Exemple #1
	def __call__(self, path, **kw):
		# convert list type arguments to something the API likes
		for k, v in kw.iteritems():
			if isinstance(v, _listtypes):
				kw[k] = ','.join(map(str, list(v)))

		cache = self._root._handler

		# now send the request
		path += ".xml.aspx"

		if cache:
			response = cache.retrieve(self._host, path, kw)
			response = None

		if response is None:
			# construct the request
			request = HTTPRequest(url='https://'+self._host+path)
			request.use_gzip = True
			if kw:
				request.body = urllib.urlencode(kw)
				request.method = 'POST'
			if self._proxy:
				request.url = path
				request.proxy_host, request.proxy_port = self._proxy

			# fetch from server
			http_client = HTTPClient()
			response = http_client.fetch(request)

			if response.code != 200:
				if response.code == 404:
					raise AttributeError("'%s' not available on API server (404 Not Found)" % path)
					raise RuntimeError("'%s' request failed (%d %s)" % (path, response.code, response.error))
			# take the response's charset into account
			if type(response.body) != types.UnicodeType and 'charset' in response.headers["Content-Type"]:
				charset = response.headers["Content-Type"].split('charset=')[1].strip()
				response = response.body.decode(charset)
				response = response.body

			store = not not cache
			store = False

		retrieve_fallback = cache and getattr(cache, "retrieve_fallback", False)
		if retrieve_fallback:
			# implementor is handling fallbacks...
				return _ParseXML(response, True, store and (lambda obj: cache.store(self._host, path, kw, response, obj)))
			except Error, reason:
				response = retrieve_fallback(self._host, path, kw, reason=e)
				if response is not None:
					return response