def plot_temperature(): apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) g = g2a alts = [130, 400] for ialt, alt in enumerate(alts): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g['Altitude'][0, 0, 2:-2]/1000-alt))+2 alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 1, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = g3ca.contour_data('Temperature', g, alt=alt) fp = (lat0[:,0]>slat) & (lat0[:,0]<nlat) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = lon0[fp, :], lat0[fp,:], zdata0[fp,:] hc = ax.contourf(lon0, lat0, zdata0, 21, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='jet', extend='both') hc = plt.colorbar(hc, pad=0.17) hc.set_label('Temperature (K)') ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+titletime, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) return
def satellite_position_lt_lat(self, mag=False, ns='N'): """ Show the lt and lat positions of the satellite in a polar coordinate. Input: mag: if True, for MLT and Mlat position ns: N or S for North and South hemispheres, respectively Output: hcup, hcdown: scatter handles for the up and down orbits, respectively. """ if self.empty: return lt = self['LT'] lat = self['lat'] if mag: from apexpy import Apex gm = Apex() mlat, mlt = gm.convert(self['lat'], self['long'], 'geo', 'mlt', datetime=self.index) lt, lat = mlt, mlat ct = lat > 0 if ns is 'N' else lat < 0 theta = lt[ct] / 12 * np.pi r = 90 - abs(lat[ct]) hc = plt.scatter(theta, r, linewidths=0) return hc
def test_basevectors_apex_array(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3 = A.basevectors_apex([0, 30], 15, 100, coords='geo') _, _, _, _, f1_1, f2_1, _, d1_1, d2_1, d3_1, _, e1_1, e2_1, e3_1 = A._geo2apexall(0, 15, 100) _, _, _, _, f1_2, f2_2, _, d1_2, d2_2, d3_2, _, e1_2, e2_2, e3_2 = A._geo2apexall(30, 15, 100) assert_allclose(f1[:, 0], f1_1) assert_allclose(f2[:, 0], f2_1) assert_allclose(d1[:, 0], d1_1) assert_allclose(d2[:, 0], d2_1) assert_allclose(d3[:, 0], d3_1) assert_allclose(e1[:, 0], e1_1) assert_allclose(e2[:, 0], e2_1) assert_allclose(e3[:, 0], e3_1) assert_allclose(f3[:, 0], np.array([0.092637, -0.245951, 0.938848]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g1[:, 0], np.array([0.939012, 0.073416, -0.07342]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g2[:, 0], np.array([0.055389, 1.004155, 0.257594]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g3[:, 0], np.array([0, 0, 1.065135]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(f1[:, 1], f1_2) assert_allclose(f2[:, 1], f2_2) assert_allclose(d1[:, 1], d1_2) assert_allclose(d2[:, 1], d2_2) assert_allclose(d3[:, 1], d3_2) assert_allclose(e1[:, 1], e1_2) assert_allclose(e2[:, 1], e2_2) assert_allclose(e3[:, 1], e3_2) assert_allclose(f3[:, 1], np.array([-0.036618, -0.071019, 0.861604]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g1[:, 1], np.array([0.844391, 0.015353, 0.037152]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g2[:, 1], np.array([0.050808, 1.02131, 0.086342]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g3[:, 1], np.array([0, 0, 1.160625]), rtol=1e-4)
def test_mlt2mlon_range(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(A.mlt2mlon(range(0, 25, 2), dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), [14.705551, 44.705551, 74.705551, 104.705551, 134.705551, 164.705551, 194.705551, 224.705551, 254.705551, 284.705551, 314.705551, 344.705551, 14.705551], rtol=1e-4)
def satellite_position_lt_lat(self, mag=False, ns='N'): """ Show the lt and lat positions of the satellite in a polar coordinate. Input: mag: if True, for MLT and Mlat position ns: N or S for North and South hemispheres, respectively Output: hcup, hcdown: scatter handles for the up and down orbits, respectively. """ if self.empty: return lt = self['LT'] lat = self['lat'] if mag: from apexpy import Apex gm = Apex() mlat,mlt = gm.convert( self['lat'], self['long'], 'geo', 'mlt', datetime=self.index) lt, lat = mlt, mlat ct = lat>0 if ns is 'N' else lat<0 theta = lt[ct]/12*np.pi r = 90 - abs(lat[ct]) hc = plt.scatter(theta, r, linewidths=0) return hc
def test_qd2geo(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lat, lon, error = A.qd2geo(60, 15, 100, precision=1e-2) assert_allclose((lat, lon, error), A._qd2geo(60, 15, 100, 1e-2)) assert type(lat) != np.ndarray assert type(lon) != np.ndarray assert type(error) != np.ndarray
def func4(): """ Test (lat, lt) to (mlat, mlt) conversions. 1, Use a = Apex(date=...); "date" determines which IGRF coefficients are used in conversions. Uses current date as default. 2, height is needed for better conversion. champ and grace files use qd coordinates. 3, mlt in qd and apex coordinates are the same. """ import champ_grace as cg from apexpy import Apex as Apex import matplotlib.pyplot as plt a = cg.ChampDensity('2005-1-1', '2005-1-2') b = Apex(date=2005) mlatt, mlt = b.convert(, lon=a.long, source='geo', dest='mlt', datetime=a.index, height=a.height) mlat, mlongt = b.convert(, lon=a.long, source='geo', dest='qd', height=a.height) mlat2 = np.array(a.Mlat) mlt2 = np.array(a.MLT) plt.plot(mlat-mlat2) plt.plot(abs(mlt-mlt2) % 24, '.') return
