class Test2:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     name = String()
     test_id = Integer(foreign_key=Model.Test.use('id'))
Exemple #2
            class Person:

                name = String(primary_key=True)
                addresses = Many2Many(
Exemple #3
            class Person:

                name = String(primary_key=True)
                addresses = Many2Many(model=Model.Address,
Exemple #4
    class Person:

        name = String(primary_key=True)
        addresses = Many2Many(model=Model.Address, remote_columns="id2")
Exemple #5
 class Test:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     id2 = String(primary_key=True)
Exemple #6
class User:
    """User declaration need for Auth"""

    login = String(primary_key=True, nullable=False)

    def get_roles(cls, login):
        """Return the roles of an user

        :param login: str, login attribute of the user
        :rtype: list of str (name of the roles)
        # cache the method
        roles = [login]
        user = cls.query().filter(cls.login == login).one_or_none()
        if user:
            for role in user.roles:

        return list(set(roles))

    def get_acl(cls, login, resource, params=None):
        """Retun the ACL for a ressource and a user

        Auth, does not implement any rule to compute ACL,
        This method allow all user to use the resource ask
        by controllers.

        For other configuration, this method must be overwrite

        :param login: str, login attribute of the user
        :param resource: str, name of a resource
        :param params: all options need to compute ACL
        # cache the method
        return [(Allow, login, ALL_PERMISSIONS)]

    def format_login_params(cls, request):
        """Return the login and password from query

        By default the query come from json_body and are named
        **login** and **password**

        If the entries come from another place, this method must be overwrite
        :param request: the request from the controllers
        return request.json_body

    def check_login(cls, login=None, password=None, **kwargs):
        """Check login / password

        This method raise an exception, because any credential
        is stored in this bloks

        .. warning::

            This method must be overwriting by anycredential blok

        :param login: str, the login attribute of the user
        :param password: str
        :param kwargs: any options need to validate credential
        raise HTTPUnauthorized()

    def get_login_location_to(cls, login, request):
        """Return the default path after the login"""
        return '/'

    def get_logout_location_to(cls, request):
        """Return the default path after the logout"""
        return '/'
class Room:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(label="Room name", nullable=False, index=True)
    capacity = Integer(label="Capacity", nullable=False)
Exemple #8
class Arrival(Operation):
    """Operation to describe physical arrival of goods in some location.

    Arrivals store data about the expected or arrived Goods: properties, code…
    These are copied over to the corresponding Goods records in all
    cases and stay inert after the fact.

    In case the Arrival state is ``planned``,
    these are obviously only unchecked values,
    but in case it is ``done``, the actual meaning can depend
    on the application:

    - maybe the application won't use the ``planned`` state at all, and
      will only create Arrival after checking them,
    - maybe the application will inspect the Arrival properties, compare them
      to reality, update them on the created Goods and cancel downstream
      operations if needed, before calling :meth:`execute`.

    TODO maybe provide higher level facilities for validation scenarios.
    TYPE = 'wms_arrival'

    id = Integer(label="Identifier",
    """Primary key."""
    goods_type = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Goods.Type')
    """Expected :class:`Goods Type
    goods_properties = Jsonb(label="Properties of arrived Goods")
    """Expected :class:`Properties

    They are copied over to the newly created :class:`Goods
    <anyblok_wms_base.bloks.wms_core.goods.Goods>` as soon as the Arrival
    is planned, and aren't updated by :meth:`execute`. Matching them with
    reality is the concern of separate validation processes, and this
    field can serve for later assessments after the fact.
    goods_code = String(label="Code to set on arrived Goods")
    """Expected :attr:`Goods code

    Can be ``None`` in case the arrival process issues the code only
    at the time of actual arrival.
    location = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Location')
    """Will be the location of the initial Avatar."""

    inputs_number = 0
    """This Operation is a purely creative one."""

    def specific_repr(self):
        return ("goods_type={self.goods_type!r}, "

    def after_insert(self):
        Goods = self.registry.Wms.Goods
        self_props = self.goods_properties
        if self_props is None:
            props = None
            props = Goods.Properties.create(**self_props)

        goods = Goods.insert(type=self.goods_type,
            state='present' if self.state == 'done' else 'future',

    def execute_planned(self):
        Avatar = self.registry.Wms.Goods.Avatar
        Avatar.query().filter(Avatar.reason == self).one().update(
            state='present', dt_from=self.dt_execution)
Exemple #9
class Task:
    """Main Task, define the main table"""
    TASK_TYPE = None

