def run_inference( self, batch: Sequence[torch.Tensor], model: torch.nn.Module, inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: """ Runs inferences on a batch of Tensors and returns an Iterable of Tensor Predictions. This method stacks the list of Tensors in a vectorized format to optimize the inference call. Args: batch: A sequence of Tensors. These Tensors should be batchable, as this method will call `torch.stack()` and pass in batched Tensors with dimensions (batch_size, n_features, etc.) into the model's forward() function. model: A PyTorch model. inference_args: Non-batchable arguments required as inputs to the model's forward() function. Unlike Tensors in `batch`, these parameters will not be dynamically batched Returns: An Iterable of type PredictionResult. """ inference_args = {} if not inference_args else inference_args batched_tensors = torch.stack(batch) batched_tensors = _convert_to_device(batched_tensors, self._device) predictions = model(batched_tensors, **inference_args) return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]
def test_pipeline_gcs_model(self): with TestPipeline() as pipeline: examples = torch.from_numpy( np.array([1, 5, 3, 10], dtype="float32").reshape(-1, 1)) expected_predictions = [ PredictionResult(ex, pred) for ex, pred in zip( examples, torch.Tensor([example * 2.0 + 0.5 for example in examples]).reshape(-1, 1)) ] gs_pth = 'gs://apache-beam-ml/models/' \ 'pytorch_lin_reg_model_2x+0.5_state_dict.pth' model_handler = PytorchModelHandlerTensor( state_dict_path=gs_pth, model_class=PytorchLinearRegression, model_params={ 'input_dim': 1, 'output_dim': 1 }) pcoll = pipeline | 'start' >> beam.Create(examples) predictions = pcoll | RunInference(model_handler) assert_that( predictions, equal_to(expected_predictions, equals_fn=_compare_prediction_result))
def run_inference(self, batch: Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]], model: torch.nn.Module, **kwargs) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: """ Runs inferences on a batch of Tensors and returns an Iterable of Tensor Predictions. This method stacks the list of Tensors in a vectorized format to optimize the inference call. """ prediction_params = kwargs.get('prediction_params', {}) # If elements in `batch` are provided as a dictionaries from key to Tensors, # then iterate through the batch list, and group Tensors to the same key if isinstance(batch[0], dict): key_to_tensor_list = defaultdict(list) for example in batch: for key, tensor in example.items(): key_to_tensor_list[key].append(tensor) key_to_batched_tensors = {} for key in key_to_tensor_list: batched_tensors = torch.stack(key_to_tensor_list[key]) batched_tensors = self._convert_to_device(batched_tensors) key_to_batched_tensors[key] = batched_tensors predictions = model(**key_to_batched_tensors, **prediction_params) else: # If elements in `batch` are provided as Tensors, then do a regular stack batched_tensors = torch.stack(batch) batched_tensors = self._convert_to_device(batched_tensors) predictions = model(batched_tensors, **prediction_params) return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]
def test_run_inference_single_tensor_feature(self): examples = [ torch.from_numpy(np.array([1], dtype="float32")), torch.from_numpy(np.array([5], dtype="float32")), torch.from_numpy(np.array([-3], dtype="float32")), torch.from_numpy(np.array([10.0], dtype="float32")), ] expected_predictions = [ PredictionResult(ex, pred) for ex, pred in zip( examples, torch.Tensor([example * 2.0 + 0.5 for example in examples]).reshape(-1, 1)) ] model = PytorchLinearRegression(input_dim=1, output_dim=1) model.load_state_dict( OrderedDict([('linear.weight', torch.Tensor([[2.0]])), ('linear.bias', torch.Tensor([0.5]))])) model.eval() inference_runner = TestPytorchModelHandlerForInferenceOnly( torch.device('cpu')) predictions = inference_runner.run_inference(examples, model) for actual, expected in zip(predictions, expected_predictions): self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def run_inference( self, batch: Sequence[numpy.ndarray], model: BaseEstimator, **kwargs) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: # vectorize data for better performance vectorized_batch = numpy.stack(batch, axis=0) predictions = model.predict(vectorized_batch) return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]
