def wrap(self, func): #{{{
     if not iscallable(func):
         raise TypeError('Argument must be a valid callable object')
     newfunc = func(self._newcall)
     if not iscallable(newfunc):
         raise TypeError('Return value of wrapping callable must be a valid callable object')
     if not _ism(newfunc):
         newfunc = method(newfunc, self, self.__class__)
     self._newcall = newfunc
    def __init__(self, obj, callback=None, **kwargs): #{{{
        self.__name__ = getattr(obj, '__name__', 'UnnamedCallable')
        isw = needs_wrapping(obj)
        obj = callableobj(obj)
        if not obj:
            raise TypeError('Argument must be a valid callable object')
        elif callback is not None and not iscallable(callback):
            raise TypeError('callback argument must be a callable object')

        self._object = None
        self._function = None
        self._newcall =
        self._numargs, self._maxargs = num_static_args(obj)
        isweak = bool(kwargs.get('weak', True))
        if isw:
            isweak = False

        mtype = methodtype(obj)
        self._methodtype = mtype
            o = obj.im_class
            if mtype == METHODTYPE_INSTANCE:
                o = obj.im_self
            self._object = cref(o, callback, weak=isweak)
            self._function = obj.im_func
            self._function = cref(obj, callback, weak=isweak)
        self._funcid = cid(obj)
def connect_choosefunc(self, listname, slots): #{{{
    cleanlist, vals = self._cleanlist, slots.get(listname, ())
    clist, cleanfunc, test_store = self._funclist[listname], mkcallback(listname, cleanlist), []
    weak = bool(slots.get('weak', self.func.isweak))
    wcf = bool(slots.get('weakcondf', weak))
    uniq = bool(slots.get('unique', True))
    for tup in vals:
        cond, f = tup
        if not iscallable(cond) or not iscallable(f):
            raise TypeError('Detected non-callable element of \'%s\' slots' %listname)
        found = self._find(f, listname, chooser=cond)
        if found and uniq:
            cfunc = CallableWrapper(cond, cleanfunc, weak=wcf)
            func = CallableWrapper(f, cleanfunc, weak=weak)
            test_store.append((ChoiceObject(cfunc, func)))
    if test_store:
 def _find_cond(self, **kw): #{{{
     chooser = kw.get('chooser', None)
     choosercid = None
     if iscallable(chooser):
         choosercid = cid(chooser)
     def fcond(self, listname, siglist, f, index): #{{{
         if choosercid and listname in ('choose', 'choosereturn'):
             if choosercid != f.choosefunc.cid:
                 return False
         return True
     # End def #}}}
     return fcond
def disconnect_choosefunc(self, listname, slots): #{{{
    l, vals = self._funclist[listname], slots.get(listname, ())
    delall = bool(slots.get('deleteall', False))
    if delall and (not (len(slots)-1) or listname in slots):
        while l:
    for tup in slots.get(listname, ()):
        f, cond = tup, None
        if not iscallable(f):
            cond, f = tup
        found = self._find(f, listname, chooser=None)
        if found:
            del l[found[0]]
 def _find_cond(self, **kw): #{{{
     chooser = kw.pop('chooser', None)
     choosercid = None
     if iscallable(chooser):
         choosercid = cid(chooser)
     super_fcond = super(ChooseExtension, self)._find_cond(**kw)
     def fcond(self, listname, siglist, f, index): #{{{
         if not super_fcond(self, listname, siglist, f, index):
             return False
         if choosercid and listname in ('choose', 'choosereturn', 'chooseyield'):
             if choosercid != f.choosefunc.cid:
                 return False
         return True
     # End def #}}}
     return fcond
Exemple #7
def connect_func(self, listname, slots): #{{{
    weak = bool(slots.get('weak', self.func.isweak))
    uniq = bool(slots.get('unique', True))
    l, vals = self._funclist[listname], slots.get(listname, ())
    cleanlist, test_store = self._cleanlist, []
    cleanfunc = mkcallback(listname, cleanlist)
    for f in vals:
        if not iscallable(f):
            raise TypeError('Detected non-callable element of \'%s\' slots' %listname)
        c = CallableWrapper(f, cleanfunc, weak=weak)
        found = self._find(f, listname) or c.cid in (cid(o) for o in test_store)
        if found and uniq:
    if test_store:
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, signal, **kwargs): #{{{
        if not iscallable(signal):
            raise TypeError("Argument must be callable.")
        expected = ('weak', 'active', 'activate_on_call')
        if any(kw for kw in kwargs if kw not in expected):
            raise ValueError("Detected unexpected arguments: %s" %', '.join([found]))
        weak = kwargs.get('weak', True)
        self._func = CallableWrapper(signal, weak=weak)
        self.__name__ = self._func.__name__
        funclist = self._funclist = dict()
        conn = self._connections = dict()
        call_funclist = self._call_funclist = dict((n, odict()) for n in ('after', 'replace', 'around', 'before'))
        self._vars = getattr(self, '_vars', dict())
        self._vars.update(active=kwargs.get('active', True),
                callactivate=kwargs.get('activate_on_call', False), caller=callfunc)

        # Initialize values of function lists
def num_static_args(obj): #{{{
    if not iscallable(obj):
        return -1, None
    if _ism(obj):
        obj = obj.im_func
    if isinstance(obj, _CallableWrapper):
        return obj._numargs, obj._maxargs
    isc = isclass(obj)
    if not _isf(obj) and not isc:
        obj = obj.__call__
        if not _ism(obj):
            return -1, None
    argspec = cgetargspec(obj)
    l, d = len(argspec[0]), argspec[3]
    max = l
    if argspec[1]:
        max = None
    if d:
        l -= len(d)
        if isc:
            l -= 1
    return l, max
Exemple #10
 def _setcaller(self, c): #{{{
     if c is None:
     elif not iscallable(c):
         raise TypeError('caller property must be a valid callable object')
     self._vars['caller'] = CallableWrapper(c, weak=False)