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    label = String(nullable=False)
    create_at = DateTime(, nullable=False)
    update_at = DateTime(,
    task_type = Selection(selections="get_task_type", nullable=False)
    order = Integer(nullable=False, default=100)
    main_task = Many2One(model='Model.Dramatiq.Task', one2many="sub_tasks")

    def get_task_type(cls):
        """List the task type possible"""
        return {
            'call_method': 'Call classmethod',
            'stepbystep': 'Step by Step',
            'parallel': 'Parallel steps',

    def define_mapper_args(cls):
        """Polymorphism configuration"""
        mapper_args = super(Task, cls).define_mapper_args()
        if cls.__registry_name__ == Model.Dramatiq.Task.__registry_name__:
                'polymorphic_identity': cls.TASK_TYPE,
                'polymorphic_on': cls.task_type,
                'polymorphic_identity': cls.TASK_TYPE,

        return mapper_args

    def do_the_job(self,
        """Create a job for this tash and add send it to dramatiq

        :param main_job: parent job if exist
        :param run_at: datetime to execute the job
        :param with_args: tuple of the argument to pass at the job
        :param with_kwargs: dict of the argument to pass at the job
        values = dict(run_at=run_at,
                      data=dict(with_args=with_args or tuple(),
                                with_kwargs=with_kwargs or dict()),
        job = self.registry.Dramatiq.Job.insert(**values)
        # FIXME dramatiq don t accept uuid, waiting the next version, run_at=run_at)

    def run(self, job):
        """Execute the task for one job

        :param job: job executed
        raise Exception("No task definition for job %r" % job)

    def run_next(self, job):
        """next action to execute when a sub job finish this task for one job

        :param job: job executed
        raise Exception("No next action define for this task for job %r" % job)
Exemple #10
            class Test(Mixin.ReadOnly):

                id = Integer(primary_key=True)
                name = String()
class Authorization:
    """A model to store autorization rules (permissions for users against an
    Anyblok model or a Pyramid resource)"""

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    order = Integer(default=100, nullable=False)

    resource = String()
    model = String(
    primary_keys = Json(default={})
    filter = Json(default={})  # next step

    role = Many2One(model=User.Role,
                    foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
    login = String(foreign_key=User.use('login').options(ondelete="cascade"))
    user = Many2One(model=User)
    perms = Json(default={})

    perm_create = JsonRelated(json_column='perms', keys=['create'])
    perm_read = JsonRelated(json_column='perms', keys=['read'])
    perm_update = JsonRelated(json_column='perms', keys=['update'])
    perm_delete = JsonRelated(json_column='perms', keys=['delete'])

    def get_acl_filter_model(cls):
        """Return the Model to use to check the permission"""
        return {
            'User': cls.registry.User,
            'Role': cls.registry.User.Role,

    def get_acl(cls, login, resource, params=None):
        """Return the Pyramid ACL in function of the resource and user

        :param login: str, login of the user
        :param resource: str, name of the resource
        # cache the method
        User = cls.registry.User
        Role = cls.registry.User.Role

        query = cls.query()
        query = query.filter(
            or_(cls.resource == resource, cls.model == resource))
        query = query.order_by(cls.order)
        Q1 = query.filter(cls.login == login)
        Q2 = query.join(cls.role).filter(
        res = []
        for query in (Q1, Q2):
            for self in query.all():
                allow_perms = []
                deny_perms = []
                perms = list((self.perms or {}).keys())
                for perm in perms:
                    p = self.perms[perm]
                    query = User.query()
                    query = query.filter(User.login == login)
                    query = query.join(User.roles)
                    if self.filter:
                        query = query.condition_filter(
                            self.filter, cls.get_acl_filter_model())

                    if 'condition' in p:
                        query = query.condition_filter(
                            p['condition'], cls.get_acl_filter_model())

                    ismatched = True if query.count() else False
                    if p.get('matched' if ismatched else 'unmatched') is True:
                    elif (p.get('matched' if ismatched else 'unmatched') is

                if len(allow_perms):
                    res.append((Allow, login, allow_perms))

                if len(deny_perms):
                    res.append((Deny, login, deny_perms))

        res.append((Deny, login, ALL_PERMISSIONS))
        return res

    def before_insert_orm_event(cls, mapper, connection, target):

    def before_update_orm_event(cls, mapper, connection, target):

    def check_validity(self):
        """When creating or updating a User.Authorization, check that all rules
        objects exists or return an AuthorizationValidationException