def plot_ion_drift(show=True,save=True): apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) g = g2a plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) for ialt, alt in enumerate([130, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g['Altitude'][0, 0, :]/1000-alt)) alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 3, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind = g3ca.vector_data(g, 'ion', alt=alt) lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind = g3ca.convert_vector( lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind, plot_type='polar', projection=projection) hq = ax.quiver( lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind, scale=1500, scale_units='inches', regrid_shape=20, headwidth=5) ax.quiverkey(hq, 0.93, -0.1, 1000, '1000 m/s') ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+tstring, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) if show: if save: plt.savefig(spath+'03_ion_drift_%s%s.pdf' % (tstrday,tstring)) return
def test_basevectors_apex_scalar_shape(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) ret = A.basevectors_apex(60, 15, 100, precision=1e-2) for r in ret[:2]: assert r.shape == (2,) for r in ret[2:]: assert r.shape == (3,)
def process_interval(start_date, end_date, hemisphere, output_fn, input_dir, mlt_vals, sample_dt):"processing arb data for {start_date, end_date}") ref_times = np.arange(np.datetime64(start_date, 's'), np.datetime64(end_date, 's') + sample_dt, sample_dt) apex = Apex(date=start_date) arb_data, times = _get_downloaded_arb_data(start_date, end_date, input_dir) if times.size == 0 or min(times) > ref_times[0] or max(times) < ref_times[-1]: logger.error(f"times size: {times.size}") if len(times) > 0: logger.error(f"{min(times)=} {ref_times[0]=} {max(times)=} {ref_times[-1]=}") raise InvalidProcessDates("Need to download full data range before processing")"{times.shape[0]} time points") sort_idx = np.argsort(times) mlat = np.empty((times.shape[0], mlt_vals.shape[0])) for i, idx in enumerate(sort_idx): height = np.mean(arb_data['ALTITUDE'][idx]) lat = arb_data[f'MODEL_{hemisphere.upper()}_GEOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE'][idx] lon = arb_data[f'MODEL_{hemisphere.upper()}_GEOGRAPHIC_LONGITUDE'][idx] apx_lat, mlt = apex.convert(lat, lon, 'geo', 'mlt', height, utils.datetime64_to_datetime(times[idx])) mlat[i] = np.interp(mlt_vals, mlt, apx_lat, period=24) good_mask = np.mean(abs(mlat - np.median(mlat, axis=0, keepdims=True)), axis=1) < 1 interpolator = interp1d( times.astype('datetime64[s]').astype(float)[sort_idx][good_mask], mlat[good_mask], axis=0, bounds_error=False ) mlat = interpolator(ref_times.astype(float)) data = xr.DataArray( mlat, coords={'time': ref_times, 'mlt': mlt_vals}, dims=['time', 'mlt'] )"ref times: [{ref_times[0]}, {ref_times[-1]}]") data.to_netcdf(output_fn)
def test_basevectors_apex_vectorization_height(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=0) f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3 = A.basevectors_apex(60, 15, [200, 400], coords='geo') _, _, _, _, f1_1, f2_1, _, d1_1, d2_1, d3_1, _, e1_1, e2_1, e3_1 = A._geo2apexall(60, 15, 200) _, _, _, _, f1_2, f2_2, _, d1_2, d2_2, d3_2, _, e1_2, e2_2, e3_2 = A._geo2apexall(60, 15, 400) assert_allclose(f1[:, 0], f1_1) assert_allclose(f2[:, 0], f2_1) assert_allclose(d1[:, 0], d1_1) assert_allclose(d2[:, 0], d2_1) assert_allclose(d3[:, 0], d3_1) assert_allclose(e1[:, 0], e1_1) assert_allclose(e2[:, 0], e2_1) assert_allclose(e3[:, 0], e3_1) assert_allclose(f3[:, 0], np.array([-0.088671, -0.018272, 0.993576]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g1[:, 0], np.array([0.903098, 0.245273, 0.085107]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g2[:, 0], np.array([-0.103495, 1.072078, 0.01048]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g3[:, 0], np.array([0, 0, 1.006465]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(f1[:, 1], f1_2) assert_allclose(f2[:, 1], f2_2) assert_allclose(d1[:, 1], d1_2) assert_allclose(d2[:, 1], d2_2) assert_allclose(d3[:, 1], d3_2) assert_allclose(e1[:, 1], e1_2) assert_allclose(e2[:, 1], e2_2) assert_allclose(e3[:, 1], e3_2) assert_allclose(f3[:, 1], np.array([-0.085415, -0.021176, 0.989645]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g1[:, 1], np.array([0.902695, 0.246919, 0.083194]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g2[:, 1], np.array([-0.11051, 1.066094, 0.013274]), rtol=1e-4) assert_allclose(g3[:, 1], np.array([0, 0, 1.010463]), rtol=1e-4)