def test_pipeline_pickled(self): temp_file_name = self.tmpdir + os.sep + 'pickled_file' with open(temp_file_name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(build_model(), file) with TestPipeline() as pipeline: examples = [numpy.array([0, 0]), numpy.array([1, 1])] pcoll = pipeline | 'start' >> beam.Create(examples) actual = pcoll | RunInference( SklearnModelHandlerNumpy(model_uri=temp_file_name)) expected = [ PredictionResult(numpy.array([0, 0]), 0), PredictionResult(numpy.array([1, 1]), 1) ] assert_that( actual, equal_to(expected, equals_fn=_compare_prediction_result))
def test_predict_output(self): fake_model = FakeModel() inference_runner = SklearnModelHandlerNumpy(model_uri='unused') batched_examples = [ numpy.array([1, 2, 3]), numpy.array([4, 5, 6]), numpy.array([7, 8, 9]) ] expected_predictions = [ PredictionResult(numpy.array([1, 2, 3]), 6), PredictionResult(numpy.array([4, 5, 6]), 15), PredictionResult(numpy.array([7, 8, 9]), 24) ] inferences = inference_runner.run_inference(batched_examples, fake_model) for actual, expected in zip(inferences, expected_predictions): self.assertTrue(_compare_prediction_result(actual, expected))
def test_pipeline_pandas(self): temp_file_name = self.tmpdir + os.sep + 'pickled_file' with open(temp_file_name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(build_pandas_pipeline(), file) with TestPipeline() as pipeline: dataframe = pandas_dataframe() splits = [dataframe.loc[[i]] for i in dataframe.index] pcoll = pipeline | 'start' >> beam.Create(splits) actual = pcoll | RunInference( SklearnModelHandlerPandas(model_uri=temp_file_name)) expected = [ PredictionResult(splits[0], 5), PredictionResult(splits[1], 8), PredictionResult(splits[2], 1), PredictionResult(splits[3], 1), PredictionResult(splits[4], 2), ] assert_that( actual, equal_to(expected, equals_fn=_compare_dataframe_predictions))
def test_pipeline_pandas_with_keys(self): temp_file_name = self.tmpdir + os.sep + 'pickled_file' with open(temp_file_name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(build_pandas_pipeline(), file) with TestPipeline() as pipeline: data_frame = pandas_dataframe() keys = [str(i) for i in range(5)] splits = [data_frame.loc[[i]] for i in data_frame.index] keyed_rows = [(key, value) for key, value in zip(keys, splits)] pcoll = pipeline | 'start' >> beam.Create(keyed_rows) actual = pcoll | RunInference( KeyedModelHandler( SklearnModelHandlerPandas(model_uri=temp_file_name))) expected = [ ('0', PredictionResult(splits[0], 5)), ('1', PredictionResult(splits[1], 8)), ('2', PredictionResult(splits[2], 1)), ('3', PredictionResult(splits[3], 1)), ('4', PredictionResult(splits[4], 2)), ] assert_that( actual, equal_to(expected, equals_fn=_compare_dataframe_predictions))
def run_inference( self, batch: Sequence[pandas.DataFrame], model: BaseEstimator, **kwargs) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: # sklearn_inference currently only supports single rowed dataframes. for dataframe in batch: if dataframe.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError('Only dataframes with single rows are supported.') # vectorize data for better performance vectorized_batch = pandas.concat(batch, axis=0) predictions = model.predict(vectorized_batch) splits = [ vectorized_batch.iloc[[i]] for i in range(vectorized_batch.shape[0]) ] return [ PredictionResult(example, inference) for example, inference in zip(splits, predictions) ]