        :exception: AuthorizationValidationException
        if not (self.role or self.login or self.user or self.role_name):
            raise AuthorizationValidationException(
                "No role and login to apply in the authorization (%s)" % self)

        if not (self.resource or self.model):
            raise AuthorizationValidationException(
                "No resource and model to apply in the authorization (%s)" %

        if not self.model and self.primary_keys:
            raise AuthorizationValidationException(
                "Primary keys without model to apply in the authorization "
                "(%s)" % self)
Exemple #12
            class Test(Mixin.ForbidUpdate):

                id = Integer(primary_key=True)
                name = String()
Exemple #13
 class Test2:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     name = String()
     test = Many2Many(model=Model.Test, many2many='test2')
Exemple #14
 class Test2:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     name = String()
     test = One2One(model=Model.Test, backref='test2')
 class Test:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     name = String()
Exemple #16
 class Room:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     name = String()
Exemple #17
class JourneyWish(Mixin.UuidColumn, Mixin.TrackModel, Mixin.WorkFlow):

    """This model has Model.JourneyWish as a namespace. It is intented for
       storing journey wishes that represents travels intentions.

       For instance, an intention may be caracterized by start date, with an
       a time frame delimited by earlier and latest departure times,
       departure and arrival stations, passengers, maximum price, etc...

       Implemented fields are the following :

           * Departure station : Many2One relationship with Model.Station
           * Arrival station : Many2One relationship with Model.Station
           * Start date : DateTime representing earlier time after which train
           may leave the departure station
           * End date : DateTime representing latest time after which train may
           leave departure station.
           * Passengers : Many2Many relationship to Model.Passenger
           * Transportation mean : String, containing type of transport
           required by user (train, coach, etc...)
           * Active : boolean that stores if wish has to be processed
           * Activation date : Date, represent the moment when the wish could
           start being processed"""

    user = Many2One(
        label="User", model=Model.User, nullable=False, one2many="wishes"

    departure = Many2One(
        label="Departure Station",

    arrival = Many2One(
        label="Arrival Station",

    from_date = DateTime(label="Earlier Departure Date", nullable=True)
    end_date = DateTime(label="Latest Departure Date", nullable=True)
    activation_date = Date(label="Activation Date", nullable=True)

    passengers = Many2Many(

    transportation_mean = String(
        label="Transportation Mean", default="any", nullable=True

    active = Boolean(label="Active Wish", nullable=True)

    def get_workflow_definition(cls):

        """This method is aimed at defining workflow used for model

        return {
            "draft": {
                "default": True,
                "allowed_to": ["running", "pending"],
                "apply_change": "deactivate",
            "running": {
                "allowed_to": ["cancelled", "expired"],
                "apply_change": "activate",
            "pending": {
                "allowed_to": ["cancelled", "expired", "running"],
                "apply_change": "deactivate",
            "expired": {"apply_change": "deactivate"},
            "cancelled": {"apply_change": "deactivate"},

    def activate(self, from_state):

        if from_state == "draft" and not self.activation_date:
            self.activation_date = = True

    def deactivate(self, from_state): = False

    def check_state(self):

        """This method is aimed at being used in order to automatically set
           workflow state, depending on record attributes."""

        if self.state == "pending":
            # If wish is pending, check is activation_date is set
            if self.activation_date and self.activation_date <=

        elif self.state == "running":
            # If wish is already running, check that from_date is not in the
            # past

                now =
            except ValueError:
                # Python3.5 and below do not support astimezone on 'naive'
                # dates provided by
                now =

            if self.from_date and self.from_date < now:
Exemple #18
 class Engineer(Model.Employee):
     id = Integer(primary_key=True, foreign_key=Model.Employee.use('id'))
     engineer_name = String()
Exemple #19
class Order(Mixin.UuidColumn, Mixin.TrackModel, Mixin.WorkFlow):
    """Sale.Order model
    SCHEMA = OrderBaseSchema

    def get_schema_definition(cls, **kwargs):
        return cls.SCHEMA(**kwargs)

    def get_workflow_definition(cls):

        return {
            'draft': {
                'default': True,
                'allowed_to': ['quotation', 'cancelled']
            'quotation': {
                'allowed_to': ['order', 'cancelled'],
            'order': {
            'cancelled': {},

    code = String(label="Code", nullable=False)
    channel = String(label="Sale Channel", nullable=False)
    price_list = Many2One(label="Price list",
    delivery_method = String(label="Delivery Method")

    amount_untaxed = Decimal(label="Amount Untaxed", default=D(0))
    amount_tax = Decimal(label="Tax amount", default=D(0))
    amount_total = Decimal(label="Total", default=D(0))

    def __str__(self):
        return "{self.uuid} {} {self.code} {self.state}".format(

