Exemple #1
def filter_undeploy(request, filter_id, project_id, container=None, swift_object=None):
    Undeploy a filter from a specific swift project.
    if request.method == 'PUT':

            r = get_redis_connection()
        except RedisError:
            return JSONResponse('Problems to connect with the DB', status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

        filter_data = r.hgetall("filter:" + str(filter_id))

        if not filter_data:
            return JSONResponse('Filter does not exist', status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

        if container and swift_object:
            target = project_id + "/" + container + "/" + swift_object
        elif container:
            target = project_id + "/" + container
            target = project_id

        token = get_token_connection(request)
        return unset_filter(r, target, filter_data, token)

    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Exemple #2
def dependency_undeploy(request, dependency_id, project_id):

    if request.method == 'PUT':
            r = get_redis_connection()
        except RedisError:
            return JSONResponse('Problems to connect with the DB', status=500)

        dependency = r.hgetall("dependency:" + str(dependency_id))

        if not dependency:
            return JSONResponse('Dependency does not exist', status=404)
        if not r.exists(str(project_id) + ":dependency:" + str(dependency["name"])):
            return JSONResponse('Dependency ' + str(dependency["name"]) + ' has not been deployed already', status=404)

            token = get_token_connection(request)
            url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id
            swift_response = dict()
            swift_client.delete_object(url, token, 'dependency', dependency["name"], None, None, None, None, swift_response)

        except ClientException:
            return JSONResponse(swift_response.get("reason"), status=swift_response.get('status'))

        swift_status = swift_response.get('status')

        if 200 <= swift_status < 300:
            r.delete(str(project_id) + ":dependency:" + str(dependency["name"]))
            r.lrem(str(project_id) + ":dependencies", str(dependency["name"]), 1)
            return JSONResponse('The dependency has been deleted', status=swift_status)

        return JSONResponse(swift_response.get("reason"), status=swift_status)

    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=405)
def containers_list(request, project_id):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        token = get_token_connection(request)
        url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id

        _, containers = swift_client.get_account(url, token)
        for c_id in reversed(range(len(containers))):
            if containers[c_id]['name'] in ('.dependency', '.storlet'):
                del containers[c_id]

        return JSONResponse(containers, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Exemple #4
def containers_list(request, project_id):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        token = get_token_connection(request)
        url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id

        _, containers = swift_client.get_account(url, token)
        for c_id in reversed(range(len(containers))):
            if containers[c_id]['name'] in ('.dependency', '.storlet'):
                del containers[c_id]

        return JSONResponse(containers, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
def create_container(request, project_id, container_name):
    if request.method == 'POST':

            headers = JSONParser().parse(request)
            token = get_token_connection(request)
            url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id

            swift_client.put_container(url, token, container_name, headers)
        except Exception as ex:
            return JSONResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

        return JSONResponse("Container Policy updated correctly", status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Exemple #6
def create_container(request, project_id, container_name):
    if request.method == 'POST':

            headers = JSONParser().parse(request)
            token = get_token_connection(request)
            url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id

            swift_client.put_container(url, token, container_name, headers)
        except Exception as e:
            return JSONResponse(e.message, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

        return JSONResponse("Container Policy updated correctly", status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Exemple #7
def update_container(request, project_id, container_name):

    if request.method == 'PUT':
        sp = JSONParser().parse(request)
        token = get_token_connection(request)
        url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id

        headers, obj_list = swift_client.get_container(url, token,
        headers['X-Storage-Policy'] = sp

        path_container = settings.SWIFT_CFG_TMP_DIR + "/" + container_name

        for obj in obj_list:
            file = open(path_container + "/" + obj["name"], "w")
            obj_headers, obj_body = swift_client.get_object(
                url, token, container_name, obj["name"])
            obj["headers"] = obj_headers
            swift_client.delete_object(url, token, container_name, obj["name"])

        swift_client.delete_container(url, token, container_name)
        swift_client.put_container(url, token, container_name, headers)

        for obj in obj_list:
            obj_path = os.path.join(path_container, obj["name"])
            obj_body = open(obj_path, "r")
            content_length = os.stat(obj_path).st_size
            swift_response = {}
            swift_client.put_object(url, token, container_name, obj["name"],
                                    obj_body, content_length, None, None,
                                    obj['content_type'], obj["headers"], None,
                                    None, None, swift_response)


        return JSONResponse("Container Policy updated correctly",

    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.',
def update_container(request, project_id, container_name):

    if request.method == 'PUT':
        sp = JSONParser().parse(request)
        token = get_token_connection(request)
        url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id

