class GamePull(object):
    This class handles pulling in all of the steam
    games and putting them into the dataset.

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs the new GamePull object. Since the GamePull is intended
        to be run on its own, it has its own apihandler. The limiting functionality
        is redundant here because the call is only ever made once; however, the 
        handler is still used so as to not repeat code.
        self.api = APIHandler(timer_reset_seconds=300, limit=175)

    def pull_games(self, test_mode=False):
        Pulls the game information. If test_mode is True, then two test games are returned
        to simulate what would be returned from the api. If test_mode is False, then the 
        actual api is called with the real results from Steam.
        @param test_mode : whether or not to pull games in test mode
        @return the steam games.
        service = _FakeGamePullService() if test_mode else _GamePullService(self.api)
        return service.make_pull()
    def cleanup(self):
Exemple #2
 def test_attempt_get_info_without_price_overview(self, mock):
     handler = APIHandler(0, 1)
     service = _GameRequestService(handler)
     mock.return_value = {'was_successful': True, 'json': {'4': {'success': True, 'data': {'notprice_overview': {'final': 3999, 'initial': 2999, 'discount_percent': 5}}}}}
     result = service.attempt_get_info(4);
     self.assertEqual(result, None)
 def __init__(self):
     Constructs the new GamePull object. Since the GamePull is intended
     to be run on its own, it has its own apihandler. The limiting functionality
     is redundant here because the call is only ever made once; however, the 
     handler is still used so as to not repeat code.
     self.api = APIHandler(timer_reset_seconds=300, limit=175)
class WatchlistUpdater(object):
    The watchlist updater looks at all games on all watchlists - meaning all stored
    user's watchlists. Then, for each game not already updated, fetches new updated information and stores
    that information for that game in the game table.
    def __init__(self):
        Constructs the updater with its own api handler. This is to ensure
        that the api call limit is not exceeded.
        self.api = APIHandler(timer_reset_seconds=300, limit=175)

    def perform_updates(self, test_mode=False):
        Performs the updates. Reads in all data from the watchlist and game tables. If test_mode
        is true, then it is read from the _test.json files instead. For each game in the watchlist
        table, if it has not already been updated, then it gets the new information and updates it.
        @param test_mode : Whether or not to run the update in test mode.
        watchlist_filename = 'watchlist_table_test.json' if test_mode else 'watchlist_table.json'
        updated_ids = []
        watchlist_data = FileAccess.read_watchlist_table(
            lambda watchlist_jsonfile: self._read_data(watchlist_jsonfile),
        for key in watchlist_data:
            current_steamid = watchlist_data[key]['steamid']
            if current_steamid in updated_ids:
            self.perform_game_update(current_steamid, test_mode)


    def perform_game_update(self, steamid, test_mode=False):
        game_filename = 'game_table_test.json' if test_mode else 'game_table.json'
        game_data = FileAccess.read_game_table(
            lambda game_jsonfile: self._read_data(game_jsonfile),
        request = GameRequestAPI(steamid, self.api)
        result = request.get_info(test_mode)
        if result != None and str(steamid) in game_data:
            game_data[str(steamid)]['initialprice'] = result['initialprice']
            game_data[str(steamid)]['actualprice'] = result['actualprice']
            game_data[str(steamid)]['onsale'] = result['onsale']
            lambda game_data, jsonfile: self._write_data(game_data, jsonfile),
            game_filename, game_data)

    def _read_data(self, file):
        return json.load(file)

    def _write_data(self, data, file):
        json.dump(data, file)
Exemple #5
 def test_attempt_get_info_with_valid_data(self, mock):
     handler = APIHandler(0, 1)
     service = _GameRequestService(handler)
     mock.return_value = {'was_successful': True, 'json': {'4': {'success': True, 'data': {'price_overview': {'final': 3999, 'initial': 2999, 'discount_percent': 5}}}}}
     result = service.attempt_get_info(4);
     self.assertEqual(result, {'steamid': 4,
             'initialprice': 2999 / 100,
             'actualprice': 3999 / 100,
             'onsale': 50 > 0})
Exemple #6
    def test_game_pull_without_app(self, mock):
        handler = APIHandler(0, 1)
        service = _GamePullService(handler)
        mock.return_value = {'json': {'applist': {'apps': {'notApp': None}}}}
        result = service.make_pull()

        self.assertEqual(result, None)
Exemple #7
    def start(self, test_mode=False):
        Starts this server. It begins listening for incoming connections.
        The incoming connections are expected to be in JSON format. The
        server handles the data it received and sends back a response
        in JSON format. Updates user watchlists at specified UTC time.
        @param test_mode : boolean - Whether or not to start the server in test mode.
        print('SteamScoutServer is started.')
        print('Listening for connections..')

        api = APIHandler(timer_reset_seconds=300, limit=175)
        '''FileAccess.access_file(watchlist_updater(), watchlist_updater.perform_updates, "path")'''

        while True:
            #Updates user watchlists at specified time

            # Wait for client connections.
            json_message = self.socket.recv_string()
            message = json.loads(json_message)
            print(f'Received Message: {json_message}')

            # Handle the request.
            process_handler = handler.ClientHandler(message)
            response = process_handler.process_request(api, test_mode)

            # Send the Response back to the client.
            json_response = json.dumps(response)
Exemple #8
    def test_game_pull_valid_result(self, mock):
        handler = APIHandler(0, 1)
        service = _GamePullService(handler)
        mock.return_value = {
            'json': {
                'applist': {
                    'apps': {
                        'app': [{
                            'appid': 101,
                            'name': 'cows 2'
        result = service.make_pull()

        self.assertEqual(result['101'], 'cows 2')
 def __init__(self):
     Constructs the updater with its own api handler. This is to ensure
     that the api call limit is not exceeded.
     self.api = APIHandler(timer_reset_seconds=300, limit=175)
Exemple #10
 def test_does_nothing_if_limit_met(self):
     handler = APIHandler(2934932, 0)
     result = handler.make_request(None)
Exemple #11
    def testProcessServiceIsCalled(self, mock):
        handler = ClientHandler('test_json')
        api = APIHandler(0, 0)
        handler.process_request(api, True)

    def test_make_request(self, mock):
        handler = APIHandler(0, 1)
        service = _WishlistRequestService(handler)