def test_geo2apex_undefined_warning(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=10000) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: ret = apex_out.geo2apex(0, 0, 0) assert ret[0] == -9999 assert issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning) assert 'set to -9999 where' in str(w[-1].message)
def test_qd2geo(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lat, lon, error = apex_out.qd2geo(60, 15, 100, precision=1e-2) assert_allclose((lat, lon, error), apex_out._qd2geo(60, 15, 100, 1e-2)) assert type(lat) != np.ndarray assert type(lon) != np.ndarray assert type(error) != np.ndarray
def test_mlon2mlt_range(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(A.mlon2mlt(range(0, 361, 30), dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), [23.01963, 1.01963, 3.01963, 5.01963, 7.01963, 9.01963, 11.01963, 13.01963, 15.01963, 17.01963, 19.01963, 21.01963, 23.01963], rtol=1e-4)
def test__qd2geo_scalar(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) for lat in [0, 30, 60, 89]: for lon in [-179, -90, 0, 90, 180]: for prec in [-1, 1e-2, 1e-10]: assert_allclose(apex_out._qd2geo(lat, lon, 100, prec), fa.apxq2g(lat, lon, 100, prec))
def test_qd2apex(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lat, lon = A.qd2apex(60, 15, 100) assert_allclose((lat, lon), [59.491381, 15]) assert type(lat) != np.ndarray assert type(lon) != np.ndarray
def test_basevectors_apex_scalar_shape(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) ret = apex_out.basevectors_apex(60, 15, 100, precision=1e-2) for r in ret[:2]: assert r.shape == (2, ) for r in ret[2:]: assert r.shape == (3, )
def test_apex2qd(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lat, lon = A.apex2qd(60, 15, 100) assert_allclose((lat, lon), [60.498401, 15]) assert type(lat) != np.ndarray assert type(lon) != np.ndarray
def test_mlt2mlon_offset(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) date = dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(0, date), apex_out.mlt2mlon(1, date) - 15) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(0, date), apex_out.mlt2mlon(10, date) - 150)
def test__geo2qd_longitude(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(A._geo2qd(60, 180, 100), fa.apxg2q(60, 180, 100, 0)[:2]) assert_allclose(A._geo2qd(60, -180, 100), fa.apxg2q(60, -180, 100, 0)[:2]) assert_allclose(A._geo2qd(60, -180, 100), A._geo2qd(60, 180, 100)) for i in range(-5, 5): for lat in [0, 30, 60, 90]: assert_allclose(A._geo2qd(lat, 15+i*360, 100), fa.apxg2q(lat, 15, 100, 0)[:2])
def test_mlon2mlt_range(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlon2mlt(range( 0, 361, 30), dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), [ 23.01963, 1.01963, 3.01963, 5.01963, 7.01963, 9.01963, 11.01963, 13.01963, 15.01963, 17.01963, 19.01963, 21.01963, 23.01963 ], rtol=1e-4)
def test_map_to_height_conjugate(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose( A.map_to_height(60, 15, 100, 10000, conjugate=True, precision=1e-10), (-25.424892425537109, 27.310417175292969, 1.2074182222931995e-6)) assert_allclose( A.map_to_height(30, 170, 100, 500, conjugate=True, precision=1e-2), (-13.76642894744873, 164.24259948730469, 0.00056820799363777041))
def test__qd2geo_longitude(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(A._qd2geo(60, 180, 100, 1e-2), fa.apxq2g(60, 180, 100, 1e-2)) assert_allclose(A._qd2geo(60, -180, 100, 1e-2), fa.apxq2g(60, -180, 100, 1e-2)) assert_allclose(A._qd2geo(60, -180, 100, 1e-2), A._qd2geo(60, 180, 100, 1e-2)) for i in range(-5, 5): for lat in [0, 30, 60, 90]: assert_allclose(A._qd2geo(lat, 15+i*360, 100, 1e-2), fa.apxq2g(lat, 15, 100, 1e-2))
def test__geo2apexall_scalar(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) for lat in [0, 30, 60, 89]: for lon in [-179, -90, 0, 90, 180]: ret1 = apex_out._geo2apexall(lat, lon, 100) ret2 = fa.apxg2all(lat, lon, 100, 300, 1) for r1, r2 in zip(ret1, ret2): assert_allclose(r1, r2)
def test_mlt2mlon2mlt(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) date = dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(apex_out.mlon2mlt(0, date), date), 0) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(apex_out.mlon2mlt(90, date), date), 90) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(apex_out.mlon2mlt(180, date), date), 180) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(apex_out.mlon2mlt(270, date), date), 270) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(apex_out.mlon2mlt(360, date), date), 0)
def test_map_to_height(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose( A.map_to_height(60, 15, 100, 10000, conjugate=False, precision=1e-10), (31.841459274291992, 17.916629791259766, 0)) assert_allclose( A.map_to_height(30, 170, 100, 500, conjugate=False, precision=1e-2), (25.727252960205078, 169.60546875, 0.00017655163537710905))