        headers, obj_list = swift_client.get_container(url, token, container_name)
        headers['X-Storage-Policy'] = sp

        path_container = settings.SWIFT_CFG_TMP_DIR + "/" + container_name

        for obj in obj_list:
            fle = open(path_container + "/" + obj["name"], "w")
            obj_headers, obj_body = swift_client.get_object(url, token, container_name, obj["name"])
            obj["headers"] = obj_headers
            swift_client.delete_object(url, token, container_name, obj["name"])

        swift_client.delete_container(url, token, container_name)
        swift_client.put_container(url, token, container_name, headers)

        for obj in obj_list:
            obj_path = os.path.join(path_container, obj["name"])
            obj_body = open(obj_path, "r")
            content_length = os.stat(obj_path).st_size
            swift_response = {}
            swift_client.put_object(url, token, container_name, obj["name"],
                                    obj_body, content_length,
                                    None, None, obj['content_type'],
                                    obj["headers"], None, None, None, swift_response)


        return JSONResponse("Container Policy updated correctly", status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)

    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Exemple #9
def dependency_deploy(request, dependency_id, project_id):

    if request.method == 'PUT':
            r = get_redis_connection()
        except RedisError:
            return JSONResponse('Problems to connect with the DB', status=500)

        dependency = r.hgetall("dependency:" + str(dependency_id))
        if not dependency:
            return JSONResponse('Dependency does not exist', status=404)
        metadata = {'X-Object-Meta-Storlet-Dependency-Version': str(dependency["version"])}

        if "path" not in dependency.keys():
            return JSONResponse('Dependency path does not exist', status=404)

            dependency_file = open(dependency["path"], 'r')
            content_length = None
            response = dict()
            token = get_token_connection(request)
            url = settings.SWIFT_URL + "/AUTH_" + project_id
            swift_client.put_object(url, token, 'dependency', dependency["name"], dependency_file, content_length,
                                    None, None, "application/octet-stream", metadata, None, None, None, response)
        except ClientException:
            return JSONResponse(response.get("reason"), status=response.get('status'))

        status = response.get('status')
        if status == 201:
            if r.exists(str(project_id) + ":dependency:" + str(dependency['name'])):
                return JSONResponse("Already deployed", status=200)

            if r.lpush(str(project_id) + ":dependencies", str(dependency['name'])):
                return JSONResponse("Deployed", status=201)

        return JSONResponse("error", status=400)

    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=405)
Exemple #10
def filter_deploy(request, filter_id, project_id, container=None, swift_object=None):
    Deploy a filter to a specific swift account.
    if request.method == 'PUT':
            r = get_redis_connection()
        except RedisError:
            return JSONResponse('Problems to connect with the DB', status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

        filter_data = r.hgetall("filter:" + str(filter_id))

        if not filter_data:
            return JSONResponse('Filter does not exist', status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

            params = JSONParser().parse(request)
        except ParseError:
            return JSONResponse("Invalid format or empty request params", status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Get an identifier of this new policy
        policy_id = r.incr("policies:id")

        # Set the policy data
        policy_data = {
            "policy_id": policy_id,
            "object_type": params['object_type'],
            "object_size": params['object_size'],
            "object_tag": params['object_tag'],
            "object_name": ', '.join(r.lrange('object_type:' + params['object_type'], 0, -1)),
            "execution_order": policy_id,
            "params": params['params'],
            "callable": False

        if 'execution_server' in params:
            if params['execution_server'] != 'default':
                policy_data['execution_server'] = params['execution_server']

        if 'execution_server_reverse' in params:
            if params['execution_server_reverse'] != 'default':
                policy_data['execution_server_reverse'] = params['execution_server_reverse']

        if project_id.startswith('group:'):
            projects_id = json.loads(r.hgetall('project_group:' + project_id.split(':')[1])['attached_projects'])
            projects_id = [project_id]

            for project in projects_id:
                if container and swift_object:
                    target = ':'.join([project, container, swift_object])
                elif container:
                    target = ':'.join([project, container])
                    target = project

                token = get_token_connection(request)
                set_filter(r, target, filter_data.copy(), policy_data.copy(), token)

            return JSONResponse(policy_id, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)

        except SwiftClientError:
            return JSONResponse('Error accessing Swift.', status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
        except StorletNotFoundException:
            return JSONResponse('Storlet not found.', status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

    return JSONResponse('Method ' + str(request.method) + ' not allowed.', status=status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Exemple #11
    def put(self, request, filter_id, format=None):
            r = get_redis_connection()
        except RedisError:
            return JSONResponse('Error connecting with DB', status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
        filter_name = "filter:" + str(filter_id)
        if r.exists(filter_name):
            file_obj = request.FILES['file']

