_sum[t[0]]+t[1], b[1]] = domain.boundary[b]

        #quantities = reorder(domain.quantities, tri_index, proc_sum)
        new_quantities = reorder_new(domain.quantities, epart_order, proc_sum)

        new_boundary = domain.boundary.copy()
        triangles_per_proc = [n_tri]
        new_triangles = domain.triangles.copy()
        new_tri_index = []
        epart_order = []
        # This is essentially the same as a chunk of code from reorder.
        new_quantities = {}
        for k in domain.quantities:
            new_quantities[k] = num.zeros((n_tri, 3), num.float)
            for i in range(n_tri):
                new_quantities[k][i] = domain.quantities[k].vertex_values[i]
    # Extract the node list
    new_nodes = domain.get_nodes().copy()

    return new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, triangles_per_proc, new_quantities, new_tri_index, epart_order
Exemple #6
def pmesh_divide_metis_helper(domain, n_procs):

    # Initialise the lists
    # List, indexed by processor of # triangles.

    #triangles_per_proc = []

    # List of lists, indexed by processor of vertex numbers

    #tri_list = []

    # Serial to Parallel and Parallel to Serial Triangle index maps
    tri_index = {}
    r_tri_index = {
    }  # reverse tri index, parallel to serial triangle index mapping

    # Prepare variables for the metis call

    n_tri = len(domain.triangles)
    if n_procs != 1:  #Because metis chokes on it...
        n_vert = domain.get_number_of_nodes()
        t_list = domain.triangles.copy()
        t_list = num.reshape(t_list, (-1, ))

        # The 1 here is for triangular mesh elements.
        # FIXME: Should update to Metis 5
        edgecut, epart, npart = partMeshNodal(n_tri, n_vert, t_list, 1,
        # print edgecut
        # print npart
        #print epart
        del edgecut
        del npart

        # Sometimes (usu. on x86_64), partMeshNodal returns an array of zero
        # dimensional arrays. Correct this.
        if type(epart[0]) == num.ndarray:
            epart_new = num.zeros(len(epart), num.int)
            epart_new[:] = epart[:][0]
            #            for i in xrange(len(epart)):
            #                epart_new[i] = epart[i][0]
            epart = epart_new
            del epart_new

        triangles_per_proc = num.bincount(epart)

        msg = "Metis created a partition where at least one submesh has no triangles. "
        msg += "Try using a smaller number of mpi processes."
        assert num.all(triangles_per_proc > 0), msg

        proc_sum = num.zeros(n_procs + 1, num.int)
        proc_sum[1:] = num.cumsum(triangles_per_proc)

        epart_order = num.argsort(epart, kind='mergesort')
        new_triangles = domain.triangles[epart_order]

        #new_r_tri_index_flat = num.zeros((n_tri,3), num.int)
        new_tri_index = num.zeros((n_tri, 2), num.int)
        for i in xrange(n_procs):
            ids = num.arange(proc_sum[i], proc_sum[i + 1])
            eids = epart_order[ids]
            nrange = num.reshape(num.arange(triangles_per_proc[i]), (-1, 1))
            nones = num.ones_like(nrange)
            #print ids.shape
            #print nrange.shape
            new_tri_index[eids] = num.concatenate((i * nones, nrange), axis=1)
            #new_r_tri_index_flat[ids] = num.concatenate((i*nones, nrange, num.reshape(eids, (-1,1))), axis = 1)

        if verbose:
            from pprint import pprint
            print 'epart'
            print 'new_tri_index'

        #print 50*'='

        new_boundary = {}
        for b in domain.boundary:
            t = new_tri_index[b[0]]
            #print t
            new_boundary[proc_sum[t[0]] + t[1], b[1]] = domain.boundary[b]

        #quantities = reorder(domain.quantities, tri_index, proc_sum)
        new_quantities = reorder_new(domain.quantities, epart_order, proc_sum)

        new_boundary = domain.boundary.copy()
        triangles_per_proc = [n_tri]
        new_triangles = domain.triangles.copy()
        new_tri_index = []
        epart_order = []

        # This is essentially the same as a chunk of code from reorder.

        new_quantities = {}
        for k in domain.quantities:
            new_quantities[k] = num.zeros((n_tri, 3), num.float)
            for i in range(n_tri):
                new_quantities[k][i] = domain.quantities[k].vertex_values[i]

    # Extract the node list
    new_nodes = domain.get_nodes().copy()

    return new_nodes, new_triangles, new_boundary, triangles_per_proc, new_quantities, new_tri_index, epart_order