def test_group_by_key_input_visitor_with_invalid_inputs(self):
   p = TestPipeline()
   pcoll1 = PCollection(p)
   pcoll2 = PCollection(p)
   for transform in [_GroupByKeyOnly(), beam.GroupByKey()]:
     pcoll1.element_type = typehints.TupleSequenceConstraint
     pcoll2.element_type = typehints.Set
     err_msg = "Input to GroupByKey must be of Tuple or Any type"
     for pcoll in [pcoll1, pcoll2]:
       with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, err_msg):
             AppliedPTransform(None, transform, "label", [pcoll]))
 def test_group_by_key_input_visitor_with_invalid_inputs(self):
   p = TestPipeline()
   pcoll1 = PCollection(p)
   pcoll2 = PCollection(p)
   for transform in [_GroupByKeyOnly(), beam.GroupByKey()]:
     pcoll1.element_type = str
     pcoll2.element_type = typehints.Set
     err_msg = (
         r"Input to 'label' must be compatible with KV\[Any, Any\]. "
         "Found .*")
     for pcoll in [pcoll1, pcoll2]:
       with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, err_msg):
             AppliedPTransform(None, transform, "label", [pcoll]))
 def test_group_by_key_input_visitor_with_valid_inputs(self):
   p = TestPipeline()
   pcoll1 = PCollection(p)
   pcoll2 = PCollection(p)
   pcoll3 = PCollection(p)
   for transform in [_GroupByKeyOnly(), beam.GroupByKey()]:
     pcoll1.element_type = None
     pcoll2.element_type = typehints.Any
     pcoll3.element_type = typehints.KV[typehints.Any, typehints.Any]
     for pcoll in [pcoll1, pcoll2, pcoll3]:
           AppliedPTransform(None, transform, "label", [pcoll]))
                        typehints.KV[typehints.Any, typehints.Any])
 def test_group_by_key_input_visitor_with_invalid_inputs(self):
   p = TestPipeline()
   pcoll1 = PCollection(p)
   pcoll2 = PCollection(p)
   for transform in [_GroupByKeyOnly(), beam.GroupByKey()]:
     pcoll1.element_type = str
     pcoll2.element_type = typehints.Set
     err_msg = (
         r"Input to 'label' must be compatible with KV\[Any, Any\]. "
         "Found .*")
     for pcoll in [pcoll1, pcoll2]:
       with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, err_msg):
             AppliedPTransform(None, transform, "label", [pcoll]))