            filter_type = r.hget(filter_name, 'filter_type')
            if (filter_type == 'storlet' and not (file_obj.name.endswith('.jar') or file_obj.name.endswith('.py'))) or \
                    (filter_type == 'native' and not file_obj.name.endswith('.py')):
                return JSONResponse('Uploaded file is incompatible with filter type', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
            if filter_type == 'storlet':
                filter_dir = settings.STORLET_FILTERS_DIR
            elif filter_type == 'native':
                filter_dir = settings.NATIVE_FILTERS_DIR

            path = save_file(file_obj, filter_dir)
            md5_etag = md5(path)

                filter_basename = os.path.basename(path)
                content_length = os.stat(path).st_size
                etag = str(md5_etag)
                path = str(path)
                r.hset(filter_name, "filter_name", filter_basename)
                r.hset(filter_name, "path", path)
                r.hset(filter_name, "content_length", content_length)
                r.hset(filter_name, "etag", etag)
            except RedisError:
                return JSONResponse('Problems connecting with DB', status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

            # Update info in already deployed filters
            filter_data = r.hgetall(filter_name)
            main = filter_data['main']
            token = get_token_connection(request)
            pipelines = r.keys('pipeline:*')

            for pipeline in pipelines:
                target = pipeline.replace('pipeline:', '')
                filters_data = r.hgetall(pipeline)
                for policy_id in filters_data:
                    parameters = {}
                    parameters["policy_id"] = policy_id
                    cfilter = eval(filters_data[policy_id].replace('true', '"True"').replace('false', '"False"'))
                    if cfilter['dsl_name'] == filter_id:
                        cfilter['filter_name'] = filter_basename
                        cfilter['content_length'] = content_length
                        cfilter['etag'] = etag
                        cfilter['path'] = path
                        cfilter['main'] = main
                        set_filter(r, target, cfilter, parameters, token)

            if filter_type == 'native':
                # synchronize metrics directory with all nodes
                    rsync_dir_with_nodes(filter_dir, filter_dir)
                except FileSynchronizationException as e:
                    return JSONResponse(e.message, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

            return JSONResponse('Filter has been updated', status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
        return JSONResponse('Filter does not exist', status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
Exemple #12
def deploy_static_policy(request, r, parsed_rule):
    token = get_token_connection(request)
    container = None
    rules_to_parse = dict()
    projects_crystal_enabled = r.lrange('projects_crystal_enabled', 0, -1)
    project_list = get_project_list()

    for target in parsed_rule.target:
        if target[0] == 'TENANT':
            project = target[1]
        elif target[0] == 'CONTAINER':
            project, container = target[1].split('/')

        if project in project_list:
            # Project ID
            project_id = project
        elif project in project_list.values():
            # Project name
            project_id = project_list.keys()[project_list.values().index(project)]
            raise ProjectNotFound()

        if project_id not in projects_crystal_enabled:
            raise ProjectNotCrystalEnabled()

        if container:
            target = os.path.join(project_id, container)
            target = project_id

        rules_to_parse[target] = parsed_rule

    for target in rules_to_parse.keys():
        for action_info in rules_to_parse[target].action_list:
            logger.info("Static policy, target rule: " + str(action_info))

            cfilter = r.hgetall("filter:"+str(action_info.filter))

            if not cfilter:
                return JSONResponse("Filter does not exist", status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

            if action_info.action == "SET":

                # Get an identifier of this new policy
                policy_id = r.incr("policies:id")

                # Set the policy data
                policy_data = {
                    "policy_id": policy_id,
                    "object_type": "",
                    "object_size": "",
                    "object_tag": "",
                    "object_name": "",
                    "execution_order": policy_id,
                    "params": "",
                    "callable": False

                # Rewrite default values
                if parsed_rule.object_list:
                    if parsed_rule.object_list.object_type:
                        policy_data["object_type"] = parsed_rule.object_list.object_type.object_value
                        policy_data["object_name"] = ', '.join(r.lrange('object_type:' + policy_data['object_type'], 0, -1))
                    if parsed_rule.object_list.object_size:
                        policy_data["object_size"] = [parsed_rule.object_list.object_size.operand,
                if action_info.server_execution:
                    policy_data["execution_server"] = action_info.server_execution
                if action_info.params:
                    policy_data["params"] = action_info.params
                if action_info.callable:
                    policy_data["callable"] = True

                # Deploy (an exception is raised if something goes wrong)
                set_filter(r, target, cfilter, policy_data, token)

            elif action_info.action == "DELETE":
                unset_filter(r, target, cfilter, token)