Exemple #1
 def _parse_entity(self, item, entity=None):
         if entity is None:
             entity = BasicEntity()
         attributes = item.find('.//ItemAttributes')
         # parse the product group and shortcut the parsing process to return 
         # None in the likely event that this entity doesn't belong to one of 
         # the targeted product groups that we're interested in.
             product_group = attributes.find('.//ProductGroup').text.lower()
             entity.subcategory = self._subcategory_map[product_group]
             #print product_group
             return None
         attribute_elems = {
             'Title' : 'title', 
             'Brand' : 'brand', 
             'Publisher' : 'publisher', 
             'Studio' : 'studio_name', 
             'ReleaseDate' : 'original_release_date', 
             'Title' : 'title', 
         item_elems = {
             'ASIN' : 'asin', 
             'DetailPageURL' : 'amazon_link', 
         elems = []
         for k, v in attribute_elems.iteritems():
             elems.append((attributes, k, v))
         for k, v in item_elems.iteritems():
             elems.append((item, k, v))
         # parse all optional fields which are relatively easy-to-extract
         for elem in elems:
             node = elem[0].find(elem[1])
             if node is not None:
                 entity[elem[2]] = node.text
         # ensure that every entity has a valid title and a valid asin
         if entity.title is None or entity.asin is None:
             return None
         # parse the author(s)
         authors = attributes.findall('Author')
         if len(authors) > 0:
             entity.author = string.joinfields(map(lambda a: a.text, authors), ', ')
         # parse the artist(s)
         artists = attributes.findall('Artist')
         if len(artists) > 0:
             entity.artist_display_name = string.joinfields(map(lambda a: a.text, artists), ', ')
         # parse the running time
         running_time = attributes.find('RunningTime')
         if running_time is not None:
             length = running_time.pyval
             if running_time.get('Units').lower() == 'minutes':
                 # internally, duration is stored in seconds
                 length = length * 60
             entity.track_length = length
         # parse the manufacturer
         manufacturer = attributes.find('.//Manufacturer')
         if manufacturer:
             if entity.subcategory == 'book':
                 entity.publisher = manufacturer.text
                 entity.manufacturer = manufacturer.text
         # parse the price of this product
         price = attributes.find('ListPrice')
         if price is not None:
             entity.amount          = price.find('Amount').pyval
             entity.currency_code   = price.find('CurrencyCode').text
             entity.formatted_price = price.find('FormattedPrice').text
         # parse the amazon sales rank of this product
         sales_rank = item.find('SalesRank')
         if sales_rank is not None:
             entity.salesRank = sales_rank.pyval
         # parse the number of pages for a book
         num_pages = item.find('NumberOfPages')
         if num_pages is not None:
             entity.num_pages = num_pages.pyval
         # parse the track list for an album
         tracks = item.find('Tracks')
         if tracks is not None:
             tracks = tracks.findall('.//Track')
             tracks = list(track.text for track in tracks)
             if len(tracks) > 0:
                 entity.tracks = tracks
         # parse the editorial review as the closest thing we have to a 
         # real product description
         editorial_review = item.find('.//EditorialReview')
         if editorial_review is not None:
             desc = editorial_review.find('Content')
             if desc is not None:
                 desc = desc.text
                 soup = BeautifulSoup(desc)
                 entity.desc = ''.join(soup.findAll(text=True))
         # parse browse nodes to try and narrow in on a more accurate subcategory
         browse_nodes = item.find('BrowseNodes')
         if browse_nodes is not None:
             names = []
             for node in browse_nodes.findall('.//BrowseNode'):
                 name = node.find('Name')
                 if name is not None:
                     name = name.text.lower()
             #print "%s) %s" % (entity.title, names)
             if 'tv' in names:
                 entity.subcategory = 'tv'
             #elif 'singer-songwriters' in names:
             #    entity.subcategory = 'artist'
         # parse the binding to try and narrow in on a more accurate subcategory
         binding = attributes.find('Binding')
         if binding is not None:
             binding = binding.text.strip().lower()
             if binding in self._binding_blacklist:
                 return None
         # parse the ProductTypeName to try and narrow in on a more accurate subcategory
         product_type_name = attributes.find('ProductTypeName')
         if product_type_name is not None:
             product_type_name = product_type_name.text.strip().lower()
                 subcategory = self._product_type_names[product_type_name]
                 if subcategory is None:
                     entity.subcategory = subcategory
             except KeyError:
         # parse images associated with this product
         potential_images = {
             'SmallImage'  : 'tiny', 
             'MediumImage' : 'small', 
             'LargeImage'  : 'large', 
         for k, v in potential_images.iteritems():
             image = item.find(k)
             if image is not None:
                 entity[v] = image.find('URL').text
         return entity
     except (AttributeError, KeyError):
         return None