Exemple #1
def main():
    aoc.header("Sensor Boost")

    program = list(map(int,aoc.get_input().readline().split(",")))
    aoc.output(1, part, args=[program, [1]])
    aoc.output(2, part, args=[program, [2]])
Exemple #2
def main():
    aoc.header("Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids")

    test_program = list(map(int, aoc.get_input().readline().split(",")))
    aoc.output(1, run, args=[test_program, [1], INSTRUCTIONS_P1])
    aoc.output(2, run, args=[test_program, [5], INSTRUCTIONS_P2])
Exemple #3
def main():
    aoc.header("Amplification Circuit")

    program = list(map(int, aoc.get_input().readline().split(",")))
    aoc.output(1, part1, args=[program])
    aoc.output(2, part2, args=[program])
Exemple #4
def main():
    aoc.header("Secure Container")

    (lower, upper) = aoc.get_input().readline().split("-")
    aoc.output(1, part, args=[int(lower), int(upper), validate_p1])
    aoc.output(2, part, args=[int(lower), int(upper), validate_p2])
Exemple #5
def run(noun : int, verb : int):
    initial_memory = [int(x) for x in aoc.get_input().readline().split(",")]
    initial_memory[1] = noun
    initial_memory[2] = verb
    m = IntcodeMachine(initial_memory)
    return m.memory[0]
Exemple #6
def main():
    aoc.header("Universal Orbit Map")

    orbits = aoc.get_input().readlines()
    output = aoc.output(1, part1, args=[orbits], post=itemgetter(0))
    aoc.output(2, part2_graph, args=[orbits, *output[1:]], comment="Dijstra's algorithm")
    aoc.output(2, part2_ancestor, args=[orbits, *output[1:]], comment="Common ancestor")
Exemple #7
def input(day: int, file_name: str = "") -> None:
    resp: List[str] = aoc.get_input(day)
    if file_name == "":
        pprint.pprint(resp, compact=True)
        with open(file_name, "w") as f:
            for line in resp:
                f.write(str(line) + "\n")
Exemple #8
def main():
    aoc.header("Space Image Format")

    data = aoc.get_input().readline().strip()

    s = Size(width=25, height=6)
    (_, layers) = aoc.output(1, part1, args=[data, s], post=itemgetter(0))
    aoc.output(2, part2, args=[layers, s], post=lambda i: (i, s), output=lambda t: print_image4(t[0], t[1]))
Exemple #9
def main():
    aoc.header("Crossed Wires")

    inp = aoc.get_input()
    path_a = list(inp.readline().split(","))
    path_b = list(inp.readline().split(","))
    aoc.output(1, part1, args=[path_a, path_b])
    aoc.output(2, part2, args=[path_a, path_b])
Exemple #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

from aoc import get_input  # AoC

data = get_input(13).splitlines()

time = int(data[0])

busses = []
for busid in data[1].split(","):
    if (busid != "x"):


def getTimestamp(busid, i):
    return busid * i

bustimes = dict()

for busid in busses:
    i = 0
    bustimes[busid] = []
    while True:
        timestamp = getTimestamp(busid, i)

        if (timestamp > time):
Exemple #11
import aoc
import re

myinput = aoc.get_input(18)
# myinput = open('sample', 'r').read().splitlines()

class T:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def __truediv__(self, other):  # Not really divison, just addition
        return T(self.val + other.val)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return T(self.val + other.val)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return T(self.val * other.val)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return T(self.val * other.val)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.val)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, int):
            return self.val + other
        elif isinstance(other, T):
            return T(self.val + other.val)
Exemple #12
#!/usr/bin/env python

from aoc import get_input  # AoC
import re  # regex

nums = list(map(int, get_input(9).splitlines()))

def checkValid(nums, numsum):
    for num1 in nums:
        for num2 in nums:
            if (num1 + num2 == numsum and num1 != num2):
                return [num1, num2], numsum

    return False, numsum

def checkIfNumValid(amble, index):
    prevNums = nums[index - amble:index]
    numsum = nums[index]
    sumnumbers, numsum2 = checkValid(prevNums, numsum)

    return sumnumbers, numsum2

amble, invalid, invalidindex = 25, None, None

for i in range(len(nums)):
    if (i > amble - 1):
        valid = checkIfNumValid(amble, i)
        if (not valid[0]):
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import time
import functools

from aoc import get_input

rules = get_input(day=7)

def clean(bagstring):
    number, modifier, color, bag = re.fullmatch(
        r'(\d+) ([a-z]+) ([a-z]+) (bag)s?', bagstring).groups()
    return int(number), ' '.join((modifier, color))

fits_in = defaultdict(set)
holds = defaultdict(set)

for rule in rules:
    outer, inners = rule.split(' contain ')
    outer = outer[:-5]

    for inner in inners.split(','):
        inner = inner.strip().removesuffix('.')