def test__geo2apexall_scalar(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) for lat in [0, 30, 60, 89]: for lon in [-179, -90, 0, 90, 180]: ret1 = A._geo2apexall(lat, lon, 100) ret2 = fa.apxg2all(lat, lon, 100, 300, 1) for r1, r2 in zip(ret1, ret2): assert_allclose(r1, r2)
def test__basevec_longitude(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(A._basevec(60, 180, 100), fa.apxg2q(60, 180, 100, 1)[2:4]) assert_allclose(A._basevec(60, -180, 100), fa.apxg2q(60, -180, 100, 1)[2:4]) assert_allclose(A._basevec(60, -180, 100), A._basevec(60, 180, 100)) for i in range(-5, 5): for lat in [0, 30, 60, 90]: assert_allclose(A._basevec(lat, 15+i*360, 100), fa.apxg2q(lat, 15, 100, 1)[2:4])
def magConjugated(glat, glon, galtkm, conj_galtkm=None): if conj_galtkm is None: conj_galtkm = galtkm A = Apex() mlat, mlon = A.convert(lon=np.unwrap(glon, 180), lat = glat, source='geo', dest='apex', height = galtkm) Cglat, Cglon = A.convert(lat=-mlat, lon=mlon, source='apex', dest='geo', height = conj_galtkm) return Cglat, Cglon
def test_basevectors_qd_array(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) f1, f2 = A.basevectors_qd([0, 30], 15, 100, coords='geo') f1_lat0, f2_lat0 = A._basevec(0, 15, 100) f1_lat30, f2_lat30 = A._basevec(30, 15, 100) assert_allclose(f1[:, 0], f1_lat0) assert_allclose(f2[:, 0], f2_lat0) assert_allclose(f1[:, 1], f1_lat30) assert_allclose(f2[:, 1], f2_lat30)
def test_basevectors_qd_array(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) f1, f2 = apex_out.basevectors_qd([0, 30], 15, 100, coords='geo') f1_lat0, f2_lat0 = apex_out._basevec(0, 15, 100) f1_lat30, f2_lat30 = apex_out._basevec(30, 15, 100) assert_allclose(f1[:, 0], f1_lat0) assert_allclose(f2[:, 0], f2_lat0) assert_allclose(f1[:, 1], f1_lat30) assert_allclose(f2[:, 1], f2_lat30)
def test__geo2apex_array(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lats, lons = A._geo2apex([[0, 30], [60, 90]], 15, [[100, 200], [300, 400]]) lat1, lon1 = fa.apxg2all(0, 15, 100, 300, 0)[2:4] lat2, lon2 = fa.apxg2all(30, 15, 200, 300, 0)[2:4] lat3, lon3 = fa.apxg2all(60, 15, 300, 300, 0)[2:4] lat4, lon4 = fa.apxg2all(90, 15, 400, 300, 0)[2:4] assert_allclose(lats.astype(float), np.array([[lat1, lat2], [lat3, lat4]], dtype=float)) assert_allclose(lons.astype(float), np.array([[lon1, lon2], [lon3, lon4]], dtype=float))
def test_mlt2mlon_range(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(apex_out.mlt2mlon(range( 0, 25, 2), dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), [ 14.705551, 44.705551, 74.705551, 104.705551, 134.705551, 164.705551, 194.705551, 224.705551, 254.705551, 284.705551, 314.705551, 344.705551, 14.705551 ], rtol=1e-4)
def test_geo2apex_undefined_warning(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=10000) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: ret = A.geo2apex(0, 0, 0) A.geo2apex(0, 0, 0) assert ret[0] == -9999 assert len(w) == 2 assert issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning) assert 'set to -9999 where' in str(w[-1].message)
def test_set_refh(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert A.refh, 300 ret_300 = A._geo2apex(60, 15, 100) A.set_refh(500) assert A.refh == 500 ret_500 = A._geo2apex(60, 15, 100) assert_allclose(ret_300, fa.apxg2all(60, 15, 100, 300, 0)[2:4]) assert_allclose(ret_500, fa.apxg2all(60, 15, 100, 500, 0)[2:4])
def test_apex2geo(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lat, lon, error = A.apex2geo(60, 15, 100, precision=1e-2) assert_allclose((lat, lon, error), A.qd2geo(*A.apex2qd(60, 15, 100), height=100, precision=1e-2)) assert type(lat) != np.ndarray assert type(lon) != np.ndarray assert type(error) != np.ndarray
def test__qd2geo_array(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lats, lons, errs = A._qd2geo([[0, 30], [60, 90]], 15, [[100, 200], [300, 400]], 1e-2) lat1, lon1, err1 = fa.apxq2g(0, 15, 100, 1e-2) lat2, lon2, err2 = fa.apxq2g(30, 15, 200, 1e-2) lat3, lon3, err3 = fa.apxq2g(60, 15, 300, 1e-2) lat4, lon4, err4 = fa.apxq2g(90, 15, 400, 1e-2) assert_allclose(lats.astype(float), np.array([[lat1, lat2], [lat3, lat4]], dtype=float)) assert_allclose(lons.astype(float), np.array([[lon1, lon2], [lon3, lon4]], dtype=float)) assert_allclose(errs.astype(float), np.array([[err1, err2], [err3, err4]], dtype=float))
def test_map_to_height_same_height(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose(apex_out.map_to_height(60, 15, 100, 100, conjugate=False, precision=1e-10), (60, 15, 3.4150946248701075e-6), rtol=1e-5)