def run_inference( self, batch: Sequence[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], model: torch.nn.Module, inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: """ Runs inferences on a batch of Keyed Tensors and returns an Iterable of Tensor Predictions. For the same key across all examples, this will stack all Tensors values in a vectorized format to optimize the inference call. Args: batch: A sequence of keyed Tensors. These Tensors should be batchable, as this method will call `torch.stack()` and pass in batched Tensors with dimensions (batch_size, n_features, etc.) into the model's forward() function. model: A PyTorch model. inference_args: Non-batchable arguments required as inputs to the model's forward() function. Unlike Tensors in `batch`, these parameters will not be dynamically batched Returns: An Iterable of type PredictionResult. """ inference_args = {} if not inference_args else inference_args # If elements in `batch` are provided as a dictionaries from key to Tensors, # then iterate through the batch list, and group Tensors to the same key key_to_tensor_list = defaultdict(list) for example in batch: for key, tensor in example.items(): key_to_tensor_list[key].append(tensor) key_to_batched_tensors = {} for key in key_to_tensor_list: batched_tensors = torch.stack(key_to_tensor_list[key]) batched_tensors = _convert_to_device(batched_tensors, self._device) key_to_batched_tensors[key] = batched_tensors predictions = model(**key_to_batched_tensors, **inference_args) return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]
def run_inference( self, batch: Sequence[numpy.ndarray], model: BaseEstimator, inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: """Runs inferences on a batch of numpy arrays. Args: batch: A sequence of examples as numpy arrays. They should be single examples. model: A numpy model or pipeline. Must implement predict(X). Where the parameter X is a numpy array. inference_args: Any additional arguments for an inference. Returns: An Iterable of type PredictionResult. """ _validate_inference_args(inference_args) # vectorize data for better performance vectorized_batch = numpy.stack(batch, axis=0) predictions = model.predict(vectorized_batch) return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]
def run_inference( self, batch: Sequence[pandas.DataFrame], model: BaseEstimator, inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]: """ Runs inferences on a batch of pandas dataframes. Args: batch: A sequence of examples as numpy arrays. They should be single examples. model: A dataframe model or pipeline. Must implement predict(X). Where the parameter X is a pandas dataframe. inference_args: Any additional arguments for an inference. Returns: An Iterable of type PredictionResult. """ _validate_inference_args(inference_args) # sklearn_inference currently only supports single rowed dataframes. for dataframe in iter(batch): if dataframe.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError( 'Only dataframes with single rows are supported.') # vectorize data for better performance vectorized_batch = pandas.concat(batch, axis=0) predictions = model.predict(vectorized_batch) splits = [ vectorized_batch.iloc[[i]] for i in range(vectorized_batch.shape[0]) ] return [ PredictionResult(example, inference) for example, inference in zip(splits, predictions) ]
raise unittest.SkipTest('PyTorch dependencies are not installed') try: from import GCSFileSystem except ImportError: GCSFileSystem = None # type: ignore TWO_FEATURES_EXAMPLES = [ torch.from_numpy(np.array([1, 5], dtype="float32")), torch.from_numpy(np.array([3, 10], dtype="float32")), torch.from_numpy(np.array([-14, 0], dtype="float32")), torch.from_numpy(np.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype="float32")), ] TWO_FEATURES_PREDICTIONS = [ PredictionResult(ex, pred) for ex, pred in zip( TWO_FEATURES_EXAMPLES, torch.Tensor( [f1 * 2.0 + f2 * 3 + 0.5 for f1, f2 in TWO_FEATURES_EXAMPLES]).reshape(-1, 1)) ] KEYED_TORCH_EXAMPLES = [ { 'k1': torch.from_numpy(np.array([1], dtype="float32")), 'k2': torch.from_numpy(np.array([1.5], dtype="float32")) }, { 'k1': torch.from_numpy(np.array([5], dtype="float32")), 'k2': torch.from_numpy(np.array([5.5], dtype="float32")) },