        if inner != 'no other bags':
            number, inner = clean(inner)

            fits_in[inner].add((number, outer))
            holds[outer].add((number, inner))
Exemple #14
import aoc
from collections import Counter

def inpfct(x):
    return list(map(int, list(x)))

inp = aoc.get_input(inpfct)

_logger = aoc.get_logger(__name__)

width = 25
height = 6
n = width * height

layers = [inp[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(inp), n)]
if aoc.part_one():
    _logger.info('%s Layers found (size: %s x %s)', len(layers), width, height)
    clayers = sorted(list(map(Counter, layers)), key=lambda x: x[0])
    print(clayers[0][1] * clayers[0][2])

if aoc.part_two():
    cnt = 0
    layer = [2] * n
    for l in layers:
        for i, y in enumerate(l):
            if layer[i] == 2:
                layer[i] = y
    for y in range(0, height):
Exemple #15
from math import cos, sin, pi

from aoc import get_input

instructions = [(i[0], int(i[1:])) for i in get_input(day=12)]

mappings = {'N': (0, 1), 'S': (0, -1), 'E': (1, 0), 'W': (-1, 0)}

def move(action, value, pos, direc):
    if action in 'NSEW':
        nx = pos[0] + value * mappings[action][0]
        ny = pos[1] + value * mappings[action][1]
        pos = nx, ny
    elif action == 'L':
        direc = (direc + value) % 360
    elif action == 'R':
        direc = (direc - value) % 360
    elif action in 'F':
        nx = pos[0] + int(round(cos(direc / 360 * 2 * pi))) * value
        ny = pos[1] + int(round(sin(direc / 360 * 2 * pi))) * value
        pos = nx, ny
        raise ValueError
    return pos, direc

# 12-1
pos = (0, 0)
direc = 0
for action, value in instructions:
Exemple #16
#!/usr/bin/env python

from aoc import get_input  # AoC
from functools import lru_cache

minjolt, maxjolt = 1, 3

jolts = sorted(list(map(int, get_input(10).splitlines())))

jolts.insert(0, 0)  # first one is allways 0
jolts.append(max(jolts) +
             3)  # my adapter, allways higher than the highest by 3

used = []

def getBest(i, jolts):
    num = jolts[i]

diffs = []
for i in range(len(jolts)):

    if (i > 0):
        bestdiff = jolts[i] - jolts[i - 1]

diff1, diff3 = diffs.count(1), diffs.count(3)
part1 = diff1 * diff3

# part 2
Exemple #17
import numpy as np

import aoc

directions = {
    'U': np.array([0, 1]),
    'D': np.array([0, -1]),
    'R': np.array([1, 0]),
    'L': np.array([-1, 0])

day = 3
lines = aoc.get_input(day)

cable1 = [(inst[0], int(inst[1:])) for inst in lines[0].split(',')]
cable2 = [(inst[0], int(inst[1:])) for inst in lines[1].split(',')]

grid = {}
at = np.array([0, 0])
step = 0

for direction, length in cable1:
    delta = directions[direction]
    for _ in range(length):
        at += delta
        step += 1
        if at.tostring() not in grid.keys():
            grid[at.tostring()] = step

min_dist = 1e100
min_at = None
Exemple #18
#!/usr/bin/env python
from aoc import get_input

inp = get_input(2).splitlines()

def getOper(inp):
    ops = []
    passw = []
    for op in inp:
    return ops, passw

def getRng(op):
    x = op.split(" ")
    rng = list( map( int, x[0].split("-") ) )
    char = x[1]

    return rng, char

def countChar(string, char):
    s = 0
    for i in range(len(string)):
        if( string[i] == char ):
            s += 1
    return s

ops, passw = getOper(inp)
validsum = 0

import time
from itertools import accumulate, combinations

from aoc import get_input

code = [int(line) for line in get_input(day=9)]

# 9-1
N = 25
i = N
for i in range(N, len(code)):
    if not code[i] in {sum(c) for c in combinations(code[i - N:i], 2)}:
        target = code[i]

# 9-2 slow
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(len(code)):
    j = i + 1
    running_total = code[i]
    while j < len(code) and running_total < target:
        running_total += code[j]
        if running_total == target:
            print(i, j, min(code[i:j + 1]) + max(code[i:j + 1]))
        j += 1
print(f'{time.time() - t0} seconds')