def plot_vert_vgradrho_rho_diff(show=True, save=True): rho1 = np.array(g1a['Rho']) vgradrho1 = \ g1a['V!Dn!N (up)'] \ * cr.calc_rusanov_alts_ausm(g1a['Altitude'],rho1)/g1a['Rho'] rho2 = np.array(g2a['Rho']) vgradrho2 = \ g2a['V!Dn!N (up)']\ * cr.calc_rusanov_alts_ausm(g2a['Altitude'],rho2)/g2a['Rho'] g1a['vgradrho_diff'] = vgradrho1-vgradrho2 apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) for ialt, alt in enumerate([130, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, :]/1000-alt)) alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 3, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g1a, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = g3ca.contour_data('vgradrho_diff', g1a, alt=alt) fp = (lat0[:,0]>slat) & (lat0[:,0]<nlat) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = lon0[fp, :], lat0[fp,:], zdata0[fp,:] hc = ax.contourf( lon0, lat0, zdata0, np.linspace(-1,1,21)*1e-4, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='seismic', extend='both') hcb = plt.colorbar(hc, pad=0.17) hcb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0,0)) hcb.update_ticks() hcb.set_label(r'$-\vec{u}\cdot\frac{\nabla\rho}{\rho}$ (up)') # wind difference lon1, lat1, ewind1, nwind1 = g3ca.vector_data(g1a, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon2, lat2, ewind2, nwind2 = g3ca.vector_data(g2a, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon0, lat0 = lon1, lat1 lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0 = g3ca.convert_vector( lon0, lat0, ewind2-ewind1, nwind2-nwind1, plot_type='polar', projection=projection) hq = ax.quiver( lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0, scale=1000, scale_units='inches', regrid_shape=20, headwidth=5) ax.quiverkey(hq, 0.93, -0.1, 500, '500 m/s') ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+tstring, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) if show: if save: plt.savefig(spath+'06_vert_vgradrho_rho_diff_%s%s.pdf' % (tstrday,tstring)) return
def test_convert_mlt2apex(): datetime = dt.datetime(2000, 3, 9, 14, 25, 58) A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose( A.convert(60, 15, 'mlt', 'apex', height=100, datetime=datetime, ssheight=2e5), (60, A.mlt2mlon(15, datetime, ssheight=2e5)))
def test__geo2qd_array(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lats, lons = A._geo2qd([[0, 30], [60, 90]], 15, [[100, 200], [300, 400]]) lat1, lon1 = fa.apxg2q(0, 15, 100, 0)[:2] lat2, lon2 = fa.apxg2q(30, 15, 200, 0)[:2] lat3, lon3 = fa.apxg2q(60, 15, 300, 0)[:2] lat4, lon4 = fa.apxg2q(90, 15, 400, 0)[:2] assert_allclose(lats.astype(float), np.array([[lat1, lat2], [lat3, lat4]], dtype=float)) assert_allclose(lons.astype(float), np.array([[lon1, lon2], [lon3, lon4]], dtype=float))
def test_basevectors_qd_vectorization(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) ret = apex_out.basevectors_qd([60, 60, 60, 60], 15, 100, coords='geo') for r in ret: assert r.shape == (2, 4) ret = apex_out.basevectors_qd(60, [15, 15, 15, 15], 100, coords='geo') for r in ret: assert r.shape == (2, 4) ret = apex_out.basevectors_qd(60, 15, [100, 100, 100, 100], coords='geo') for r in ret: assert r.shape == (2, 4)
def plot_vert_vgradrho_rho_diff(show=True, save=True): rho1 = np.array(g1a['Rho']) vgradrho1 = \ g1a['V!Dn!N (up)']\ *cr.calc_rusanov_alts_ausm(g1a['Altitude'],rho1)/g1a['Rho'] rho2 = np.array(g2a['Rho']) vgradrho2 = \ g2a['V!Dn!N (up)']\ *cr.calc_rusanov_alts_ausm(g2a['Altitude'],rho2)/g2a['Rho'] g1a['vgradrho_diff'] = vgradrho1-vgradrho2 apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) plt.close('all') #plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) plt.figure(figsize=(8.97, 3.45)) alts = [130, 400] for ialt, alt in enumerate(alts): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, :]/1000-alt)) alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 1, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g1a, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = g3ca.contour_data('vgradrho_diff', g1a, alt=alt) fp = (lat0[:,0]>slat) & (lat0[:,0]<nlat) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = lon0[fp, :], lat0[fp,:], zdata0[fp,:] hc = ax.contourf( lon0, lat0, zdata0, np.linspace(-1,1,21)*1e-4, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='seismic', extend='both') hcb = plt.colorbar(hc, pad=0.17) hcb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0,0)) hcb.update_ticks() hcb.set_label(r'$-\vec{u}\cdot\frac{\nabla\rho}{\rho}$ (up)') # lon1, lat1, ewind1, nwind1 = g3ca.vector_data(g1a, 'neutral', alt=alt) # lon2, lat2, ewind2, nwind2 = g3ca.vector_data(g2a, 'neutral', alt=alt) # lon0, lat0 = lon1, lat1 # lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0 = g3ca.convert_vector( # lon0, lat0, ewind2-ewind1, nwind2-nwind1, plot_type='polar', # projection=projection) # hq = ax.quiver( # lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0, scale=1000, scale_units='inches', # regrid_shape=20, headwidth=5) # ax.quiverkey(hq, 0.93, -0.1, 300, '500 m/s') ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+titletime, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) return
