def _dumps_itr(cnf, dkey=DEFAULTSECT): """ :param cnf: Configuration data to dump """ for sect, params in iteritems(cnf): yield "[%s]" % sect for key, val in iteritems(params): if sect != dkey and dkey in cnf and cnf[dkey].get(key) == val: continue # It should be in [DEFAULT] section. yield "%s = %s" % (key, _to_s(val)) yield '' # it will be a separator between each sections.
def mk_lines_g(data): has_default = "DEFAULT" in data def is_inherited_from_default(k, v): return has_default and data["DEFAULT"].get(k, None) == v for sect, params in iteritems(data): yield "[%s]\n" % sect for k, v in iteritems(params): if sect != "DEFAULT" and is_inherited_from_default(k, v): continue yield "%s = %s\n" % (k, _to_s(v)) yield "\n" # put an empty line just after each sections.
def _load(stream, container, sep=_SEP, dkey=DEFAULTSECT, **kwargs): """ :param stream: File or file-like object provides ini-style conf :param container: any callable to make container :param sep: Seprator string :param dkey: Default section name :return: Dict or dict-like object represents config values """ (kwargs_1, psr) = _make_parser(**kwargs) if IS_PYTHON_3: psr.read_file(stream, **kwargs_1) else: psr.readfp(stream, **kwargs_1) cnf = container() kwargs["sep"] = sep defaults = psr.defaults() if defaults: cnf[dkey] = container(_parsed_items(iteritems(defaults), **kwargs)) for sect in psr.sections(): cnf[sect] = container(_parsed_items(psr.items(sect), **kwargs)) return cnf
def etree_to_container(root, container): """ Convert XML ElementTree to a collection of container objects. :param root: etree root object or None :param container: A nested dict like objects """ tree = container() if root is None: return tree tree[root.tag] = container() if root.attrib: tree[root.tag]["attrs"] = container(AC.iteritems(root.attrib)) if root.text and root.text.strip(): tree[root.tag]["text"] = root.text.strip() if len(root): # It has children. # FIXME: Configuration item cannot have both attributes and # values (list) at the same time in current implementation: tree[root.tag]["children"] = [etree_to_container(c, container) for c in root] return tree
def etree_to_container(root, container): """ Convert XML ElementTree to a collection of container objects. :param root: etree root object or None :param container: A nested dict like objects """ tree = container() if root is None: return tree tree[root.tag] = container() if root.attrib: tree[root.tag]["attrs"] = container(AC.iteritems(root.attrib)) if root.text and root.text.strip(): tree[root.tag]["text"] = root.text.strip() if len(root): # It has children. # FIXME: Configuration item cannot have both attributes and # values (list) at the same time in current implementation: tree[root.tag]["children"] = [ etree_to_container(c, container) for c in root ] return tree
def dump_impl(data, config_fp): """TODO: How to encode nested dicts? """ p = pyjavaproperties.Properties() for k, v in iteritems(data): p.setProperty(k, v)
def mk_lines_g(data): """ Make lines from given `data` """ has_default = "DEFAULT" in data def is_inherited_from_default(key, val): """ :return: True if (key, val) pair in defaults. """ return has_default and data["DEFAULT"].get(key, None) == val for sect, params in iteritems(data): yield "[%s]\n" % sect for key, val in iteritems(params): if sect != "DEFAULT" and is_inherited_from_default(key, val): continue yield "%s = %s\n" % (key, _to_s(val)) yield "\n" # put an empty line just after each sections.
def _load_impl(config_fp, sep=_SEP, **kwargs): """ :param config_fp: File or file-like object provides ini-style conf :return: Dict or dict-like object represents config values """ config = dict() # Optional arguements for configparser.SafeConfigParser{,readfp} kwargs_0 = Base.mk_opt_args(("defaults", "dict_type", "allow_no_value"), kwargs) kwargs_1 = Base.mk_opt_args(("filename", ), kwargs) try: try: parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(**kwargs_0) except TypeError: # It seems ConfigPaser.*ConfigParser in python 2.6 does not support # 'allow_no_value' option parameter, and TypeError will be thrown. kwargs_0 = Base.mk_opt_args(("defaults", "dict_type"), kwargs) parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(**kwargs_0) parser.readfp(config_fp, **kwargs_1) if parser.defaults(): config["DEFAULT"] = dict() for k, v in iteritems(parser.defaults()): config["DEFAULT"][k] = _parse(v, sep) for s in parser.sections(): config[s] = dict() for k, v in parser.items(s): config[s][k] = _parse(v, sep) except Exception: logging.warn(sys.exc_info()[-1]) raise return config
def _load(stream, to_container=dict, sep=_SEP, **kwargs): """ :param stream: File or file-like object provides ini-style conf :param to_container: any callable to make container :param sep: Seprator string :return: Dict or dict-like object represents config values """ _parse_val = _parse if kwargs.get("ac_parse_value", False) else _noop # Optional arguements for configparser.SafeConfigParser{,readfp} kwargs_0 = mk_opt_args(("defaults", "dict_type", "allow_no_value"), kwargs) kwargs_1 = mk_opt_args(("filename", ), kwargs) try: parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(**kwargs_0) except TypeError: # .. note:: # It seems ConfigPaser.*ConfigParser in python 2.6 does not support # 'allow_no_value' option parameter, and TypeError will be thrown. kwargs_0 = mk_opt_args(("defaults", "dict_type"), kwargs) parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(**kwargs_0) cnf = to_container() parser.readfp(stream, **kwargs_1) # .. note:: Process DEFAULT config parameters as special ones. defaults = parser.defaults() if defaults: cnf["DEFAULT"] = to_container() for key, val in iteritems(defaults): cnf["DEFAULT"][key] = _parse_val(val, sep) for sect in parser.sections(): cnf[sect] = to_container() for key, val in parser.items(sect): cnf[sect][key] = _parse_val(val, sep) return cnf
def _load(filepath=None, stream=None, sep=_SEP, **kwargs): """ :param filepath: Config file path :param stream: File or file-like object provides ini-style conf :param sep: Seprator string :return: Dict or dict-like object represents config values """ # Optional arguements for configparser.SafeConfigParser{,readfp} kwargs_0 = mk_opt_args(("defaults", "dict_type", "allow_no_value"), kwargs) kwargs_1 = mk_opt_args(("filename", ), kwargs) try: parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(**kwargs_0) except TypeError: # .. note:: # It seems ConfigPaser.*ConfigParser in python 2.6 does not support # 'allow_no_value' option parameter, and TypeError will be thrown. kwargs_0 = mk_opt_args(("defaults", "dict_type"), kwargs) parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(**kwargs_0) container = dict cnf = container() (fname, arg) = _switch_read_fn_arg(filepath, stream) getattr(parser, fname)(arg, **kwargs_1) # .. note:: Process DEFAULT config parameters as special ones. if parser.defaults(): cnf["DEFAULT"] = container() for key, val in iteritems(parser.defaults()): cnf["DEFAULT"][key] = _parse(val, sep) for sect in parser.sections(): cnf[sect] = container() for key, val in parser.items(sect): cnf[sect][key] = _parse(val, sep) return cnf