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Sale(id={self.uuid}, code={self.code}," \
               " amount_untaxed={self.amount_untaxed},"\
               " amount_tax={self.amount_tax},"\
               " amount_total={self.amount_total},"\
               " channel={} state={self.state})>".format(

    def create(cls, price_list=None, **kwargs):
        data = kwargs.copy()
        if cls.get_schema_definition:
            sch = cls.get_schema_definition(registry=cls.registry,
            if price_list:
                data["price_list"] = price_list.to_primary_keys()
            data = sch.load(data)
            data['price_list'] = price_list

        return cls.insert(**data)

    def compute(self):
        """Compute order total amount"""
        amount_untaxed = D(0)
        amount_tax = D(0)
        amount_total = D(0)

        for line in self.lines:
            amount_untaxed += line.amount_untaxed
            amount_tax += line.amount_tax
            amount_total += line.amount_total

        self.amount_untaxed = amount_untaxed
        self.amount_tax = amount_tax
        self.amount_total = amount_total
class Track:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(label="Name", nullable=False)
Exemple #21
            class Person:

                name = String(primary_key=True)
                invoiced_addresses = Many2Many(model=Model.Address)
                delivery_addresses = Many2Many(model=Model.Address)
class Guest:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Guest(name={!r})>".format(self=self)
Exemple #23
            class Person2(Mixin.MixinM2M):

                name = String(primary_key=True)
class TodoList:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(label="Name", unique=True, nullable=False)
Exemple #25
 class Test2:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     id2 = String(primary_key=True)
     test = Many2Many(model=Model.Test, many2many="test2")
class Question:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(label="Name", nullable=False)
    survey_id = Integer(foreign_key="Model.Survey=>id")
    position = Integer(label="Position", nullable=True)
Exemple #27
    class Person:

        name = String(primary_key=True)
        addresses = Many2Many(model=Model.Address)
Exemple #28
class Mapping:

    key = String(primary_key=True)
    model = String(primary_key=True,
    primary_key = Json(nullable=False)
    blokname = String(label="Blok name",

    def filter_by_model_and_key(self, model, key):
        """ SQLAlechemy hybrid method to filter by model and key

        :param model: model of the mapping
        :param key: external key of the mapping
        return (self.model == model) & (self.key == key)

    def filter_by_model_and_keys(self, model, *keys):
        """ SQLAlechemy hybrid method to filter by model and key

        :param model: model of the mapping
        :param key: external key of the mapping
        return (self.model == model) & self.key.in_(keys)

    def remove_element(self, byquery=False):
        val = self.registry.get(self.model).from_primary_keys(
            **self.primary_key)"Remove entity for %r.%r: %r" % (
            self.model, self.key, val))
        val.delete(byquery=byquery, remove_mapping=False)

    def multi_delete(cls, model, *keys, **kwargs):
        """ Delete all the keys for this model

        :param model: model of the mapping
        :param \*keys: list of the key
        :rtype: Boolean True if the mappings are removed
        mapping_only = kwargs.get('mapping_only', True)
        byquery = kwargs.get('byquery', False)
        query = cls.query()
        query = query.filter(cls.filter_by_model_and_keys(model, *keys))
        count = query.count()
        if count:
            if not mapping_only:

            query.delete(synchronize_session='fetch', remove_mapping=False)
            return count

        return 0

    def delete(cls, model, key, mapping_only=True, byquery=False):
        """ Delete the key for this model

        :param model: model of the mapping
        :param key: string of the key
        :rtype: Boolean True if the mapping is removed
        query = cls.query()
        query = query.filter(cls.filter_by_model_and_key(model, key))
        count = query.count()
        if count:
            if not mapping_only:

            return count

        return 0

    def get_mapping_primary_keys(cls, model, key):
        """ return primary key for a model and an external key

        :param model: model of the mapping
        :param key: string of the key
        :rtype: dict primary key: value or None
        query = cls.query()
        query = query.filter(cls.filter_by_model_and_key(model, key))
        if query.count():
            pks = query.first().primary_key
            cls.check_primary_keys(model, *pks.keys())
            return pks

        return None

    def check_primary_keys(cls, model, *pks):
        """ check if the all the primary keys match with primary keys of the