def test_basevectors_qd_vectorization(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) ret = A.basevectors_qd([60, 60, 60, 60], 15, 100, coords='geo') for r in ret: assert r.shape == (2, 4) ret = A.basevectors_qd(60, [15, 15, 15, 15], 100, coords='geo') for r in ret: assert r.shape == (2, 4) ret = A.basevectors_qd(60, 15, [100, 100, 100, 100], coords='geo') for r in ret: assert r.shape == (2, 4)
def test_convert_qd2mlt(): datetime = dt.datetime(2000, 3, 9, 14, 25, 58) A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose( A.convert(60, 15, 'qd', 'mlt', height=100, datetime=datetime, ssheight=2e5)[1], A.mlon2mlt(15, datetime, ssheight=2e5))
def test_mlt2mlon2mlt(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) date = dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) assert_allclose(A.mlt2mlon(A.mlon2mlt(0, date), date), 0) assert_allclose(A.mlt2mlon(A.mlon2mlt(90, date), date), 90) assert_allclose(A.mlt2mlon(A.mlon2mlt(180, date), date), 180) assert_allclose(A.mlt2mlon(A.mlon2mlt(270, date), date), 270) assert_allclose(A.mlt2mlon(A.mlon2mlt(360, date), date), 0)
def test_convert_geo2mlt(): datetime = dt.datetime(2000, 3, 9, 14, 25, 58) A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose( A.convert(60, 15, 'geo', 'mlt', height=100, ssheight=2e5, datetime=datetime)[1], A.mlon2mlt(A.geo2apex(60, 15, 100)[1], datetime, ssheight=2e5))
def plot_temperature_diff(show=True, save=True): apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) for ialt, alt in enumerate([130, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, :]/1000-alt)) alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 3, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g1a, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) # temperature diff lon1, lat1, zdata1 = g3ca.contour_data('Temperature', g1a, alt=alt) lon2, lat2, zdata2 = g3ca.contour_data('Temperature', g2a, alt=alt) fp = (lat1[:,0]>slat) & (lat1[:,0]<nlat) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = lon1[fp, :], lat1[fp,:], (zdata2-zdata1)[fp,:] hc = ax.contourf( lon0, lat0, zdata0, np.linspace(-80,80,21), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='seismic', extend='both') hc = plt.colorbar(hc, pad=0.17) hc.set_label(r'$T_2-T_1$ (K)') # geomagnetic pole ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # wind difference lon1, lat1, ewind1, nwind1 = g3ca.vector_data(g1a, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon2, lat2, ewind2, nwind2 = g3ca.vector_data(g2a, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon0, lat0 = lon1, lat1 lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0 = g3ca.convert_vector( lon0, lat0, ewind2-ewind1, nwind2-nwind1, plot_type='polar', projection=projection) hq = ax.quiver( lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0, scale=1000, scale_units='inches', regrid_shape=20, headwidth=5) ax.quiverkey(hq, 0.93, -0.1, 500, '500 m/s') # rho difference #lon3, lat3, zdata3 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g1a, alt=alt) #lon4, lat4, zdata4 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g2a, alt=alt) #diffrho = 100*(zdata4-zdata3)/zdata3 #hc = ax.contour( # lon4, lat4, diffrho, [-10], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # colors='g',linestyles='-') plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+tstring, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) if show: if save: plt.savefig(spath+'02_temperature_diff_%s%s.pdf' % (tstrday,tstring)) return
def map_vec(alt): # calculates plasma drift velocity and electric field vectors in geodetic components at a particular altitude VE, E, mlat, mlon = read_vvels_file('test_vvels.h5') A = Apex(2019) f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3 = A.basevectors_apex( mlat, mlon, alt, coords='apex') VEgd = (VE[:, 0] * e1 + VE[:, 1] * e2 + VE[:, 2] * e3).T Egd = (E[:, 0] * d1 + E[:, 1] * e2 + E[:, 2] * e3).T return VEgd, Egd
def test__geo2apex_array(): apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) lats, lons = apex_out._geo2apex([[0, 30], [60, 90]], 15, [[100, 200], [300, 400]]) lat1, lon1 = fa.apxg2all(0, 15, 100, 300, 0)[2:4] lat2, lon2 = fa.apxg2all(30, 15, 200, 300, 0)[2:4] lat3, lon3 = fa.apxg2all(60, 15, 300, 300, 0)[2:4] lat4, lon4 = fa.apxg2all(90, 15, 400, 300, 0)[2:4] assert_allclose(lats.astype(float), np.array([[lat1, lat2], [lat3, lat4]], dtype=float)) assert_allclose(lons.astype(float), np.array([[lon1, lon2], [lon3, lon4]], dtype=float))
def test_convert_apex2mlt(): datetime = dt.datetime(2000, 3, 9, 14, 25, 58) apex_out = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) assert_allclose( apex_out.convert(60, 15, 'apex', 'mlt', height=100, datetime=datetime, ssheight=2e5)[1], apex_out.mlon2mlt(15, datetime, ssheight=2e5))
