def get_one(self, id=None, slug=None):
        if not id and not slug:
            raise InvalidRequestParams('Must pass atleast code or slug!')

        params = dict(deleted=False)

        if id:
            params['id'] = id

            params['slug'] = slug

        product = Sim.objects(**params).first()
        if not product:
            raise InvalidRequestParams('Product not found!')
        product_output = product.output()
        print('product_output', product_output)

        image_id = product.image_id
        if image_id:
            image = Image.objects(id=image_id).first()
            print('image', image)
            product_output['image'] = image.url

        return product.output()
Exemple #2
    def get(self, id=None, slug=None):
        if not id and not slug:
            raise InvalidRequestParams('Must pass atleast code or slug!')

        params = dict(

        if id:
            params['id'] = id

            params['slug'] = slug

        product = Product.objects(**params).first()

        if not product:
            raise InvalidRequestParams('Product not found!')

        result = product.output()
        for index, image_id in enumerate(product.images):
            image = Image.objects(id=image_id).first()
            result['images'][index] = image.url

        if product.promotion_package_id:
            promotion_package = PromotionPackage.objects(id=product.promotion_package_id).first()
            result['sale_off_value'] = promotion_package.sale_off_value

        return result
Exemple #3
    def post(self):
        file = request.files.get('file')
        if not file:
            raise InvalidRequestParams('Missing file!')

        params = self.parse_request_params()
        return image_bl.create(file=file, **params)
    def parse_request_params(self):
        req_method = request.method
        input_schema = getattr(self, '%s_INPUT_SCHEMA' % req_method, None)

        param_location = getattr(self, '%s_PARAM_LOCATION' % req_method, None)
        if not param_location:
            return abort(405)

        raw_params = getattr(request, param_location) or {}
        if req_method == 'GET':
                raw_params = json_util.loads(raw_params.get('params') or '{}')
            except Exception:
                raise InvalidRequestParams(payload=raw_params)

        if not input_schema:
            return raw_params

        errors = input_schema.validate(raw_params)
        if errors:
            raise InvalidRequestParams(message=errors)

        return input_schema.dump(raw_params).data
    def create(self, name, object_type=None):
        if self._is_name_duplicate(name=name):
            raise NameAlreadyExists

        banner = Banner() = name

        if object_type:
            if object_type not in OBJECT_TYPE_MAP.keys():
                raise InvalidRequestParams('Invalid banner object_type!')

            banner.object_type = object_type

        return banner.output()
        def get_one(self, id=None, slug=None):
            if not id and not slug:
                raise InvalidRequestParams('Must pass atleast id or slug!')

            if id:
                post = self._get_record_by_id(model=Post, id=id)

                post = Post.objects(slug=slug).first()

            if not post:
                return dict()

            result = post.output()
            for index, image_id in enumerate(post.images):
                image = Image.objects(id=image_id).first()
                result['images'][index] = image.url

            return result
    def update(self, id, name=None, object_type=None):
        banner = self._get_record_by_id(id=id, model=Banner)
        update_params = dict()

        if name:
            if self._is_name_duplicate(name=name, id=id):
                raise NameAlreadyExists
            update_params['name'] = name

        if object_type:
            if object_type not in OBJECT_TYPE_MAP.keys():
                raise InvalidRequestParams('Invalid banner object_type!')

            update_params['object_type'] = object_type

        if update_params:
            update_params['updated_by'] =

        return dict(success=True)
Exemple #8
    def update(self, id, name=None, parent_id=None):

        category = self._get_record_by_id(model=Category, id=id)

        update_params = dict()

        if name:
            if self.is_name_duplicate(name=name, id=id):
                raise NameAlreadyExists
            update_params['name'] = name

        if parent_id:
            parent = Category.objects(parent_id__exists=False, id=parent_id).first()
            if not parent:
                raise InvalidRequestParams('Parent not found!')
            update_params['parent_id'] = parent_id

        if update_params:

        return dict(success=True)
Exemple #9
    def update(self, id, name=None, price=None, default_image_id=None, code=None,
               status=None, sizes=None, promotion_package_id=None):

        product = self._get_record_by_id(model=Product, id=id)

        update_params = dict()

        if name:
            update_params['name'] = name

        if price is not None:
            update_params['price'] = price

        if sizes is not None:
            update_params['sizes'] = sizes

        if status:
            update_params['status'] = status

        if code:
            if self._is_code_duplicate(code=code, id=id):
                raise DuplicateCode
            update_params['code'] = code

        if promotion_package_id:
            self._get_record_by_id(model=PromotionPackage, id=promotion_package_id)
        update_params['promotion_package_id'] = promotion_package_id

        if default_image_id:
            if default_image_id not in product.images:
                raise InvalidRequestParams('Default image id not in product images!')
            update_params['default_image_id'] = default_image_id

        if update_params:

        return dict(success=True)
Exemple #10
    def download(self, path):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise InvalidRequestParams('File not found!', payload=path)

        return send_file(path, as_attachment=True)