# 9-2 fast
t0 = time.time()
Exemple #20
import aoc

data = {*map(int, aoc.get_input(1).splitlines())}

for x in data:
    for y in data:
        if (x + y == 2020):
            print(x * y)

for x in data:
    for y in data:
        for z in data:
            if (x + y + z == 2020):
                print(x * y * z)
Exemple #21
#!/usr/bin/env python

from aoc import get_input  # AoC
import re  # regex
from copy import copy

CodeLines = get_input(8).splitlines()

def parseCode(code):
    if (code and code != ""):
        regex = r"^([a-z]{3}) ([\+\-]{1})([0-9]+)$"
        op, sign, num = re.match(regex, code).groups()

        return op, sign, int(num)
        print("INVALID CODE:", code)

accu = 0
line = 0

def runCode(op, sign, num, newline=line, newaccu=accu):
    if (op == "nop"):
        newline += 1
    elif (op == "acc"):
        if (sign == "+"):
            newaccu += num
Exemple #22
#!/usr/bin/env python

from aoc import get_input  # AoC
import re  # regex

data = get_input(DAY)
Exemple #23
#!/usr/bin/env python
from aoc import get_input

inp = get_input(3).splitlines()

mapp = inp

maplen = len(mapp)

def slope(a, b):
    trees = 0
    x, y = 0, 0

    while True:
            x += a
            y += b

            if (x >= len(mapp[0])):
                x = x - len(mapp[0])

            if (mapp[y][x] == "#"):
                trees += 1

    return trees

tree1 = slope(3, 1)
Exemple #24
        if c == '(':
            close = pos + find_close(equation[pos:])
            c = str(parse(equation[pos + 1:close]))  # recursion
            pos = close
        elif c == ')':
            raise ValueError

        if c.isnumeric():
            if op == '+':
                ans += int(c)
                op = None
            elif op == '*':
                ans *= int(c)
                op = None
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Encountered a number {c=} at {pos=} without having an operator set'
        elif c in '+*':
            op = c
            raise ValueError(c)
        pos += 1

    return ans

# 18-1
equations = get_input(day=18)
print(sum(parse(equation) for equation in equations))
Exemple #25
import sys
import curses
import time
import termcolor
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
import aoc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def inp_decode(x):
    return list(map(int, x.split(",")))

inp = aoc.get_input(inp_decode)
_logger = aoc.get_logger()

opcode = namedtuple("opcode", ["name", "parameter"])
opcodes = {
    1: opcode(name="add", parameter="iio"),
    2: opcode(name="mul", parameter="iio"),
    3: opcode(name="inp", parameter="o"),
    4: opcode(name="out", parameter="i"),
    5: opcode(name="jit", parameter="ii"),
    6: opcode(name="jif", parameter="ii"),
    7: opcode(name="lt ", parameter="iio"),
    8: opcode(name="eq ", parameter="iio"),
    9: opcode(name="arb", parameter="i"),
    99: opcode(name="hlt", parameter=""),

Exemple #26
#!/usr/bin/env python

from aoc import get_input
import re

groups = get_input(6).split("\n\n")

def toList(string):
    list = []
    list[:0] = string
    return list


def countQuestions(group):
    persons = group.split("\n")

    groupQs = []

    for person in persons:
        chars = toList(person)
        for char in chars:
            if (not char in groupQs):

    return len(groupQs)

Exemple #27
import sys
import aoc

def part1(numbers):
    for n in numbers:
        other = 2020 - n
        if other in numbers:
            print(f"{n} * {other} = {n * other}")

def part2(numbers):
    for n1 in numbers:
        for n2 in numbers:
            if n1 == n2:
            n3 = 2020 - n1 - n2
            if n3 in numbers:
                print(f"{n1} * {n2} * {n3} = {n1 * n2 * n3}")

input = aoc.get_input('day1.txt')
numbers = {int(line) for line in input.splitlines()}
from dataclasses import dataclass
import re

from aoc import get_input

class Entry:
    letter: str
    pol_min: int
    pol_max: int
    password: str

database = []
for line in get_input(day=2):
    pol_min, pol_max, letter, pw = re.fullmatch(r'(\d+)-(\d+) (\w): (\w+)', line).groups()
    database.append(Entry(letter, int(pol_min), int(pol_max), pw))

# 2-1
print(sum(entry.pol_min <= entry.password.count(entry.letter) <= entry.pol_max
          for entry in database))

# 2-2
n_valid = 0
for entry in database:
    first = entry.password[entry.pol_min - 1] == entry.letter
    second = entry.password[entry.pol_max - 1] == entry.letter

    if first ^ second:  # xor
        n_valid += 1
Exemple #29
def main():
    aoc.header("Space Police")

    program = list(map(int, aoc.get_input().readline().split(",")))
    aoc.output(1, run_robot, args=[program, False], post=lambda t: len(t[1]))
    aoc.output(2, run_robot, args=[program, True], output=part2_post)

def flip(positions):
    floor = defaultdict(bool)

    for pos in positions:
        floor[pos] = not floor[pos]
    return floor

# 24-1
with open('input/24-1-test.txt') as f:
    test_positions = [sum(parse(line)) for line in f.read().splitlines()]
assert sum(flip(test_positions).values()) == 10

positions = [sum(parse(line)) for line in get_input(day=24)]

# 24-2
def neighbors(pos):
    yield from (pos + vec for vec in DIRECTIONS.values())

def play(grid, T):
    for t in range(1, T + 1):
        neigh_counts = defaultdict(int)

        # make copy while getting rid of white tiles (False) from data structure
        grid = defaultdict(bool, {k: v for k, v in grid.items() if v})
        new_grid = deepcopy(grid)