def satellite_position_lt_lat(self, ax, nlat=90, slat=0, mag=False, plot_type='polar', *args, **kwargs): """ Show the (M)lt and (M)lat positions of the satellite in a polar or rectangular coordinate axis. Input: ax: which axis to draw orbit on nlat: northward latitude limit (default 90) slat: southward latitude limit (default 0) mag: if True, for MLT and Mlat position Return: hc: handle of the scatter """ if self.empty: return tmp = self if mag: from apexpy import Apex import datetime as dt a = Apex(date=self.index.year.mean()) mlat, mlt = a.convert(, tmp.long, 'geo', 'mlt', height=tmp.height, datetime=tmp.index) tmp['MLT'] = mlt tmp['Mlat'] = mlat ltp = 'MLT' if mag else 'LT' latp = 'Mlat' if mag else 'lat' ct = (self[latp] > slat) & (self[latp] < nlat) if 'pol' in plot_type.lower(): if nlat * slat < 0: print('Error: For polar plot, nlat and slat' ' should have the same signs') csign = 1 if nlat > 0 else -1 theta = tmp.loc[ct, ltp] / 12 * np.pi r = 90 - csign * tmp.loc[ct, latp] hc = ax.scatter(theta, r, linewidths=0, *args, **kwargs) if 'rec' in plot_type.lower(): hc = ax.scatter(tmp.loc[ct, ltp], tmp.loc[ct, latp], linewidths=0, *args, **kwargs) return hc
def test_basevectors_apex_delta(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) for lat in range(0, 90, 10): for lon in range(0, 360, 15): f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3 = A.basevectors_apex(lat, lon, 500) f = [np.append(f1, 0), np.append(f2, 0), f3] g = [g1, g2, g3] d = [d1, d2, d3] e = [e1, e2, e3] for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3)]: delta = 1 if i == j else 0 assert_allclose(np.sum(f[i]*g[j]), delta, rtol=0, atol=1e-5) assert_allclose(np.sum(d[i]*e[j]), delta, rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
def pole_unit_vector(t): """credit: Eelco Doornbos""" apexdate = t.year + t.dayofyear / 365 # routine needs data as for example 2015.3 A = Apex(date=apexdate) glat, glon = A.convert(90, 0, 'apex', 'geo', height=0) colatrad = radians(90.0 - glat) lonrad = radians(glon) return np.array([ sin(colatrad) * cos(lonrad), sin(colatrad) * sin(lonrad), cos(colatrad) ])
def plot_den_win_diff(): apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) plt.close('all') #plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) plt.figure(figsize=(8.97, 3.45)) alts = [130, 400] for ialt, alt in enumerate(alts): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, :]/1000-alt)) alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g1a['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 1, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g1a, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) # density difference lon1, lat1, zdata1 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g1a, alt=alt) lon2, lat2, zdata2 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g2a, alt=alt) fp = (lat1[:,0]>slat) & (lat1[:,0]<nlat) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = lon1[fp, :], lat1[fp,:], \ (100*(zdata2-zdata1)/zdata1)[fp,:] hc = ax.contourf(lon0, lat0, zdata0, np.linspace(-20,20,21), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='seismic', extend='both') hc = plt.colorbar(hc, pad=0.17) hc.set_label(r'$100*\frac{\rho2-\rho1}{\rho1}$ (%)') # wind difference lon1, lat1, ewind1, nwind1 = g3ca.vector_data(g1a, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon2, lat2, ewind2, nwind2 = g3ca.vector_data(g2a, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon0, lat0 = lon1, lat1 lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0 = g3ca.convert_vector( lon0, lat0, ewind2-ewind1, nwind2-nwind1, plot_type='polar', projection=projection) hq = ax.quiver( lon0, lat0, ewind0, nwind0, scale=500, scale_units='inches', regrid_shape=20,headwidth=5) ax.quiverkey(hq, 0.93, -0.1, 500, '500m/s') ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # rho difference # lon3, lat3, zdata3 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g1a, alt=alt) # lon4, lat4, zdata4 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g2a, alt=alt) # diffrho = 100*(zdata4-zdata3)/zdata3 # hc = ax.contour( # lon4, lat4, diffrho, [-10], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # colors='g',linestyles='-') plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+titletime, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) return
