def test_run_intcode(initial: List, expected: List) -> None: """ Run a sample Intcode program and verify the final state of the program after calling halt. """ program = Intcode(initial) assert program.get_program() == expected
def part2(data): cpu = Intcode(debug=False, wfi_mode=True) cpu.load_program(data) cpu.ram[0] = 2 game = Game(cpu) game.start() return game.get_score()
def test_quine(): initial = [ 109, 1, 204, -1, 1001, 100, 1, 100, 1008, 100, 16, 101, 1006, 101, 0, 99 ] program = Intcode(copy.deepcopy(initial)) assert program.get_output_history() == initial
def first_star() -> int: """ Load and run the provided intcode program, then return the value in index 0. """ initial = _get_initial_list() initial[1] = 12 initial[2] = 2 program = Intcode(initial) return program.get_program()[0]
def _get_thruster_signal_once(program: List[int], phase_sequence: Tuple[int]) -> int: """ Run through all of the five amplifiers in sequence. Take the output of the final amplifier (which would have been the "input value" of a sixth hypothetical amplifier). """ input_value = 0 for ps in phase_sequence: computer = Intcode(copy.deepcopy(program), [ps, input_value]) input_value = computer.get_output_history()[0] return input_value
def run(starting_value: int) -> Intcode: """ Run the paint robot. Provide a starting value of either BLACK or WHITE. """ program = Intcode( pathlib.Path("fixtures/day11_input1.txt").read_text(), [starting_value]) squares = {} current_square = (0, 0) direction_index = 0 while not program.halted(): color, turn = program.get_output_history()[-2:] # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking squares[current_square] = color if turn == TURN_LEFT: direction_index = (direction_index + 1) % 4 elif turn == TURN_RIGHT: direction_index = (direction_index - 1) % 4 else: raise ValueError("What kind of direction is that") new_x = current_square[0] + CYCLE[direction_index][0] new_y = current_square[1] + CYCLE[direction_index][1] current_square = (new_x, new_y) program.push_input(squares.get(current_square, DEFAULT_COLOR)) return squares
def second_star(target: int) -> int: """ Find the "noun" and "verb" - integers from 0-99 - to replace input indices 1 and 2 - that when running the program, produces the target value in index 0. Load list from file once; copy as needed to iterate over different input parameters. """ initial = _get_initial_list() for noun in range(0, 100): for verb in range(0, 100): modified = copy.deepcopy(initial) modified[1] = noun modified[2] = verb program = Intcode(modified) if program.get_program()[0] == target: return noun * 100 + verb raise RuntimeError("Can't find suitable inputs")
def part1(data): cpu = Intcode() cpu.load_program(data) return len([ tile for i, tile in enumerate(cpu.outputs) if (i % 3, tile) == (2, 2) ])
def _get_thruster_signal_loop(program: List[int], phase_sequence: Tuple[int]) -> int: """ Loop through all amplifiers in a "round robin" style. Introduces the possibliity that a running Intcode program can exhaust its input stack, blocking until more input is given. As before - inputs from the previous amplifier are fed into the next until all programs have formally halted. """ input_value = 0 count = 0 programs = [Intcode(copy.deepcopy(program), [ps]) for ps in phase_sequence] halted = [program.halted() for program in programs] while True: index = count % 5 program = programs[index] program.push_input(input_value) halted[index] = program.halted() input_value = program.get_output_history()[-1] count += 1 if all(halted): return input_value
def test_input_Poutput(code: List[int], input_: List[int], expected: List[int]): program = Intcode(code, input_) assert program.get_output_history() == expected
def test_negative_values(): program = Intcode([1101, 100, -1, 4, 0]) assert program.get_program() == [1101, 100, -1, 4, 99]
def second_star() -> None: program = Intcode(_get_initial_list(), [5])
def test_16_digits(): program = Intcode([1102, 34915192, 34915192, 7, 4, 7, 99, 0]) assert (10**15) < program.get_output_history()[0] < (10**16)
def test_huge_number(): program = Intcode([104, 1125899906842624, 99]) assert program.get_output_history() == [1125899906842624]
def main(): initial = pathlib.Path("fixtures/day9_input1.txt").read_text() program = Intcode(initial, [1]) program = Intcode(initial, [2])
def test_intcode_input(): input_ = random.randint(0, 100) program = Intcode([3, 0, 4, 0, 99], [input_]) assert program.get_program() == [input_, 0, 4, 0, 99]
def test_multiplication_parameter_modes(): program = Intcode([1002, 4, 3, 4, 33]) assert program.get_program() == [1002, 4, 3, 4, 99]
def first_star() -> None: program = Intcode(_get_initial_list(), [1])