        :param model: model to check
        :param pks: list of the primary keys to check
        :exception: IOMappingCheckException
        for pk in cls.get_model(model).get_primary_keys():
            if pk not in pks:
                raise IOMappingCheckException(
                    "No primary key %r found in %r for model %r" % (
                        pk, pks, model))

    def set_primary_keys(cls, model, key, pks, raiseifexist=True,
        """ Add or update a mmping with a model and a external key

        :param model: model to check
        :param key: string of the key
        :param pks: dict of the primary key to save
        :param raiseifexist: boolean (True by default), if True and the entry
            exist then an exception is raised
        :param blokname: name of the blok where come from the mapping
        :exception: IOMappingSetException
        if cls.get_mapping_primary_keys(model, key):
            if raiseifexist:
                raise IOMappingSetException(
                    "One value found for model %r and key %r" % (model, key))
            cls.delete(model, key)

        if not pks:
            raise IOMappingSetException(
                "No value to save %r for model %r and key %r" % (
                    pks, model, key))

        cls.check_primary_keys(model, *pks.keys())
        vals = dict(model=model, key=key, primary_key=pks)
        if blokname is not None:
            vals['blokname'] = blokname

        return cls.insert(**vals)

    def set(cls, key, instance, raiseifexist=True, blokname=None):
        """ Add or update a mmping with a model and a external key

        :param model: model to check
        :param key: string of the key
        :param instance: instance of the model to save
        :param raiseifexist: boolean (True by default), if True and the entry
            exist then an exception is raised
        :param blokname: name of the blok where come from the mapping
        :exception: IOMappingSetException
        pks = instance.to_primary_keys()
        return cls.set_primary_keys(instance.__registry_name__, key, pks,

    def get(cls, model, key):
        """ return instance of the model with this external key

        :param model: model of the mapping
        :param key: string of the key
        :rtype: instance of the model
        pks = cls.get_mapping_primary_keys(model, key)
        if pks is None:
            return None

        return cls.get_model(model).from_primary_keys(**pks)

    def get_from_model_and_primary_keys(cls, model, pks):
        query = cls.query().filter(cls.model == model)
        for mapping in query.all():
            if mapping.primary_key == pks:
                return mapping

        return None

    def get_from_entry(cls, entry):
        return cls.get_from_model_and_primary_keys(
            entry.__registry_name__, entry.to_primary_keys())

    def __get_models(cls, models):
        """Return models name

        if models is not: return all the existing model
        if models is a list of instance model, convert them

        :params models: list of model
        if models is None:
            models = cls.registry.System.Model.query().all().name
        elif not isinstance(models, (list, tuple)):
            models = [models]

        return [m.__registry_name__ if hasattr(m, '__registry_name__') else m
                for m in models]

    def clean(cls, bloknames=None, models=None):
        """Clean all mapping with removed object linked::

            Mapping.clean(bloknames=['My blok'])

        .. warning::

            For filter only the no blokname::


        :params bloknames: filter by blok, keep the order to remove the mapping
        :params models: filter by model, keep the order to remove the mapping
        if bloknames is None:
            bloknames = cls.registry.System.Blok.query().all().name + [None]
        elif not isinstance(bloknames, (list, tuple)):
            bloknames = [bloknames]
        models = cls.__get_models(models)

        removed = 0
        for blokname in bloknames:
            for model in models:
                query = cls.query().filter_by(blokname=blokname, model=model)
                for key in query.all().key:
                    if cls.get(model, key) is None:
                        cls.delete(model, key)
                        removed += 1

        return removed

    def delete_for_blokname(cls, blokname, models=None, byquery=False):
        """Clean all mapping with removed object linked::

            Mapping.clean('My blok')

        .. warning::

            For filter only the no blokname::


        :params blokname: filter by blok
        :params models: filter by model, keep the order to remove the mapping
        models = cls.__get_models(models)

        removed = 0
        for model in models:
            query = cls.query().filter_by(blokname=blokname, model=model)
            for key in query.all().key:
                if cls.get(model, key):
                    cls.delete(model, key, mapping_only=False, byquery=byquery)
                    removed += 1

        return removed
Exemple #29
            class Address:

                id = Integer(primary_key=True)
                street = String()
                zip = String()
                city = String()
Exemple #30
 class Test2:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     name = String()
     test = Many2One(model=Model.Test, one2many="test2")