def plot_den_win(show=True, save=True): apex = Apex(date=2003) qlat, qlon = apex.convert(-90, 0, source='apex', dest='geo', height=400) plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=(7.26, 9.25)) g = g2a for ialt, alt in enumerate([130, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]): alt_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(g['Altitude'][0, 0, 2:-2]/1000-alt))+2 alt_str = '%6.2f' % (g['Altitude'][0, 0, alt_ind]/1000) ax, projection = gcc.create_map( 3, 2, ialt+1, 'polar', nlat=nlat, slat=slat, dlat=10, centrallon=g3ca.calculate_centrallon(g, 'polar', useLT=True), coastlines=False) # density lon0, lat0, zdata0 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g, alt=alt) fp = (lat0[:,0]>slat) & (lat0[:,0]<nlat) lon0, lat0, zdata0 = lon0[fp, :], lat0[fp,:], zdata0[fp,:] hc = ax.contourf(lon0, lat0, zdata0, 21, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='jet', extend='both') hc = plt.colorbar(hc, pad=0.17) hc.set_label(r'$\rho$ (kg/m$^3$)') # wind lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind = g3ca.vector_data(g, 'neutral', alt=alt) lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind = g3ca.convert_vector( lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind, plot_type='polar', projection=projection) hq = ax.quiver( lon0, lat0, ewind, nwind, scale=1500, scale_units='inches', regrid_shape=20) ax.quiverkey(hq, 0.93, -0.1, 1000, '1000 m/s') ax.scatter(qlon, qlat, color='k', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # rho difference # lon3, lat3, zdata3 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g1a, alt=alt) # lon4, lat4, zdata4 = g3ca.contour_data('Rho', g2a, alt=alt) # diffrho = 100*(zdata4-zdata3)/zdata3 # hc = ax.contour( # lon4, lat4, diffrho, [-10], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # colors='g',linestyles='-') plt.title('%s km' % alt_str, y=1.05) plt.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Time: '+tstring, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) if show: if save: plt.savefig(spath+'01_den_win_run2_%s%s.pdf' %(tstrday,tstring)) return
def polar_quiver_wind(self, ax, ns='N'): # Wind vector in lat-long coordinates. # For different map projections, the arithmetics to calculate xywind # are different if self.empty: return from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from apexpy import Apex # Creat polar coordinates projection,fc = ('npstere',1) if ns=='N' else ('spstere',-1) m = Basemap(projection=projection,boundinglat=fc*40,lon_0=0,resolution='l') m.drawcoastlines(color='gray',zorder=1) m.fillcontinents(color='lightgray',zorder=0) dt = self.index.min() + (self.index.max()-self.index.min())/2 m.nightshade(dt,zorder=2) #m.drawparallels(np.arange(-80,81,20)) #m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180,181,60),labels=[1,1,1,1]) # Calculate mlat and mlon lat_grid = np.arange(-90,91,10) lon_grid = np.arange(-180,181,10) lon_grid, lat_grid = np.meshgrid(lon_grid, lat_grid) gm = Apex(date=2005) mlat,mlon = gm.convert(lat_grid,lon_grid,'geo','apex') hc1 = m.contour(lon_grid,lat_grid,mlat,levels=np.arange(-90,91,10), colors='k', zorder=3, linestyles='dashed', linewidths=1, latlon=True) # hc2 = m.contour(lon_grid,lat_grid,mlon,levels=np.arange(-180,181,45), # colors='k', zorder=3, linestyles='dashed', latlon=True) plt.clabel(hc1,inline=True,colors='k',fmt='%d') # plt.clabel(hc2,inline=True,colors='k',fmt='%d') # Calculate and plot x and y winds lat = lon = self.long wind = self.wind winde1 = self.winde winde = winde1*wind windn1 = self.windn windn = windn1*wind # only appropriate for the npstere and spstere xwind = fc*winde*np.cos(lon/180*np.pi)-windn*np.sin(lon/180*np.pi) ywind = winde*np.sin(lon/180*np.pi)+fc*windn*np.cos(lon/180*np.pi) hq = m.quiver(np.array(lon),np.array(lat),xwind,ywind,color='blue', scale=300, scale_units='inches',zorder=3, latlon=True) #plt.quiverkey(hq,1.05,1.05,100,'100 m/s',coordinates='axes',labelpos='E') #m.scatter(np.array(lon),np.array(lat), # s=50, c=self.index.to_julian_date(),linewidths=0, zorder=4,latlon=True) return m
def test__basevec_array(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) f1s, f2s = A._basevec([[0, 30], [60, 90]], 15, [[100, 200], [300, 400]]) f11, f21 = fa.apxg2q(0, 15, 100, 1)[2:4] f12, f22 = fa.apxg2q(30, 15, 200, 1)[2:4] f13, f23 = fa.apxg2q(60, 15, 300, 1)[2:4] f14, f24 = fa.apxg2q(90, 15, 400, 1)[2:4] assert_allclose(f1s[0, 0], f11) assert_allclose(f1s[0, 1], f12) assert_allclose(f1s[1, 0], f13) assert_allclose(f1s[1, 1], f14) assert_allclose(f2s[0, 0], f21) assert_allclose(f2s[0, 1], f22) assert_allclose(f2s[1, 0], f23) assert_allclose(f2s[1, 1], f24)
def test_basevectors_apex_scalar_geo(): A = Apex(date=2000, refh=300) f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3 = A.basevectors_apex(60, 15, 100, coords='geo') _, _, _, _, f1_, f2_, _, d1_, d2_, d3_, _, e1_, e2_, e3_ = A._geo2apexall(60, 15, 100) assert_allclose(f1, f1_) assert_allclose(f2, f2_) assert_allclose(d1, d1_) assert_allclose(d2, d2_) assert_allclose(d3, d3_) assert_allclose(e1, e1_) assert_allclose(e2, e2_) assert_allclose(e3, e3_)